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Authers note: LOL! This is my third fan fiction! XD So I might be going a little slow right now! XD Also... this doesn't reflect off of any Jackie chan adventures episodes, I'm just making this fan based!

Disclaimer: I don't own all of the characters in this! :3 (i own: Hann-yuu, Mii-lan, and Chii-lan. In this part any way!)
Warning: ... Okay, okay, only violence and a VERY small tuch of languade (i don't care about my spelling! XD)!
Key: -D-D- = Drago's promo
-J-J- = Jade's promo
-JC-JC- = Jackie chan's promo
-H-H- = Hann-yuu's promo

Jade sat on the briliant shade of green grass. She was trying to think of what to do. She still couldn't believe that capt. Black had turned on them... and the entire section 13 sosiety!
Captain Black had kidnap her new and old friends and family! She was only one person... how could she save them?!


Drago saw Jade sit silently on the grass. While he was gone, he noticed she had evoulved into a woman.
She had grown WAY taller compaired when she was 12! She had also grown feminin curls too.
And she had suprisingly grown her out past her shoulders. But she still had the same kind of bangs. Two big locks of hair that stuck out and almost covered her face.
And she was also wearing a navy-blue T-shirt that had black lines going around the sleavs and bottom of the shirt. For pants she wore dark jeans with dimonds on the pockets. She was also wearing black finger-less gloves.
Drago was back and ready for some freaking action!
So with the thought he creeped his way behind her, he didn't make a noise.


Jade felt something breathe down her neck... it made her shutter like crazy.
She turned over to be greeted by Drago. He life long enamy. Or so she thought.
Then, to her shock, Drago jumped on her in an occward possition.
"Do you remember me, Jade?" He asked in his cackling voice.
Jade tried to move out of that uncomfortable position. But couldn't. Drago held his wait down on her's very hard.
"Well, do you?"
"GET OFF DRAGO!" Jade demaned. But Drago replied with an evil grin.
"Get used to the position, cause if I do get off you'll run off!" He replied raising one of his scraley green eyebrows (since he is a dragon).
"I want to make a deal with you, I know that you uncle and every one that you care about was taken prisoner by old man black!" He said, "I can help. IF you let me bite you with my venom!" He replied.
"What good would that do you?"
"If a mortal such as yourself gets enjected with demon venom, then they become demons them selve's, AND become that demons slave until they say other wise!" He replied.
Jade was smarter too. She thought hard about most things now and days.
"You think I'm stupid or some-" She began, but Drago cut her off by creating flames around them.


Jade opened her amber eyes and saw that they were at an old chinese shrine.
"Yo! Hann-yuu, I got Jade over here!" Drago yelled getting up and taking Jade's arm.
By the time they got up, a girl with pitch black hair that was put into a LONG pony tail stepped out of the shrine.
She wore a cereal, violet, and magenta kimono. It opened in the knee area and down. It revealed her blue stalkings and brown sandles.
Jade looked at her eyes, they were a strange color. They were Pale rose! Her narowed eyes looked eerie... she rememinded Jade of Tso-Lan, the moon demon.
"Drago, I should stop underestamating you. I thought it would take you an intire generation!" She said with an emotion-less face.
"Oh ha ha Hann-yuu!" Drago replied with an erritated face and voice. "Oh yeah, Jade," He said looking down at her, "This is Hann-yuu, she's my uncle Tso-Lan's daughter!" He replied.
No suprise.
It was obvious from the start. She doesn't just have an exotic look to her, she is also very eerie and creepy looking.
"Miss Chan, believe me when I say: We are not your enamies." She said, she didn't look any older than 13. She walked up to Jade ever so slowly. Then, some how, she telaported infront of her and Drago.
"But our polar oposites are!" She finnished.

~ To be continued