Esme Cullen Club
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posted by EsmeCarlisle
The next few days around the cullen house were hetic. Esme was completly absorbed in the wedding arrangments. "The bridesmaid dresses aren't suppoused to get her till friday!, 2 days before the wedding." she said with a growl. I let out a small chuckle as she gave me a glare. "Is something funny, Dr. Cullen?" she asked me playfully. "Your going to look gorgeous in your dress." i replied clearly ingnoring her question. "Apology accepted" she said with a smile. I couldn't help myself any longer i scooped her up in my arms and kissed her with a firey passion. Her hands moved to the back of my neck as mine found her waist. "You seem a bit distracted, Doctor." "I am just so anxious to say i do" i told her as i placed a small kiss on her temple. "Sorry to interupt but Aro and the volturie are here" edward informed me. Keeping one hand around Esme's waist the two of us moved into the living room. "Carlisle, my dear friend so nice to see you again." Aro said as we entered the room. Esme flinched at the sight of her bloodshot eyes. "It's ok i won't let them hurt you." i whispered into her ear. She flashed a small smile before retreting to the kitchen to talk to Alice and Rosalie. Emmett, Edward, Jasper, and I were left in the living room with Aro and Jane. "I see you have found a mate, Carlisle." Aro commented. "Yes i have we are to wed on sunday". i said with a smile. Jane looked at me with disgust. "She is a human who knows to much about our world." Jane said to Aro but she clearly directed to me. I didn't want to tell them my plans about turning her into an immortal. "She would never tell anyone our secret." Edward told Jane. "Humans do stupid things that get them into trouble." Jane striked back. She licked her lips and her nostriles inhaled. I turned to see Esme walking upstairs. I wanted to go and comfort her but, i was needed there. Edward growled has he read Jane's thoughts. I could tell they were about Esme. "Where is Alice?" Aro asked out of the blue. Jasper flinched at the sound of her name. "I am right her, Aro." Alice said as she floated into the room. Aro grabbed her hand and read her visons. "I see she will become an immortal a beatiful one to say the least" I let a sigh of relief as Aro and Jane made there way towards the door. "You got lucky." Jane said with a smirk as she ran to the forest in an inhuman speed. I ran upstairs to tell Esme the good news when i noticed she was gone!
added by alex_sandra
Source: ER
added by alex_sandra
Source: ER
added by alex_sandra
Source: girls
added by x-Sophie-Jade-x
added by x-Sophie-Jade-x
added by x-Sophie-Jade-x
added by x-Sophie-Jade-x
elizabeth reaser
posted by RATHBONE07
“Alice, Jasper? Come in.” Edward said nodding at both of them, and then pointing towards the couches. Carlisle stepped back, and made room for Alice and Jasper to walk in, even though they didn’t need it. We all turned around, away from the door, to face Jasper and Alice. Emmett finally broke the silence
“So who are you?” He was specifically looking at Jasper, his eyes traveling along Jaspers arms, and neck, looking at the cresset marks there. Alice looked at him, her eyes wide and a bigger grin on her face.
“Like I said im Alice, this is Jasper. We just came from the south, I saw...
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added by AliceHaleCullen
added by AliceHaleCullen
posted by RATHBONE07
Later that night, Carlisle and I left to go hunting. Emmett still hadn’t shut up about mine and Carlisle’s encounter. Every time he looked at me or Carlisle he would burst out laughing. Rose was really annoyed by it, she would punch Emmett in the guts until he would shut up, only to stat laughing again when he saw us. I loved when it was just Carlisle and me. He made me feel so special. We went hunting into the next state, where Emmett was sure not to bother us. Ha. We had left about a half hour ago. We where almost there. Carlisle was holding my hand. In between seconds he would look across...
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posted by RATHBONE07
We wouldn’t be moving till a month, Carlisle needed time to tell the hospital about his leave, and I still needed time. Once you were in one place and settled, it was always hard to leave. No matter the times that we had moved before, it was still hard. I was custom to our surroundings, the people, our house. Carlisle understood, he was attached too. His work was practically his life, Carlisle couldn’t live if he knew that he had the power to make someone’s life better. It made him feel more of a person than a monster. Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett had enrolled in school, they had already...
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added by x-Sophie-Jade-x
posted by RATHBONE07
When we finally got to our house, I could see that Rosalie was already inside.
“Carlisle, “ she told him as he took the boys body away from her, set it on the couch, and examined it. “You have to do this for me. He’s dieing. Please.” The boy was unconscious. Rosalie was towering over him. Her face hurt. Carlisle was still looking at the body. The boy had brown curls all over his head. His skin was white, nothing compared to our. He had muscles everywhere. But still he reminded m e of a teady bear.
“He’s lost a lot of blood, he’s dieing.” Carlisle told Rosalie. “If you want...
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added by AliceHaleCullen
added by AliceHaleCullen
posted by RATHBONE07
Was i finally dead? Heaven wasnt sopposed to feel this way. i could feel the pain through my body to my head. i tried opening my eyes a little, bad idea, the blood was everywhere. my head was throbbing my body aching. i suddenly felt to sleppy to think, i closed my eyes and waited. To die? to live? to feel the pain? whatever it was, hopefully i could take it. Suddenly there were some hands on me I could hear someone gasping, and someone yelling to help them carry me. I was lifted, but then the person carring me dropped me, i was to heavy, my head hit on a rock. my eyes went black and i could no longer see, hear, or feel. I was sure i was finally dead. Heaven was a small wait away.
posted by RATHBONE07
Which was the quickest way to end my depressing life? I thought over as i carried my body up the hill that would led to my small home. Posin? That maybe an opption but i wanted it fast, the quicker the faster i would get to him. The image of his face came back to my head. How i loved him. I wouldve done anything to save him. Anything. But that was over now. The tears came back. I couldnt take it anymore! i ran out of my house and countinued running, not knowing where i would stop. It didnt matter, maybe i could run myself to death!
Finally after about an hour i stopped. In front of me was a cliff. This was the path faith had givin me. This was my death. Without thinking i started running again. A little faster each time untill i made it to the edge. The i put my hand over my heart and let go. I went down down and down untill i could feel no more. The pain was finally gone.
added by AliceHaleCullen