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A few hours earlier
Klaus and Stefan were sitting at a table with a group of voluptuous clothed women all with the same hungry gleam in their eyes, staring at the young girl sitting in the center of Klaus and Stefan. She kept her eyes on the table, her heart beating painfully. She should’ve gone straight home after school, but her boyfriend had asked her to come to this place. There had been something odd about him, like he wasn’t himself. Like he was under hypnosis. And now she was sitting here with these people, who had come sit by her uninvited. First just the men, but one by one the women joined them, as if it was a planned meeting, as if they had been waiting for her. Well, she was here. Her boyfriend, however, was nowhere to be found. She could use his help right now. If she could just put her hand in her pocket and get out her cell phone. She let her hand glide off the table, but before she could get it into her pocket one of the two men grabbed it and forced her to look up, with a terrified face. “Please” she begged, tears in her eyes. “Let me go” “What are you up to?” Klaus asked. The girl recognized a British accent. “What do you have in there?” Klaus asked while turning out the girl’s pocket, conjuring the cell phone. He widened his eyes and waved with it. “Were you planning on calling your mommie?” The girl shook her head heavily. “Yes, you were” Klaus said, so soft it was almost a whisper. “And you’re going to” He looked the girl sharp in the eye. “You’re going to call your mother and you’re going to say you got attacked by an animal, but you’re okay and you will be staying with your boyfriend” “Why would I say that?” the girl asked with a trembling voice. “Because it’s the truth and because I say so” Klaus answered. He gave her the cell phone and she dialed her home number. She heard a click and then her mother’s voice. “Mom? It’s me, Amber. I got attacked by an animal, but I’m okay. I’ll be staying with Derek” She heard her mom protesting, but she closed her cell phone. “Good girl” Klaus said. He looked up at Stefan. “Stefan, where are your manners? You haven’t offered Amber a drink yet” “I am so sorry” Stefan said and he brought his arm to his mouth. Ambers eyes bulged when she saw how Stefan’s face mutated, how he opened his mouth, showed four large canines, and let them sink into his flesh, blood streaming over his arm. He grabbed Amber by her hair and forced his bleeding arm on her lips. Amber had no choice but to drink. Stefan pulled his arm back and showed his canines again. “My turn” he said. Amber, who knew that whatever was coming wasn’t anything good, begged him to let her go. “Please, don’t hurt me. I just want to go home. Please” she cried. Stefan’s face went back normal and his canines grew back to human size. He hesitated, something Amber noticed. Klaus grabbed Amber by her arm and threw her on the ground. She scribbled up and ran outside the door.
“You let her escape!” one of the other women yelled with a high pitched voice.
“Off course not” Klaus slowly said. “There’s no fun if the food walks into your arms so easy” He turned to Stefan. “I’d go get her, if I were you. I could easily sent some werewolf to your brother, getting him to bite him...again. I won’t be so generous of giving my blood a second time”
Stefan got up and raced out of the door.
Amber ran for her life, having no idea where she was heading to. All she knew was that anywhere was better than the place she had just left. She reached a high fence. She turned around, to make sure she hadn’t been followed. No one was there. She turned back around and started climbing the fence. When she had her feet back on the ground she felt the air breezing in her neck. Her heart pounded in her chest, she swallowed to remove the crop in her throat. She dared not to turn around, because she knew it wasn’t just air. She felt how a cold hand lay her hair over her shoulder, slowly and gently. She squeezed her eyes, tears rolling over her face and hooked her fingers in the holes of the fence. “I’m sorry” she thought she heard him whisper, before she felt a sharp, inflaming pain in her neck. She tried not to make a sound, but something in her took over and screamed the lungs out of her body.
Bonnie closed her suitcase and lifted it from the ground. She carried it, but it was really heavy. She needed Caroline for this. After all she would need a place to stay when she left the clinic. Which was today. She had signed her release.
“Are you going somewhere?” a male voice asked. Bonnie waited for Keith to catch up with her. Maybe he could carry her suitcase for her. And indeed, as soon as he was standing next to her he said: “Here, let me do that”
He took the suitcase out of her hands and released Bonnie from her burden.
“So, are you leaving?” he asked.
“Yeah, I feel a lot...
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Elena opened the door of the Boarding House. As she passed the living room she saw Damon sitting in the couch, his back to her. She wanted to sneak away, but…
“Elena! Get your ass in here now!” Damon said. He sounded furious and so Elena rushed to him. She looked at him and startled. She had never seen him this angry.
“What’s wrong? Did I do something?” she asked careful. Damon looked at Stefan, who came out of the study room.
“I’m sorry, Elena. I thought he knew” he said sad.
“Knew what? What is going on?” Elena exclaimed.
“Will you stop playing dumb?” Damon said angry...
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Elena’s doctor was driving on the road. There was not many traffic, so she’d be at work fast. Then she’d have some time to do some paperwork.
The radio was playing lame music, so she looked for a CD. While she put Switchfoot in the CD-player, she had her eyes off the road for two seconds. When she looked up again she screamed.
There was a woman standing in the middle of the road. She had long, dark blonde hair, green eyes and she looked rather pale.
The doctor braked and her car made a few turns before it stood still. Before she got out she needed to get her heart beat under control.
Her door opened and a familiar man appeared.
“Are you all right?” Alaric asked concerned.
The doctor nodded heavy, breathing fast.
“What happened?” Alaric asked.
She looked at Alaric, thinking he’d think she’s crazy.
“I thought I saw a ghost” she said quickly as if it wouldn’t sound so insane if she said it fast.
One month later.
Damon was making breakfast when Elena came into the kitchen.
“Morning” she mumbled. Ever since Rebekah had forced her to drink blood she had been very distant towards Damon. This was his fault. If he hadn’t been so damn stubborn she wouldn’t have had to go help Stefan and she wouldn’t have been in that position. What if Rebekah had killed her? Then Elena would be a vampire now, all because of Damon’s brother issues.
“So, eh, what are your plans today?” Damon asked, trying to be casual. He knew he had a lot to make up for.
Elena shrugged. “Going to school, obviously....
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Elena was leaning against the door trying to hear what was being said when Damon pushed the door open. Elena rubbed her temple and looked angry at Damon.
He frowned, then got the picture. “Sorry” he mumbled.
“Where’s Kat?” Elena informed.
“Gone” Damon said short. “She won’t bother to come here…ever”
Elena gave him a weird look, but decided not to ask any further. Not about Kat, anyway. “Was that Caroline? I thought I heard her voice”
“Yeah, but she’s gone too” Damon said.
“Why?” Elena asked.
“I sent her away” Damon said, avoiding Elena’s look.
Elena shook...
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Rachel was cleaning her house. It was the only way for her not to think about what she had done. She was vacuuming when someone rang the doorbell. She unplugged the vacuum-cleaner and walked to the front door. When she opened she came face to face with the person she least expected.
“Hi, Rachel.” Veronica said. “I’m back”
“I wasn’t expecting you” Rachel said sheepish. Ronnie conjured a huge smile. “Can I come in?”
Rachel couldn’t come up with an excuse to send her away and thus she stepped away, letting her pass.
Veronica walked to the kitchen and noticed the vacuum-cleaner....
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Rachel looked around her at the police station when someone called her.
“Can I help you, ma’am?”
Rachel looked up and saw Sherrif Forbes standing a few yards away from her. “Eh, yeah, I want to report a disappearance”
“Maybe we should talk about this in my office?” Liz offered and she guided Rachel to her office. “Have a seat” she said when she placed herself behind the bureau. Rachel sat down.
“Someone went missing?” Liz asked, staring sharply at Rachel.
Rachel, feeling uneasy, moved on her seat. “My husband, Gabe. He hasn’t been home in a few days. We had a fight...
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Five days later.
Derek was rushing through the kitchen, setting the breakfast table when slow footsteps were heard on the stairs. Derek raced to the stairs and tried to help Damon keep his balance. Damon tried to push him away, but was too weak.
“I made breakfast” Derek said.
“Gee, thanks” Damon mumbled sarcastic. He shuffled to the kitchen and fell down on a chair. He looked down at the table and picked up the blood bag. “This is breakfast?” he asked Derek.
“You have to drink it, Damon” Derek insisted. “It’s been five days. You will die if you don’t”
Damon shrugged. “Then...
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Rebekah smiled viciously at Katherine, but Stefan pushed Rebekah off. “Katherine, where’ve you been?” he said casual.
“Not in your pants, that’s for sure” Katherine said sarcastic.
“Restricted area, staff only” Rebekah said smug. Katherine rolled her eyes.
“Can I have a word with you?” she asked Rebekah. Rebekah leaned forward and kissed Stefan. She then followed Katherine outside.
“Now what?” she asked short.
“I’m done with this” Katherine said.
“With what exactly?” Rebekah said bored, playing with her nails.
“This whole doppelganger blood stealing thing”...
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Caroline looked around in Bonnie’s room. “It’s all so…white” she said turning to Bonnie, who was sitting on the bed. “I can’t believe you signed up for this. And without telling me”
“I’m telling you now” Bonnie said, while she opened her suitcase. “Thanks for bringing my stuff. I wouldn’t know who else to bother” she added softly.
“It’s no bother” Caroline said, though she avoided to look at her. She walked to the window. “Wow! You have to see this view, it’s amazing” she said, looking at the garden.
“Yeah, I’ve seen it” Bonnie said a little absent-minded....
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Zoey was walking down the food department in the supermarket when she collided to someone.
“I’m sorry” the man apologized. He squeezed his eyes. “Zoey? Zoey Allen, is that you?”
Zoey rolled her eyes. “That has got to be the worst pick up line ever” she said disdainful.
“You don’t recognize me?” the man asked.
“Of course I recognize you” Zoey said contemptuously, while she threw some food cans in her cart. “I’d recognize your dumbass face even if it were covered in…well, I’m sure you can think of something” She pushed her cart forward, hoping this would be the...
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Elena was standing in front of Damon’s porch. She felt how her heart beat painful in her chest. She took a deep breath and knocked. Several times, but the door stayed shut.
“Okay, you know what, Damon? If you want to keep acting like a brat, fine! I’m going!” she yelled angry and she turned around.
The door opened and Damon walked out. “What do you want?”
Elena turned around again and walked back. She took his hands and looked him sharp in the eyes. “It wasn’t a moment of compassion” she began. “When you were dying and I kissed you I didn’t do it out of compassion. I don’t...
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There was a line up until Tokyo, but Damon and Elena waited patiently for their turn. They were in a hamburger place. While they slowly moved forward Damon examined the menu’s on the wall. They had numbers to pick from. “You know what you’re going to pick?” he asked Elena. “Hmm, am I supposed to pick something veggie and healthy?” Elena asked. “Elena” Damon said. “It’s a hamburger place. Not even the air in here is healthy. Pick whatever you want”
“Yay!” Elena said. “Then I’m going for number 7 and a coke”
“Diet or regular?” Damon asked.
“Regular, duh”...
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Bonnie was lying on the couch watching television. She didn’t really notice what show was on. She just needed to lay down. Taking Damon down had taken a lot more energy she had expected. She closed her eyes, but unfortunately fate chose that moment to let the bell rang. Bonnie frowned her eyebrows out of frustration. She could sense who it was. “It’s open!” she yelled. “Please, don’t make me get up” she mumbled. But the door stayed shut and no one entered. Bonnie groaned and swung her legs off the couch. “I’m coming!” she shouted when the visitor bang the door. She shuffled...
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After he had gotten breakfast and his guardian had left he crawled to the wall on the opposite side of the room. He had to be very quiet, because he knew she wasn’t the only one who could hear him. The other vampires had a very good hearing too. He lay his hands on the wall and whispered: “Caroline?” No response. “Caroline” a little harder, but still soft.
Caroline lifted her head and opened her ears. No way! That was not possible. When Amber said there were others Caroline assumed she was talking about vampires, not werewolves.
“Tyler? Is that you?” she asked.
“Yeah, but keep...
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Alaric was in the kitchen solving crosswords when Jeremy walked to the cupboard and took a glass. He leaned over Alaric’s shoulder. “Cheese” he pointed at the page. Alaric filled in the word. And then closed the book. “I’m done” he said, stretching his arms. “I’m going to bed” he looked at Jeremy. “And you better not stay up too late, either. Has anyone told you how wrecked you look?” Jeremy nodded. “I know. But I have a good feeling that will change soon enough” For a moment Alaric wanted to ask what he meant by that, but then decided he was too tired. He said goodnight...
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Katherine slammed the door and leaned against it. She had not signed up for this mess. They had to find Stefan, but instead Elena was living in Rainbow Land, Damon was in control of the bitch. And Caroline was with her father. At least that’s what Sherrif Forbes told Elena. Katherine found it rather suspicious. It was too sudden. Caroline was helping them and now she stepped out of it, just like Elena. Did Carolines physical absence relate to Elena’s mental absence and did Bonnie have a hand in both cases? For the first time in a very long time Katherine wished she was human. There was...
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Elena was in the kitchen, making dinner, when Jeremy sat down on a chair, his head leaning on his hands. “What’s wrong?” Elena asked. Jeremy looked up so Elena noticed the eye bags. “What happened to you? You look like a mess. When’s the last time you had a good sleep?” Jeremy laughed scornful. “It’s been a while” “Is it because of Jenna?” Elena asked compassionate. Jeremy played with his fingers while he thought of a good reason. He knew Elena would want to know what was going on, but he didn’t want her to get involved in his mess. He believed she had enough going on...
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Liz was standing in her office, her deputy’s surrounding her. She was briefing them about the murder last night. Caroline was standing outside, making sure her mother couldn’t see her, and kept her ears wide open.
“The boy’s name’s Derek Janders. He was Amber Lindy’s boyfriend. Amber’s the girl that lived there. According to Mrs. Lindy Amber had been acting off earlier that day. She came home, wrecked, like she was sexually assaulted. Mrs. Lindy insisted Amber to report this, but Amber became aggressive and violent. She threw Mrs. Lindy on the ground and then basically robbed the...
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