Emmett Cullen FanFiction! Club
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posted by Brittcullen
Recap of chapter Nine, Jasper's P.O.V:

I nodded, and reached for Emmett. Rosalie blurred to my side, pulling him from me.
"I won't hurt him again Rose.."I sighed, ashamed of myself.
I lifted his feet, while Rose supported his head and neck. Alice drove his Jeep round, where Rosalie Fastened him in one of the rally harnesses.
"I'll take him home in this. Jazz. you follow in the Volvo, Alice you can lead in the Porsche." Rosalie instructed, and we nodded.
We ran to our cars, Alice taking the lead, then Rosalie following with Emmett in the Jeep.
I took the rear, turning my phone, and clearing the 10 miss calls I had from Rose and Alice.
I dialled Carlisle's emergency number, and told him what happened.
We agreed to meet up at home.

Chapter 10, Rosalie's P.O.V:

I put my foot down, surprised at the power Of Emmett's Jeep. It was very fast. I sighed, and looked to my husbands ruined face.
How could Jasper do this to him? Yes. I would have been so hurt and annoyed if he had cheat on me, I would have left him. But I would not have attacked him, Or Alice.

I stroked his eyelids, and spoke softly.
"Hey Emmy..."I whispered. " I love you. Hang in there, for me.."

Emmett was a fighter.. We just needed to know what the hell Jasper had done to him.. I could see that his Nose was broken. A few ribs stuck through his shirt, and his face and neck were coated in blood. I think his nose was broken, and maybe a few other bones, but I wasn't a doctor like Carlisle.
I knew he had pretty serious head Injuries, His skin was ripped to the skull, and his skull was severely smashed. I turned from my mauled husband, unable to look any longer.

My lip quivered, and I couldn't hold it in. I began sobbing, and found it hard to drive. I knew I should pull over, but I wouldn't be alone.. And I needed to get Emmett home..

I looked in the mirror, and wiped my smudged mascara away, and fixed my hair.
I glanced at Emmett, but nothing had changed.
He had done nothing to deserve this! He was trying to find out his past! This was unfair!
If there was a God, I pray to him and ask him to make Emmett better..

Emmett's P.O.V:

I could hear everything around me. I could feel Rosalie touching my eyelids.
But I couldn't open them.
I couldn't Operate my arms.
Or my Legs.
I couldn't move my fingers.
I couldn't move at all.
This freaked me out, and I tried to panic. But with no movement, or anything, I couldn't.
I was trapped in my head..
Maybe Edward would be able to hear me!?
If Edward could hear me, I would be saved. But if he couldn't.. Well God knows what would happen.
I heard Rosalie break down into tears. I needed to comfort her, but I couldn't! This was going to kill me, it was so frustrating!
I needed to get to Rose. I needed to snap out of this..This.. Coma!
posted by Brittcullen
Chapter three

Evie leaned to Jasper and whispered to Him. I scowled. Please dont say she still has feelings for my bro? Edward made a gesture which meant she loved him like a brother.
I dipped my head like i was looking to the floor when i was actually nodding.
Evie pouted. Fuck it was sexy! I wanted to go right over and kiss her. I pushed my feet against the floor. Edward smirked, i could feel rosalie's glare on my back.

Jasper leant over to evie's ear with a smirk and muttered something back.

Alice suddenly leapt snarling towards them. I leapt and grabbed her pulling...
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I looked at Carlisle. They all seemed to be waiting for my response.

Did I really care what I was?

I looked to Rosalie.
The answer was No, I did not care.

I looked to Carlisle. Him and Edward seemed ready to restrain me if anything happened.. Was I that powerful now?

"Cool..." I replied to Carlisle's statement.
Carlisle glanced to Edward.
"He isn't thinking about doing anything at the minute." He muttered, looking to me.

I hated that. No privacy. Ugh.

I stood up, surprised at my speed. Cool.

I looked at myself in the mirror.. My eyes a deep blood red. I must admit, this freaked me out abit.
I then glanced...
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By the time I was 20, our family was in shreds. It had all turned around a week after Paul's funeral and Alexis tribute.My mother never came back until at least 10pm. When she did, my father and her would argue, he demanding where she had been, her refusing to answer.

She would always leave upstairs, and sleep in Alexis bedroom.

My father drunk more. This meant he was more violent, But he never was violent towards mother, just me.

He blamed Paul's death on me. He blamed Alexis missing on me.

He would hit me, but I would fight back. I was stronger than him, but He was my father. I did not want...
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We again searched the mountains. We could hear the sound of snarls and growls.. bears must be near by. I drew my gun.. Paul must have forgotten his.

I aimed it at the sound, when suddenly some sort of creature flew at us, knocking us off our horses.
Paul cried out in agony, the horses bolting in a state of panic. The creature snarled and growled and attacked Paul. It was moving so fast It was unreal.

I lifted my gun and shot. The creature snarled and turned on me, it's hand, or claw whatever it was finding my throat, digging into it. I yelled out , but It moved off me too fast. It crushed my gun...
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I galloped towards the lake, loving the feeling of riding.

I had not taken Ty out for a while, and it felt good to be back in the saddle.

I looked to the sun. It was time for me to be Heading back..
I did not want father and mother to worry.

I turned Ty around, and galloped him home.

After untacking, and grooming Ty, I turned him out into the pasture, watching him flex his large neck, and then roll.

I turned to the house, and began walking back up, stretching from my ride.

The sun was setting over the Tennessee mountains, and I watched it from the dinner table, thinking about what it could have...
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posted by Brittcullen
Re-cap of chapter 12,Alice's P.O.V:

I smiled "Jazz its okay." I kissed his head.
"I was stupid to think that.. but I suppose it's how the male mind works.." He muttered.
I nodded, and curled his hair around my fingers.
Then, while my fingers were entwined in Jasper's hair, a vision hit:
It was Emmett, laid on the medical bed. Looking no different than he did now, Rosalie and Carlisle at his side, discussing something.

I snapped out, and Jasper was holding my shoulders.
"Al? what did you see?" He asked.
"What I've been seeing alot lately.. Just Emmett laid in the medical room,with Rose and Carlisle at his side" I replied.
Jasper frowned andpulled me into his arms, and the next hours were full of passion.

Carlisle's P.O.V
posted by Brittcullen
Recap of Chapter 11, Jasper's P.O.V:

I snapped the diary shut, and tossed it into the Jeep, slamming the door.
I calmed myself, and walked into the house.
"Couldn't find it Rose, Sorry." I called as I took Alice's hand, and yanked her up to our room, making sure I didn't look or listen to Rosalie trying to wake Emmett.

I felt so bad.. But inside it was killing me.. the fact that they were once lovers.

I shook the thoughts from my head, and smiled convincingly to Alice.
"Did you hear what I said?" She raised her eyebrows.
"No..Sorry.."I replied.
"I said, How could you think me and Emmett?.. That was...
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