Dragon Ball Females Club
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Unofficial couple
Unofficial couple
5. Goten x Bra

Fifth place one of the most popular couples from fans, Bra and Goten.
I choose this couple because unlike to Goku and Gohan, Goten is not an idiot, his way of doing decided with the girls makes it the ideal guy for a girl like Bra, Bra knows what she wants and she is not bashful,so she need a strong guy, reliable and he not afraid of Bra's father, then Goten and Trunks are great friends, so even trunks would accept him. Bulma is very attached of Goku and sure she
spent a lot of time with Goten (when Goten as a child always played with Trunks at the capsules corp.) then she would be happy to know that his daughter is in good hands. In the end I think even Vegeta would prefer that her daughter stays with a half saiyan more than with a simple human.
Goten x Bra
Goten x Bra

4. Future Trunks x Cyborg 18

Fourth place I put Cyborg 18 and Future Trunks, I know that F.Trunks hates cyborg for killing millions of innocent people and Gohan... but in my opinion they are perfect. Certainly after all their fights is born a certain mutual respect, but especially Trunks is one of the nicest guys on earth who can keep up with her. It's very sad that Trunks didn't limit to defeat them and giving them a chance to redemption, and he decided to kills them. In my opinion he could start something with 18, then he would have two new allies against new possible enemies.
Future Trunks x 18
Future Trunks x 18

3. Cyborg 17 x Erasa

In third place Erasa and Cyborg 17, both characters were very close to someone who they have lost because of love, (17 was one with 18 before the Crillin's arrival, and Erasa was Videl's best friend before Gohan came). Unfortunately, both characters will be alone at the end, but I really love this couple because I believe that with her sweet and sensitive Erasa would make 17 a better person.
17 x Erasa
17 x Erasa

2. Bardak x Seripa

In second place I put absolutely Bardak and Seripa. No much to say, a close-knit couple on the battlefield, and in addition two pure blood saiyan. Both love the fight and both are proud and they take pleasure in hurting the weaker creatures, they have a pure evil hearts.
Bardak x Seripa
Bardak x Seripa

1. Tapion x West Kaioshin

In the end, at the first place I put a couple not very popular, Tapion and West Kaioshin, unlike the previous couple they have a brave and pure heart, both for defend others (Tapion his people, and W.Kaioshin the universe) have challenged enemies that go well beyond their ability (Kid Buu and Hildegan, both enemy are at the ssj3 level). They are very similar in behavior and appearance although they are not even the same race.
added by BraBrief
added by BraBrief
added by BraBrief
Source: kid, little, children, dragon, ball, love, chi chi, son, goku, chichi
added by BraBrief
added by GleekFreak18
added by HwoarangTkd
added by BraBrief
added by BraBrief
added by BraBrief
added by BraBrief
added by BraBrief
added by BraBrief
added by BraBrief