Disney Princess ☺Team Jasmine☺

princesslullaby posted on Aug 20, 2010 at 09:08PM
Team Captain:

Team Members:
1. Percyandpotter
2. boolander25
3. breebree446
4. Soxfan89
<u>Team Captain:</u>

Team Members:
1. Percyandpotter
2. boolander25
3. breebre
last edited on Aug 26, 2010 at 10:24PM

Disney Princess 105 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 105

over a year ago percyandpotter said…
i'm here! where's everyone else?
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Sup people. Sorry, I was doing homework (like the nerd I am >.<)
over a year ago breebree446 said…
Hey hey^^
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
we could use some from the other Team Jasmine there was...

The feisty ones have all the fun.

SASSY, spice, and everything nice.

The other teams might as well jump off a balcony.

I am not a prize to be won!...but we'll be the only ones winning prizes.

over a year ago soxfan89 said…
We'll Need All The Luck We Can Get!
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Yay, PaP is on the ball!
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
do you guys have a favorite out of these? mine is "The other teams might as well jump off a balcony."
over a year ago boolander25 said…
I concur. With that one^
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Congrats for making Team Captain PaP!
over a year ago breebree446 said…
big smile
I am not a prize to be won!...but we'll be the only ones winning prizes.

I like that one best!
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
okay, there's two of the top three...does anyone have another one in their heads, other than soxfan89's?
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
by the way: i can't do icon challenges or anything like that. i don't have the software to do that stuff. can any of you guys do it?
over a year ago breebree446 said…
big smile
I can take a shot at the icon Percyandpotter^^
over a year ago soxfan89 said…
big smile
"It's A Whole New World.....Team Jasmine!".
over a year ago breebree446 said…
Hows this?
Hows this?
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
^^i love that! here's one of my ideas for the Representative Picture challenge:
^^i love that! here's one of my ideas for the Representative Picture challenge:
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
okay, so it's small here, but still!
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
here's the motto pick question. if it turns out a tie, i'll post another one.

over a year ago ppv said…
Great job with your mottos!
☺team Belle☺
over a year ago breebree446 said…
Decided to enter the Caption Contest:

I wanted to enter this picture. But I just wanted to make sure it would be okay.
last edited over a year ago
Decided to enter the Caption Contest:
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
enter it, it's hilarious!
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
okay, our top three slogans (according to the pick) are

1. The other teams might as well jump off a balcony.
2. Sassy, Spice, and everything nice.
3. We are not prizes to be won, but we'll be the only ones winning prizes.

time to enter them in the slogan forum!
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Yea! Slogan time!
over a year ago boolander25 said…
I can help with the icon challenge :)
I can help with the icon challenge :)
over a year ago breebree446 said…
big smile
Love It!
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
ooh, i like both the options. i'll put them into a pick for us.
over a year ago boolander25 said…
I can get more if you'd like. What do you want for backgrounds?
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Oh yeah by the way, I noticed our big image picture thing didn't have our user names on it. I put our names on, if it's cool with you guys.
Oh yeah by the way, I noticed our big image picture thing didn't have our user names on it. I put our
over a year ago breebree446 said…
It looks great boolander25^^

Have we already come up with a challenge? If not, I was thinking about a fanart challenge. The users find or make fanart of thier princess!
Or is Princesslullaby responsible for the challenge?
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
um, i came up with the crossover challenge. i don't think we're supposed to come up with another one, but you should message princesslullaby and give her the idea.
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
as for the Representative Picture challenge, did you guys like the one i chose before?
over a year ago breebree446 said…
It's lovely percyandpotter^^
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Yeah, I totally love that representative photo. It truly is beautiful.
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Does anyone have any screenshots or photos they want me to put in an icon if they can't make one? I'm cool with doing that if you want :)
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
^^i would love that! i need to find a screencap, but that would be great.

okay, the vote for our icon was for breebree446's icon, so i'll submit it to the challenge. and i'll also put the Representative Picture into the forum for that...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Wait where was the pick?
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
it was just...out. sorry i didn't do a comment with a link...should i do a redo of the question?
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Oh it's alright. I'm not sure, whatever you feel is right. :)
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
i already submitted the icon to the challenge, so i guess i'll have to keep it.
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
can you make this screencap into an icon for me?
last edited over a year ago
can you make this screencap into an icon for me?
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
woo! yay to us-so far, we're in the lead in the slogan pick! "The other teams might as well jump off a balcony" is in first place, and "Sassy, spice, and everything nice" is in third.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Yeah I can. :)

Sorry, it's not really big. Why are your screencaps so tiny?
last edited over a year ago
Yeah I can. :)

Sorry, it's not really big. Why are your screencaps so tiny?
over a year ago ppv said…
To ☺Team Jasmine☺:
don't forget about the link!
Only one fan has participated.
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
^^thanks for the reminder!

guys, i might be on less than usual. the computer i usually use is the "family computer" (hoping for a laptop for my birthday!) and it's broken. my dad is on a business trip, so he took HIS laptop with him. all that's here is my mom's work laptop, which is slow and i have less access to, since my mom has to use it so much.
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
by the way, can anyone do crossovers for my challenge?
over a year ago breebree446 said…
big smile
Crossover Challenge!
Off to submit!
Crossover Challenge!
Off to submit!
over a year ago boolander25 said…
I have the one for the baby challenge. Kinda bleh, but that's how it turned out. Doesn't everyone say that two good looking people have an ugly (or not so good looking) baby?
I have the one for the baby challenge. Kinda bleh, but that's how it turned out. Doesn't everyone say
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
@boolander all of them are small because I get them from Fanpop.
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
OKAY: the Apple store hasn't even started fixing my frickin' computer, so the deadline is being extended again for the Crossover Challenge, and I still will be a little out of it.