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Different faces, different personalities
Different faces, different personalities
We all love Disney princesses, don’t we? So Seasons are also like them, they are really different from each other and each one of them at least has a good trait. I recently developed an interest of writing articles on Disney princess symbolism. Thanks to the people who viewed my articles recently and loved them! Hope you all enjoy!
Snow white – Spring
Yes! For me the princesses in spring category are kind, resourceful, pure, obedient, self-reserved, matured and somewhat innocent. I like the Spring people. Traits or qualities tell she’s a spring person. She always likes to keep the room spik and span! She is loving, I like how she cares for the Dwarves and nurtures them like a mother. She is very motherly and truly a loving person who is gentle to pretty much every person. She also is full of Pure Innocence, she is a girl full of innocence, purity and servant hood. She doesn’t have a bad bone in her body! She is the gullible but sweet and gentle princess in her movie, cute!
Cinderella – Winter
Winter people are hopeful, sophisticated, poised, determined and hardworking. I love it! Cinderella is winter, not for the blue dress, but her lovely nature. She could also be a spring person, but Spring people are a tad more cheerful and less regal. She is an introvert, with a little problem in opening up. A little bit Submissive, but that’s not even her flaw. Cindy is very elegant and is known for her strong sense of duty. She is really endearing! I find her full of determination, like Winter people are. She keeps dreaming unstoppably, defends herself and she’s a lot determined all the way in my opinion!
Aurora – Winter
Winter people are really dreamy, collected, calm, romantic and sweet, just like Aurora is! She is too dreamy for me to be Spring, too docile to be Summer and too gullible to be Autumn. She is a winter person, some people might be shocked, but I am telling you why she is into winter category. She is a romantic and sweet dreamer. She hums and dreams for a prince with her fellow animal friends! She is a soft-spoken, kinda timid and a huge daydreamer. I like she is a determined person, she’s really eager as a princess. Dissatisfaction is a symptom of ambition after all! She’s also a bit spoilt, loves to imagine things and truly poised and sophisticated, so she’s a winter girl.
Ariel – Summer
Summer symbolizes youth, bravery, ambition, recklessness, nerve, curiosity and strength. Ariel suits it! She is a jumpy and youthful being who thrives to explore the tiniest details in every place. As I said, dissatisfaction is a symptom of ambition, she has it. She also is quite reckless, impulsive and sometimes hot-headed, tiny bit ungrateful and selfish. She is quite lustful I feel and is so ambitious that she’ll do whatever it takes to accomplish what she desires. She is not so brave, but at least the first DP to fight the villain and save her prince. This former mermaid has an air of strength in her and wow, she is hella vibrant, flirtatious and passionate, which is common is summer. She loves to take the risk, and when unsuccessful, she is miserable! So Summer all the way!
Belle – Autumn
Autumn means loving, intelligent, matured, practical, courageous, creative and determined. Belle just suits autumn so well! She is a loyal and kind, and self-sacrificing, she just selflessly risked her life to free her father from the beast and later taught the beast how to love people once again. Plus, she isn’t into muscular douchebags like Gaston and doesn’t judge people for who are they outside, but how they are inside. She is pretty matured also. She has a rational outlook with a down-to-earth attitude. She doesn’t want a prince, won’t change the person she is inside and doesn’t leave the beast when she realises he wasn’t hard hearted and inside the furious hot-headed was a caring, but devastated person. She reads, in fact a lot. Belle is one of my most intelligent princesses, this bookworm is full of smartness. She is really brave, admit it, she faced her fears, gave up her freedom to save her father and she manages to see past the Beast's horrible appearance. She is a determined and lovely Autumn person!
Jasmine- Summer
She is summer! Jasmine is a vivacious, aggressive, seductive and hot tempered princess. Summer people are just born leaders, pretty much like Jasmine is. She thrives for freedom and is fierce. She likes to assert her authority as a princess, but is a tiny little bit blunt and lacks the sense of duty. She is confident and sure of herself, she knows what she wants and is outspoken about her desires. Jasmine is rebellious and has no problem expressing her anger. She is spontaneous and very sassy. She can be a beautiful sight, but is a danger when mistreated and wields her power as a woman. She also likes to be dazzled and amazed, when she's not entertained, she's angry. She’s not content with what she has and also is a spoilt brat. Jasmine is unpredictable and hard to tame, she throws caution to the wind and lives for the thrill of adventure. She is so cunning and ambitious she tricks Jafar into liking her. Jasmine has an unbeatable ambition, she wants the people to realize she wants to marry only for love and grass is greener outside the palace walls. Jas in a no-nonsense girl who takes no crap, she is super ambitious. Jasmine wants to discover a whole new world, and is a strong female lead who feels trapped to be forced into marriage! So, Summer!
Pocahontas - Autumn
Pocahontas is bold, wise and free minded but she's also very spiritual and dreamy. She's in tune with her feelings and surroundings, therefore she's very emotional and sensitive. She's graceful and gentle but also gloomy when upset. Pocahontas is constantly seeking guidance from outside elements to send her down the right path. She takes things to heart and prefers to go with the flow rather than being steady. She is so brave, at first she does crazy things like jumping off a waterfall (but that’s brave, too) but her noblest and bravest deed is when she saves John Smith from being killed and frees her country from the white invaders. Pocahontas is fun loving but she enjoys being alone with her feelings and pays great attention to her dreams. I mean, she is adventurous! But she is loving and we know she is kind, she stands up for her people and is a huge animal lover! She is also very wise! Admit it, she’s intelligent! She is one of the most matured and noble princesses, a bit outspoken but more of an understanding, matured and graceful girl. She’s autumn!
Mulan – Spring
This might come to a major shock! Don’t freak out, get mad and scroll down to write an ugly comment! And let me explain my reasons. She is a grounded and shy girl inside, right? She is also a level-headed and matured thinker for me. She wants her family to be safe and honorary, so she becomes brave, confident and rather smart. But inside, she is a soft-hearted, grounded and caring soul. She doesn't have her mind in the clouds as much and she shows aspects of being a mature lady. She is firm but fair, innocent but mature and fun but diligent. Mulan thinks long term plans, sets goals for herself and does not rest until they are achieved. She values hard work and commitment. Mulan is also very stubborn and set in her ways, she shall not moved. She’s stable and obedient as a daughter. Mulan knows what individuality is. She is also very humble, devoted and pious inside. Even if a tomboy, she tries to be intuitive, inquisitive and intellectual if possible. So, she’ll b a Spring person.
Tiana – Autumn
Yea, I think she is Autumn! She is so extremely intelligent and smart. Tiana is career-driven woman who sets goals for her ambition and is probably very inquisitive and intuitive. She a practical, wise and down-to-earth being! A bit outspoken but mature as well. She expresses what she wants and wow, she is really brave and has no fear facing the villain. She is also very kind, she loves her close-ones very much, would go any lengths to save them and clutches her life lessons and family close to her heart. She's also a stick in the mud that hates to be dragged out of her comfort zone. She's rational and isn't into wishing. Tiana's feet are strictly planted on the ground and her head is nowhere near the clouds. She is ambitious, kind and a creative soul. Ahoy, Tia, you’re Autumn!
Rapunzel – Autumn!
Many people in Fanpop know I love Rapunzel! Rapunzel is a multi-talented young woman who can sew a dress for her pet, paint, make candles, bake, dance ballet, play guitar, do pottery and has many other awesome hobbies including reading just 3 books which she enjoys. So I love she is so creative! Even if she has been kept in an isolated tower, she enjoys. As soon as she met Flynn, she charmed him enough to take her to see the lanterns, not moed by his smolder. She finds the good in the bunch of creepy thugs. She travels to Corona and charms others with one hell of a dance, convincing them to join her in dance, too. Punzie just desires to go and see the floating lanterns. She’s curious about the world beyond, many people can relate to it. She experiences guilt when making her own decisions, shown when she finally escapes from the tower and travels on her own. She’s lovable! She has no problem rocking her short hair. Remember that Rapunzel’s hair was magic, and once it’s been cut it can never grow back. Rapunzel makes it clear that her appearance is the least of her concerns. She’s got bigger fish to fry. Wow, she is so matured, and really practical. We can’t deny how smart she is! Punzie is down for a brilliant adventure. She leaves her tower and sets out on a journey to the floating lanterns, and she’s downright joyous about it. Sure, she’s a little scared and struggles with guilt, but she’s open and willing to new experiences. Rapunzel has a very kind and caring heart. She doesn’t show bitterness about any situation or snap at her friends. She’s sweet to just about everyone. You could argue that all of the princesses have a responsibility to be kind, but Rapunzel has gone through a major tragedy and would have every right to be depressed or mean… but she isn’t. Rapunzel is independent and charismatic. She might need the help of Flynn to escape the tower, but think about the years she had been penting in her little house, with no one but her chameleon for company. Mother Gothel visits every once in a while, but it’s clear she doesn’t live there. Rapunzel runs the whole house by herself, cleaning it and cooking meals. She’s just turned 18 when the film starts. How many teenagers do you know that are responsible and independent enough to live on their own? Rapunzel is also very selfless and loving. Plus, she keeps calm when she is in the tragic water cave. She isn’t afraid to face her fears, has courage in chasing her dreams and protests once she knows Mother Gothel’s evil intentions! Wow, talk how brave she is! She must be Autumn!
Merida – Summer
Merida's impulsive, headstrong, energetic, and aggressive. She asserts her independence and her right to do what she wants. Merida's wild, rebellious and she enjoys more high energy dangerous activities. She's very sure of what she wants and has no interest in even considering what others want for her. She is courageous and confident and shows some leadership skills near the end of the film. Merida's actions can be hurtful but beneficial nonetheless, just like Summer people can be. Merida is a brave, rather reckless princess. She doesn’t wanna follow the typical royal rules and rather take a daring horse ride! She is very courageous, although very reckless and we see her bit scared when she turns her mother in to a bear! Girl has got some guts! She’s just a tomboy chill, reckless, fearless, outspoken! Merida isn’t into girly stuff, but no problem if Summer people are. Also very ambitious and determined! Combat is her passion, and she’s got some nerve for which she worked very hard to save her kingdom! Merida has a got a wild sense of adventure, we see and feel it when she thrives outside her palace and teaches her mother skills when Elenor has been turned to a bear. So, Summer!
Elsa – Winter
Dang! All of you have guessed it already! But still I am telling why she’ll be winter. Winter people are very regal, poised and elegant, just like Elsa is! Plus, the bonus, she has ice powers guys! I couldn’t really imagine a princess who is such a winter girl! She is such a self-reserved, dutiful and ambitious girl. Elsa is winter for many reasons. She was afraid and her heart was cold in a way at first. She taught us to not keep our emotions bottled up inside and listen to our inner voice. Elsa believes that just because others don't understand you, it doesn't mean that there is something wrong with you, and when everything seems to go wrong, you always have family to be there for you. She sings “I’m never going back, the past is in the past!” which shows how determined she is. Elsa believes she is just who she is inside and that she will not be against the good even if fear scares her. She hates fear consuming her and clouding her judgments, but she has the ambition and is really determined! So winter all the way!
Anna – Spring
She is loyal and kind to her sister, no matter how bitter the matters can get. She is self-sacrificing and pure at her heart. Anna is a goofy girl, who appreciates and finds the good in every situation. She is carefree and has a positive outlook on life. Girl is really sensitive, caring, delicate, humble and loving and is very playful and lovable. She’s awkward and too jumpy, but that is cute. Anna cares deeply for her sister and this friendly woman is devoted and kind to anyone she meets, and I love how spirited and pure Anna’s heart is. Anna is an innocent girl who is full of sweetness and enthusiasm. Anna is simple at heart, and thinks positive. Anna is a bit dreamy and funny, but other traits tell us she’s Spring and plus she gets more grounded and mature and cautious from the movie’s middle to the end. Spring! Yay!
So, did you like this list? What do you think of my analysis? Only the top image is made my me, others are downloaded! Thanks for reading!
Again Winter
Again Winter
Ah my summer
Ah my summer
Another Autumn
Another Autumn
I love Spring people!
I love Spring people!
She'll be Autumn
She'll be Autumn
My Punz, she's Autumn too
My Punz, she's Autumn too
I think I love Spring people
I think I love Spring people
Of course a winter
Of course a winter
posted by Giyane
I thought instead of bombarding all you guys with my opinion nukes, I'd start out with introducing myself.

I'm 14, and I'm quite paranoid about websites using my personal information to hunt me down, which is why I always use a fake name. But don't worry, the rest of this article is true.

My name isn't Giyane, it starts with a K (my 2nd favorite letter after V). My name is Kallysta (or at least, I wish it was). I'm very weird once you get to know me, but hey! We're all mad here, am I right?

Anyway, I've been wanting to be an astrophysicist since before I even knew how to spell it, so that's a...
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Let's face it: we live in a man's world. If you don't think that's true, slap yourself and take a look at the real world. Under Iranian Islamic law, if a woman isn't a virgin when she's married, she gets 100 lashes. Harsh. Men are even paid more than women on average, and that's in the United States.

Now, I am a feminist. Before anyone throws something at me, I want to say that people are misconstruing feminism, and it's making me sick. Feminism isn't about burning bras or hating men, it's about equality. It's about a world where no gender is oppressed. And Disney can have a big part in that....
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10. Rapunzel: I just don't think she is pretty. It's mostly the animation that gets me. Her eyes are huge and she's way too skinny. I don't like her hair either. It's way too long. And when she cuts her hair short she looks worse. Maybe if they made her animated like the rest of the princesses she would be higher up the list!

9. Snow White: I don't exactly find her ugly but I wouldn't consider her pretty either. Her eyes are beautiful though. She would be a lot higher on this list if she had longer hair. Her face just looks chubby and her hair is so boring. She's also way too pale.

8. Tiana:...
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posted by dee389
My no. 1 favourites!!!!
My no. 1 favourites!!!!
Hi guys, this is the third time that I'm writing a movie review, and I'm going to write about the latest DP movie Frozen in which I went to see it on the big screen with my younger autistic brother finally!
Firstly the movie initiates with a great introduction to Scandinavian culture (in particularly Finland) and I'm amaze by the scenery too, the setting reminds me of Tangled that it makes me want to go to Scandinavia now!
Ok, let's move on to the characters, Elsa is really an unique character in a way as she tries to hide her super powers secret from her beloved sister Anna. She also a special...
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It's been over a year since I last wrote this article and my opinions has changed since then so here's an updated list. I'm planning on doing this with their Swedish Singing Voices too

10. Belle

I honestly don't understand why people loves her singing voice. First of all her voice is a little annoying and not a voice I could listen to all day. Second her voice doesn't suit Belle imo. If her voice wasn't so annoying it would be a little higher on this list

9. Jasmine

Once again I decided to seperate Jasmine and Mulan even though Lea Salonga did the singing voice to both of them. Anyway...
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I realize is not a typical princess and would look a little strange with the others, but correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't one of the things about the Disney Princesses is that they're each unique in their own way. Well Sofia is just that, she's unique.

Also, another thing about Disney Princesses is their characters. The Disney Princesses are supposed to be role models and their personalities are supposed to be one that we can relate to and ones that can rub off on us. Sofia is kind, unselfish, brave, will never give up on a friend, and she is willing to sacrifice for her friends. In the recent...
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posted by winterharvest54
Hi everyone! This is my first article so I thought I should start out with a list.

11. Cinderella
Don't get me wrong I love her movie but I dislike how her eyes seem so puny compared to her face and I don't like her lip color, And I most definitely don't like her hairstyle.

10. Tiana
I don't like her lips they seem to big. I also don't like how her bun has the little stragglers of hair but I do love her dress.

9. Rapunzel
I love how she looks until she gets her hair cut I almost died when her hair got cut because it was so beautiful :'(.

8. Pocahontas
I love her beautiful hair and wish my hair was...
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posted by Jayden-G
I decided to start a series of analyzing the DP Couples in depth (and later, the other Disney Couples) after I got bored one day, and wanted to write a series of articles. You can recommend me which couple to do next in the couples section. So here is how it is going to go. I will first explain my overall statement about the couples in a paragraph, and then I will analyze each scene to look at the inner and outer feelings of the characters individually an the couple itself.

Here is the first DP Couple Analysis:link
Here is the second DP Couple Analysis:link
Here is the third DP Couple Analysis:...
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posted by breathingdisney
Once upon a musical magical day there lived a princess and she lived in a zoo. Her name was Macy. Macy wanted to get married and find a king for her throne. One day when she was getting fed by the zoo keepers she laid eyes on a man dressed in corduroy overalls named Four. Four met eyes with Macy and started throwing up because she was the ugliest woman he has ever seen. Four was in love with Athena and Athena loved Four back. One day Four and Athena got married in an enchanted limo that drove them to the castle where Athena lived. Macy was there waiting to capture Athena and put her under a...
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posted by snowsowhite
Alright, all girls have the right to choose who will be their style, girly or tomboyisl, but some mothers and fathers want their daughters to be girly and like all the other girls, showing that to be different is wrong. I wrote this article for all those parent who want their daughters to became girly, but they mean just like all the today's barbie dolls, to be thin, cause without knowing it that's what they make, they buy things with their daughters and they choose dolls, fairytale books and other things with the girly princesses that they grew up with, no matter what the right is, the leave...
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posted by KittieMalimoff
~Born Princesses
Adella (Ariel's sister)
Alana (Ariel's sister)
Andrina (Ariel's sister)
Aquata (Ariel's sister)
Arista (Ariel's sister)
Attina (Ariel's sister)
Snow White
Anna (Frozen)
Tiger Lily (Peter Pan)
Kiara (daughter of the lion pride)
Vanellope von Schweetz
Dot (Attas sister)
Calla (Gummi Bears tv show)
Princess Leia (Star Wars bought by Disney)

~Married in Princesses
Jane Porter

~Non Princesses
Minnie Mouse (Founder of Disney)
Wendy Darling
Tinker Bell
Maid Marian (Niece of King Richard)
posted by mhs1025
Y'all know my photos of the DP's with makeup on, right? Well, if you must know, as soon as each princess wins a round in the polls with a different look, that pic of her will go to my finals round. I've got all 13! YAY! In each round I've been posting, if a different look for each princess wins, she'll go to the finals. Now let me explain how this works.

The 3rd place princess will get a collage of her own looks.

The 2nd place princess will get a poll of ALL of her looks and you get to decide which one looks best.

The 1st place winner will get a look of your choice!

The princesses who are going to the finals round are: Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel, Merida, Anna, and Elsa.

As soon as the next poll comes out, vote for your favorite look! :)

UPDATE: All the princesses have won a round.
One Queen to rule them all
One Queen to rule them all
I did a countdown for both the princes and the princesses. I saw on done a long time back and this time the results were different. Here it is for the princesses

10: Ariel
The Queen of the People and the Fish
The Queen of the People and the Fish

Why is it during a best at something wise she’s first one out? Maybe because she has the attention span of a middle schooler girl sleepover (Do not go to one of those!) and she’s not the best at making good choices. In fact her choices left her and Eric in a hard spot right after they got married. To Fish or not to Fish, is she for the fishermen or the fish. Oh well, Fish are friends...
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Poca, you one crazy chick
Poca, you one crazy chick
I couldn't narrow it down to ten, so I decided to just do my top 13 Disney Princess songs. Some of these will be a shock, while some of them are so awesome it's hard not to love them, sooo let's begin. (I still haven't figured out how to put pictures in the article, so please don't hold it against me)

13. Sing Sweet Nightingale

Sing Sweet Nightingale is my favorite Cinderella song. I'm talking about Cindy's part of coarse. It's just so underrated...I feel so bad for Cindy in that song!!! Lucifer is a meanie. I just picture Cindy wishing she was a nightingale *7% to fly away, 93% to peck the heck...
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....Well this is awkward
....Well this is awkward
Get ready for the stupidest story ever......*If I were you, I'd leave now*

The two good faries had already given Aurora her gifts of Beauty and Song, but Merryweather still had hers to give. Merryweather was just about to give her gift, but then, out of no where, the evil and diabolical....wait where is she? "Cut. Where's Maleficent? We can't do this film without her, she is the only interesting character in this story *not my view, not my view, not my view*. Okay, change in plans, Merryweather give your gift now, andddd action." Merryweather then sprinkled her magic and said her words that...
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posted by Jayden-G
There are 10 Disney Princes so far, and they are a unique group. Some barely have a personality, others are really full of themselves, insecure, and some are really cool. This is my list of my favorite Disney Prince

10. Ferdinand
Snow White's prince is in last place because despite him being the first hero and prince, he's practically only a plot device. His only purpose in the movie is for Snow White to fall in love with him, so he can break the curse. He is in maximum 5 minutes of an hour and twenty minute movie (I've counted), so we do not get to see his character, and he appears the least...
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posted by hajirah4
"And now a message, from your future president of america"
"And now a message, from your future president of america"
Sorry I haven't made an article in a while... I promised i'd make ya'll a count-down before New Years, but I was depressed after I found no gifts under the Christmas tree u.u

...JUST KIDDING!...Christmas is like that every year... NOW ONTO THE ARTICLE.

Second of all, let me just say that I think Ariel has a TON of haters. She's like Justin Beiber in the Disney World, (except she's a more decent thing to argue over) but when really...the ones who disagree AND the fans are making a big deal. And the big question is always "Is Ariel the most irresponsible princess...
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I'm excited to do this one! Yay. Hopefully people will read it...
Let's get started!

10. Pocahontas

I really don't think she's pretty. Her hair looks so thin and strange. Her hair is the thing most people love about her appearance, but I really don't like it. You know how Jasmine's hair looks so thick and soft, like you run your fingers through it and play with it forever? Yeah. Poca's looks like black paper. No volume! Also her lips, they look like she got botox or something. The only thing I like is her skin color, very pretty.

9. Mulan

Mulan is very ethnic looking. I'm just not a fan of Chinese...
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I’m new to Fanopo, and I thought, What better first article than my favorite Princess countdown? Please comment and give your opinion. Please, no swearing or rude comments, but constructive criticism is welcomed. So, without further ado, here is my favorite Princess countdown!

10. Jasmine
Now, there is no denying Jasmine is awesome. She is tired of her pampered life, where every decision is made for her and she has no freedom, and so she takes charge of her own life and dresses up as a peasant in order to live a life of freedom where she makes her own choices. She makes her way through the...
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posted by hajirah4
Thank you Deviant Art!!!
Thank you Deviant Art!!!
Now first of all, why don't we all give applause to Cinderella and Walt Disney (hey there my idol, and my man!) for creating the best childhood we've all ever had!!! (applause)

Now, let's document on "The Damsels In Distress" thing, first off- if you REALLY think she's a damsel in distress, then your a disgrace to the the Disney Princesses. Why? Cinderella believed in herself...
BUT SHE DID IT SO- STOP SPREADING HOGWASH!!! SNOW WHITE, is the damsel in distress people!!! Aurora never intended to go to her prince, and Cinderella WENT TO THE BALL, KISSED THE PRINCE, BUT SHE WAS SCARED OF HER USELESS...
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