Facebook Best Social Networking Site

dave posted on Apr 13, 2007 at 03:34PM
I have to say that Facebook is by far the best social networking site I've ever used. I mean if Fanpop isn't considered on of course. :) But seriously, if you haven't joined you should. Unless you like really ugly sites with flashing glittering bling and obnoxious ads everywhere and music blasting out of your tiny computer speakers embarrassing you wherever you're sitting and spam flooding your inbox of course...then you probably want to use that other social network. The features are really solid and the UI and product are top-notch. Maybe it's because it was built by young people who actually use social networks as opposed to older folks who never really got into them. Thoughts?

Facebook 9 replies

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over a year ago petronius said…
Facebook is the best. Now, with their applications you could personalize your profile even more and do more things.
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
Why dave, I wonder what other popular social networking site you could be talking about?
over a year ago Kirsty said…
Ha, I just poked you Dave! I am so nerdily happy!
over a year ago hellgirl223 said…
fanpop is by far the best :D
over a year ago hdog123 said…
agrees! facebook and fanpop are by far some of my favorite websites.
over a year ago oblix said…
i started to think you were dissing your own site! But quickly had a release from the horror, those nightmares will haunt me forever!
over a year ago BlueBadger said…
I just joined Facebook and it's pretty unique. I've never tried MySpace, but I'm sure it doesn't stand up to the simpleness of Facebook.
over a year ago bflyrockstar said…
I agree Facebook is definitely at the forefront of social networking sites. But I came across another site called Yoozur.

What they basically did was take all the positive aspects of Facebook, Myspace, iTunes. It`s very user friendly. There are a ton of applications for the site. Like your own file cabinet where you can UL and Dl content and share with other users. A customized email addy in which you can email others. IM, and Video IM chat features. There is no spam, or annoying adds.

It`s seriously like facebook on steroids. There are a lot of artists on there as well and you can DL their songs.

It`s free to join so you all should check it out. If you don`t like it you can delete your account like that.

But seriously check it out...its seriously worth it.


last edited over a year ago
over a year ago aholic said…
I especially like the site because you get so obsessed with all the playfish games; geo challenge, pet society, bowling buddies, word challenge and who has the biggest brain.