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posted by Dragonfan92
Page 9

Weeks turned into months. 3 months had passed by and Synthia and I were got more and more closer. We went together out and we were almost always together, where ever we went. When we were at the pond drinking some water, we were kinda close. Our snouts were getting closer and closer, until our tongues touched each other accidentally. We turned our heads quickly away and blushed, but soon we looked each others and started to laugh. We had great time together. Soon that day was finally passed in the evening. We returned to her cave. I have told about my problems to her, and she listened. Every time I cried, when I told my past. And every time, when I told my past, I started to miss my dead mother. But thanks to Synthia, it helped a lot, when I had someone who to told these things and who I can trust. She is the best what have happened to me so far.
One night, Synthia woke me up, when I was still sleeping. She was sitting near by me and watching me. What is it, I asked. She gave me a sad look and said: "Mike, umm... I really don't know, how to say this, but... sigh... I don't have enough courage to say it here, but..."
I looked at her, and asked her, what she wanted to say. Would you, she started. Come out side with me, she finished the question. I didn't resisted the ask, so I stood up and went with her out. We walked to the hill, where I went the first time when I arrived on this island. We sat down and watched the starry sky. It's beautiful, isn't it, Synthia said. I looked at her and said: "Yeah. It truly is. Just like you." Synthia turned her head towards me and said: "Excuse me, what you just said?" My heart jumped almost to my throat, and said: "No- nothing special. J- just praised your personality and appearance..." I thought that she was gonna hit me, but she gave me a kiss to the cheek again. I looked at her, and suddenly she moved her head slowly towards my head. She put her right paw on my cheek and kissed me. My eyes filled out again and I blushed, but I closed them and let her kiss. The kiss was slow and long. When she stopped, she blushed, smiled and turned her head away. and I could saw that she blushed. Do you know, what I wanted to say with that kiss, she asked me. I couldn't find the words, so I turned her head towards me and said: "Yes, Synthia. Yes..."
I moved my head closer to her head and kissed back. She closed her eyes and let me continue. When I stopped she wrapped her paw around my neck and pulled me to the ground and kissed me again. When she stopped we looked at each others and then we nuzzled. We stood up and sat down. Synthia leaned towards me and sighed for happiness. I wrapped my left wing on her. She asked: "Mike, does it spoil the atmosphere, if I tell you about my past...?"
- No, of course not, I said right away. She leaned herself even more on me and sighed for sadness. She told, that when she was born, her parents left her here in this island. They took care of her, until she was old enough to take care of herself. Before they left her, her mother said, that Synthia was accidentally born. That shocked her then, and now Synthia told that to me. How horrible to hear, I said. How could they say that, I continued. Synthia cried and I comfort her. She really needed someone, who can comfort her. I pet her cute head and Synthia let all out, what she had on her heart.
Many hours later, Synthia had calmed down and we returned to her nest. I was going to my old place, until Synthia stopped me and said: "Where you think you're going, my love? Why you don't want to sleep with me?" I looked at her and thought a bit. Maybe it is time to sleep with her. Synthia laid down on her nest and I went next to her. She wrapped me with her paws and we kissed one more time. Good night, honey, I said to Synthia. -Good night, my love, said Synthia.
One more kiss and then we started to sleep. I felt myself happier than ever...

to be continue...
added by moonnight10
added by micketo
added by catsarecute777
added by curtdog53
Source: WP by JC3 Productions
added by micketo
posted by Rainstrike
The Cl0ckworks Drag0n
Moonlight poured in through the broken castle wall, filling the small cobblestone room with a pale blue light.
In the center of the room sat an old dragon hunched over a large iron desk, his scales the color of blazing copper. His dark amber eyes were narrowed in concentration as he fumbled over a small gold gear.
Suddenly, an ear-splitting roar broke through his concentration. The copper-scaled dragon whipped his head around as another dragon, scales black as night, burst through the castle wall. The newcomer threw herself on the other dragon, sending him...
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posted by Fairstepshaven
Dragons. Nothing comes to mind but the scorching blast of flame, armor like scales, and the burning hatred for mankind. They are known throughout the land as Hell's enemy, for even they are wicked enough to cause disarray within Satan's mind. Creatures that came from no imagination upon this Earth, how they came to be puzzles many. And if any know how, why were they placed here? To torment us? To treat us like toys because of the sins we have never apologized for? Are the gods behind this? Or do they not know where these beasts originated from either? Whatever the case, the humans that populate...
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The thu'um
Dragon                      English

Aak.                       Guide
Aal.                        May 
Aan.                      A/An
Aar.                         Servant
Aav.                       Join
Aaz.                       Mercy
Ag.                        Burn
Ah.                         Hunter
Ahmik.        ...
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In Karaza’s hand, the scale’s aura flares into a bright flame; her mind clears and her arm begins to move as if it has its own mind. Karaza’s body twists itself in an intricate dance, the scale flashes across the demon’s hide, tearing its flesh, burning the hate and jealousy and bloodlust out. A final cut, far deeper than the scale’s physical form could penetrate, rent the monster in two.
    Time restarts.
    Karaza looks at the scale in her hand, then down at the demon’s broken body. She knows that she is the one that killed it, but all she...
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posted by Dragonfan92
Page 10.

Few weeks passed after mine and Synthia's lovely night trip. We totally loved each others, even that we didn't told it. I loved Synthia with all my heart, but I really wanted to know, how much she loved me.
One beautiful day, Synthia and I were at the beach walking and watching seagulls and the ocean, when suddenly Synthia remembered how I had told to her about my mother. Mike, Synthia said. -What is it, I asked. We stopped and sat down and looked at the ocean. Seagulls flied on it and dived for catching some fish. Synthia asked me to tell her, how I survived after my mother had died....
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added by kazamiland
added by YamiStar
posted by dragonsmemory
Wings beating,
Lungs heaving.
Black shadow
Torn from the sky.

Eyes glancing,
Alert and fierce.
Fire dancing.


Fire dark as night,
Scales bright as gems.
Gleaming eyes,
Searching for a feast.

Wings furled.
Claws extended.
Dives down.
Death claims
Another victim.

Glides up.
Feasting begins.

The dragon flies off.
It is gone,
And the
Is done.

This poem tells of a dark dragon hunting. As the poem says, the dark dragons are everyone's worst fear. No one really knows what being this dragon killed. The dark dragons are known for their flame, which is black. Their eyes also have a more maniacal cast to them, as opposed to normal dragons.
added by Satenik2013
Source: dragons, fantasy, legends, mystica, creatures
added by funkyrach01
Source: google
added by ShadowNightwing
added by glelsey
Source: Superb Wallpapers
added by Frostfur122
added by micketo
added by MK33