girsmurf22 Club
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Kat's pov

Did the leader of the Irken Empire just ask little old me on a date? That couldn't be right why on Earth or Irk would he ask me out? I was just a human that sang at a Club on his ship. He could have any Irken women he wanted, why ask me?

I walked to my room in shock and laid on my bed just staring off into space literally.

"What do I wear?" I asked to myself

I sighed it not like this was going to go anywhere it was just a date probably so he look like he wasn't racist or something. I mean he said he like my singing, but he was just being nice nothing more than that! Right?

Yet, I couldn't shake the feeling I got when I was near him the feeling of warmer and safety which I hadn't felt in a long time. Something was telling me I could trust him, yet I didn't feel like I could ever trust what anyone did or said. It only leads to heartache in the end.

I also feared what if he didn't like me? What if I wasn't smart enough, pretty enough?

"What the hell is wrong with me! I am acting like a teenage girl with a crush!"

I sighed it was a crush and a bad one I always thought he was handsome, smart and a good leader since I first learn and came here to the Irken Empire, but what chance did I have I was just a human and that all I would ever be.

I sighed again and went to pick out a dress to wear. I saw my favorite black dress that looked similar to Rose's dress when she was dancing with Jack in third class. I pulled it out and put it on the I curled my hair. I put a little make up and high heels, I usually never wore those damn things, but tonight was a big deal and I wanted to look my best.

"I hope I don't break my neck wearing these"

I waited for 8 o'clock to come.

Red's pov

She said yes! I was so happy I can't really remember the last time I was this happy! I knew she wasn't Irken, but that didn't matter to me! She wasn't like the other humans I met she wasn't selfish, stupid or heartless as the humans said and called us, which is kind of ironic since we don't have hearts. Well we do, but we called a squeedily spooch! Anyway I never felt so... I don't even know how to say how I feel around her, it like nothing I have ever felt before!

I went to Mike's club and talked with her boss and he was more than happy that I asked her out, I wonder why I have to ask him about that another time.

I was going into my room when I bumped into Purple.

"Red why are you in a rush!?" he asked

"I have a date and I have to get ready!" I said

"That is great!" he took a sip of his soda


"Who the lucky Irken?" he asked

"Actually she is human"

He choked on his soda

"What! Red your joking right!

"No Purple I'm not" I said annoyed


I told him about her and how I felt around her as well

"Red you are crushing on her big time"

"You think, now please I need to get ready!"

"Have fun" he said when he finally walked off

He might be my best friend but he drives me crazy sometimes!

I soon got ready, putting on my best suit on and I went a bought flowers for her. I was at her place right on time. I knocked.

She opened the door, and I just stared. She had a long black dress that sparkled like the stars, it had a pink train behind her. Her soft hair was curly and neatly laying on her shoulders. She had makeup on though I didn't think she needed it, she looked amazing with or without it. She was taller suddenly and I realized she was wearing high heels . Her eyes shined and were deep and beautiful.

"You ok?" she asked

"Yes, you look amazing!"

She turned red as I said that.

"Thanking you my tallest" she said

"I told you to call me Red, Kat"

She smiled

"I got you some flowers" I said, handing them to her

"Thank you I will get a vase would you like to come in while, I get these ready?"


I enter the small room and by small I mean small it was just a bedroom with a bathroom and closet nothing more. A tiny window if you even wanted to call it that. She placed the flowers on the bedside table.

"I know it's not much, but it's home" she said with a smile

" Cute" was all I could say

I knew this is what the good humans could get the ones who were hard working and got paid, but seeing it made me sick how could she of all people live like this, I didn't really care about the other humans but it really bothered me that she lived like this!

"Should we go?" she asked

"Of course this way my dear"

She giggled it was so cute. and she had a purse in her hand

"Lead the way Reds"

I chuckled

She blushed, It shocked me that human turned red like that but on her it was just cute. I lead the way to the nicest restaurant on the ship, it was Irkens only well expect the workers.

Kat's pov

He was right on time! I was shocked none had ever been on time for me before not even my parents!. I opened the door and there he stood in his amazing glory. He was wearing an amazing red suit that looked to be made of silk, He had the most beautiful flowers I had ever seen they looked like Earth's rose but were so much more than that .

That when I finally noticed he was staring. OH God, I looked horrible didn't I? I finally spoke.

"You ok?" I asked

"Yes, you look amazing!" He answered, I knew I was blushing at this point.

"Thanking you my tallest" I said

"I told you to call me Red, Kat" he said, smiling that amazing smile

I smiled back

"I got you some flowers" he said, handing them to me

"Thank you I will get a vase would you like to come in while, I get these ready?" I asked

"Sure" he said

He enter my home if you want to call it that, but it what I had and I was happy if it.

"I know it's not much, but it's home" I with a smile

"Cute" he said

I wonder what he was thinking.

"Should we go?" I asked

"Of course this way my dear" He said

I giggled and he took my hand

"Lead the way Reds"

He chuckled and I blushed

He was so nice and kind to me and I loved it. He walked to the nicest restaurant on the ship, it was Irkens only well expect the workers. Then my heart stopped and I couldn't move.

Red's pov

I was about to enter when I noticed that she had stopped.

"What is wrong?" I asked

"I can't go in there I'm human"

"You are with me tonight besides your famous I wouldn't be shocked if they wouldn't let you in here"

"Oh I am not famous I just sing at a small club it is nothing big"

I didn't think that !She didn't know that she was one of the only human Irkens liked, she wasn't like them, she was kind, treated everyone with respect. She wasn't rude like the others of her race.

I graphed her arm and linked with mine. We walk together, I could tell she was scared, but she didn't show it. Amazing I thought.

"My tallest right this way" said the Host


We followed him as we did, I saw Kat looking around her eyes big amazement, but suddenly she looked away and at the floor.

I looked over to see why she suddenly looked at the floor. I saw Irkens whispering to each other and point at her. Angry filled me, I glared at them with the most hate I could. They stopped, but I have a talk with them later. I make sure of it

We finally reach the my table which thank Irk was away from other eyes.

I pulled out the chair for her and she sat down. Your waiter will be here soon enjoy the food. And Ms. Kat right?

"Yes?" she said

"I love your voice it so beautifully!" he said with a smile

"Thank you very much that was to kind of you" she said in Irken

We both stared at her in shock

"You speak Irken?" he asked

"Some my boss has taught me some, I probably sound horrible no?"

"No My dear not at all" I said

"Well Enjoy" the host said and then left

"My dear you truly are something else and I mean that in the most positive way"

"Thank you" she said in Irken and blushed

I smiled

"You know I don't think any of your race has learned our speech, why did you?"

"I wanted to and I thought that once I did understand well enough, I could sing some of your music as well and I wanted to" she said drinking some water

My thoughts were racing, why was she not like her race, why was she more like us than anything, I mean she did have human traits but she seemed to not have the bad ones, why?

"Is some wrong Red?" she asked

"NO not at all!"

She giggled

"If you say so"

I smiled

"What would you like to drink?" I asked

"Do you have Ice tea?" she asked

"YES! I love that stuff!"

"Let me guess Sweet tea is your favorite?" she said smiling

I laughed


Kat's pov

He was about to enter when he noticed that I had stopped.

"What is wrong?" he asked with worry

"I can't go in there I'm human" I said

"You are with me tonight besides your famous I wouldn't be shocked if they wouldn't let you in here"

"Oh I am not famous I just sing at a small club it is nothing big"

I wasn't I was just a human who could sing nothing more then that.

He graphed my arm and linked with his. We walk together. I was freaking out so much I shocked I didn't faint!

"My tallest right this way" said the Host

"Thanks" he said

We followed him, I looked around amazed by the art and smells and everything it was like nothing I have ever seen. Suddenly I hear whispering and looked over to see some Irkens pointing at me and smirking. I looked down at the floor.
We finally reach the table which thank God, was away from other eyes.

Red pulled out the chair for me and I sat down.

"Your waiter will be here soon enjoy the food. And Ms. Kat right?" said the Host

"Yes?" I said, knowing he ask me to leave

"I love your voice it so beautiful!" he said with a smile

I was shocked he liked me?

"Thank you very much that was to kind of you" I said in Irken well the best I could do

They both stared at me in shock.

"You speak Irken?" the host asked

"Some my boss has taught me some, I probably sound horrible no?" I said

"No My dear not at all" said Red

"Well Enjoy" the host said and then left

"My dear you truly are something else and I mean that in the most positive way" Red said

"Thank you" I said in Irken probably blushing

He smiled

"You know I don't think any of your race has learned our speech why did you?"

"I wanted to and I thought that once I did understand well enough, I could sing some of your music as well and I wanted to" I said drinking some water

The water was sweet and made me feel calmer somehow

"Is some wrong Red?" I asked

He hadn't said anything and I was starting to worry that I did something wrong.

"NO not at all!"

I giggled "If you say so" I answered, He smiled and asked" What would you like to drink?"

"Do you have Ice tea?" I asked

"YES! I love that stuff!" he said

"Let me guess Sweet tea is your favorite?" I said smiling

He laughed "Yep!"

I laughed

The rest of the date we talk about our favorite things it was weird we like a lot of the same things he loved seafood and shockingly Earth and Irk had the same types of fish, well we both love all food but spicy we like a little not a lot.

We love all the same types of movies, but horror unless it was cheesy horror, we loved reading the same music. It was like I don't know how to tell anyone what it is, but it felt right.

I asked him about his life and he told how he started of a solider and moved up in the ranks with his best friend Purple and become tallest, he told about Zim and other Irkens. I listened and I enjoyed every word he said.

We had finished eating and now he was taking me to the gardens to walk.


"Yes?" I answered

"Why don't you tell me about yourself"

I froze, I hated talking about my life or me, I didn't want him to pity me, Mike already did he said he didn't, but I knew he did.

"There not much to say my life hasn't been as amazing as yours"

He chuckled

"I doubt that Kitty Kat"

I blushed badly


I couldn't speak None but my grandfather god rest his soul called me that none.


I shook my head and took a deep breath and told him minus my family and the horror they put me through. I tell him that at a later date. He respect that which made me finally feel like I could someday trust again. I was happy that he was able to do that for me. We were in the garden and I felt like I was on Earth again I wonder if he every got homesick I ask him that, but for first time in god knows how long I was happy.

Red's pov

I was shocked in her 22 years of life, she had gone through so much she lost her grandfather, had her heart broken so many too how could any human be that stupid to lose. It seemed she went through more pain then anyone should.

I still wanted no I need to know more, she barely spoke of her family expected her grandfather. I thought families were extremely important to the human, Purple and I wanted that for Irkens too, it seemed I don't know how to word, but it seemed nice.

"Kat, what about your family?" I asked

"I wasn't really close to them, well besides my grandfather God rest his soul. We didn't see eye to eye on a lot of things and well it just wasn't health for me so I left when I was old enough though they were always trying to force me to do things I didn't like that and it drove us apart"

"I'm sorry to hear that" I said and I truly meant it

"Not your fault... It's really pretty here it remind me of Earth" she said a weak but beautiful smile

I knew she was trying to change the subject, but I knew better then to push her. I wanted no I needed her to like me but it couldn't hurt to ask

"Do you want to talk about your family would it make you feel better?" I asked

"No, but maybe someday thanks for caring" she said with a smile

I smiled back it was something and I would hold her to it but for now I would take it.

I nodded "Of course take your time"

She hugged me quickly and smiled

"Thank you for respecting me Red I really appreciate that"

I hugged her back and I knew then I never wanted to let her go. I had falling in love with her. We talked more and walked through the garden. It was so peacefully and perfect, I didn't want this night to end. Sadly it did she was a human after all and they needed their sleep so I walked her back to the sorry excuses for a home.

I smiled at her when we reached her door.

"I had a wonderful time tonight Red" she said

"As did I Kat you are lovely company" I said winking at her

She blushed and I smiled more.

"Thanks and you are too. Well I should probably head in..."

I quickly kissed her at first her eyes were wide opened and I feared that she would push away. She lead into the kiss and her eyes closed. My antennas were searching for her, but unable to find any wrapped around her hair. It took in her sickly sweet scent that made my body feel numb. Her lips were soft and kind. I slowly pulled away though I didn't want to.

"Wow" was all she said

"Wow indeed "I replied with a smile

She giggled and blushed, but soon after she yawned. I knew I had to let her go for now she need her rest, but I was going to make her MINE!

"Goodnight beautiful till next time" I kissed her again and left speechless at her door.