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posted by ObanKing
Eva and The Rest Of The Team Head For Alwas To
Investingate The Trail Of The Source that is
inside Eva's Watch But.........Ruuu...Ruuu.Ruuuuuu
Warning!!!! a Giant Diamond of Ice fell out
of the sky Then Eva Became CyberGirl Again
With Her Sword Ready Then The Battle Began A
Hurricane of Many Numbers Came Around Her And They
Started An Server Cyberbattle(The Battle Between
a Cyberperson And A Cybersoul) The Unknown Stranger Used A Poison Bag And it Hurt Eva with
200 Cyberpoints Left She is a Goner Eva Used Her
Sword To Cut Him But he Lost 200 cyberpoints with
200 left Eva Has The Chance To Beat Him But
The Unknown Stranger Used Hypnosis Then Eva Fell
Asleep The He Used A Poison Bag Then She Fell
But She Woke Up And Hit Him 1 More Time With
Her Sword Then Defeated Him But The Black Aura
Became a Monster Then Eva Used Both Swords To Hit Him But Then The Black Aura Was Around Eva
Then Eva Dodged It But He Got A Cyberfoot
and Eva Lost 150 Cyberpoints So She Used Cyberdata
then His Body Had Red Numbers Then Boom
She Got The Cybersoul Then Used Youkou Mancan(Cyberdefence Blocks The Bad Guy From Using Cyberdata On You) Then Eva Told The Team Let's Go
Keep Investingating!
Meg was hiding in the guest rest room of the hospital. She should be resting, but first she needed to calm down. Who the hell did Cas think he was to lash out on her like that. He had begged her to get help. What was she supposed to do? Let him suffer? Thinking of it now, she realized she should’ve done exactly that.
“Have you heard anything I said last night?”
Meg looked up in the mirror and saw the reflection of the young girl that had practically saved Cas’ life.
“I told you he’s sick” the girl said.
“In his head, right” Meg snapped, without turning around.
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One week later.
Heather was sitting by Meg’s bed. A week had gone by and Meg hadn’t opened her eyes once. The doctor had told her she was not in a coma, but just fast asleep. She would live. It was just a matter of time before she woke up.
Cas was less lucky. Someone had tried to kill him again, but fortunately there was a camera in the room and so the doctors could interfere just in time. Heather couldn’t help but wonder if keeping Cas alive wasn’t just extension of execution.
She felt something soft and cold on her arm and she looked down to see Meg’s finger moving.
“Meg?” she said.
Meg’s eyelids moved and slowly, but surely she opened them.
“Welcome back” Heather sighed relieved.
Meg tried to sit up, but Heather gently pushed her down again.
“Careful” she said. “I’ll go get a doctor” She hurried to the door and walked outside to call a doctor.
Meg pressed the bell of a big, fancy house. Whoever owned the place was eager to meet her, because Meg had barely withdraw her finger when the door opened.
“Good evening, you must be April” the man said. “Come in” He stepped aside and Meg entered. She took of her coat and the man swallowed. She was wearing a little black dress with a deep décolleté and the dress barely covered her butt.
“Eh…can I offer you a drink?” the man suggested.
“No” Meg refused. She wanted this to get over with. “Can we just get to it?”
“Yeah, of course” the man agreed. “My name is Brad,...
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A couple of hours later Meg opened her eyes. She sat up, but regretted it immediately. She removed the sheets and pulled up her hospital apron and discovered a bandage on her side.
“You have to leave it there” a gravelle voice said. Meg looked up and saw Cas standing in the doorway. “Are you still angry with me?” he asked careful.
“Yes” Meg said insensitive.
“Are you scared Crowley will come after you?” Cas asked.
“He already did” Meg replied bitchy. She climbed out of bed. “Where are my clothes?”
“Why? What are you going to do?” Cas frowned confused.
“I can’t...
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It was close to midnight and Zoey had buried Daphne’s body in the garden. She hadn’t meant to shoot Dean Winchester, but if he was dead, all the better for her. The less people that were in her and Cas’ way, the better.
Of course it would take Cas some time to forgive her, but their love would survive it. She hadn’t want to kill her sister, either, but there simply was no other way. Zoey was certain that wherever Daphne was now, she would understand. Daphne was at piece. She was with Martin, the most important person in her life.
And Zoey would be with Cas and then they would raise...
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Jeremy ran to the backdoor, which was the closest from the basement. He opened it and limped outside.
Veronica was furious. She hysterically banged the door and screamed for Jeremy to let her out. She conjured her phone and dialed a number.
“Jack, I’m in trouble. Jeremy locked me up in Rachel’s basement. You have to come here”
Jack said something back.
“Oh, right, of course. You’re busy” Veronica nodded. “The window…No, I didn’t think about that. Okay, I have to hang. Thanks for the tip, Jack” She hung up and walked to the window. She caught a glimpse of Jeremy’s legs...
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Jeremy entered the building and walked straight to the training room. He found Veronica, talking with someone on the phone.
“Jack, you’re going to be so proud of me” she said with a slightly trembling voice. “I promise that when you get here there will only be humans left”
Jack said something in return.
“Of course I’m careful. I’m not going to fall for anyone. They took away the only person I ever cared about and they will pay for it. And anyone who’s trying to stop me, will go down with them…I have to hang. I will see you real soon”
She hung up, turned around and gasped,...
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Damon walked through the aisles of the hospital when he bumped into someone.
“Aaah, hot coffee” Bonnie groaned. She had two paper cups of coffee in her hand, only now there was not much left of it.
“What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to see how Elena’s doing. Caroline said she wasn’t feeling very well and then Jeremy told me you brought her here” Bonnie explained a little out of breath. “I thought she might like some coffee, but actually I’m not sure she’s allowed to drink it. Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter anymore”
“No, I mean, what are you doing here?”...
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Zoey knocked the door of the motel room. She had seen Dean leave a minute ago. He probably went to the blonde girl she just shot.
“Cas? Can you open the door?” she asked sweet.
Cas rotated his head and looked at the door.
“Please, Cas? I just want to talk” Zoey said slow.
Cas looked at the bed next to him, but Meg had fallen asleep. Lucky her, Cas thought.
“Cas, I have Dean and I have a gun. Open the door now”
Cas’ eyes widened in fear and he slowly came out of bed.
“I’m…I’m coming” he stammered. “Don’t kill him” He held his stomach, his injuries were still not completely...
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Dean carried Cas to the entrance, where Zoey blocked their way.
“You’re not going anywhere” she said.
“Right, because you’re going to stop me” Dean said sarcastic. He pushed Zoey away and walked further to the entrance.
Zoey jumped his back. She tugged his hair and scratched his face.
Dean lay Cas down as careful as possible. He grabbed Zoey’s hair and pulled her off. He smacked her on the ground and kicked her wherever he could.
“I think you’re losing your angel juju” Dean said.
Zoey crawled towards Cas. She grabbed his collar and dragged him away, closer to the edge of the holy circle.
“What are you doing?” Dean asked scared.
He got his answer as Zoey emptied a few bottled of alcohol she had kept their in stock. She conjured a lighter and smiled evil at Dean.
“No!” Dean shouted, but Zoey dropped the lighter and caused another fire.
“Tell me you love me” Zoey said furious.
“I could never love you. You manipulating, lying, evil slut” Cas said bitter.
“Do you want me to pull out some more organs?” Zoey threatened.
Cas’ eyes bulged and he heavily shook his head.
“No, please, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again” he begged with tears in his eyes.
Zoey didn’t listen and forced her arm inside Cas for the third time.
“Stop doing that! It really hurts!” Cas now cried. “I’m sorry that I don’t love you”
Zoey’s hand searched its way up, causing Cas to throw up some more blood.
“I think that’s your heart”...
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“Aaaahhh!” she exclaimed. She pushed Cas away and looked at him terrified.
“I’m sorry” Cas mumbled concerned.
“It’s okay” Lucy said, but Cas unlocked the door and ran away.

Cas hurried out of the toilet and walked back into the restaurant. Lucy stared perplex at the backdoor Cas just went through.
A few yards further, in the shadows, Zoey was watching. She examined the waitress. She was pretty, but not stunning.
She walked to the girl and started talking. Did the guy hurt her? She could tell her, she’s a cop, Zoey told the girl.
Lucy Dickinson, Zoey read from the name card attached...
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The first witness was the mother of the seven year old boy Cas had healed from a life threatening fever.
“I went to the kitchen and when I came back Mr. Allen, as he presented himself, had his hands all over my son. I…I think he was taking advantage of my son’s weakness”
“Objection!” Craig said. “I think everyone in Castle Rock knows about my client’s special abilities? Castiel can heal people with his bare hands, which is why Mrs. Jones had him come over in the first place. But to do his job he needs to touch his patient. He doesn’t even charge them”
“Of course he wouldn’t” Evan Trumble, Daphne’s attorney, said. “That’s because he knows that what he’s doing is wrong”
While Craig and Evan where quibbling, Cas looked sharp at Mrs. Jones.
“I never touched your son and you know it. I saved your son and this is not the right way to thank me”
Mrs. Jones seemed to cringe and looked around to find support or a way out.
Night fell and Meg was playing with her phone. She had gotten so used to the sound of wings, she didn’t bother to look up when Balthazar and Anna appeared.
“We just heard Castiel’s trial’s tomorrow, which is very unusual” Balthazar said. “Whatever Crowley’s up to, it’ll happen tomorrow”
Meg shrugged. Why did everyone expect her to care?
“That means you’ll have to be prepared” Anna said sharp.
Meg stopped playing games with her phone.
“We’re getting you out tonight” Anna said.
Meg looked up, happy as a child. “Finally” she said.
Balthazar conjured his sword, but then a bright light shone from somewhere ahead of them.
“Oh no” Meg said. “Oh no no no no no no!”
That didn’t exactly help, because an instant later both Balthazar and Anna were gone.
Meg sunk to the bottom of her cell.
“Great” she said grumpy. “Juuuust great”
Evening fell and the gang was having dinner. They had agreed to stay in the motel. While Jo and Dean had had their private conversation, Sam and Cas had been looking for takeaway Chinese. It wasn’t what Dean would’ve chosen.
“This tastes weird” he complained.
“That’s because you’re only used to cheeseburgers” Cas said dead serious. “You need to eat more different kinds of food or you’ll burnout”
They all stared at him.
“I read that in a magazine” Cas said, while his cheeks turned red.
“Well, thanks, doc” Dean said sarcastic. “I’ll try keep it in mind”
He swallowed...
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Everything was a blur. The police was searching her house looking for things comparable to what Daphne had shown them on the DVD.
Daphne was sitting on the couch, staring at the black screen. She failed to erase the images in her head.
“Do you own a computer, Miss Allen?” Isabel asked. She had insisted to do this case. There was something about this man and she was going to find out what it was.
Daphne nodded numb.
“You mind if I take a look?” Isabel asked.
Daphne shook her head and stood up. She walked to the kitchen and conjured her laptop. She put it on and typed in the password. She...
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Sam and Cas were at a motel in Colombia Falls, while Dean and Jo were outside. They were in front of the car and Dean had opened the hood. He was maintaining the Impala while Jo watched him.
“Can I help?” Jo offered.
“No” Dean said sharp. Jo gave him a strange look. “Not because you’re a girl. I’m sure you know how to fix a car. It’s personal, really”
“I get it” Jo said. “This is your baby. It’s hard to let go”
“Exactly” Dean said, glad Jo got the picture so quickly. He wiped his hands off a cloth and shut the hood. “I think we’re done here” He turned around. “Let’s get those two monkeys on their feet. We’re leaving town”
It happened in a flash. One moment Dean was standing on his two feet, the next he crashed against the car and fell on the ground.
“Dean!” Jo exclaimed. She bent on her knees and noticed blood coming out of his side.
Daphne was baking pancakes for Alexia. She shot constant looks at the clock, causing the pancake to burn.
“Damn it” she cursed. She threw the pancake in the garbage can and poured in new dough.
“Aunty Daphne? Where’s mommy?” Alexia asked.
“I don’t know” Daphne said nervous. Zoey had been gone all night and wouldn’t pick up her phone. Daphne wasn’t used to babysitting Alexia for that long and fact was that she wasn’t good at it. It was a good thing Alexia was very independent for her age.
The door opened and Daphne looked up. Zoey appeared in the doorway and she looked...
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Isabel was in hearing room two asking questions to a suspect in a murder case, when the door opened and inspector Anderson appeared in the doorway.
“Chief needs to see you” Anderson said deadly serious.
“I’m busy” Isabel said distracted.
“It’s important” Anderson said accenting his words.
Isabel sighed and stood up. She followed Anderson outside and locked the door. “What is this is about?” she asked, but Anderson walked her to the head bureau. He knocked and opened the door. “You didn’t have to escort me” Isabel said a little demeaning before she walked into the office....
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Meg opened her eyes and gazed at Cas, who was still asleep. She leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips. Cas opened his eyes as Meg pulled back.
“Morning” she said smirking.
“Did you have a good night?” Cas asked.
“I slept like a baby” Meg answered.
“I didn’t hurt you last night, did I?” Cas asked concerned.
“I’m a demon, I can handle some rough sex” Meg replied. “But I think we should try to lower the volume next time. I think we’ve woken the neighbors”
“There’s not going to be a next time” Cas said serious. “Last night I had a fight with Dean and...
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