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posted by princesslullaby
Considering that this is an article about fanpop, I thought it was best to let the fanpoppers speak for themselves and keep my comments to a minimum.

11.Snow White

The general consensus on Snow White was that while people could connect with her kindness and enduring optimism, she is just too purist and naïve bordering on clueless for anyone to relate to.

"[I] Try to be optimistic, very caring towards animals, work hard, love cooking. I think people irl see me as naive too, which I dislike. I can be a bit trusting, although that's dwindled as I get older." -Audreyfreak

"We have very little in common. I don't have her ability to enjoy housework and I'm nowhere near as trusting as she is." -Portia0623

"I love her, but I don't relate to her much at all. She's the epitome of optimism and I'm more of a realist-leaning-towards-pessimist. She's also naive (understandable, given her age) and I like to think I'm a lot more shrewd when it comes to judging situations. She's extremely inherently kind to everyone, and whilst I try to be kind I definitely don't outwardly display it like she does and I can be very cynical. I also don't think I'd enter someone else's property and sleep on their beds either lol. I think the only thing we have in common is the finding love aspect, but even then we view it differently; she's just a bit too idealised for me to relate to her, she's an escapism character for me." -Mongoose09

10. Cinderella

Like Snow White, Cinderella's persisting faith and endless patience was hard for people to relate to, although a few stated that tend to just keep their head down and push through the tough times rather than speak up like her.

"Compared with Cinderella, I'm not as calm, quiet, reserved, caring, patient and emotionally strong as she was. I won't let myself surrounding in a horrible life created by my stepfamily. If it was happen to me then I'll against them in every way. I also don't really believe the term "keep believing with your dreams then it would be come true" -Sparklefairy375

Cinderella is possibly the princess I am most similar to, at least in terms of personality. Not saying I could put up with what she did without breaking (I don't know whether anyone could), but I do try to put up with things without complaining, sometimes to my own detriment. I think I am the opposite of princesslullaby haha." -JungleQueen13


While fans definitely understood Tiana's disinterest in romance and her determination, most people say she is too serious and hard working for them to relate to.

"Tiana and I have nothing in common. I don't love cooking, and I don't really feel like learning how to do so better, will make me like it any better than I do. I also hate micromanagement and critiquing, which is what Tiana is all about. I will never feel "totally fulfilled" in life by just working my butt off. Tiana seems to believe work is what makes her happy. Work doesn't make me happy all by itself, the way it does for Tiana. So Tiana and I are polar opposites, just like me and Belle." -wavesurf

"She spurns men a lot and isn't focused on romance. I can also be hypercritical of others. Can be extremely determined and work hard when I am passionate." -princesslullaby


Rounding out the classics, fans connect to Aurora's dreaminess, introspection, loneliness, and passive nature, as well as her wishing she could be a little bit rebellious. Other fans said she was just way too acquiescent to understand, too graceful and elegant, and didn't have enough development in the movie to be able to connect with her.

"she is slightly more similiar to me than other classic DPs because she is imaginative and the most childish of them. However, she is still too sweet and interested in finding love to be relatable." -Adelital

"I'm not as graceful and the type of charming, ideal girl like her." -Sparklefairy375

"I relate somewhat to Aurora's passiveness, dreaminess, and innocent rebellion. Like when you do something you think you're so rebellious and edgy for doing but it's actually not. Like Aurora never really did anything outright rebellious (like Ariel or Jasmine) but she FELT like she did. When her aunts told her not to talk to strangers, Aurora said, "But I have met someone! In my dream." I relate to how Aurora is alone a lot and entertains herself, whether it's dancing with animal friends (but I don't have animal friends though). Aurora cries and doesn't assert her wants as much as the other DPs. I'm also a bit of a damsel, and rely on others for help." -disnerdtobe

7. Rapunzel

I didn't really get any comments about being similar to Rapunzel, so what I can surmise is that while Rapunzel has widely relatable qualities (I don't think anyone can say they have NOTHING in common with her) this wide relatability is what makes her have emotional distance from fanpoppers--- most people also lamented that she is just too perfect and talented to connect to.

"I kinda can in ways, like being sheltered and lied to about people by our moms, being artsy, etc. but she's far too talented for me to relate to more- I couldn't teach myself how to play chess or chart stars or become a great fighter after just being outside a day. And I'd never fall for someone like Flynn even if he wasn't a criminal. I wouldn't waste an opportunity to not find out who was sending out the lanterns and why though." -Audreyfreak

6. Merida

I think the two comments below basically summarize it all, but people basically said they either understood and related to Merida's flaws or found her mean-spirited.

"Merida so far, is the most relatable princess for me. She's outspoken, headstrong, stands with herself, short-tempered, somehow being immature, and she never want to have her life ruled by others. So do I. My mom is a lot like Merida's mom, too, and somehow we arguing, but we're actually very close to each other." -Sparklefairy375

<i>"She is bratty, too selfish and cruel for me to relate. I would not poison my mother for my own wants. She basically is too abusive and too spoilt. I am not as aggressive and overambitious like her, I would not have my kingdom peril and won't tear my family tapestry like her. I think before taking a decision, especially if it affects somebody, and I am more cynical" -Lavendergolden

5. Ariel

Again, Ariel can be polarizing because of how brash she is-- some fanpoppers relate to her sense of adventure, curiosity, rebelliousness, but thought that the risks she took and her carelessness were very different from them.

"I relate to Ariel because we both have defined dreams. We both want to be free to lead our own lives. We both love adventure, exploring places and having fun. We both have the same flaws - immature, irresponsible, etc. The main difference is that I'm more careful than her." -disnerdtobe

"I don't think we have anything in common, apart from being curious. Ariel's a lot more outgoing and daring than I am, and unlike her I'm very close to my family and always tried to please my parents" -Damedecoeur

4. Mulan

Mulan seemed to be 50/50 for people- They related to her awkwardness, clumsiness, and trying to prove themselves, but some didn't relate to her desperate need to please her parents nor how accomplished she was by the end of her movie.

"the strongest relatable thing with Mulan for me is that I had waged an internal war whether to become a perfect daughter or to choose my own ways of living. My parents' expectations from me were very different from what I wanted from my life. That's about it. I'm not clumsy with things, I dont feel socially awkward, i think m pretty much presentable in social surroundings. Also, I had no desire to prove anything to my family or do something that would make my parents proud of me. I just wanted to do my own thing, just like Merida. And i fought it out with them unlike Mulan who kept it all inside her and one day she left home to prove it. I kept doing wat my parents asked me to do until they understood and let me do what I wanted.
I am also much more outspoken and more confident person than her. I'm not that humble or modest and I'm more blunt with my words. I'm also not a reserved person." -anukriti2409

" of these four she is the most similar to me. We are both ambitious, competitive, somewhat lazy, self-hating, deeply connected to our elders and care about their health and safety and want to please them. I believe that Mulan's love to her father is her defining trait and she definetely wouldn't deal with Fa Zhou's death much less easily than Ariel did with her mother's( which doesn't necessarily makes Mulan better than Ariel, just most similar to me). I can see myself risking my life for my elders and Mulan reminds me of myself a lot when she reminds her father to take the spare at the very beggining of movie, I often do the same. However, Mulan is no less forgiving, gentle and patient than Cinderella which is not true about me. I can't see myself letting Matchmaker to abuse me, I wouldn't forgive Yao and Ling for bullying and Shang for mistreating during the parade." -Adelital

3. Pocahontas

Most people related to Pocahontas' indecisiveness, her confidence, and caring about keeping the peace as well as her thirst for something in the future. However, a lot of people didn't relate to her spiritual side and said she was too indecisive and aren't as passionate about nature as she is.

"Definitely. Right down to how we both avoid pointless drama and have that "you're wrong. Let me spend four minutes explaining how in detail and PROVE why you are wrong :)))" way of disagreeing. I realize I don't know everything so I like asking for advice. I'm confident in who I am, but I don't tolerate disrespect, especially from people I like. Otherwise I ignore rude people who don't deserve my time. We're close to our "grandmothers". I do believe in fate and that dreams can mean something- it's why I decided I needed to go back to college. We don't have typical romances (I'm in a LDR my family doesn't know about yet and hers is forbidden). We appreciate the aesthetics- the feel of the wind, flowers, the stars, spending time with animals too. I definitely feel directionless, even though my problem is more related to money issues. Our only real differences are she's much more athletic, bolder, and gets into trouble more." -Audreyfreak

"I do take advice from many people like she does but i do what my heart feels like. I'm also much more connected to my friends and family than Poca is. I dont think she feels as strongly for her people as she feels for her land. I'm also not as patient as she is to tell them about myself. I'm more aggressive in general, more confident and less contemplative. I dont ponder too much on this way or that way. I love how she has so much of freedom which I dont feel I had." -anukriti2409

2. Belle

The majority of fanpoppers had at least one thing to relate to about Belle. Some say they felt outcasted, that they wanted more out of life, felt close to their families, and stick to their morals. Other said she was too virtuous, prideful, and that they wouldn't be as understanding as her when it came to the Beast's actions.

"I think I have the other 50% here I didn't have with Mulan. I like that Belle sticks so strongly to her morals, spurns men like Gaston consistently, even at risk of her father going to the asyleum, and tells off people. I also get her thinking she's 'better' than others when in reality that's not how she really thinks, just knows she doesn't have an intellectual match and that can be frustrating.
dissimilar: too virtuous, I would have tried to leave the castle, and I don't understand the endless duty to babysit your capable father. she also complains about her lot in life without follow up." -princesslullaby

"Especially at the beginning, I can relate to her. Like her, I tend to be treated like an outcast with my society, being dreamy and imaginative,and I really don't care what peoples think about me. I also surrounded in small town with a pretty boring life, somehow I feel bored with my life and imagine an exciting life. I like to read but not as much as Belle does. I never feel impressed with a handsome but jerk guy, too. Except that I am not as selfless, understanding, and prideful as her." -Sparklefairy375

1. Jasmine

Most everyone had something in common with Jasmine. A lot of people said they understood her feeling of being trapped, how she stands up for herself, how she is picky and unimpressed by men and dislikes being treated as a prize. Some said they didn't relate to her abrasive personality and her inexperience.

"By far far far. I really don't have anything dissimilar with Jasmine. I even have her flaw of being too forgiving to a trash guy. I come from a well-off family, I am always rejecting men and shutting them down/out over any small but VALID reason, I always verbally stand up for myself and I don't care if I come across as mean or "Bitchy", I certainly relate to people calling me a bitch just because I stick up for myself or I'm rude back to people who are rude to me. I also very easily call out others. The only thing I don't relate to is her feeling trapped -- but basically most of the princesses feel like that sooooooooooooo I'm not going to connect in that aspect. In fact that's the thing I relate most strongly to Pocahontas about-- I have freedom but I feel directionless." -princesslullaby

"For Jasmine, she doesn't really think that far ahead in anything she does (what was she gonna do if the apple incident hadn't happened? Where would see sleep, how would she get food, etc?) and I'd never tell anyone to go kill themselves. We hate injustice and being talked over, feel trapped, but I wouldn't let Aladdin win me over just because he has something cool I like. They're both so much more fearless though."-Audreyfreak
posted by rapunzelsgold_
AU where Ariel's sisters scorn her for being ignorant after getting married to Eric, except for the oldest sister because she once fell in love with a human too before any of them were born and was forbidden to talk about it.

AU where Belle is great at writing, and when Adam can't figure out how to correctly write trade letters to other kingdoms Belle does it for him

AU where Cogsworth and Lumiere start dating after they're both turned back into humans, and Belle is constantly giving Lumiere advice about dating. Then, one day, Lumiere proposes to Cogsworth and Belle becomes his best "man"/woman...
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posted by melody42
Thank you everyone for reading my first fan pop article! Let's start off by introducing myself. My name is Sarah and I'm sixteen years old. I live in the lovely state of New Hampshire! I have one brother and one sister. My sisters name is Jenny and my brothers name is Tim, even though he goes by Timmy. I have two dogs and a rabbit.

Rock would have to be my favorite type of music, but I also like some pop music. I really enjoy the band Mumford and Sons, but i also like Lorde. I really enjoy watching these two people on YouTube called Rhett and Link. They're really funny and come out with good...
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Previous Parts:

My Original Thoughts

I absolutely loved Ariel. I can't really go in depth about it, because when I first saw it, I was really little. (Prolly about 5 or 6) But my feelings were pretty straightforward: she was a MERMAID & was pretty & a unique princess. I mean, I kinda wanted to be her. Who wouldn't want to live under the sea? I never really understood why she wanted be a human, though, because a mermaid was freaking amazing in my mind! Something...
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As the sun settled down into the sky, Ariel watched as steam poured out of the crock-pot the cook was using. It made a popping noise once in awhile from all the boiling it was doing, which made her jump. She was curious, and wanted to ask what made it do that. But, she couldn't. Not after she gave her voice away. She touched her throat a bit, until someone pulled on her back. She turned her head to see the maid, short and plump, grumpy faced.
"You should be getting ready! Dinner's only in less than thirty minutes."
Ariel had a strong urge to fight back and tell her she couldn't boss her around...
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posted by avatar_tla_fan
Merida was worried.

I could get fired for this. I want to keep this job more than anything.

She wasn't sure if dragging Jasmine into the bushes was the best idea.

I wasn't supposed to do this, and now I'll get caught. she thought.

Afterwards she called her friend Ariel.

"Who are you?" Ariel asked.

"I'm your friend, Merida." Merida responded to her.

"I don't have a friend named Merida." Ariel replied back.

Merida hung up the phone. She then went to call Ariel's father to see what was going on.

"My poor daughter has amnesia." He explained. "I'm sorry Merida, but she won't remember you."

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Several months ago I wrote this fan fiction for the first time, many people seemed to love it, but I stopped writing because it was around the time Frozen was going to be released and after that I just lost an interest in writing fan fictions, but after reading some of the newer fan fictions here I decided to rewrite this fan fiction, differences from the last version? It'll have Anna (Kristen) and Elsa (Idina) in it and the stories will be different from the ones in the last one. I can already now tell you that some might be dark and when October comes I'll write a special Halloween story...
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posted by dimitri_
As usual, I have a hard time making lists so don't pay too much attention to the rankings and just read what I have to say.

12. Brave
If you've known me over a year ago, you'd know that I'm not much of a Pixar fan. Yes, I know I'm an awful person for discriminating between animation studios and this is Pixar we're talking about. So yeah, I'm guessing this is why I can't get into Brave no matter how hard I try, considering it's also one, if not, my least favorite Pixar movie.

11. The Princess and the Frog
I've had issues with Tiana in the past because of her inconsistent morals that gets shoved...
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added by avatar_tla_fan
Mulan and Shang had walked in when they saw John and Merida on the ground in a circle praying for Pocahontas. Mulan listened carefully to what they were saying. "Please help Pocahontas get through this in your name." they said. "Should we join?" Shang asked. "Let them do this one by themselves." Mulan suggested. It wasn't long before John and Merida looked up and noticed her and Shang. "Come join us." Merida greeted. Mulan and Shang knelt down her and John and continued with the vigil.

"Ancestors, we need you now more than ever. Pocahontas is in great danger." Mulan prayed. "She can't afford...
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posted by MissCassecou
Bonjour! So today I just wanted to say a few things about me so people can get to know me better.

10 Random things about me:

1. I was born in Australia and I live there, therefore English is my first language but I also speak French (well, I've been learning it for four years, so I am not fluent but I want to continue until I am fluent.)

2. My favourite subjects at school are English, French and History

3. When I am older I hope to become a creative writer (author) but if that doesn't happen then a teacher

4. I am quiet, creative and (kind-of) intelligent. (I mean, I don't have much common sense,...
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posted by snsdlover4ever
Yes, the title is very original! Basically, what you see in the title is what you get, so let's get to it!

Okay, so most of you already know that my name is Jackie, but...

It's not! *mindblown*

It's mainly because I don't want people to try track me down, since you never know who you can trust on the Interwebs. But, if I feel that you're close to me, then I'll probably tell you. Otherwise, just call me Jackie. I don't really mind. I'm 13 years old, much to lots of people's surprise, since I sound like I'm 18+, and I live in America. Specifically, California.

My username is pretty self explanatory....
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posted by purplerose17
I apologize if everybody is getting tired of these articles, but they are super interesting and I'm excited to write mine! Thank you dimitri_ for starting this awesome idea for an article! On with the show!

I would change my name to Belle!

It sounds so pretty and I like the way it rooks off your tongue. It also is spelled really pretty (weird thing to say about a name) and I would love writing it on homework and such.

I want Pocahontas' athleticism!

I am not the most athletic person in the world and I really suck at sports. It would be great to be more athletic or at least hate sports less.

I want...
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posted by misscindyspice
I wanna paint on my walls! D: I'm sure there's room!
I wanna paint on my walls! D: I'm sure there's room!
I saw Emmalou13 and dimitri_ do this, and I just had to do it as well! So enjoy!

1. I would change my name to Elsa
I have been obsessed with this name ever since I first heard about Frozen. It's just so pretty, and it would sound really good with my middle and last name :)

2. I would have Rapunzel's painting skills
Or, like her everything skills, because she's so good at everything. But mostly painting, that would be great. Or her cookie making skills, those look absolutely delicious.

3. I would want Tiana's mom
She seems so supportive of Tiana. Beside's, she's an epic dressmaker!

4. I would want...
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added by kateliness2
music video
shut up and drive
added by cynti19
Source: disneyscreencaps
added by sweetie-94
Source: disneyclips.com
added by sweetie-94
Source: disneyclips.com
I had good news and bad news. The good news was that I was going to Disney Academy. The bad news was that I had to leave Agrabah and Aladdin. I was sure that Aladdin would know that I need to be schooled and he would understand that, but it was so hard too say goodbye. I walked up to him and sucked up my tears.
"A-Aladdin." I stuttered. "I really need to tell you something."
"Sure." He said. "What is it?"
"I've been a-acccepted in D-Disney Academy. Th-That means that I h-have to leave y-you." I couldn't take it, and bursted out crying.
"Aww. Jasmine, I'm happy you get to go to Disney Academy....
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posted by Singact22
Hi guys! I decided to write this now before I have more log in troubles. So the last one was a very dramatic ending, so I'm excited to write this. Please comment.
Link to part 1 link
Link to part 2 link
Link to part 3 link
"I can't belive I'm stuck with her as a roommate while you guys get to room together." Hattie said during lunch on the first day of school. "I mean really. She never makes her bed, she has so much stuff that my stuff can't take all of the drawers and her clothes take half the closet. Granted I do most of the above but its still unfair."...
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posted by PociandSmith
“Memories, light the corners of my mind”

She was walking fast, shouting about the piece that must be made between hers and English people. Standing for many hours and going up and down, trying to take people’s attention with slogans among with a group of other English people, she felt exhausted, but nothing was stronger than her will, so she did anything but stopped. Peace was a vital issue for the happy living of both sides of the river, so she joined a group of idealists In Jamestown and kept her traditional Native American cloth to show, that peace can be made by both living...
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