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The sun warmed Kelsey’s body and as she opened her eyes she noticed she was covered with a jacket.
“It’s all I have”
Kelsey looked up and saw the bartender sitting next to her.
“I think introduction is in order. Keith” he said sticking out his hand, but Kelsey only stared at him confused. “My imagination is too restricted to fully understand what happened last night, but I have quite some theories” he added.
Kelsey rubbed her forehead.
“Stay here, I’ll get you some clothes” Keith said and he returned to his bar. A few minutes later he came back with some clothes. “I left a note to say you’ll return them all washed up and ironed. I’ll get back inside. Meet me when you’re dressed” he said and he went back inside.
Kelsey put on the clothes and followed Keith. “Did I stay there all night?”
“No” Keith answered after a few seconds. “I don’t know where you went or what you’ve been doing, but you came back when you were changing back”
“Why didn’t you bring me inside?” Kelsey asked.
“I was too shaken to think straight” Keith defended himself. “I’m sorry… I stayed with you though”
“Wow, thank you so much” Kelsey said sarcastic. “Look, I have to get back to my motel, if you don’t mind”
“We have rooms upstairs” Keith said. “I’d like you to take one. On me. See it as making up for my poor manners, for letting you sleep outside”
“No, I can’t do that” Kelsey declined.
“Why not? You have no place to go anyway, I’m sorry. You might as well stay here and keep me some company” Keith insisted.
“Yeah, because as a bartender you must be really lonely” Kelsey sarcastically noted.
“You have no idea” Keith replied. “So, is that a yes?”
“It’s a maybe” Kelsey said. “And now we’re so generous you could give me a ride home”
“I thought they kicked you out of the house?” Keith asked.
“They did” Kelsey nodded. “But I’m going to kick myself back in… My parents have some serious explaining to do”
Tyler stared at Ronnie over his glass. She had been telling all about herself. It was quite a lot. Her parents both lived in Charlottesville. She had a brother named Jack, but he was out of the picture. She was interested in supernatural stuff and had heard Mystic Falls was full of it. And now she stared at Tyler with an expecting look.
“I want to know more about this town ”
Tyler frowned. “There’s really nothing to tell” he said avoiding.
“Yeah, right” Ronnie said in disbelief. She searched her handbag and took out a newspaper and held it in front of Tyler.
“Police finds bodies...
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Caroline was walking down the stairs with her phone held against her ear. “Look, Bonnie, I really don’t care what reasons you have for ignoring my calls, but call me back ASAP”
“Everything okay?” Liz asked, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs and couldn’t help but overhear.
Caroline nodded. “Yeah, sure”
“Was that Bonnie?” Liz pointed at the phone.
“Her voicemail” Caroline corrected.
“Hmm” Liz frowned. “You two have a fight?”
“No!” Caroline exclaimed.
“Then why is she ignoring your phone calls?” Liz continued, blocking Caroline to go to the kitchen....
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Night came in and both Elena and Damon were getting ready to go to sleep. Elena, wearing pajamas with a teddy print on it, was standing in the doorway of her room. “You want to come in?” she asked teasing. Damon had this ludicrous…rule they had to sleep in separate rooms. It was so not Damon. “We can sleep together” Elena tried with puppy eyes. Damon walked to her and kissed her. Elena wanted to pull him inside, but he braced. “Oh, come on” she groaned, her lips still touching his.
“I’m not doing it, Elena, not tonight” Damon said and he kissed her again. Elena took of her...
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Rachel was sitting at the table, her plate in front of her, but she didn’t touch it. “You need to eat something” Gabe said soft. Rachel pushed her plate away. “You don’t get to tell me what to do anymore” she said trembling.
“Come on, Rachel, that’s not fair” Gabe said sad. “I’m just as devastated as you are” he said fighting his own tears, but Rachel only scoffed. “Oh, give me a break. You were the first to deny Kelsey was your daughter and you wanted to hand Amber over to the police”
“I thought I was doing the right thing” Gabe defended himself. “I couldn’t...
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Caroline was standing with Elena, her cell phone in her hands, while cheerleading practice was on.
“I can’t believe I quit this a year ago” Elena said.
“Why? You miss it?” Caroline asked as she was dialing a number.
“Not really, no” Elena sighed. “Maybe I should just get rid of my costume. It’s not like anyone’s going to see me in it anymore, right?”
Her eyes still on the phone Caroline replied mumbling: “Oh, I could think of someone who would love to see you in it”
Elena elbowed her friend, but smiled at the same time. “So, what’s up with you and Tyler?” she tried...
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Katherine was in the kitchen of her new house, which she shared with Klaus and Rebekah, but they were gone for now. She smeared some loafs of bread and poured a can with tap water. She bit her arm and let some drops of blood drop on the bread. She placed the bread and the water on a plate and walked out of the kitchen.
She walked to the front door and left the house. The plate in her hands she slowly walked over the street.
She arrived at Fell’s Church and climbed down. She walked to a wall, put the plate down and shoved the wall aside. A pale hand came in view and a girl lifted up her head...
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Gabe and Rachel Lindy were watching a reality show when the doorbell rang. Gabe let out a deep sigh. “What kind of idiot comes clinging on doorbells at this time of evening?” he said annoyed.
“I’ll get it” Rachel said and she got up. She opened the door and when she saw sheriff Forbes in the doorway her heart beat in her throat.
“Good evening, Mrs. Lindy” Liz said. “Can I have a word with you and Mr. Lindy?”
Rachel nodded. “Gabe! Can you come here for a second?” she shouted trembling. “Who is it?” Gabe shouted back. “The cops” Rachel replied. She heard Gabe getting...
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“How do I look?” Elena asked, spinning around.
“Delicious” Damon said with a gleam in his eyes which glided over Elena’s face, over her breasts, her belly and her legs. He wanted her so badly, but he pressed his lips, swallowed and got off the bed. “You look amazing” he said, kissing her. He let go of her but Elena pulled him back, sticking her tongue in his mouth. “We should go” Damon said hoarse. Elena shook her head. “No” she said. “We still have some time”
She held one of her hands around Damon’s neck and with her other hand she went down in his pants. “Oh God”...
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Tyler followed Matt into the men’s restroom. He first checked if no one else was there and then grabbed Matt’s arm.
“What the hell is your problem?” Matt asked surprised.
“I can ask you the same question” Tyler hissed.
“I don’t get it” Matt said confused.
“You need to knock it off” Tyler said. “Caroline doesn’t want you anymore, so you can stop with the annoying taxes”
“What taxes? Tyler, I have no idea what you’re talking about” Matt said.
Tyler pulled out his phone and showed Matt the tax he just got.
“Dude, that’s not even my number” Matt said.
“I know it’s hard to see me and Caroline together, but acting like a jealous ex-boyfriend isn’t going to put you back in her good books. So I think it’s best for both of us if you would just knock it off” Tyler threatened. He let go of Matt and left the restroom, leaving Matt dumbfounded.
Daphne and Dean were standing in the woods.
“There. That’s where it happened” Daphne pointed at the lake. “I’m sorry, I’m not going any closer”
“I think we should” Dean said insensitive. He grabbed Daphne’s arm again and pulled her to the lake. “Now, tell me what happened”
“He drowned, that’s what happened!” Daphne yelled. “I was supposed to look after him, but I failed”
“That’s the story Zoey told you” Dean said. “Is there someone else who could tell you what happened?”
“No, of course not” Daphne said irritated. “Unless you count Martin, but he’s-”...
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In the room next to Sam’s Dean was trying to call Cas. Meg had been so kind to give him his phone number.
When after the fourth time Cas still hadn’t given any sign he heard Dean’s calls. Dean smashed his phone into the wall.
“Damn it!” he cursed. He looked up at the ceiling. “Cas! Cas, if you hear this, I will find you and I will tear that bitch into shreds. I promise you”
He took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.
“Anna? Please get down here? We could really use your help”
He had barely finished when Anna appeared.
“I am so sorry I didn’t get here any faster” she said,...
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How are you feeling?” Sam asked.
Meg was lying on the couch and with her eyes closed she answered: “As if someone stabbed me in my stomach and my hands”
“You want a painkiller or something?” Sam asked. This was weird. Last time he had spoken to Meg he had forbidden her to ever see Cas again. Now he believed he should’ve thought twice about that.
“I don’t think that’ll help” Meg said. “We need to find that Zoey bitch and chop her head off”
“What makes you think Zoey’s behind all this?” Sam asked.
“I read Daphne’s diary” Meg said soft. “Most of it is Daphne’s...
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The jury had made a decision and woman walked to the judge and gave him a piece of paper.
“To the question if Castiel abused Alexia Moore the jury finds him not guilty” the judge said.
“Yes!” Dean triumphed. He jumped up and walked quickly towards Cas.
Zoey took Alexia by the hand and walked down the aisle.
“Zoey, wait!” Daphne shouted desperate.
Zoey turned around.”Do you have any idea what you put me through? What you put Alex through? After everything I’ve done for you. Gerard killed himself, because of you! How many lives do you have to destroy, before you realize you’re the one who needs to be put away in a cell?”
Daphne grabbed Zoey’s arm. “Please, listen to me. I never meant to hurt you or Alex. I thought I was helping. Tell me how I can make it up”
Zoey jerked her arm. “Stay away from me and Alex. And if you even care a little about Cas, you stay away from him, too”
She turned around and walked away.
“The defense wants to summon Alexia Moore” Craig said.
The door opened and both Zoey and Alexia entered the courtroom. Zoey walked Alexia to the judge and then found herself a seat.
Alexia took the oath and then waited with held breath for the questions.
“Alexia, how long have you known Castiel?” Craig asked kind.
“For a few months now” Alexia answered.
“How would you describe his personality?” Craig asked.
“He’s sweet” Alexia said. “He’s a little shy and quite clueless. But he’s the only one who treats me like an adult”
“And does he do adult things with you?” Craig...
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Meg looked up. Cas was standing outside her cell.
“Dean and Sam want me to come with them” he said.
“Then what are you doing here?” Meg asked sober.
“I don’t want to go with them, if it means leaving you here” Cas said. He looked at the bars and teleported himself into the cell. Meg stood up and walked backwards until her back hit the wall. “What are you doing, Castiel?” she asked when Cas came closer.
“I love you” he said with a heavy voice. Meg felt his warm breath on her neck, right before he kissed her there.
“Cas, don’t” Meg said, but Cas didn’t...
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“It was me” Meg said. Sam had freed her from her prison and now she was going to free Cas of his. She had to promise Sam she wouldn’t try to get out until they were far gone. Because as soon as soon Cas was out they were going to hit the road an drive as far away as possible.
“I killed Jack and I killed Paul Morgan. Cas has nothing to do with it. I was trying to protect him. Jack was asking too many questions and Paul knew too much already. There were people trying to hurt Cas and I tried to give him a low profile. But it didn’t really work out. I don’t want a lawyer. I don’t want a trial. Just give me the maximum penalty and I’ll accept it”
Isabel stared at her, a little puzzled, but also thrilled. She got Jack and Paul’s killer. Now no one would question her competence as an inspector again. She cuffed Meg’s hands and brought her to a cell.
Meg opened the door of her motel room and walked inside. She walked to the center of the room, when she heard a noise.
“Here, kitty, kitty” she said with a sweet voice. Anna appeared in front of her and she wanted to attack her, but she an invisible wall forced her back. She looked up and recognized the Key of Solomon. She looked furious at Anna. “What do you want now?”
“I just heard they took Cas to a prison and I know you’re involved, so I suggest you tell me everything you know” Anna said, angrier than she had ever been.
“It might surprise you, but I didn’t kill that man”...
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Dean was still in his room, like a moping teenager. Sam closed his laptop and came sitting next to Jo. Ellen was making lunch.
“It’s a long story” Sam said, before Jo had said anything.
“Well, then you shouldn’t bother telling me” Jo replied.
“It’s complicated” Sam said.
“I can handle complicated” Jo said. “What I can’t handle is being used without knowing why”
“A lot has happened, after you and Ellen died” Sam started. “We managed to stop the Apocalypse and Cas gained more power. He became the leader of the other angels and he was stuck in a civil war. Raphael...
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Cas was standing outside the cabin, hoping he was invisible for every living soul. Swallowing those pills had been the dumbest idea he ever had. He looked down. His pants showed a huge swelling and though he didn’t know much about the male body, he knew this wasn’t normal.
Think, Castiel, you’re an angel, for God’s sake, Cas thought, not a horny teenage boy.
Cas widened his eyes as he understood what he needed to do.
Meg was standing in the shower when her phone rang. She stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body. She walked out of the bedroom and picked up.
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Crowley was furious. He rarely lost his temper, but when he did things got ugly. He already killed a dozen of his best demons, but it didn’t take any of his anger away. He had Meg, he had the angel, but he’d let them slip right through his fingers. It was true what they said. If you want something to be done good, you have to do it yourself.
He was torturing another demon, when he sensed someone was summoning him.
“ ‘s Your lucky day” Crowley said, before he vanished. “This better be very good” he said to the brunette woman.
“I want to make a deal” the woman said. She...
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