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Damon looked up at Bonnie, agitated and feeling betrayed. “What are you doing? You’re supposed to help me. You just came back to finish what you started, didn’t you?” he said.
“No, Damon” Bonnie said calm. “I am helping you”
“By putting me back here? How is that going to do any good?” Damon asked.
“I didn’t put you back in here” Bonnie said cryptic. “You never left. Physically, sure. But deep down you’re still here and you want to know why?”
“Please, yes, the curiosity is killing me” Damon replied sarcastically.
“Deep down you think you deserve this” Bonnie said.
“What?” Damon said confused.
“You’re not angry with me, because you think I did something wrong. You’re angry, because you believe you deserved what happened last summer and you hate that feeling. Since I gave you that feeling you’re angry with me” Bonnie explained.
“You’re totally nuts” Damon said demeaning.
“And as long you believe you should be in here, you will never really leave” Bonnie said.
“I know I shouldn’t be here” Damon snapped. “What you’re telling me is utter crap”
Bonnie raised her eyebrows. “Really? Show me. Those chains are not cursed, so if you really believe you don’t belong here, why don’t you get out?”
Damon stared at Bonnie, defeated. Bonnie nodded. “I’ll just sit here and wait, until you come to your senses” And she sank down on the cold, dusty ground.
“Dude, stop staring like that” Andy said. “I’m going to start to believe Linc was right about you” Cas frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Never mind” Andy said.
“I didn’t know you were Shannen’s boyfriend” Cas said.
“Does that matter?” Andy asked.
“Andy’s the reason I got to babysit Alex” Shannen explained. “He introduced me to Zoey”
“Oh, I get it” Cas said. He looked at the clock. “I should go to the hospital. Zoey will begin to wonder where I am”
“Yeah, go ahead” Shannen said. “And tell Zoey not to worry about Lex. We can stay the night here,...
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Cas was sitting at the kitchen table, staring ahead. He didn’t know what to do. A part of him wanted to stay. Daphne had saved his life. She’d taken care of him when anyone else would’ve just left him at that lake.
But another part, a bigger part, wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. It was safe to say that his lovely wife wasn’t so lovely at all.
So, why didn’t he just go? Because Zoey had been talking to him. She told him what really happened with Martin, their brother. How Daphne felt responsible for his death and how he, Cas, reminded her of him. Because Martin had...
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Hearing room 2
Paul Morgan was sitting at the desk looking at Meg who shot provoking looks back.
“Meg Masters” he said soft. “What were you doing in Mr. and Mrs. Allen’s house?”
“Looking for cookies” Meg answered with a smirk.
“You couldn’t go to the store?” Paul asked frowning.
“No, I’m kind of broke” Meg said. “I would have to steal them. Besides, I knew it would piss off Daphne and that’s basically why I did. Mrs. Allen doesn’t like me very much, you see”
Paul nodded. “That wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that you’ve been trying to get-forgive...
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“Uncle Emmanuel!”
Cas turned around and saw how Alexia let go of her father’s hand and ran towards him. She threw her tiny arms around his legs and looked up.
“Hi!” she smiled.
“Alexia, let go of him” Gerard ordered. Alexia let go and took a step back. She waited for her father to catch up with her. He had a basket with him, which he put down when he reached Zoey. “Hello, darling. I didn’t know you were bringing company” he mumbled in her ear, before he kissed her.
“I know” Zoey said. “I wanted to check up on him. I thought he could use some time outside”
“He has...
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Cas was angrier than he had ever felt. He threw the kitchen table in the corner. He walked to the dresser and threw everything off of it. The blender, the frying pan, the coffee-machine, plates, glasses, it all landed on the floor and shattered into pieces.
“Emmanuel, stop!” Daphne shouted. She looked upset at the wreckage Cas was causing. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Cas walked toward the cabinet in the living room and collected the figurines on it. He turned at Daphne and Mitch and fired the figurines at them. They ducked just in time.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”...
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Cas was sitting up in his hospital bed. There was a bandage around his neck and his hands and feet were bandaged. Dean, Sam, Jo and Meg were sitting around the bed.
“This picture is starting to get too familiar” Cas said grumpy. He lifted up his hand and tried to scratch his neck, but didn’t really succeed.
Meg took his hand and cast him an approaching look.
“What? It itches. You didn’t get stabbed by a piece of a mirror” Cas muttered.
“Don’t be such a baby” Meg reproached him.
“I almost died in that maze” Cas defended himself upset.
“So did I, but you don’t hear me complaining”...
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Cas climbed out of bed and stormed out of the door, colliding to Dean.
“Sorry” he mumbled agitated and he tried to pass, but Dean grabbed his arms.
“What the hell are you doing out of bed?” he asked reproaching.
“Kevin” Cas explained breathless. “He’s going to kill Meg, unless I stop him”
“I thought you hated her” Sam frowned confused.
Cas shook his head. “No. I don’t know why I said that. I didn’t mean it” He tried to free himself, but Dean seemed to be much stronger. “Why won’t you let me go?”
“Kevin works for Crowley, which means there’s a big chance...
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posted by ShanoHepworth
Skins: The Aftermath

(Cook sat on his bed drinking a bottle of vodka looking all drunk while taking off his shoes and socks. Then stands up and takes his top off)
Cook: (lies on his bed) Freds why did you have to go I need you man?
(Cook begins to close his eyes as he doses off to sleep hearing Freddie’s voice)
Freddie: cook make sure you look after eff (faint voice)
(While hearing Freddie’s voice cook jumps up out of bed looking around to see there’s no one there)
Cook: Freddie! Come back man
(Cook walks over to the bedroom door and peaks at the landing and walks slowly towards the stairs...
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posted by SaitoSaturno
Phoebe looked over towards Sabrina, who was drumming her fingers melodically on the dashboard of Phoebe's yellow Volkswagon. Phoebe smiled to herself, turning her attention back on the road. "You know, Sabrina, you should save it for the gig." Sabrina flicked her black hair and turned to Phoebe.

She only made a 'whatever' face. "Pshhhh." Her lips were curled into a defiant sneer. "I need to warm up. When you're a drummer, you have to keep your skills up whenever you can." Phoebe didn't argue.

The two teenagers were heading to their first gig at Sweaty's BBQ. They were in a band, of course....
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Cas parked his car in front of Heather’s house. He looked at Meg.
“Are you tired?” he asked concerned. He pointed at Heather’s house. “Maybe your ex-colleague will give you a place to sleep”
“What about you? You’re not leaving me here, are you?” Meg said a little worried. Cas unbuckled and got out of the car. Meg did the same. They walked to the front door and knocked.
Five minutes later Heather opened the door.
“Meg! Cas! What are you guys doing here?” she exclaimed surprised.
“Can we come in?” Meg asked.
“Sure” Heather replied and she stepped aside, to let them...
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Dean, Cas and Sam were standing in an open field. There was a low wall at the end of the field and Sam had placed some cans on it.
Dean showed Cas how to prepare a gun and then made a few shots at the cans. He didn’t miss one.
“You’re really good at this” Cas said admiring. Dean handed the weapon to him. “Your turn”, he said, when Sam had put the cans back and stepped away from the wall as far as possible. He didn’t really trust Cas with a gun.
Cas aimed the gun at the walls and fired and missed.
“I think you just killed a tree” Sam joked. “If I were you, I’d hide for...
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Matt tried to get the front door open, but failed, while Bonnie tried to call someone. When after her sixth attempt no one had picked up, she had to fight the urge to throw her cell into the wall. She turned to Keith. “Can you try the phone, please?” she asked a little irritated. Keith was just sitting there, being useless. Keith stood slowly and walked to the phone. He picked up the horn, but heard nothing. “The phone’s dead” he noted, sounding not very surprised. He walked back to Bonnie. Matt had gone upstairs to see if he could open one of the windows.
“Maybe we should stay...
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Damon was sitting in the cafeteria of the hospital. He was still angry with Elena. Though angry wasn’t exactly the right word. Defeated was more like it. It felt like the universe was doing everything to keep them apart. Well, Damon meant what he’d said. If Elena died, so would he. He wasn’t going to spend another century and a half alone and hated. Sure, there would be other women begging for his attention, but none of them would be Elena Gilbert.
“Damon?” he heard a weak voice say from behind him. He looked over his shoulder. Elena was standing in the doorway, a blanket over her...
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Evening fell and Stefan walked out of the hospital. There was no one outside, at first sight. Stefan headed to the parking lot when he heard a whoosh and turned around. No one was there. He turned around again and faced Rachel.
“Rachel, hi, I was wondering when I’d see you again” he said calm.
“I’m sorry, Stefan, but I have to do this” Rachel plead apologetic.
“Do what? Stefan asked suspicious. Then he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. Three of Veronica’s minions had snuck op him. Stefan turned around and grabbed the vervain stabber by his throat. Stefan snarled and the minions...
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The evening fell and Rebekah and Katherine were sneaking down the woods. Rebekah had called Katherine to tell her she had a plan and she needed her help.
“Where are we going?” Katherine wanted to know.
“To Klaus’s hiding place” Rebekah vaguely explained. She walked through the cemetery and stopped at a grave. The stone said: “Here lies Esther Mikaelson, beloved wife and mother”
“What are we doing at your mother’s grave?” Katherine asked confused and a little disrespectful.
Rebekah didn’t respond, but bowed forward and removed the stone. Katherine came closer and noticed...
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Caroline woke up slowly and blinked her eyes. She was back in her bed and Bonnie was sitting by her side. The guy that had attacked her was sitting by the door, on the ground. When she saw him she rose and became upset.
“What is he still doing here?” she asked accusatory, pointing at Keith and looking at Bonnie.
“Waiting for you to wake up, so he doesn’t have to explain himself twice” Bonnie explained calm. “I’m sorry, Caroline, I should’ve given you a head’s up”
Caroline shook her head bewildered. “A head’s up? You knew this was going to happen?”
Bonnie and Keith exchanged...
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“I know there’s a connection!” Liz exclaimed. “I know how to do my job. I don’t need some vampire to tell me that”
Caroline looked away, avoiding her mother’s stare.
“Caroline, I’m sorry” Liz said soft. “I didn’t mean…”
“Yes, you did!” Caroline said firm. She turned her back on her mother. “You know, I just wanted to help you. I just wanted some distraction”
“I know, honey” Liz said. She lay her hand on Caroline’s shoulder, but she pushed it away.
“I guess I should go back to Elena” she said bitter. “At least she appreciates my help” And that being...
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Caroline banged the door of Ric’s loft. “Open the Goddamn door, Klaus! I know you’re in there! Open the door, you miscalculation of nature!”
The door opened and Caroline almost punched Rebekah in the face.
“Easy there, sweetheart” she said listless while she played with her nails.
“Where is that disgusting brother of yours?” Caroline yelled angry.
“Which one?” Rebekah asked with raised eyebrows. “Oh” she continued. “You mean Klaus. Sorry, I have no idea where he is” she lied.
“You’re lying” Caroline said and she tried to get it, but Rebekah grabbed her shoulders...
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“What are they saying?” Stefan insisted.
“I don’t know, I can’t hear it” Damon hissed.
“What do you mean, you can’t hear it?” Stefan fired back.
“Their lips are moving, but there’s no sound coming out of them, not even a whisper” Damon said.
Stefan scribbled up. “I’m going inside. You stay here and try figuring out what they’re saying” He trusted Damon to do listen to him for a change and sneaked to the back of the building. There had to be another door. There wasn’t. However, on the left side of the building there was a window, big enough for one person to go...
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Keith knocked on the door of Veronica’s lair. Not ten seconds later she opened the door, grabbed his arm and pulled him along.
“I specifically told you not to come here. Did I have to spell it out for you?” she hissed angry.
“I have to talk to you” Keith said insisting.
“And it couldn’t wait till tomorrow? What is it?” she snapped. She looked around agitated to see if anyone was there to see or hear them. She turned to Keith. “Okay, make it quick”
“Can’t we go inside?” Keith suggested.
“Absolutely not” Veronica replied. “Now, hurry up”
“It’s about Bonnie”...
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