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I know you won't let go of me
You're my greatest faceless enemy
Though all you do is hurt me
I guess misery loves company...
And you won't let me leave you lonely....
Though sometimes you speak so soothingly....
I almost don't want you to leave me....
I'll suffer so very slowly....
Because you know just what to say to me.....
To keep me here, knowingly.
Because this is just the way it must be.

I have no choice
Because your voice...
It keeps me here...
So I can not fear.
The most difficult thing...
Is the ring ring in my ear...
Telling me to let go
That I don't belong here...
But I feel instantly drawn
To the bloody dawn.
And, though darkly inspired
I have to desired
A life beyond my own.

But you will hold me till death
And I know I will let you
Because I know I am weak inside,
Though tough outside
A small child hidden
Crying....crying to get out.
Crying to be free
Crying....though something much less then glee
Maybe Greed?
No....I know not of the sin.
I do not want anything
I know is beyond my reach.

Dear Agony
Keep them away from me
Put up a wall
Don't let it fall
Not fall, nor crumble, under them.
Their lies, their hate, their glares...
Keep them away, stay aware.
I know they'll hurt me
That's why I don't want them in.
I won't let them in
And I know you won't either.

So Dear Agony
That's why I won't let you leave me...
Because without you, no one would understand me.
You, and only you, know the real me.
Maybe because you made me this way...
Or maybe because you stay with me every day...
I honestly don't know
But I know this feeling will grow...
But I don't know what this feeling is.
Maybe I find pleasure in the pain
Or maybe because you let me laugh at other people's pain.
Whatever the reason
I know there's gotta be a reason
So why can't I detect
Or connect....
With anyone else but you?
posted by zutaradragon
After the fall of the Roman Empire, the focus of alchemical development moved to the Islamic World. Much more is known about Islamic alchemy because it was better documented: indeed, most of the earlier writings that have come down through the years were preserved as Arabic translations. The word alchemy itself was derived from the Arabic word الكيمياء al-kimia. The Islamic world was a melting pot for alchemy. Platonic and Aristotelian thought, which had already been somewhat appropriated into hermetical science, continued to be assimilated during the late 7th and early 8th centuries....
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posted by zutaradragon
~Joss' story
this is my own, personal, story...the 4 parts were just in general for both of us, and I intend 2 tell just my end. This is after my trip thro the Gateway...
I already told u they called me Envy....and I already said y. what I didn't say is that every1 called me Envy and only my family knew my actual name...even tho it said I was Jossiline on the papers....i even had 2 sign my papers as Envy or else they wouldn't kno it was me...
I had no friends....i was tormented....mother and sister were the only nice ones. At 1 time...i had 2 do a project. A simple report. My name, where I was...
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Take solace in rage
for fear is blinding
and hate is cruel and useless

These things make me wonder...
About the poisons I have within.
So many...all of which were listed

Rage for those who deserve death
tempt me and make me tense
and push me to the edge.

For those who have no excuses for what they do...
who feel life is disposable until it actually ends.
Then suddenly feel guilty for those they pushed to the end.

All the people who claim to love life...
they forget a part, though...
they love only some life...only THEIR life.

I take my solace from rage.

Fear only blinds...
so have no fear of predilection.
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added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
posted by zutaradragon
this simple principle is something i've always believed, even on the other side. I am all in that I can comprehend things and kno things and I am 1 in that I am only a small part of a grander theme. I am all in that I kno this but I am only 1 tht does. All is everything from the rocks 2 the river, 2 u and I...and 1 is a single part in a massive thing...i suppose this could b call the second founding principle of alchemy. I found out I could use alchemy when I had gotten away and was sitting in a tree crying...when I looked down there was a patch of flowers beneath me...1 for every 1 of my tears...of...
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added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon