ForestPack Club
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posted by KatieK102
* The gray wolf can actually range in color from pure white to solid black, but the most common shade is a tawny brown in which the wolf's guard hairs are banded with black, white, gold and brown. This banded coloration is known as agouti, and is found in a number of wild species.

* Wolves run on their toes, which helps them to stop and turn quickly and to prevent their paw pads from wearing down.

* Wolf gestation is around 65 days. Wolf pups are born both deaf and blind and weigh only one pound.

* A hungry wolf can eat 20 pounds of meat in a single meal, which is akin to a human eating one hundred hamburgers.

* Wolves can swim distances of up to 8 miles (13 kilometers) aided by small webs between their toes.

* Unlike other animals, wolves have a variety of distinctive facial expressions they use to communicate and maintain pack unity.

* Wolves howl to contact separated members of their group, to rally the group before hunting, or to warn rival wolf packs to keep away. Lone wolves will howl to attract mates or just because they are alone. Each wolf howls for only about five seconds, but howls can seem much longer when the entire pack joins in.

* A male and female that mate usually stay together for life. They are devoted parents and maintain sophisticated family ties.

* Common food is ungulates (hoofed animals like deer, moose, caribou, elk, bison, musk-oxen

* If an expecting mother is healthy and well-fed, a litter may consist of 1-6 pups. (For the sake of the size of our Pack, please don't have many litters of six!)

* The entire pack is expecting to help with childbearing.

* Wolves move through their territory constantly, but often have a main camp.