Disney Princess ☺Team Games: Epilogue Challenge!☺

firegirl1515 posted on Oct 05, 2010 at 01:51AM
For this challenge, you'll need to write a short epilogue (at least 3 paragraphs, no more than 5 paragraphs) for your princess's story. Add any info you want- how many kids they had, how they ran their Kingdom, deaths of friends . . . the possibilities are endless!

You can ignore or change information from a sequel. Like, if I was writing an epilogue for Wendy, I could choose to include Jane and change her age, or completely ignore her existence.

Submit the epilogue to this forum, and I'll post it in a comment on the pick question to try to prevent people from skipping over any epilogues of princesses they don't like. We're running on an honor system here, so please take the time to read other teams' submissions.

You may post the epilogue as an article, but it's not required.

Points for this are going to be distributed very differently. I will calculate how many votes each team got, and multiply that number by 4. Like, if Team Megara gets 5 votes, that becomes 20 points.

Each team gets 10 points for participating. The deadline is November 1st, 2010.

Well, what are you waiting for? Get writing!
For this challenge, you'll need to write a short epilogue (at least 3 paragraphs, no more than 5 para
last edited on Oct 05, 2010 at 01:52AM

Disney Princess 8 replies

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over a year ago cromulanfav said…
I suppose I can't change the end of first movie, right?
over a year ago firegirl1515 said…
^^No. But you can change anything else. Like Pocahontas could choose John Smith, for example.
over a year ago cromulanfav said…
But, isn't that changing the end of her movie? Because she didn't chose him. Or you mean after he left?
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
^^changing the second movie, where she chooses Rolfe over John Smith.
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
here's Team Jasmine's, written by me:

Jasmine wanders through the market place, holding a basket of bread and apples, giving them out to random children on the streets. One little boy comes up and hugs her waist, he's so happy for the little treat. She smiles as he runs toward his mother, but she wishes Aladdin were here. He usually comes, because he knows the children so well, although Jasmine's made so many trips they know her almost as well. But Aladdin and Genie left to make sure the remains of Jafar's lamp were destroyed, just so no one could find them. Iago had escaped the lamp, and Genie was using his magicc to force Iago to show them where the lamp was. The last time she'd seen them, Aladdin had kissed her forehead and said he's be back in five days, tops.

It had been two months.

Genie had sent magic self-delivering letters the first few weeks, noting their progress, being uncannily upbeat. He explained that every time something new went into the cave, like Jafar's lamp, it shifted locations, so it wasn't in the Agrabah desert, and you couldn't use the mechanical beetle to enter. After that, though, the letters' cheery mood dropped, until Jasmine dreaded the daily note, fearing what news was inside. A week later they stopped entirely. Jasmine soon realized that no news wasn't good news, she feared the worst. With a sigh, she tore her mind from her friends and gave a loaf of bread to a nine-year-old girl, emptying her bag. She turned back and walked until she reached the castle gates, where there were no houses or shops. Just a blank, open area with no people other than the guards in tower who open the gates. She was about to signal for the guards to open the door when...

No, she must be hallucinating.

But there he was: Genie, fighting with a giant tiger, not at all like Rajah, for this tiger was made of fire. Genie cast a spell at it, making it vanish. His blue skin was dotted with red blood, and his ponytail had been singed off by the fire. His fist was closed, and as her approached Jasmine, he opened it.

It was Aladdin's little red hat.
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
urgh! now i want to finish it! when the pick is over, i am making a fanfic out of this.
over a year ago disneygirl said…
Here is Team Cinderella's epilogue. It's just a little long....
over a year ago disneygirl said…
It seemed like only such a short time ago that the King had issued a proclamation telling every maiden to try on the found glass slipper and the one whose foot fit into it would become the prince’s bride. Upon immediately finding one Cinderella, the kingdom began buzzing with excitement and waited in anticipation for the wedding day where Cinderella and Charming would take over the throne and they could look upon their new leaders with full respect and confidence. Though, even with the wedding quickly approaching and Cinderella and all her animal friends finally settling down in the castle, Charming was still hard at work at his job knowing it was just a precursor to taking over his father’s throne. And with a mere two days before they would finally marry, Charming already had wonderful news for the kingdom. It was that day that he sat in his office concluding a meeting with two of China’s greatest heroes.
“So the emperor has signed the treaty?” Charming inquired.
“That is correct.” The powerful and strapping young General Shang responded. “We are happy to celebrate a new unity between two kingdoms.”
“What wonderful news.” Charming smiled warmly as he rose from his seat. “I must tell my father immediately. He’ll be thrilled.”
“As I’m sure he will.” Shang smiled, thinking about how his own father would be proud of him today. “With the wise emperor and strong armies of our country combined with the prosperity and peacefulness of France, we will certainly become a force to be reckoned with.”
“Now Shang, you know it’s about more than that.” Mulan, hero of China, reminded him simply being the voice of reason that she was. “A new emperor will soon arise for us as will a new king here. This is about creating a new, brighter, beautiful era with the joining of our two countries.”
Shang sighed but still grinned, knowing the woman by his side that he loved so dearly brought up just the point that he missed. “You’re right, Mulan.”
“Then what better way to celebrate this new era than the day after tomorrow?” Charming declared. “Hero Fa Mulan, General Li Shang, Cinderella and I would be most honored if the two of you attended our wedding so that we may always commemorate not just the unity of our kingdoms but also the unity that is I and the lovely new Queen Cinderella.”
Mulan giggled lightly. “You certainly have a way with words, Prince Charming.”
“That he does.” Shang agreed lightly to himself. He then shook the prince’s hand and bowed. “It will be us the most honored to attend your wedding day, Your Majesty.” And with that, the threesome exchanged a few more kind words and final bows before Shang and Mulan exited the room and made their way back to their guest rooms. Charming smiled at his accomplishment and was about to go tell The King, however then stopped himself upon realizing that his father would be going crazy right about now making sure everything today and tomorrow would be set up perfectly for the wedding. Charming chuckled to himself at the thought of his old man and sat back down, resuming the paperwork he had started.

The good news had only seemed to continue. Just an hour later, a smiling and as beautiful as ever Cinderella entered. “Charming, I have the most wonderful news!”
The prince smiled as he took his eyes off of the documents and saw his lovely bride-to-be. “And what would that be, my dear?” he asked as he walked over to her.
“Princess Belle and some of her most trusted subjects from one of the other French kingdoms have finally arrived. They have all sent their congratulations to us.” She announced.
“Already?” Charming chuckled. “Alright, but we still have two more days for that.”
“Your father was also there to greet them. You should have seen him with the young Chip; he’s gone completely crazy over him.” Cinderella giggled.
“Has he finally stopped going crazy over all of our plans?” he wondered hopefully.
“Even better,” Cinderella grinned, “he’s already been asking how soon after the wedding we can give him grandchildren. Isn’t that exciting of him to say?”
Charming bit his tongue as he attempted to put on a happy face. “Great. Just…great.” He answered lightly though not overjoyed at all. Great Dad, thanks for poisoning her mind already. He thought sarcastically. He then shook his head, remembering the news of his own he must share. “I have exciting news as well. Our kingdom has now become allies with China and two of their greatest warriors will be attending our wedding.”
Cinderella smiled widely as she clapped her hands. “Charming, that’s wonderful news! Your father will be so proud to hear that.”
“Are you sure you don’t mind the couple of extra guests?” he wondered.
“Of course not.” She shook her head.
“Your Highnesses,” the Grand Duke called as he struggled to enter the room. He leaned forward on his knees to catch his breath. “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but Cinderella is needed at her dress vault immediately. The wedding gown has just been altered and we must make sure it fits perfectly.”
“Of course Your Grace.” Cinderella nodded. “I’ll be right there.” She turned back to her prince as the Grand Duke left. “Looks like duty calls.” She pecked him on the cheek before adding, “I’ll see you tonight.” And with that, she exited the room.
Charming raised an eyebrow, unable to help but ask one thing to himself that had now just been starting to bug him. “We have mice in the castle?”

Little did anyone know that the very next day, an evil plot was underway to end Cinderella’s and Charming’s happy day. And with only one day left at that point, there were only three people that could be plotting something so devious: Lady Tremaine, Drizella, and Anastasia. In what was now their run-down chateau, a home that had gone incredibly downhill once Cinderella had left for the palace, Anastasia was struggling to stir some batter while Drizella swept the all too dirty floor and Lady Tremaine simple paced around yelling at them.
“How could you girls be so careless?” she demanded. “It was supposed to be one of you off to the castle to marry the prince, not Cinderella!”
Drizella groaned and rolled her eyes. “Mother, can we just get over it already? She’s won, we lost, it’s over.”
“No! It’s never over!” Lady Tremaine insisted. “There must still be something we can do to prevent those two from getting married tomorrow.”
“But I thought they already got married.” Anastasia said, stirring the batter so hard that some of it was flying out of the bowl. “That’s what was with the confetti and wedding gown, right?”
“You twit, that was celebrating their engagement! Everyone in the kingdom knew that a real wedding couldn’t commence until they had finished making peace with some other country!” her mother yelled.
“We didn’t know that.” Drizella muttered.
Lady Tremaine rubbed her head in exhaustion. “There must be some way we can break the two of them up. No two people can be happy together like that for such a short amount of time.”
“It’s not like she even knows who he is. For all Cinderella knows, the prince could be a total player.” Anastasia stated, cleaning up the spills from the batter.
That was when Lady Tremaine’s eyes lit up. Everyone knew Anastasia was totally clumsy and obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed. But there was always one day during the year when she came up with such a scheme that only Lady Tremaine herself could possibly conceive. “That’s it…. That’s it!” she smiled evilly.”
“That’s what?” Anastasia asked confused.
“Girls…” she smirked, leaning in towards them, “one of you is about to get that second chance we’ve so been hoping for.”
The sisters gasped and Anastasia’s eyes lit up. “Queen Anastasia.” She said dreamily.
“Not you, you’ll screw everything up!” Lady Tremaine scolded.
“Yes!” Drizella cheered to herself.

Wedding bells rang early the next day as the entire kingdom and many others from far and wide gathered to celebrate the soon-to-be king and queen. It seemed like it was going to be just the perfect day. The sun was shining bright, love was in the air, and it seemed like nothing bad could happen at all. Cinderella and Charming stood at the altar before the priest just looking into each others’ eyes knowing that from the first time they had danced together that they had found the one. The two of them were completely in love and there was not a single person at the ceremony that couldn’t see that. Everyone watched as the two of them exchanged I do’s before the priest spoke up one final time asking the last faithful question.
“Is there anyone who objects to this marriage?”
At first there was silence, everyone just waiting on anticipation for him to pronounce them husband and wife so they could cheer. But all of a sudden, out from the crowd burst Lady Tremaine and Drizella in disguise.
“You traitor! You traitor!” Lady Tremaine yelled, pointing at the prince.
Charming stepped back and raised an eyebrow, keeping his arms around Cinderella protecting her from who knows what was about to happen. “Um…I beg your pardon?”
“How could you do this to me?” a disguised Drizella cried. “You promised me I would be your queen!”
The King took a sip of water, provided by the Grand Duke, and immediately spit it out. “She said what now???” he yelled.
Cinderella looked at Charming, hurt and surprised. “Charming…”
He looked at Cinderella and shook his head. “I don’t know what they’re talking about, I swear. I’ve never seen that woman before in my life. At least…” he glanced at Drizella, then back at Cinderella, “…I think it’s a woman.”
“Of course I’m a woman, you ungrateful excuse for a man!” Drizella screamed. “And we have two kids together!”
More gasps escaped the audience and Cinderella pulled away from Charming. She didn’t want to believe this was happening, but unfortunately even she knew it wasn’t a dream. “Charming!”
“You mean I have grandbabies and no one had the balls to tell me?!” the King exclaimed.
“There are no kids! I have no kids! Someone please tell me what’s going on here?” Charming begged.
“How dare you deny your children!” Lady Tremaine scolded. She clapped her hands together, “Ugly maid! Bring the babies out!”
“Coming! Coming!” a squeaky voice came out, only to be Anastasia in her own disguise. She pushed her way through the crowd carrying two bundles, one in each arm.
Cinderella gasped and pulled away even further from Charming, hiding back tears. “How could you do this?”
“I didn’t!” he insisted. “I mean…I don’t think I did. I don’t do these kinds of things when I sleepwalk!”
“Maid, shove those babies in that ungrateful man’s face until he remembers!” Drizella snapped.
“Yes Driz…I mean, ma’am.” Anastasia nodded, running to get the bundles to Charming. Suddenly, she tripped on her all too long dress and collapsed to the ground. She was exposed from her disguise and out from the wrapped up blankets rolled nothing more than a couple of potatoes.
“Anastasia?” Cinderella exclaimed.
“Uh-oh…” Drizella muttered, stepping back.
“Quick, they know! Run and leave your sister!” Lady Tremaine insisted. The two women turned to run, only to be stopped by Bruno; he jumped on them and knocked them on top of Anastasia, revealing their true faces from their hideous costumes.
“My step-family?” Cinderella asked herself, shocked. Then again, she should have known they would try such a dirty trick. Charming sighed with relief, knowing that his reputation wasn’t ruined and he hadn’t lost the love of his life. Turning to Cinderella, he took her hands in his and looked her in the eyes. “I am so sorry.”
Cinderella looked at him and shook her head. “No, I’m sorry. I should have believed you and known that my family would have tried something like this from the start.” She took a deep breath before glancing to the Grand Duke. She didn’t want to do this to her family, but Cinderella knew there was no other option. “Take them to the dungeon.”
“Yes, Your Highness.” The Grand Duke nodded. Calling the guards, they immediately picked up the women and carried them off, all three of them screaming and yelling to stop and that they couldn’t do this to them. But it was too late.
Clearing his throat, the priest caught everyone’s attention. “Can I pronounce you husband and wife now?”
Charming and Cinderella smiled before looking at each other again. Taking that as their cue, they jumped into each others’ arms and shared a passionate kiss and cheers erupted from every spectator and the King jumped for joy as did the mice. Confetti flew across the setting and fireworks went off into the distance. With the crowd parting, Cinderella and Charming made their way through and onto the carriage. Lead by Major and Bruno, the carriage rode off into the distance with the new King and Queen inside. And in the distance, a final kiss between the two of them could be seen sharing. And they all lived happily ever after.