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“I will come back. I need to ask Castiel a few questions too, but as long as he’s on intensive care…” Isabel didn’t finish her sentence. She stood, walked to the door and left.
“What is she talking about?” Meg asked urgent at Heather. “What is Cas doing on intensive care?”
Heather took a deep breath. This was going to be really hard, ‘cause even though Meg would never admit it, it was obvious she cared deeply for her…friend, as she called him.
“Meg, I need you to listen very carefully” Heather started softly. “Something happened to Cas. When you were brought to the hospital I tried to call him, but he didn’t answer the phone and so I took your keys and went to your house. I found him in the bathroom. He was in bad shape, Meg. I think someone bashed his head against the toilet edge. He has been in a coma since then”
Meg swallowed and nodded. As if on automatic she threw the sheets off and slowly swung her legs off the bed.
“I have to go see him” she said numb.
“You can’t” Heather shook her head and she took Meg’s shoulders.
“Let go of me, Heather” Meg said in a normal tone.
“No” Heather replied determined as she tightened her grip. “You need to sit back down and take five seconds to calm down”
Meg sat back down and looked furious at Heather. “1, 2, 3, 4, 5” she counted fast and she stood up again. “Can I go see him now?” She tried to pass Heather again, but the latter grabbed her by her shoulders again. “Goddamn it, Heather, let go of me!” Meg yelled furious and she struggled and wrestled to free herself, trying to hit her colleague.
“You can’t!” Heather exclaimed and Meg startled at the volume of Heather’s voice. “Someone tried to kill him when he was already on the ICU. They won’t let you in. There’s police guarding him”
“I have to see him” Meg repeated determined. It seemed she hadn’t heard anything Heather had said.
“Alright” Heather gave in and she let go of Meg. “Alright”
Dean opened the door of the house, wondering if Jo was there, too, or if she had returned home.
“Sammy?” he called, assuming Cas would be asleep. He walked to the kitchen and saw Sam sitting with his head in his hands.
“What happened?” Dean asked sharp, already regretting the fact that he left.
“We asked Anna to read Cas, to see if he was being possessed” Sam started tired.
“We?” Dean asked, though he had an idea.
“Meg and I” Sam confirmed Dean’s suspicion. “She’s not here anymore” he added quick when he saw Dean’s face change. “He’s not being possessed. But...
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Meg was hiding in the guest rest room of the hospital. She should be resting, but first she needed to calm down. Who the hell did Cas think he was to lash out on her like that. He had begged her to get help. What was she supposed to do? Let him suffer? Thinking of it now, she realized she should’ve done exactly that.
“Have you heard anything I said last night?”
Meg looked up in the mirror and saw the reflection of the young girl that had practically saved Cas’ life.
“I told you he’s sick” the girl said.
“In his head, right” Meg snapped, without turning around.
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