Ghostbusters (2016) Club
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I was very excited for Ghostbusters '16.

I waited impatiently for every piece of new content.

(According to an old comment, I'd been GB-stalking for a year and a half before the movie even came out.)

I added everything I could get my hands on to this club.

I capped and iconned trailers.

I made picks, quizzes, scoured the internet for positive articles.

Hell, I even wrote a few articles of my own.

Acquired Funko Pops and a Ghost-busting guide book and Ghostbusters-themed Twinkies.

(Most of which are probably still in a cabinet somewhere, 'cause I don't really like Twinkies.)

Spent hours wading through troll-infested swamps to fuel my rage.

(aka the comment section on any Ghostbusters content that allowed comments)

Gotta keep the hype going. Prove the haters wrong.

Finally, I pre-ordered my ticket for an opening day showing.

Waited some more.

I remember buying a jug of milk and getting excited because the sell-by date was the same as the premiere date. It was that close.

On Premiere Day, I sat excitedly in the theater, both pleased and kinda suspicious at the lack of other people in there.

I finally got to see the new Ghostbusters movie.

And that was it.

This thing I'd been looking forward to for ages was just... over.

I came home and made a few picks, left a few more comments, kind of drifted away.

Borrowed a blu-ray when it came out so I could see the extended version, with the intention of buying my own when the price dropped.

It's been almost three years and I still don't have it.

I've only seen it those two times.

And that was enough.

I still can't quite figure out why that happened.

Was it just too much hype? Did the movie suck? (I gave it a 5/5 in the poll right after I saw it, so I don't think that was it.) Did the secretary really annoy me that much? Would I have been more into it if I'd liked the original? Was my interest mainly fueled by trolls? Is once (or twice) just ENOUGH for some movies?

(I've seen The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, the longest and most boring overrated movie since Dances with Wolves, twice. Same as GB16.)

There are a lot of possible explanations, and I wish I could figure out exactly why I lost my Ghostbusters Boner for good.

(Or at least find someone willing to give me a decent price for a bunch of still-boxed Funko Pops that serve as irritating little reminders of wasted dollars and disappointment.)

Maybe a valid reason will come to me one of these days. Maybe I'll assign it one of the aforementioned reasons just so I don't have to wonder anymore. Maybe I'll have the desire to watch it again one of these days.

Maybe I'll write a pointless article about... wait.

January 2015 casting announcement from NBC News @ YouTube
casting announcement
brian williams
nbc new
FAQ from Black Nerd Comedy @ YouTube.
fan opinion
black nerd comedy
Early info on the plot, so spoilers. From CleverMovies @ YouTube.
added by DarkSarcasm
Source: Leslie Jones