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posted by Dragonfan92
Page 11.

I still can't believe that I said yes to Synthia's suggestion. At the next morning I was so tired. I couldn't sleep at all, cause I saw nightmares about the upcoming day. I had yelled cause of the dream and Synthia had woken up cause of my yell. I apologized, but she just pet my forehead and said, that it was okay. It was just a dream. I kissed her and went back to sleep. She laid down and put her paws around me and continued sleeping.
We went to hunt some mice for breakfast and then we flew to the Dragotaka. I didn't know where the Dragotaka- land was, but Synthia had been there once and she knew the way. My heart bet faster, when we get closer the land. When we arrived, I wanted to go and see, was my old cave still empty. And it was. Nobody didn't want to live in the cave, which was once Mike's, the evil male dragon's who kills innocent females and hurts males.
I went truly sad, when I went inside. My old nest was still on it's old place. Synthia came inside right behind me and grabbed on my shoulder, when she saw my sadness. We went out and I wanted to visit my mother's dying place. I noticed, that there's been put a stone where was inscription. And someone had dug the ground in front of the stone. I went slowly there and saw, that it was a tombstone and I understood, that I sat in front of my mother's grave. I started to cry, when I saw inscription. There read :"For a mother, who loved your child and protected him with your life. Rest in peace." I collapsed totally and Synthia came to comfort me. I just laid there and cried. I couldn't stop it. And one thing made me think a lot; who had done this grave for my mother?
But then I heard familiar voice right behind me.
"Well well, who has returned?" I looked behind and saw Black and Ben, and they looked mad. I stood quickly up and I was gonna ran away, but Synthia didn't let me go. She whispered to me: "Look, if this is getting far enough, I will stop it. Look, there are coming other dragons right this way." I saw other dragons coming and they looked angry. I was in trouble again. Black looked at Synthia and said: "Well well, Mikey. It looks like you had only one female on your side, but I can change that for my own good. Who are you, beauty lady?" Now Synthia went mad. She loved me, not Black, and no one other male wouldn't dare to praise her appearance. However she stayed calm and just scowled him. You're not gonna introduce yourself, Ben asked.- Fine, let me tell you, that that dragon right next to you is full of evilness and he has to be destroyed, Black continued. Synthia just scowled him and said: "Shut up! Let me hear other ones who are right here! What do you think Mike is?!"
Other dragons started to talk themselves. You heard Black, someone yelled. Synthia looked others and waited the answer. I looked others frightened. Someone hit me with a tail and I fell down by it. Synthia saw it and yelled: "Who did that?! Come one! Are you so cowered that you had to hit Mike from the audience?! Show yourself and fight me like a dragon!" Nobody didn't came out. How pathetic, Synthia yelled. She looked at Black and yelled to the audience: "Okay! Listen to me! Cause nobody isn't going to say anything let me ask you, that what this Black and I suppose the other one is his little brother Ben, had said to you about Mike?!" Then there started to come answers. Synthia didn't believed what she heard. Black had told, that I had mauled an innocent girl to death. No, that's not true, I yellled. But then Ben threw a rock to me. Synthia made sure, that I was okay. The rock hit me to head, and it started to bleed. Synthia went mad. She asked me to continue, and I continued: "I admit that girl died on that day, but I didn't killed her! I wouldn't never do such a thing! I don't know who was it! I just carried her to her parents, cause I had found her from the forest! I haven't done anything bad to you and this is how I have been treated for my whole life!!" After what I said, I couldn't stop crying. Tears flowed on my cheeks and I collapsed again. Synthia scowled on Black and Ben and asked: "What bad Mike had done to you?" Black looked at me and said: "He hurt my little brother Ben." Synthia looked really mad and said to them: "I know! But he had a reason! A good reason! He defended himself cause Ben hurt him first! Doesn't that give Mike the right to defend himself?! Huh?! How would you feel, if you'd be in the same situation as Mike?!" Black was rocky person, and he didn't care other feelings. Other dragons looked at me and saw my suffers. They turned to look at Black and Ben madly. Had you lied to us, someone said. Black looked at the others and saw, that they were getting closer. It was their time to leave. Synthia came next to me and helped me up. The dragons made two groups, which the other one went to chase Black and the other one came closer to me. I was frightened and retreated away. But suddenly I stumbled to my mother's tombstone. I laid on my back and the other dragons surrounded me. I accommodate myself and closed my eyes. Synthia came next to me and pet me. One of the group's dragons came in front of me, sat down and said: "Black had lied to all of us. And we are so sorry for what we have done to you. discriminate against you and hurt your feelings. And we are sorry for what happened to your mother. Can you forgive us, Mike? We want to reimburse for you what we had done. Please." I didn't believe what I heard. They were sorry for what have happened. I looked with tearful eyes at them. They all put their paws on me and said: "Please, forgive us Mike." I looked at them and nod. I forgave them. They all hugged me, including Synthia. I cried. After that they all went to help that other group to catch Black. I stood up and Synthia looked at me. I hugged her and kissed after that. I was so thankful to her. Then I noticed that I haven't prayed for long time. I wanted to do it alone and I knew just the right place to do that. I went to the top of the huge cliff. I decided to walk there.
Synthia went to my old cave and saw, that it needed to be cleaned. She started right away. At first she burned my old nest and then broomed the floor.
I had gotten to the top of the cliff and there I saw something really strange. In front of me I saw white, glowing angel dragons. They looked just like me, except that I don't glow. They looked at me and came closer. I start to shake and went back off. But one of them said: "Don't be afraid of us, Mike. We know who you are."
My eyes filled out and I couldn't stop shaking. They became closer and soon they were surrounding me. One of them said: "We are the ones who had helped you in the past. For example when you were trapped in your own cave we pulled that huge rock aside. And we dig for your mother that grave."
I was totally amazed. Where did these dragons came from, I thought. One of' em said: "We are angel dragons from Heaven. God have heard your prays and we are the ones who He sent to help you." They put their paws on me. Then I heard right behind me Synthia's voice, who was wondering, who were these dragons. She could see them as well. I explain later, I said to her. I thanked them and they said together: "Remember Mike. Lord will never abandon those who He loves. And He loves all of us living creatures." Then one of them said: " And what comes to your mother, she is fine. She passed to Heaven and lives happy life. You can see her one last time now, Mike. Look, there she comes." My eyes filled totally out when I heard my mother's voice. Mike, she said. I started to cry when I saw her. I ran to hug her. I was so happy when I saw her. She was totally beautiful. Hey, my son, she said. I cried and hugged her deeply. And she hugged back. Synthia looked us with eyes filled out. Now she started to believe as well in God. I watched my mother and said: "I missed you so much... It's my fault that you died... sobbing..." But my mother just smiled to me. No it's not, she said. I did what was right and I protected you with my life, she continued. She kissed me on my forehead and smiled. I always love you, she said. Where ever I am and what ever happens to me , I'll always love you, she continued. I cried for happiness now that I saw my mother. She asked me about Synthia and I told who she was. She smiled and hugged me for the last time. Then she nod to Synthia and returned back to Heaven. The angel dragons nod to us and returned and said at the same time together: "Glory to the God in the highest. May the God's bless be with you, Mike. Farewell!" Then they were gone. I looked at Synthia who was still looking with eyes filled out. I went next to her and kissed her. She looked at me and saw me smiling. She smiled as well and kissed back. Hey, I said to her. How about now that all things in here are fixed, then are you gonna return back to your own island, I asked.- Well what you want me to do, she asked back. I kissed her and said: "I want to be with you, cause... I love you Synthia." Tears started to flow on her cheeks and she kissed back and said: "I love you too, Mike."
We kissed once more and we compromised, that we will stay here.
Few years passed and now I have two little children with Synthia. She is a great mother. I stand in front of our cave's mouth and watch with her how our children are playing with other dragons children. I smile and watch. We have one daughter named ass Nina and a son named as Skye.
I'm going to catch some fish for dinner, honey, I said to her. Okay honey, she said back and we kissed. I went to that pond where I always fish.
And at the same time I think about Black, that what happened to him. He was expatriated from Dragotaka and I don't know how he's doing right now. Ben lives at the other side of the land with Kate, who fell in love in Ben.
I hit the water and a huge fish flew to the ground. I caught few more and killed them with a huge bit. I took them and thought about that day, when everything was fixed, thanks to Synthia. That day was totally my salvation.

The end.
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