Full Metal Alchemist RPG Club
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“hey Joss!” Ed and Al run up “OMMIGOD, IT'S ENVY!!!””
“what....?” I look at them.
“James.” James looks at Ed. “and just what is wrong with me being here?”
“we thought u were...” Al starts.
“Dead?” I look at him.
“yeah.” Ed growls and glares at him, clearly pissed.
“oh, I've made it angry with my presence....” James glares right bak. “just imagine how angry he'd b if he knew all the other humunculii he supposedly killed were all alive 2.” he says mockingly.
“wh-wh-what...?” he gets bug-eyed.
“all thanks 2 a certain kind-hearted girl who saved us.”
“well....it wasn't JUST me...it was my sister 2...”
“WHAT DO U MEAN U BROUGHT THEM ALL BAK!?” Ed snaps, turning on me.
“Ed...remember how u didn't wanna kill them....” Al tries 2 reason with him.
“aw, Ed....wasn't it u who said a life is a life?” James replies.
“harsh words from some1 who could b used as a foot stool.” James retorts.
“geez....and I thought I was bad with MY sister...” I mutter.
“what do u mean?” Al asks, looking at me.
“wha....u don't kno...? oh, u were unconscious 4 tht part....Envy was the 1st humunculus made by humans and brought 2 life by Dante...as a human, Envy was William...”
“u didn't let me finish...his name was William....Hohenheim.”
“WHAT!?!?” Al's shock is clear on his face
“Dante was originally with Van Hohenheim and they had a child who died shortly after birth...Van Hohenheim was so distraught he....he did what u did. It's part of the reason he hates Van Hohenheim as much, if not more, then ur brother Ed...and also y he didn't care tht Dante was basicly using him...as long as he could get bak at u and Ed he was fine...”
“but...wait, y is his mark...”
“blue? Remember tht replacement stone me and my sister were working on...?”
“yeah...wait, u actually made 1?”
“yes...the Aquosea stone...it turns the mark from red 2 blue. It's a perfect replacement. Speaking of things...” b4 I can finish Mai runs out and hugs Al.
“Ling's here 2.” I say simply as Ling follows.
“still Greed...”
“Greed...Ling....whichever....same body...” I mutter. “but tell me Greed....do u use doors...?”
“well Ling usually shows up thro a window...he seems 2 have door phobia...”
“there's Ling...” I shrug. As we're speaking James and Ed r still arguing.
“well I suppose as long as they don't kill each other...” Al sighs.
“hey, so is Roy rlly gonna take over as king?” Ling asks
“tht's the plan.” I reply, wondering how long Ed and James r gonna b fighting.
“well Ed was always tormenting u anyways.” Ling reminds me as I sigh.
“because when he 1st got here he'd heard of some1 called Envy and assumed it was James....and then he found out it was me and was pissed...” I mutter.
“and ur only about 2 years older and ur about a head and a half taller.” Ling laughs.
“it's neither of those 2 things.” Al replies.
“wha...?” me and Ling look at him, confused.
“it's because Ed has had a crush on Winrey 4ever and then he met u and now he's confused...”
“WHAT?!” I get bug-eyed.
“but don't tell him I told!” he says suddenly, as if just realizing what he said.
“Fullmetal has a crush on u...” Mai looks at me. “and ur single so...”
“um...” I look around 4 an escape.
“can't u c, Mai, she's in love with Envy.” Greed replies, taking control over Ling again.
“WHAT?!” Al and Mai exclaim.
“James....” I reply. “and...um....yeah...”
“James...i c, he switched stones...” Greed shrugs.
“but...but he's a....” Al stammers.
“Cylon's with Dylan....and a life is a life....Mai loves u and in a way u weren't human 4 a while.” I retort.
“HE WAS 2 HUMAN!!” Mai snaps, getting angry 4 him.
“Dylan...?” Al looks confused.
“the other Greed switched stones and he became Dylan.” Greed explains.
“oh...so when they switch stones they change their names....” Al nods, understanding. “but what exactly does the new stone do other then replace the...” he starts.
“it runs off of chi rather than human souls.” I interrupt.
“like Xingese Alchehistory.” Mai replies.
“exactly. It also frees them from being controlled by Dante and the 1 they call Father. Tht's y they get new names as well. They're also more human then they ever were b4. And the 1s tht had memories from being human...the memories grow stronger...like Lora and Lenora....”
“who...?” Al asks.
“right....u kno them as Lust and Sloth.” I reply. At the name Sloth he gets wide-eyed.
“m....mom.....?” he stammers.
“she doesn't stop talking about u 2 boys....she was happy when u accepted her even if it was 4 only a short while....at least now she has Jacy, tho. He helps keep her mind off u 2...”
“yeah.” I nod. “she also said she's happy tht u have ur body bak. She said if I saw u b4 she did 2 tell u she loves u 2 even if u don't believe she's ur mother...”
“aww...” Mai sighs. “she still loves u...” about then Cylon and Dylan walk by, c our little cluster and Ed and James still arguing, and walk over.
“well they fight like brothers....” Cylon mutters.
“sure do.” Dylan sighs “and they have about the same level of maturity despite the huge age gap...”
“could b worse....i'm just glad they aren't physically fighting....” I trail off as I c Cylon's hair and face. “u changed ur face again....”
“not my face....just my make-up and hair....”
“whatever....y do u feel the need 2 do tht at least once a day...?”
“because what I feel like waring in the morning isn't usually what I feel like waring in the afternoon.” she replies, as if the answer was obvious.
“Ri-ight....whatever...” I roll my eyes. My sister....she has this thing where she changes her hair and make-up at least once...she's got 100s of colors of everything from temporary hair dyes 2 eye shadows...hair extensions....other silly things I don't understand...she said she hated her brown hair so...maybe she's making up 4 it...but she's got lighter brown tips naturally just like I have darker red tips naturally...tho my hair is more a red-brown rusty color...with blood red tips, i've been told. I donno...about then Lenora walks up from 1 side and Scar from the other...they both get wide-eyed as they meet...
“Lust.” his surprise changes 2 something like slight rage in his voice....but love in his eyes as I remember the stories of her past she remembered from when she was human...and the 1 of Scar taking some bullets 4 her on sheer impulse...
“don't insult me with tht name anymore...” she replies evenly, over-coming her shock quickly as well. “I'm Lenora now.”
“Lenora...” he seems confused, then looks at the mark on her chest. “it's blue...”
“yes...and because of tht my human memories r stronger then ever...it's something between irritating and soothing...knowing I was actually once human...and tht i'm not the only 1 haunted by those memories from so long ago...” as if on cue, Lora and Jacy walk over. Al looks at her and eventually gives in 2 his heart.
“Mom!” he hugs her. She smiles and rubs his head gently.
“Alphonse...” she hugs him bak. “i'm so glad....”
“AL!” suddenly Ed snaps bak 2 the rest of the world....i guess he and James finally stopped fighting. “get away from her!”
“but Ed...” Al looks over at him. “she's....”
“oh Ed.....do u kno how cruel ur being....?” Lora sighs softly. Even if she didn't use her human name 4 her new name, she still loves Ed and Al so much....
“I'M cruel?! What about U!? A REAL mother wouldn't try 2 kill her children!!”
“i had no choice....even if I didn't want 2 they would have controlled me and forced me 2...” Lora looks at him, longing 4 him 2 understand. “b4 my memories were nothing but a painful remnant....and I wanted 2 prove tht they were wrong....now tht I can control myself r u still going 2 make me suffer these memories...?”
“don't worry mommy...even if he doesn't like u I still love u...” Jacy hugs her and Al stays close 2 her.
“Ed....y won't u listen...?” Al pleads. “wasn't this what we wanted....? we wanted our mother bak....now tht we have her r u rlly going 2 ask 4 more?”
“but....she is alive....and she does have emotions and feelings....and memories...”
“boys...stop arguing...” Lora looks at the 2.
“but...” Al starts.
“Al....i'm so glad at least 1 of u believes....and I only hope Ed will eventually join u in believing...but I don't want u arguing because of me...”
added by zutaradragon
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added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
So after tht, we started learning under the king. How many people can say tht...?
“1st, I wanna c how big a flame u can control.” Mustang says. “make the absolute biggest flame u can control.”
“right...erm...” I stammer....this is sad. Fire is the only thing my sister can control better then me. Tht and lightning only minus the voltage. I make as big a fire I can control which is about the size of a small car. It's in the shape of a rose 2 prove I have complete control over it.
“my turn.” Cylon snaps her fingers and makes a fire about the size of a large car and a half. Her's is...
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added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
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