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# 9 Prince Charming
# 9 Prince Charming

Oh does this guy gripe me. I almost don’t even know where to start. I’ve never hated a Disney character; but what I feel for this chump is probably the closest I’ll ever get. Even though we don’t really get to know him in the first movie (which is what I go by…I don’t count sequels because they piss me off), I think I have a pretty good idea of how he rolls. I can “sort of” relate to him on one thing; his Father wanting him to get married so he can have grandchildren. My Mom wants nothing more than for me to find the right guy, settle down, and spit out about two or three babies…of course I am no where near that. But if she went to the trouble of introducing me to a guy, of course I would be pissed because she knows I don’t like to be set up; but I would never act rude towards the person she was trying to set me up with…it isn’t his fault…which brings me back to Charming. He is so outwardly rude to all the girls at the Ball…rolling his eyes, yawning dramatically…what are you, twelve? Grow up! The only reason he goes after Cinderella is because of her looks. Then after she disappears, he doesn’t go after her, and he doesn’t lift a finger in the searching process. I guess that’s what servants are for, right? Anyways…Charming, you’re a complete and utter douche bag. The only thing I like about you is who you end up marrying.

# 8 Prince Phillip
# 8 Prince Phillip

I’ve always liked Phillip. A lot of people might wonder why it is I like Phillip, and so strongly dislike Charming, because they bare a few similarities. They both fall in love with someone in under two minutes. Both are spoiled; I don’t think I need to rant and rave anymore about Charming. The only thing Phillip does that makes me think he’s a tad bit spoiled, is when he tells his Father he isn’t going to marry this “Princess Aurora” person, when it’s been planned practically his whole life, all because of a very brief fling in the forest with a peasant girl- but, on the other hand, I kind of admire that bit of defiance in him. He wants to follow his heart. He’s obviously brave. He fought and defeated one of the most classic villains in Disney history, Maleficent. Then he saves his beloved, with a kiss, and they live happily ever after.

# 7 Shang
# 7 Shang

I highly admire Shang. The only reason he is so low on my list, is because he’s not quite as romantic as I like my Princes to be. I really like that he never gives up on his troops. At the beginning of their training, it hardly seems possible that they could fight or even defeat the Hun army; but Shang keeps pushing them harder. A lot of his character is revealed in the scene where they come to the village that has been brutally attacked. Shang discovers that his Father had died during the battle. He merely takes a few simple moments to grieve, and is back on his feet leading his troops towards the Imperial City. He knows it’s more important to defend the Emperor than to sit around and grieve over his loss. That takes loads of courage and I highly admire him for that.

# 6 Aladdin
# 6 Aladdin

I really like Aladdin at the beginning of the movie. He’s humble, sweet, and proves to be unselfish when he gives the two little kids his bread. When he meets Princess Jasmine while she is in disguise, he remains true to himself, and doesn’t act fake, and she is genuinely interested in him. After discovering that she’s a Princess, the changing begins. He all of a sudden becomes embarrassed of his background; driving himself crazy wondering what she ever saw in him. After becoming “Prince Ali”, I start to dislike him. He starts to act and behave like someone he’s not, and constantly lies. Thankfully, at the end, he sees the error in his ways, and sets everything right by being honest again.

# 5 John Smith
# 5 John Smith

I used to really dislike John Smith. I thought he was cocky, and too arrogant for my tastes. Over time I’ve grew very fond of him. I like how adventurous he is; like diving into the ocean to save Thomas, or when he goes exploring once they arrive in the New World. My all time favorite scene is when he first sees Pocahontas. He lowers his weapon, and just stares at her with this fascination in his eyes. At first, he of course acts like he knows more than she does (pfff…men!), but after she shows him things from her point of view that all seems to change. Out of all the couples, I find him and Pocahontas the most passionate. So what if the movie is “historically” inaccurate …it’s a Disney movie, not a special on the History Channel. Even though they don’t get their happily ever after, I find their ending bittersweet and a bit refreshing from all of the others.

#4 The Prince
#4 The Prince

This guy has certainly moved up on my list. I’ve seen Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs probably a thousand times (okay, maybe not THAT many), and I never really thought that much about her Prince. The last time I watched it was a few weeks ago, and I became overwhelmed with this newfound love for him. The scene where he sings “One Song” to Snow White is one of my favorite Disney scenes of all time. It’s incredibly romantic and sweet. Unlike some other loser who I’m not going to mention *cough-douchebagcharming-cough*, he actually puts forth a bit of effort, and searches far and wide for his beloved. When he finds her lying in her coffin, he gently kisses her lips, and drops his head down in sadness. The look on both of their faces when she wakes up is priceless. They both look so unbelievably happy it’s almost sickening! And I know, I know, they barely knew each other, but come on…it IS a fairy tale, after all…right?

# 3 Prince Naveen
# 3 Prince Naveen

I love this guy. He’s flirty, sexy, playful, sexy, funny, charming, and oh yeah, sexy. I love a guy with a sense of humor, and he had me giggling throughout the movie. At first he’s a helpless spoiled little rich boy, but after some time in the bayou with Tiana that all begins to change. I love the scene where he teaches Tiana to dance…“If I can mince, you can dance.” He really starts to fall for her in this scene. I love how nervous he acts when he makes Tiana dinner on top of the riverboat. He’s trying so hard to impress her, and it’s sweet.

# 2 Prince Eric
# 2 Prince Eric

Seriously…what’s NOT to like about this guy? Charming, romantic, funny, sweet, heroic, and not mention he lives in the best Palace ever. I really love the fact that he loves his dog Max as much as he does. He fights through the fiery ship in order to save him. He is also a refreshing change…instead of him being the one to pursue the girl, the girl pursues him. What I admire about him, is that when he meets Ariel on the beach, he helps her and gives her a place to stay, even though in his heart he’s dying to find the mystery girl who saved him. He sees that this sweet, lost person needs help, and he unselfishly puts his feelings aside to help.

#1 The Beast/Prince Adam
#1 The Beast/Prince Adam

He’s always been my favorite. Unlike the other guys, he starts off as the bad guy; the villain. He’s mean, scary, has no manners and appears to be completely heartless. He throws Belle’s Father in the dungeon because he needed a place a stay. After Belle shows up and takes her Father’s place that’s when the show really begins. She’s the first person to stand up to him, by declining his rude invitation to dinner. He bangs on her door, screams and roars at her telling her just to starve, and she doesn’t even budge. After the West Wing/rescuing her from the wolves incident, he begins to warm up to her. He gives her his huge library, and things start to run much smoothly. When Belle finds out that her Father is lost in the woods, the Beast lets her go, knowing that he would remain a Beast forever if she left. That doesn’t matter to him. He truly loved her and didn’t want her to suffer. As Gaston is trying to kill him, he just doesn’t seem to care; but as soon as he sees Belle, he is ready to fight. After he gets stabbed, he looks up at Belle and says “At least... I got to see you... one last time…”, and with that, the Beast dies. Then he transforms back into his human form, and he and Belle live happily ever after.
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Source: Disney
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
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Source: sweetie-94
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Source: disneyclips.com
added by sweetie-94
Source: disneyclips.com
added by sweetie-94
Source: disneyclips.com
added by sweetie-94
Source: disneyclips.com
added by sweetie-94
Source: disneyclips.com
added by sweetie-94
Source: disneyclips.com
added by sweetie-94
Source: disneyclips.com
added by Jessikaroo