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A tensing silence filled the motel room. Jo wanted Dean to talk to her, but Dean just wanted to get drunk and Sam was on his laptop, pretending to be busy.
“How’s your injury? You want me to check it?” Jo tried carefully.
“What?” Dean snapped. Then his face softened. “Oh…no. But, thanks for the offer”
Sam closed his laptop. “I know this might be inappropriate, but maybe we should leave this place until everything falls into place again”
“Things don’t just fall into place” Dean said angry and stressed out. “That’s why we were born. To make them fall into place. I can’t believe you’d consider leaving while he needs us”
“He doesn’t” Sam exclaimed. “He can get out, but he just won’t. If he knows we’re gone he might come out”
“I don’t think so” Jo involved herself in the conversation. “Someone’s out to get him and they won’t stop until he breaks. Cas just doesn’t want to see us break in the process. So, when it comes to the smartest option, my vote goes to Sam. But when it comes to loyalty and friendship, I think Dean’s right”
Sam sighed deeply. “Then what are we doing? Are we staying or leaving?”
The door went open and a woman appeared. Jo’s mouth dropped open while the woman shut the door.
“I suggest we stay” Ellen said dry. “I just got here”
After what felt like hours they managed to dig a whole big enough to jump in. The moment Elena landed on the ground, which was pretty low, her phone rang. “Now what?” she said agitated. She looked at the screen. “Not now, Ric” she mumbled in herself and she pressed decline. It was then she saw she had two messages on her voicemail and Damon had tried to call her. She listened to the latest one. “Oh, shut up, Damon, you’re not going to die” she said with a fierce determination. Then she listened to the second one. She let out a cry, grasped her throat and dropped her phone.
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He threw the sheets off and checked his tummy. The wound was gone, healed. He pulled all threads and climbed out of bed. He took off the hospital apron and put on his own clothes. He felt something in his pocket and conjured a dagger. He didn’t wonder how it got there. He knew what it was for. As soon as he had his shoes on he left the room.
Alaric looked at him with tired, red eyes.
“You’re awake!”
Jeremy nodded. “I have to find Elena, she needs to help me save Damon”
Alaric shook his head. “You’re still weak from Damon’s attack on you” he said. “You should...
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Jenna brought Jeremy to Bonnies kitchen. Damon pushed Bonnie against the wall.
“What do you think I want? I want you to take away whatever’s keeping me in check. I want you to undo the spell you put on Elena” Bonnie shook her head, looking desperate. “I can’t, Damon, I’m sorry” Damon grabbed her neck, pressing her wound. She screamed. “And why can’t you?” he asked his voice caught in his throat. “The only way to free you is to kill me”

Jenna turned to Jeremy. “Now you know what to do”
“I have to kill her” Jeremy said.
Jenna nodded. “Bonnie was supposed to kill...
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Elena took a deep breath and started running down the hill. However, the grass on the hill started growing really fast and pushed Elena back. Elena angry pushed the grass away and came halfway the hill.
Then the earth started shaking and Elena rolled down.
The road that led to the open field cracked open and Elena’s feet got stuck in one of the cracks.
“Ha, damn it!” she cursed and she pulled her leg, but she couldn’t move it. The crack grew bigger and soon she fell in a whole. A deep one.
She looked up and saw how the crack slowly closed again.
Elena grabbed the wall which was raw and cut her hands open, but she didn’t care. With a fierce determination she climbed up and out of the crack. She crawled away from the crack, dodged the other cracks and reached the open field.
“There you are” Bonnie said and she dragged him over the cold, dusty ground.
Damon hooked his fingers in the ground, boycotting Bonnie as much as possible. He would get out of here, even if it meant breaking every bone in his body.
But Bonnie just dragged him with her as if he was a rag doll. “I told you you shouldn’t try to escape. You know that’s a bad idea”
She dropped him in the center of the cage.
“Before I kill you there are a few things you have to know” She rolled him on his back with her feet. “You’re evil. You’re a worthless, useless waste of space. You’re not...
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“I’ll be back” Bonnie said. “Don’t try to go anywhere, you know what happens if you do”
She walked out of the cage and left. She reappeared in the ICU of the hospital where Jeremy lay in coma.
She walked to the bed and lay her hand on his heart. She felt how it heated up and soon the curves on the monitor went flat and a long tune was heard. She disappeared right before the medical staff rushed in.
She reappeared in Damon’s cage and gasped. Even in this darkness she could see the cage was empty. He was trying to escape.
Damon slowly walked alongside the rough walls, his fingers...
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Damon tried to open his eyes, but the vervain burned too painful. Now he had lost his sight he had to count on his hearing. And Bonnie gladly took advantage of that. She slowly step around Damon, waiting a few seconds after each step.
“What are you doing?” Damon asked anxious.
But Bonnie didn’t answer.
She held a horn in her hands and held it right next to Damon’s ear.
“What are you doing?” Damon repeated. He tried to feel where Bonnie was with his free hand.
Bonnie grabbed his hand and turned it on his back, until she felt it break. While Damon cried she pressed the horn, which drowned his voice.
Run, that’s all he could think about. He had to run before she would catch up with him. And as he ran, he felt the aching coming back. His back started burning again, his head bounced and with every step he took it was as if thousand needles stung in his feet. But he had to keep running, for he had to stay ahead of her.
A few yards further he heard two voices argue. He recognized the voices. He wouldn’t count on the male one, but the girl would listen to him, she would understand, help him.
“Elena, wait!” Stefan yelled. After his proposal she had jumped out of the car and ran away.
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Elena was in her bedroom, finishing her makeup, when the doorbell rang. Expecting it was Damon she kind of jumped off the stairs and hastily opened the door. Her enthusiasm dropped in her shoes when she looked in Stefan’s face.
“Oh” she said impassively. “It’s you”
“It’s me” Stefan smiled. “Not happy to see me?”
Elena shrugged.
“Damon send me” Stefan said and Elena’s face cleared up. “He asked me to escort you to the party, so you can meet him there. He had to do something and wasn’t going to make it on time”
A big smile appeared on Elena’s face. She grabbed...
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Night came in and stars enlightened the scene Damon and Elena were in. Damon fed Elena his last fry. Elena bit off half of it, took the rest and fed it Damon. Then they both lay down on the ground.
“I think I could stay here forever” Elena sighed.
“I hear you” Damon agreed.
“You know this place, don’t you? You knew exactly where to go” Elena said.
“I had a job here” Damon said.
Elena’s eyes bulged. “You used to work?” she exclaimed.
“Well, actually Stefan had the job” Damon clarified. “I was there just to annoy him”
“Damon?” Elena asked.
“Mm?” Damon said.
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Damon’s phone rang, while Katherine was standing next to him, her hair straight. Bonnie had called Elena to go to The Grill to ‘have a drink’.
“Yes?” Damon said smooth.
“Damon?” Caroline asked.
“No, the pope” Damon sarcastically replied. Caroline sighed. “You’re sooo funny! Anyways, are you busy now?”
“Ehm, depends, why?” Damon asked.
“I might have a little something in store for you” Caroline said mischievous.
“Oh oh, should I worry?” Damon asked. Caroline laughed. “No, not at all” she reassured him. “It involves my house, dinner, you, Elena…You get...
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“Can you repeat…basically everything you just said?”
Katherine told Damon what she heard in Caroline’s room.
“You spied on my friends. That’s rude” Elena said shocked.
“That’s not the point, Elena” Damon said, raising his hand to silence her. “Are they really going to try to set me up with that piece of nothing?”
“Hey, those are my best friends you’re talking about” Elena said upset.
“Elena, shush” Katherine said as if she was talking to a dog. She looked back at Damon. “Caroline will call you at 7pm and she will tell you that Elena wants to meet you at her...
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Tyler logged in to read his email. He frowned when he saw the 65 unread messages. He clicked on the first one. “I know what you are”
He clicked on the second one. “I know what you are”
He clicked on the third one. “I know what your are’
All 65 mails held the same message. I know what you are. Tyler clicked on the reply button. “Hey, dude, don’t you have anything better to do in your spare time? Don’t you have a girlfriend or boyfriend to annoy? Get a life, already”
He pressed send. It seemed like only a second had passed when he already received an answer.
“I know what you are and I’m going to tell everybody”
“Suit yourself, moron” Tyler send and he shut the computer down.
Evening fell and the gang at Alaric’s loft had moved inside. Damon had given in to Elena’s beer request and she was now halfway her second. Status Quo was playing and Caroline made her way to Damon. She took his hand and pulled him with her. Bonnie took his place. “Hey, Elena” she said soft.
“Hiii” Elena smiled and she threw her arms around her friend and squeezed her. “How you doing?”
“Fine” Bonnie said. “You?”
“Very good” Elena answered. She looked up and gasped. “Looook, I can see the stars”
“It’s seven, it’s not even dark yet” Bonnie said. “And we’re...
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Cramps in her stomach and something wet and sticky on the sheets made Elena wake up groaning. She got out of bed, her hands on her stomach. She turned around and screamed. Both of the Salvatore brothers came rushing to her room, but as soon as they saw the blood, Damon pushed Stefan aside and locked himself in, the moment Stefan’s face turned. “Oh, come on, dick!” Stefan moped as his face changed back.
Damon walked to Elena. “Are you alright?” he asked feeling awkward. Elena heavily shook her head. “No, I’m sick. My stomach hurts and I’m bleeding” she looked up. “I’m dying,...
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With a heart that was beating painfully Kelsey stepped up and knocked the door. Someone opened just an instant later.
“Good afternoon, ma’am” Kelsey started nervous. “My name is Kelsey Lindy”
“I know who you are” the woman said. “Come in” She stepped aside to let Kelsey pass and pushed her through a door. “Have a seat” she said waving at a chair. Kelsey sat down, but her mother didn’t. “You being here means you know. More even, it means you are”
Kelsey frowned by that way of speaking, but understood what she meant. Yes, she knew about the werewolves and yes, she was...
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It was evening and Kelsey had no idea where she was. Her father had failed to mention and she had been too upset to pay any attention to any sign boards. All she knew was that she was at a bar and that she was planning on getting drunk.
“Guess you can’t serve any booze?” she moped.
“No, technically I can’t” the bartender replied. He grabbed a bottle of bourbon. “But then again, I never play by the rules” He poured a glass and shove it to her. He waved his hand when she wanted to take her wallet. “On me” “Gee, thanks” Kelsey said. “Rough night?” the bartender asked....
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“Little harder, Stefan. We don’t want to make it too hard for Klaus to track us down” Katherine sarcastically said. She and Stefan were back in the woods, trying to find Amber and Kelsey.
“Klaus is the least of our worries right now” Stefan said. “He’s not going after us now”
“How d’you know? You can read his mind?” Katherine said snarky.
“He could’ve killed us last night, but he didn’t”
“Yeah, because we got away”
“But if he wanted to kill us, he could’ve easily” Stefan said. “He’s not after us. Not now anyway”
Katherine shook her head....
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“Could you get that?” Alaric yelled from the kitchen when the doorbell rang. “Sure” Jeremy replied as he walked to the front door and opened it.
Kelsey lay her finger on her lips as a sign not to speak. “I need your help” she whispered. Jeremy looked over his shoulder, then walked outside and shut the door “My sister’s dying. I bit her and now she’s dying unless I can find a cure” Kelsey continued. “There is no cure” Amber mumbled. She was leaning on her sister. “You know that. It’s over. Better dig me a grave already”
“Shut up” Kelsey said.
“Okay, so you...
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When they were almost at the edge of the woods Stefan held his steps. He stuck his arm out, to make Amber stop as well. She took advantage of the pause.
“Stefan” she breathed fast. “I’m really sorry. I wish I could undo everything. This is all my fault”
“Ssh” Stefan hissed.
“I know this isn’t the right time, but there might be no other chance” Amber continued.
“It wasn’t your fault” Stefan said avoiding, while he carefully looked around and listened. “You were compelled. Klaus made you do it. Look, can we like not have this conversation right now?”
“Okay” Amber...
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