Fanpop Fan Elimination

afl-fan posted on Apr 15, 2008 at 04:55AM
Everyone starts with 30 points write down one user of fanpop and lower there point you can only lower 1,2 or 3 point at a time if there points go down to 0 they can not play the game again to lower there points you have to press -1,2 or 3 next to the user name and you have to wait untill someone else lowers points and then you can lower points again.
last edited on Apr 15, 2008 at 08:18AM

Fanpop 127 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 127

over a year ago afl-fan said…
start playing properly or you cant go to this forum again either.
over a year ago Gabitha said…
lol i dont think you can stop someone from posting something in a fourm! :D
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
firstly, who the hell is mega-boy37, is he like hooch_is_crazy, or more like meee,
or maybe HannahK, or dazzle, or amezondebs, or toshtosh, or DrDeviance.

secondly, free speech, you can't stop us elimanating fans.

and thirdly, afl-fan -347758216598174712894714781
meeee +66523485489125645678125381710927457814617­572­351­767­184­878­799­459­473­823­607­59
DrDevience +42364237134619203473029104128478384908978­955­698­868­757­67
TushTush +14290498120758957829658902346938263496346­445­675­467­567­556­546­564­367­465­436­423­654­354­325­6
amazondebs +71263489128012347329134532197512897465464­455­689­855­4
Gabitha +24632379527855879424665676576576577897786­798­087­087
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
afl-fan, I think you just need to give this forum up. It was obviously created with intent to hate on people and obviously people don't want to play that way. It has been hijacked.. for the better.
over a year ago maybeastarbucks said…
DrDevience + 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971­693­993­751­0..­. I would've given her more points, but I wanted to appear nerdy. :)
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
HA HA HA! I have been monitoring this forum and have thoroughly enjoyed what has unfolded!

Yay for hooch-is-crazy, maybeastarbucks, DrDevience, meeee and other Fanpoppers who decided to turn a negative (-) to a positive (+)!
over a year ago germany123 said…
but hooch how did you end up on this forum again?
after al...l its forbidden tstststs
+ 17,8 for hooch..
over a year ago ineedcoffee said…
by the way you cant ban people from a forum hence the word forum it means open to all, so you are stuck with them your only way out is ask for the higher powers that be to delete this thread but I think everyone except you are having to much fun.
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
germany123 +123
over a year ago mega-boy39 said…
Firstly afl-fan- 3627458295038586748690.57368476583968
Hooch_is_crazy+ 48589794836586858486.58438951113747664
Secondly i have made another forum which is the same as this except adding
Oh, and meeee (sorry if i spelt wrong) +5734876847687857476596784869.574868365956­311­149­596­8
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago meeee said…
You should be lol
hooch maybe we should stop replying we might get in trouble!!
maybeastarbucks+987654321987654321999(jus­t for being nerdy)
Anyone else who replied except afl-fan +123232323
over a year ago afl-fan said…
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
everyone except afl-fan +infinite
afl-fan -infinite
over a year ago Gabitha said…
lol :D I like the sound of +infinite! :]
over a year ago meeee said…
*has +infinite party*
*doesn't invite afl-fan because he got -infinite*
afl-fan another -infinite
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
*joins +infinite party*

*does the +infinite dance that gives everyone except afl-fan +infinite whilegiving afl-fan
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fitzdude said…
this game was a bad idea

p.s. fitzdude + 123456776543212345679876543212345679987654­321­234­567­909­876­543­212­345­679­098­765­432­123­456­78f­our­345­676­543­2
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
yeah fitzdude, bad idea indeed i just read the whole thing...not nice!!

*joins party*

fitzdude +12345678900
claire-aka-bob +12345678900
over a year ago meeee said…
*Joins +infinite dance*
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…




over a year ago Gabitha said…
im joing the party now! YAY

*joins party*


*Joins +infinite dance*

over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
over a year ago aholic said…
Can I come? *gives you the big cute dog-eyes*
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…

*does +infinity dance*


PARTY ALL NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

over a year ago meeee said…
*Gives aholic dog bicuit*

*continues dancing*
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
*gives meeee dog biscuit because she is dog girl*

*gives meeee shiny things*


*Does stage dive*

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Gabitha said…
*alf-fan falls under the weight of hooch-is-crazy's stage dive*

over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
over a year ago meeee said…
I just realized afl-fan has been banned.
Yes I am slow!
*Eats dog biscuit*
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
he was?

I must be real slow, slow motion in fact!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Bubbly131 said…
this is so mean. why would you even want to do this!?
over a year ago germany123 said…
*is glad afl-fan revealed himself*
*contemplated telling the f4 aboot new account*
*decides it will be more fun this way*
*keeps him under close observation*
*sits down and plays with voodoo doll*
over a year ago jighooligan101 said…
does he realise he'll be banned within a week? tis funny thoand sure i might as well join
and just to be nice guitar-hero4+.1

p.s its not called guitar hero 4 its guitar hero world tour
over a year ago hm94991 said…
all of the f4 +a zillion. Yes, its a number.
over a year ago germany123 said…
jig and all fellow motherheads + 125638298102901

hmmmm alffan now something +0,5
over a year ago Guitar-hero4 said…
germany123 sits down and plays with his little dolly
over a year ago Guitar-hero4 said…
im reporting you all for being so mean to afl-fan
over a year ago germany123 said…
ha ha ha ha
*looks down at self*
*is pretty sure she is not a dude*
nope imma girl :P
and yay you- cant wait to be reported
*does happy dance*
over a year ago Guitar-hero4 said…
im a boy
over a year ago jighooligan101 said…
are you sure germany? lol
report us for what exactly?(germany123 +12345678910
over a year ago Guitar-hero4 said…
OK EVERYONE-999999999999999999999999999999999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999­999
over a year ago germany123 said…
hmmmmm i feel for some reason you dont really like us??
over a year ago jighooligan101 said…
noooo please im desperate for points...
germany i think we'll just have to give each other points?
over a year ago germany123 said…
hmmm do i have to mess up the format to do this?? :P

+92873912873918729381723 for jig
and + 0,7687628716 guitar hero
and +338291000188188 for any random user who sees this :D
over a year ago germany123 said…
oh and polly take +237192837912837 points too :D
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
*is a random user who sees this*
*steals all the points*
Hahahaa =D
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
=O Gerley!! How did you know I was reading this?! You psychic stalker you ;]
over a year ago germany123 said…
*double post fives polly*
over a year ago Guitar-hero4 said…
eat it
over a year ago jighooligan101 said…
*eats* wow that was tasty