Edward Cullen Okay So The Other Day....

luvrofedward posted on Jan 16, 2008 at 02:22AM
haha so the other day i was thinking about twilight (i usually do A LOT cuz its so awesome YAY) but i didnt think that anyone else liked it at my school....ahem......so......yea...... i was sitting in one of my classes, and i was like super bored, so i was looking around, and i looked on the bottom of this bulletin board thingy. then i saw something written on there, by two different people, and so i read it and it said:
"FREAK" (in a diffrnt handwriting)
"you haven't read twilight?"
"No, I dont want to be weird like you"
"go shoot yourself in the foot, and if you dont get it, you're just sick."

i just thought it was a little bit funny, cuz apparently there ARE some people at my school that like TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!

Edward Cullen 14 replies

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over a year ago CharmedAngel88 said…
I liked the "Go shoor yourself in the foot," part. It's one of my favorite things to say to people who haven't read the books! You should find out who it is so that you can talk to them about Twilight stuff, that's what I'd do if I ran into people who liked Twilight.
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
haha good idea! i actually talked to somebody today about it, and she was like THATS MY FAVORITE BOOK EVA!
over a year ago Meg08 said…
That's so funny!!! There aren't many Twilight people at mine and Gracie's school, but all of them but four (counting me) are Jacob people.

Me: Edward
Girl 1: Edward
Girl 2: Jasper (cuz she gave up picking between Edward and Jake. lol)
Girl 3: Carlisle

*sighs* Oh, well, more of him for me!! Me and Gracie even got one of her teachers, but both of our teach-friend(lol) to read the series and she's even a Jacob person and me and Grace were both sure she'd love Edward, she still thinks he's a great guy, she just loves Jacob. lol
over a year ago SammyyyyLoveees said…
omg thats so funny.
over a year ago randomchicky456 said…
wow nicee
im with sammy and charmedangel
over a year ago Lunatic said…
I'm most like girl 2, although I'm on Team Edward.
over a year ago moo000 said…
As f you thought nobody at your school liked Twilight!!!!! All I have to do if I have nobody to talk to is say "OMG! I love Edward Cullen" loud enough and I will have made a whole load of new friends in no time! Then again, I do go to a girls school so it makes it a bit different =]

Most of the girls I know have read the whole Twilight series. It makes me think of how much money they must have made. I mean, live in Australia and pretty much every girl I know has owns all four Twilight books and they are way more popular in the states then they are here!
over a year ago jenny365 said…
everyone loves twilight at my skool and somoone brought in twilight and we watched it twice!!!!
over a year ago jenny365 said…
all the girls were screaming when Edward came on the screen.It was so much fun!!!!
over a year ago jalicefan15 said…
Every one at my school is either a twilight fan or a twilight hater
over a year ago star_bella said…
actually everyone in my school used 2 love twilight but then they all got bored of it after i came coz i dont stop talkin about it
but no one can blame me i just cant hold myself
over a year ago MeLoveEdward said…
there are a lot of people around me doesn't like Twilight and everything 'bout it.. But, sometimes, i tell them 'bout twilight, they said that "i'm freakin' fans,can't see the different between "just story" and real world, too much dreaming.."
it's hurt me... T_T

what should i say to them?
over a year ago MeLoveEdward said…
need help from you guys...
over a year ago Faz said…
Tell them DONT HATE...its not your fault they havent got an imagination!!! my cuzza is 14 and she kept goin on and on bout them and i bought twighlight and new moon and read both and i absolutly love Edward!!!!!!!!! and its SOOO WEIRD COZ AM 26 YRS OLD BUT I CANT GET A GRIP !!!!!! love him.....TOTALLY LUVE HIM.....OMG i love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!