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Duncan and Courtney Question

Why does everyone hate Courtney?!

I've asked this before and I'll keep asking it until I get a reasonable answer. Why does everyone hate Courtney. They said she turned into a bitch in TDA, when she was only upset and worried about Duncan and her relationship. You all saw how Duncan and Gwen almost kissed. Why wouldn't she go balisstic! I can admit that her obsessive competive mind was making her a bad sport, but that is no reason to hate a person.

And you know what, people who hate her actually was happy that Duncan cheated. DXG fans are always spamming her and posting up death pictures and spams about her. Than have the nerve to say we do the same. We had never posted a picture that spammed Gwen. Courtney was hurt, and no one cared.

I mean come on people. Grow a heart! She was mad, heart-broken, and mostly confused. Do you think a girl like her has ever experianced a relationship like this. You do not expected your boyfriend to being wooing around with another who said there 'supposely' friends.

Courtney was cheated on! The most heary-breaking thing next to death. How can you hate someone that much that you aren't a little sympathic. Courtney was obsessive with winning because she had never lost anything. It drove her crazy that she didn't win. You Courtney haters need to look closer in the situation, and don't just jump to conclusions. If anyone should be hated, is Heather.

Courtney is not the kinda person who needs to be hated, cheated, and betrayed. She's nice, smart, and very independent. I woman like that, and you all should too. I wish you all saw the greatest in Courtney you supposely see in Gwen. If your Courtney to hate Courtney, give a very no-spam-ish reason, because there one thing she didn't do that you most deffinatly should a person for....

She didn't cheat....
I meant to say "If you going to explain why you hate Courtney, give a...."
dxcfan posted over a year ago
because she turned into a bitch not responsible but true okay
tdb posted over a year ago
mindy890 posted over a year ago
 dxcfan posted over a year ago
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Duncan and Courtney Answers

kramer7 said:
It's mainly because of her behaviour towards Duncan and the rest in TDA, not to mention the lawyers. In TDA she turned from a nice though slightly bossy girl to an obssesive monster. I understand she's worried about Duncan cheating on her but that's no excuse to beat the guy in every episode (mainly with objects and aiming to his manhood) and then claim to love him just seconds later. She eliminated Owen using help from her lawyers, changed the rules of the game every time they didn't suit her, constantly threatened to sue the show, blackmailed every contestant into giving her half of the money, gave Duncan a 32 page document which she expected him to learn in one night and used her lawyers to get better food, bathroom and bed. The Duncan beatings are semi justifiable (she could have stopped after the first ones) but the constant rule-changing is what got into people's nerves. She claimed to follow the rules only to change them constantly. Other fans, mainly Duncan fans, might have gotten angry at other factors like Courtney using him and his emotions to win some challegens (One Million Bucks BC and Princess Pride) or the fact that her TDA Exclusive showed that she actually set a trap in Duncan's contract in case he broke up with her, that said that she'd get half of the money if Duncan won. Also fans who seek for vengeance (or how they call it: karma) were probably angry at the fact that she never payed for her dirty deeds: she only broke up with Duncan for an episode while Justin left in a full body cast, Heather was shaved bald and Alejandro was burned to a crisp. Other fans just think that Duncan payed for the cheating before hand (getting beaten by Courtney every episode).

Just a few (merely especulated) reasons... other than that I don't see any reasons to hate her.
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posted over a year ago 
Courtney has her karma-for I don't know why-already. She lost and everyone hates her. Plus, she lost her boyfriend and everyone still hates her.
dxcfan posted over a year ago
She didn't out right say that she wanted the money. She actually did want to be with him. And other ending, she was only kidding around. Didn't you see the smirk on her face? And Duncan already went with it.
xXcentalifeXx posted over a year ago
I can never tell when Courtney smirks lol. I think she did care for him.
bakes2389 posted over a year ago
cb0104 said:
i love courtney with all my heart and i dont why the producers made her all bitchy maybe they needed that "one character with the issues" but i wanna know why courtney
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posted over a year ago 
I think it has something to do with sympathy to DxG :P
CourtneyFan17 posted over a year ago
i love courtney!
LawsonGirl posted over a year ago
Totally lol XD!
CourtneyFan17 posted over a year ago
lasalle28 said:
I'm a fan of Courtney, but other people either hate her because of:

1.) TDA: Where people say she was apparently oh so abusive towards Duncan and turned power crazy. (Despite the fact that her personality was assasinated so badly it looked like the work of a fanfiction writer).

2.) She is apparently in the way of their "wun twoo paiwing" Gwuncan.

3.) They find her "too whiny". Even though her whining in TDI was justified by her being booted out of the game by her own team member rigging the votes and of course she is going to be pissed that Gwen, who has a crush on Courtney's boyfriend, is always hovering around him and, on occasions, giving him loving looks and looking more like a girlfriend than a supposed 'friend'.

4.) Courtney, apparently, being so "cruel" to poor angelic, loving, abused, kind, mistreated, unloved Goth Gwen.

or simply

5.) Her ego and her criticism of others. (Okay people are kind of justified with this one)
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posted over a year ago 
Duncan deservered all the beatens she did to him in TDA! He was a crappy boyfriend!
dxcfan posted over a year ago
Actually the most common complain by Courtney haters is the rule bending in TDA.
kramer7 posted over a year ago
Yeah, she went over board with the lawyers thing but I think she was kind of justified in trying to get back on the show with her lawyers. She gets cheated out of the game by her own team member in the first season and through a random asspull by Chris she doesn't get to compete in the second season until she forced her way on. Though she should have done this earlier in the second season than in the middle of the season.
lasalle28 posted over a year ago
CourtneyFan17 said:
I don't hate her. She's my fav character since day one :D!
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posted over a year ago 
bakes2389 said:
I completely understand what you are saying, and I think being cheated on is awful...been there. It's not cool.
But I dislike Courtney immensely for the following reasons:
1. Her obsessive, controlling behavior in everything(including her bf and teams) Now I know some people will say that's just how she is....well, she takes it to a new level.
2. Her constant nagging and whining. Especially when she doesn't get her way.
3. Her behavior in TDA was disgusting. She comes back to the show and destroys it by constantly being the center of attention, has ridiculous special treatment(which is bs), treats everyone else terribly(insults them and treats everyone like she is superior), dumbing everything down for everyone(as if she is the only smart one), makes a list of when her bf can hold her, complement her, etc. (which is plain dumb...why have a bf then?), and my list can keep going. Bottom line: she was a selfish, arrogant girl in TDA. Such an unlikable character.
4. She has no trust in Duncan whatsoever. She hears Trent talk about Duncan and Gwen being friends and she jumps all over Duncan as if it were something more. Then in the second aftermath, she completely blames Gwen for doing something when neither one of them did anything!
5. She is jealous of any girl that talks to Duncan. She is ticked when Gwen and Duncan talk....they were just friends in TDA and in the beginning of TDWT. She doesn't like when Lindsay takes Duncan to the movies in TDA. Why doesn't she have enough trust in her bf? This is why DxC didn't work wasn't strong enough.
6. She reminds me of own personal answer...hehehe
My list could keep going...but I'd rather stop now. I think she is a great girl in all, but her character needs work.
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posted over a year ago 
She did trust Duncan, and that's why she was so upset. She's upset of the way her and Duncan at each other.
dxcfan posted over a year ago
*say ugh effin typos
xXcentalifeXx posted over a year ago
No wounds was better that way. :D I know she should have said sorry and I would have thought she was very mature for doing that.
bakes2389 posted over a year ago
trentgwenfan1 said:
everyone hates gwen but i did see some bad things about courtney
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posted over a year ago 
M169 said:
Because, Courtney Is allegadly whiney, bitchy and over competitive.

Which can be justifyed. Courtney has been used to everything going her way. She is used to winning, and is usd to people who are like her, SHE ALSO DIDN'T HAVE ANY FIRENDS.

NOW Courtney has made friends on the Island, (Duncan and Bridgette) As you can also see Courtney started out nice. "Sadie is it? Come on, it will be okay."

Courtney then got the otes switched on her in TDI causing her to go balistic. She is used to things being perfect and going her's like a four year old who is told "no" for the first time, they don't understand it.

Next, since she had no friends ever, she has NEVER gotten her heart broken, and has had no direction of experince on how to handle these situations.
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posted over a year ago 
She is only like that because she feels like a loser when she doesn't win. There's nothing wrong about playing the game. No matter what Courtney, it wasn't as bad as Heather! Courtney can be mean, but she's not mean. She wasn't mean to Gwen in TDWT, until she cheated and lied. Yeah, that really made her mad.
dxcfan posted over a year ago
It just makes me upset to watch it....remembering how good TDI was....TDWT was terrible......before i even knew about the DxG kiss....:(
M169 posted over a year ago
TDWT was ok....I thought it got better with Duncan back...but that's just me. TDA I never got into and TDI was amazing....hopefully they will be able to recreate that in future seasons.
bakes2389 posted over a year ago
gwuncanfan said:
I think that the people that hate Courtney are Gwen fans! And since Courtney acted, er, mean to Gwen, they hate her for that. *shrugs* It's a simple answer really. And I'm NOT bagging on Courtney. (btw didn't Court and Duncan break up?????? I swear to god they did!!!)
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posted over a year ago 
Courtney had a massive amount of haters by the end of TDA, most of them were pissed off with her changes from slightly bossy to maniac control freak.
kramer7 posted over a year ago
We honestly don't know. I figure they got back together becasue they kissed in the bus and cuddled on the ground when they fell asleep next to the bus
M169 posted over a year ago
She's either in denial or actually with him without him knowing it lol
bakes2389 posted over a year ago
tdifan4ever said:
i actuall think its cuz they like the worst cuple the ugly who gothic cunt fat fucking gwen and cheating duncan thats y ppl hate her she got cheated on its horrible i hope gwen gets kill by a bus that whoe
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posted over a year ago 
srry for bad laungage
tdifan4ever posted over a year ago
M169 posted over a year ago
shes a cartoon character relax i ship both but mostly courtney and duncan but i still love gwen
Damon-Bamon12 posted over a year ago
shellgirl54 said:
its because of tda when she turned bossy thats what makes people angry and that she was mean to gwen so.
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posted over a year ago 
mindy890 said:
Well not everybody probably most people
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posted over a year ago 
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