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posted by ravensilver
A/N: If you wanna see more please tell me, otherwise I'm probably going to stop writing these.

Chapter one: Return


The train kept on moving as the rain fell upon its sides, trickling down for what would seem like forever. Which was practically the way time went by during my stay at Boarding School. I didn’t really want to leave my beautiful Manhattan home or anything else I held dear. However sometimes you just have to make those decisions regardless of who it may hurt. Even if its hurting someone you care about more than your own. Blair is my best friend, my sister, and I let her down. I betrayed her, and I left her all alone when she needed me the most. I am very ashamed for these actions, but I made them, and now I must face them.

Before I left I had a bad reputation, and that status drove me to leaving. You see something bad happened the night I left; multiple things in fact. I was ashamed to be the person who I was. When I got home that night and looked into the mirror I didn’t recognize myself, and I hated it. I hated the girl in that mirror more than I’ve ever hated anything in my life. So I packed up my bags and left. But that is all in the past now, and its time to move on to better things, and hopefully new beginnings.

As I came to this epiphany the train wheels screeched which let me know that I was finally home in Grand Central station. My Prada boots hit the pavement and I could instantly feel the eyes glued to me.


“You got everything?” I asked my naïve little sister Jenny as the train came to a stop. As much as she complained to my parents about treating her like a child I knew for a fact that sometimes she needed to be. It was my duty as her older, and therefore wiser brother to uphold this when the occasion called for it.

She looked at me with her round blue eyes and replied snootily “Yes Dan, I have everything. Will you stop treating me like such a child.”

It was then that I saw her. The woman of my dreams, the cream to my coffee, the punctuation to my ungrammatically correct sentence. The only problem was that this girl, whom I haven’t even laid eyes on for about a year, didn’t know I even existed. I could instantly tell by looking at her that she wasn’t exactly going to rush up into my arms and plant a huge kiss on me like I hoped. In fact as she began to leave the building the reality of the whole situation started to sink in. I would never have a chance with this girl, even in my dreams.

It was then that I realized that Jenny was going on a verbal rampage about adulthood and other important womanly things I didn’t quite care about. Then again she was my sister, and so I practically expected this. She had been giving us this rant practically every day ever since she got her first bra.

“Are you even listening to me Dan?” she asked in such a voice that shook me from my mind and brought me even deeper into reality.

“Yeah, something about womanhood and how I‘m not listening.” I quickly stated expecting a sudden outburst from her, or at least a smack on the back of my head. However, that was when I noticed a man slightly taller than me, with too much facial hair, and a stuck in the Nineties essence about him. Don’t ask me how, but right then and there I realized that this could be my best year yet.


The pavement smell and brisk cold sent shocks up my spine as I stepped out of the station. Up until now I hadn’t really realized how happy I was to be home. More importantly I had to see Blair, and Eric. I had to apologize for my absence. As I raised up my arm to flag down a cab the fear set in. Could Blair really accept me again after all I’d done? Would things ever be the same?


This was the perfect party. Everyone was there, well except one person. However, I was used to her absence. I mean it was pretty rough at first but the loneliness finally sunk in, and I accepted it.

Wandering through the party I decided to find Chuck, my boyfriends best friend. As amazing as Nate thought Chuck was, I saw him for who he really was. He was a rich, womanizing bachelor who needed a woman’s love. I knew in my heart that I could be that woman. I could wrap my arms around his strong neck and never let him go. But that was a thought I never allowed myself to think of. Even though my heart desired to feel his touch I already knew I’d belong with Nate. Mother is always telling me that Nate and I are a smart match. I find it hard to believe that she was qualified to tell me who my better match was however, I didn’t want to upset her by asking.

That was when I felt my hand vibrate from my phone going off. I noticed other girls checking their phones and I instantly knew that GG was at it again. I flipped open my cell phone however, when I read the text my heart sank faster than Georgina Sparks and any breathing men. S was back, and my world was about to be turned upside down. I knew what I had to do. I had to seal the deal with Nate, and it had to happen quick. So I went looking for him.


Several streets later I found myself outside of the Waldorf home waiting for the elevator. I heard the music from her floor and I just knew that there was a party going on. Even though I knew that there must be something on Gossip Girl by now about my return, I didn’t want to announce it via party. I just wanted to talk to Blair.

The ping of the elevator opening caught my attention and I quickly walked in making sure to hit the number for her floor. I wanted to turn invisible but I knew that wouldn’t happen. Once the elevator got to her floor and opened I could feel the tense air of the room. I was back, and people expected the Serena they knew before. I wasn’t that person anymore, and I would never be her again.

“Serena Van Der Woodsen?” said a motherly voice I remembered all too well. “Is that you?”

I turned around to see the delighted face of Blair’s mother. “Hello Ms. Waldorf, is Blair around?” I asked politely.

“She should be, I’ll go find her.” she responded, before I had a chance to object.


“I want you, all of you. Now.” I heard Blair whisper into my ear as she kissed my neck. This was a confusing situation considering the fact that she wanted to wait.

“I thought you wanted to wait and make it special.” I said, not wanting to take advantage of her.

“I changed my mind. I want you now.” she cooed. However, before we could get anywhere there was a knock at the door.

“Blair, Serena’s back!”

"Serena?" I said as I forgot about the woman with me. I got up buttoned up my shirt, and went to find her.
added by waldorf
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by stephy_rules
added by spie4u
added by g0ss1pG1rL
added by hallemay550
Source: gossipgirlonline.net
added by hallemay550
Source: gossipgirlonline.net
added by dave
Source: The CW
added by jlhfan624
Source: blakelivelyweb.com
added by jlhfan624
Source: ?
added by jlhfan624
Source: ?
added by jlhfan624
Source: ?
added by jlhfan624
Source: ?
added by jlhfan624
Source: ?
added by lilie2
added by rose2
Source: http://www.tvguide.com/tvshows/gossip-girl/photos/
added by lilie2
added by lilie2

Only two more to go after this! I hope you enjoy the ending of the fic!

Thank you so much to all those who have reviewed, it really means the world to me and it makes the writing worth it, knowing that people are reading and liking what they read enough to take their time and leave a comment!

Here goes, this is where the action begins! This was going to be part one of two chapter as the finale but i split it into 3...so there are two more to go!

Blair was reading in bed when she heard the door to her bedroom creek open, she had that stupid feeling of hoping that maybe it was Chuck. Every time...
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posted by edwestwick
Story: 'Impossible'

Author: Ana

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl.

Summary: Blair is determined to never get involved with a man again and she was successful until she met her new boss. He annoys her since the first day and she really doesn't know why she feels like some high school girl around him. Still she knows she can't give up as she has a secret that would make someone like Chuck Bass run away the second he found out. AU

New story. I know I shouldn't start one but couldn't stop myself :) Promise to continue the other one as I'm not abandoning it by any means. Let...
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Thankyou for all the reviews! You make my day and you definitely inspire me to keep writing and trying to update asap! I know I totally owe you quicker updates after my little hiatus so I will try my best! Thanks for reviewing and continuing to read!

By my recent standards I'd say this was a pretty quick update.....things start to pick up a little bit here and im still struggling to find the time to write but im trying my best not to be too slow.

I know I said there would be around 6-10 more chapter but that was because I was going to do shorter chapters and quicker updates but I've decided...
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