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Damon was standing in front of the hospital. He didn’t want to do this, but he had to. Katherine was right, Bonnie would try it again when she woke up. And so he opened the door and entered the hospital.
His eyes went through the building. A young, male intern walked passed him with a clipboard, taking notes.
Damon grabbed his arm. The boy didn’t see him and Damon whispered in his ear: “I need you to take me to Bonnie Bennett”
“I can’t do that” the boy said scared. “I’m just an intern, I don’t have that authority”
“Then bring me to someone who does have that authority” Damon said and he forced the intern to walk.
People, staff and patients, watched them go and the receptionist picked up the phone, her eyes fixated on Damon and the intern.
“Just keep walking” Damon said.
“You’re hurting me” the intern groaned.
“Yeah, I do have a firm grip” Damon admitted. “Why are we stopping?”
The intern nodded ahead of him and Damon looked up.
“That’s the doctor who operated Bonnie Bennett” the boy said.
“Perfect” Damon said and he forced the boy to walk further.
The doctor looked up as they came his way. He took off his glasses and looked suspicious at the intern he was mentor of.
“Can I help you?” he asked Damon.
“As a matter of fact, yes, you can” Damon said. “I’m looking for Bonnie Bennett…I want to honor her with a friendly visit”
“Are you family of her?” the doctor asked neutral.
“No, thank God I’m not” Damon said.
“I’m sorry, but miss Bennett is recovering from her surgery” the doctor said. “I can only let family with her. And it’s not even visiting hour yet”
Damon’s face changed. “I don’t think you understand the importance here. I need to see miss Bennett”
He sank his fangs in the boys neck. The doctor stared at the boy with big eyes, while the boy screamed. Damon let go of him and he dropped on the floor.
“So…is it visiting hour yet?”
The doctor staggered away from Damon, but Damon gripped his wrist and pierced his glance in his eyes. “Where is Bonnie Bennett?” he asked soft.
“She’s in the ICU” the doctor said monotone.
“See, that wasn’t so hard” Damon said and he let go of the doctor. As the doctor leaned against the wall, trying to find his balance back, Damon walked away, heading for the ICU.
He looked through the door and saw her lying, connected to all kinds of machines. He opened the door and walked to the bed.
He put his hands against her throat and began to strangle her.
It was the first time Damon and Bonnie saw each other since Bonnie had ‘cured” Damon.
“Caroline’s not home” Bonnie said, a little distant.
“I’m not here for Caroline” Damon replied. “I need to talk to you”
“Okay” Bonnie frowned. “Come in”
Damon entered the house and Bonnie guided him to the kitchen. Sheriff Forbes wasn’t home.
“What, eh,…what do you need to talk about?” Bonnie asked slightly nervous.
“Do you know a guy named Keith?” Damon asked, as he sat down, following Bonnie’s example.
Bonnie nodded. She didn’t see why she would deny it. “Yeah,...
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Kelsey’s body dropped on the floor and Damon appeared with her heart in his hand.
“You killed her” Stefan said.
“You’re welcome” Damon said.
“You shouldn’t have done that” Stefan said. “I deserved to die”
“You’re welcome” Damon repeated now pissed. Stefan’s ingratitude annoyed him immense. His ripper mood didn’t appeal to Damon, not anymore. But neither did he have to go back to his holier than the pope days.
“You always do this. You face a problem you can’t handle and so you eliminate the problem” Stefan said.
Damon lifted up the body and threw it over his...
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“Get me another one of this golden stuff” Alaric said lifting his glass. The bartender, who was cleaning some glasses, shook his head. “I think you’ve had quite enough” “Oh, come on” Alaric groaned. “I’m the customer here. I’m paying” He got out some money. “What does it cost, I’m paying you double” He threw the money on the bar.
“If you have too much of it, you can always give it to me” a familiar voice said. Alaric looked aside and saw Damon. “You’re drinking Bourbon? Without me? Shame on you” He signed with his hand, pointing at Alaric’s glass and...
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Katherine was in the kitchen, making dinner. Or at least she attempted to. She hadn’t been cooking since…well, this was the first time. She tried to open a bin, but the thing to open it was so stupid.
“Goddamn it!” she cursed and she smashed the bin against the wall. “Why can’t we have blood like normal vampires?” she yelled.
“Because I feel like eating American food” Stefan said being annoying. “So better get it ready, already”
He was sitting on the couch with Rebekah who kept giving him secret stares. One time she didn’t look away fast enough. “What’s your deal?...
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I tried to be differnt, and it worked.
All my life I have always blended into the atmosphere and the people around me. I was nothing special. I was ordinary.
My chance to be different and my chance to be free came with a cost... one I was sure I was willing to take.

"Turn away from the past, and follow me." were the words I recieved.

"Do you want to be different?" He asked me, and of course what sliped out of my mouth was a simple,
"Yes." But was I going to follow through with what he had in store for me?

Based on the hit series Twilight comes a new romantic twist...
One Way or Another
created by Emma
Daphne took his hand. “I don’t want to lose you. You have to stay with me forever” she insisted.
Cas nodded, not really considering what she was saying.
“Emmanuel, I want you to make me your wife” Daphne said breathless.

Zoey and Shannen were sitting at the kitchen table in Zoey’s house. “I’m glad you came” Zoey said.“
Yeah, sure” Shannen said. “I meant what I said. I’ll do what I can to help you”
“Thank you” Zoey said. “I really don’t trust Emmanuel, but I promised Daphne I’d give him the benefit of the doubt”
“I get it” Shannen said. “What do you want me to do?”
“I want you to follow him, take pictures of him, maybe even film him” Zoey said.
“I don’t think that’s legal”” Shannen said careful.
“If he hurts my daughter it won’t be legal, either” Zoey snapped and Shannen cringed.
“All right, I’ll do it” Shannen agreed reluctantly.
posted by Twilight-girl-x
Hello, this is a story im wrting carrying on from where J.K.Rowling left of after the war before the 19 Years later. This is not the full first chapter only what i have written so far- if i get enough feedback then I will eventually put the full chapter up when it is finnished and then I will put the new chapters on when they are finnished. Thank you- Here it is......

Ginny was sat on the bench in the great Hall, lent against her Mother who sat at her side, the last of her tears rolled down her cheeks. Looking down the table to where her Brother Ron sat with Hermione, their heads close together,...
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A sharp siring pain struck my stomach; I froze tight as stone grasping at my stomach. The pain was unbelievably unbearable. I wasn’t able to breathe it just made the pain ten times worse. My eyes were pinched tight, tighter then when I jumped off the bleachers in the high school gym a few years back.
The thought about that whole night made me cringe making the pain worst. That night was one of the worst nights of my life; something I hope will never have to be brought up ever again.
Patch and I were sitting on the couch watching TV after our one o’clock lunch. My legs had been flung on top...
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Chapter 1:A twist of fate!

XxXxX-Konoha, October 10th-12 years ago

It was a warm summer evening within the village of Konoha,and it had an odd calming effect on the people.There was still many people bustling about despite the fact the sun had set several hours ago.Minato stood,or rather paced,frantically around in his office.He kept glancing impatiently at the door,then to the walls,then the door again,in an endless cycle of anxiety that had been going on for hours."Kushina should be here yourself together!"

Minato berated himself,attempting to calm his nerves."I can't let her see me like this,or...
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Just to show you not everybody is a demented satanic pervert, :D
Just to show you not everybody is a demented satanic pervert, :D
(Some viewers may find this a little raunchy, viewer discretion kind of advised.)
And count how many times I mention Jello. :D

Hello Zello Yellow Mellow I Love Jello Everybody! (WOW FIRST SENTENCE!) Today I am reviewing a GOOD Fanfiction, and will teach you how to make one CORRECTLY. (You listening to this TrueBlueTeam? Dry Bones? Good.)

Seriously though guys, I really do love this Fanfiction, and I really do love Jello.

The Fanfiction makes clever funny references to the show, has plenty of logic, sanity, and fantasy in it, the Fanfiction is funny, and does many things right.

But you probably...
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Damon poured himself a glass of bourbon and drank it out. He spit it out.
“Yeah, I put vervain in all your drinks” a familiar voice said. Damon turned around and saw Katherine standing in the doorway of the living room. “I told you you had to drink vervain again. I thought Elena would’ve convinced you by now”
Damon looked away.
“That’s right. Trouble in paradise” Katherine said. “If I were you I’d try really hard to make things okay. We don’t want her to run back to Stefan, do we?”
Damon looked up angry. “She wouldn’t do that. Elena isn’t like that. I just…need to...
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“How is he?” Derek asked as soon as Damon and Elena entered the Boarding House.
“I’m right here” Damon said. He walked to the couch and sank down. Elena sat down next to him and looked at Derek. “Hey, could you go and get some blood”
“Yeah, sure” Derek nodded and he rushed to the basement.
“You feeling better?” Elena asked concerned, taking Damon’s hand.
“I’m fine” Damon said short. “Why were you in the hospital?”
Elena looked away. Then she looked back. “Who told you that?”
“Who do you think?” Damon smirked. “He told me not to come, but I’m a little...
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“What do you mean, she’s gone?”
Cas and Zoey had been told that Daphne was gone.
“She’s not in her room. But we’re searching the entire building and the neighborhood. She can’t get far” the head doctor said.
“How could this happen?” Zoey asked mad. “Don’t you have some kind of security system here?”
“She stole a badge. She didn’t have to break into the system. She could just open the door” the doctor explained.
“And who’s the idiot who let her steal his badge?” Zoey asked demeaning.
“He’s waiting in my office” the doctor answered. “He already told me what happened. Listen, Mrs. Moore, Daphne can’t get far. We’ll find her by the end of the night”
He walked away from them; he had to go fire the nurse.
Zoey looked at Cas. “We need to find her” she said, slightly panicking.
Cas forced Shannen against the wall and kissed her hard on the lips, while Shannen unbuttoned his shirt. Cas put his left hand behind Shannen’s neck while his other hand slipped underneath her dress. She wasn’t wearing a bra. He lay his hand on her breast and massaged her nipple.
Shannen slipped her right hand in his pants and started jerking him off again. Cas removed his hands and removed Shannen’s clothes and took off his shirt. He lifted Shannen off the ground and she threw her legs around his waist. He walked her to the bed and lay her down.
“I think I need something” Cas said....
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“That’s enough” Bonnie said and Damon stopped feeding. Bonnie was so kind to wipe the blood of his chin. “I understand what Elena’s sees in you. I mean, you are hot”
“Leave Elena out of this” Damon muttered.
“Yeah, I wish I could, but the thing is, you are connected to her” Bonnie said. “No, not in a related kind of way. You’re not family. But her heart beats for the two of you and she, the real Elena, will come back for you. Stefan will keep her away for a while, but eventually she will come look for you and find you”
“I don’t want her to see me like this” Damon...
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Kelsey threw down the shovel when her phone rang. Without looking at the screen she pressed cancel.
“How long are you going to keep avoiding me?”
Kelsey turned around and looked at Derek, who put away his phone. “Until you get it in your thick skull that I don’t want to talk to you”
“We have to talk” Derek said.
“I just buried my sister” Kelsey said emotional. “I had to leave her last night, because I was turning and now I can’t even given her a proper funeral. I just put her in the ground, like a dog”
“I’m sorry” Derek said. “I feel terrible about it. Amber was...
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added by HaleyDewit
Source: homeofthenutty+picnik
Elena entered the Grill and walked to a table. She was going to meet Damon there.
She looked up at Stefan. “Hi” she said uncomfortable. They hadn’t really spoken since she had declared her love for Damon.
“Can I sit with you?” Stefan asked careful. Feeling it would be impolite to reject Elena nodded. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there last night. Caroline told me she was giving a party to celebrate you and…Damon”
“It’s okay, Stefan, it wasn’t that big of a deal” Elena said.
“I just thought it would be weird” Stefan explained. “After all that happened I’m not...
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Covered in nothing but a towel Stefan opened the door of Alaric’s loft in which he lived for the time being. There were two women standing in the doorway, one being the selfish vampire slut that had changed him and his brother, the other being a blonde girl he had not seen before yet somehow she looked familiar, as if she belonged to a part of his past he had tried so hard to bury he had forgotten it.
“Good morning, Stefan” Katherine said. “Won’t you invite us in?”
“Give me a reason” Stefan smirked.
“Because you love me” Katherine said obvious and a glare of annoyance flashed...
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Dragon Ball Z fan fiction.

Chapter 1: No Royal Road to Peace

"Where is he, Vegeta?" Goku charged. His nemesis stood not more than twenty feet away, clad in regal garments and with an air of arrogant nobility about him. The larger warrior tightened his muscles until the veins in his arms looked ready to burst.

"What are you talking about, Kakarott?” inquired the royal. “What the hell are you doing here?" The guards protectively surrounding the Prince of the Saiyans did not take their eyes off of the intruder for a split-second.

"You know exactly who I'm talking about, Vegeta! You had no right...
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