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Awhile ago, linkabout which Houses the Princesses would be in, and several of you requested that I do one about the princes as well. I’m pleased to announce that this is it!

But before I begin my analyses, it’s time for some disclaimers…

1. About the Houses. Here’s how I tend to think of the Houses of Hogwarts. (Note: I will be saying the most about Slytherin, since Slytherin is most often distorted.)

Gryffindor: values bravery, daring, bold decision-making, rule-breaking, following one’s dreams, standing up for one’s friends, and being overall “fun”/pleasant/courageous.

Slytherin: NOT the Evil House of Evil. Misrepresented, even in canon (going off of the damage control post-DH and in Pottermore and so on). Not essentially racist. Values cunning, quick thinking, elegance and sophistication, ambition, big ideas, slight rule-breaking, and wit. Also known for a great sense of duty to anyone they consider family.

Ravenclaw: values intelligence, intellectual curiosity, bookishness, and cleverness. Often perceived as stuck-up or otherwise “odd”.

Hufflepuff: values loyalty, hard work, adherence to rules, and kindness. Produces very nice people, even if they are seen as lacking backbones from time to time.

Another thing to keep in mind is that these traits are not mutually exclusive. You can, for example, have smart Gryffindors, ambitious Hufflepuffs, brave Slytherins, and kind Ravenclaws. Remember that!

2. I will have unpopular opinions, I can guarantee it. Feel free to disagree with me! These are just my unique interpretations of the characters. I tend to approach things from a different angle than most people, so keep an open mind!

3. I actually made all the images! Now, bear in mind, I used Paint and wanted them to be comically bad. So please don’t tell me that they’re silly-looking, ‘cause they’re supposed to be.

Now, onto the article!


Despite his limited screen time, the Prince nevertheless manages to leave a definite impression of his personality. And based on that, I feel confident Sorting him into Hufflepuff, just like his beloved.

Tenacious and loyal, the Prince spends months searching for the young woman he fell hopelessly in love with—thus demonstrating classic Hufflepuff diligence. Most people wouldn’t be that perseverant, but Hufflepuffs aren’t “most people”.

Similarly, the Prince comes across as kindhearted and seems to possess a genuine and pure love for Snow White. He is clearly a Hufflepuff, a la Cedric Diggory (after all, Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders, and the Prince found Snow White… twice).

Other possible Houses: Maybe Gryffindor.


Charming has even less screen time than the Prince, which I’ll admit makes him a challenging Sort. Thankfully, challenging does not equal impossible, and it’s my conclusion that Charming would be a Gryffindor.

One of the first things we learn about him is that he consciously defies his father’s expectations, to the point that the old king desperately throws a ball in the hope that his son will finally find a girl to marry. Gryffindors don’t care about the expectations of others, unlike Hufflepuffs and Slytherins, for example. Charming seems apathetic at best about his parents’ hopes for him, rather like several Weasley children I can list off the top of my head.

And when the ball comes around, Charming rejects the ceremony of it all, which shows his lack of patience and rejection of decorum (so, once again, he’s not Hufflepuff or Slytherin). One could take that a step further and say that he’s disillusioned with royal life, but I don’t think there’s enough evidence for that. Regardless, Gryffindors only live for themselves, in many ways, and Prince Charming is no different.

Furthermore, although he rejects how his father wants him to get married as soon as possible, Charming still has an idealistic and romantic side, like Gryffindors tend to. In “So This is Love”, he sings to Cinderella, “So this is the miracle that I’ve been dreaming of”—thus proving that, however much he scorns pomp and circumstance, he still wants to fall in love… on his own terms, of course. (How Gryffindor!)

The best argument, though, comes in the form of Cinderella III: A Twist in Time. Charming is revealed to be dashing, romantic, faintly rebellious, and a fan of swordplay. I don’t usually take sequels into account for articles, but I think this makes for a good exception.

Either way, he’s a Gryffindor.

Other possible Houses: Hufflepuff, possibly.


This one is so obvious that I’m practically rolling my eyes at the simplicity of this argument (especially because Aurora’s Sorting was complicated and I just agonized over Charming's). Anyone who has seen Sleeping Beauty could tell you that Phillip is about as classically Gryffindor as Gryffindor gets.

First and foremost, Phillip is brave and chivalrous. In the face of extreme danger—namely, Maleficent, hordes of her goblin minions, a forest of thorns, and dragon!Maleficent—Phillip fearlessly grits his teeth and charges forward to rescue the girl he loves. Many people say that the three fairies did all the work, but seriously, they need to give Phillip more credit for soldiering through the whole ordeal and willingly facing the Mistress of All Evil, who’s kind of all powerful and sadistic and whatnot. You know, like, say… Voldemort?

Phillip even applies his audaciousness to his personal life. Instead of calmly introducing himself to Aurora and making small talk (or what have you), he sneaks up from behind without a second thought and interjects himself into her life. It’s that kind of boldness that sets Gryffindors apart.

On top of that, Phillip also has the typical Gryffindor defiant streak, since he was perfectly willing to leave behind his absent betrothed in favor of an enchanting peasant girl.

And yet, even with all of that audaciousness, Phillip still manages to be pretty laid-back. Instead of meeting up with his father and King Stefan to do royal business, for example, he chose to go out for a calm ride in the woods on horseback. That could play into his rebellious streak, since it’s not what would be expected of a prince visiting the kingdom of another monarch.

So… daring, nerve, and chivalry. Right.

Other possible Houses: Slytherin, because of his smooth-talking and playful manipulation.


Eric is more of a toss-up between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, but after really thinking it over, I believe he would also be a Gryffindor.

Eric, much like Charming and Phillip, is a very easygoing yet rebellious prince. Instead of staying in and adhering to all “princely” clichés, he prefers to spend his time at sea, playing his flute and having fun with his dog, Max. We as the audience don’t really know how his parents feel about it, but his attendant, Grimsby, wants him to settle down (does that sound familiar?). There’s that Gryffindor disregard of expectations again!

It’s also heavily intertwined with Eric’s stubbornness. Despite what Grimsby says, Eric clings to the idea of his “dream girl” with “that voice” and will settle for nothing less. And when he thinks he’s found her at last, he rushes into marriage (yes, he was hypnotized, but I digress).

And just as Phillip jumped into romance and danger alike, so too does Eric. When Max was left behind on a burning ship, Eric risked life and limb to save his beloved pet—and nearly died for it. Much later in the movie, Ariel was pulled underwater as Ursula’s prisoner, and Eric heroically dived after her—and nearly died for it. Ursula turned into a giant sea monster, so Eric took control of the ship, ramming it into her—and nearly died for it. One could venture to say that Eric, like Harry Potter himself, has a “saving people thing”.

Not a bad case for Gryffindor, eh?

Other possible Houses: Hufflepuff. You could make a strong case for Hufflepuff.


After that cycle of Gryffindors, we have a prince who really breaks the mold. In Beauty and the Beast, it’s the villain who has the traditional bombastic Gryffindor personality. And what stands in best opposition to Gryffindor? Slytherin.

Even more, he fits into the dark side of Slytherin (think Draco Malfoy, Snape, Tom Riddle, etc.) at the beginning of the movie. His biggest mistake was not letting an old woman stay at his house, allegedly because she wasn’t attractive enough for his 11-year-old standards. He took one trait about her, in this case her lack of beauty, and judged her harshly for it. Considering Slytherin’s reputation of scorning Muggles and Muggle-borns, his cruelty would find its match among the Purebloods and might even win him some friends.

Tying into that is the Beast’s impatience and critical nature. We see plenty of it when Maurice has the misfortune of trespassing and sitting in the Beast’s special chair and when Belle won’t join him for dinner, for example.

Slytherins can also be brooding and self-pitying, as is the case for both Severus Snape and the Beast. Is this perhaps the blowback from an inherently ambitious person not achieving their goals in life? The Beast, at least, seems resigned to never being a human again, and exhibits a great deal of pessimism about it.

Lastly is the Beast’s habit of intimidating others to mask his own insecurity. This is actually a very Slytherin thing to do, because appearances—especially how they come across to others—are very important to them. He may talk big game and do his whole monster routine to scare Belle (and validate his self-loathing, ahem), but it’s all a mask for his incredible lack of self-confidence when it comes to relationships.

Other possible Houses: None. He’s too much of a Slytherin for me!


Now for the street rat. This may surprise some of you, because I usually see him Sorted into Gryffindor, but I say that Aladdin is a Slytherin.

Most important is how Aladdin’s biggest dreams rely on people’s perceptions of him:

”Riff-raff, street rat, I don’t buy that. If only they’d look closer! Would they see a poor boy? No siree. They’d find out there’s so much more to me.”

He wants to be recognized as an Important Individual, not a homeless ragamuffin who steals everything. And not just recognized, either: Aladdin wants to be admired. That’s the Slytherin lust for power, right there, which generally isn’t a bad thing. He just wants a better station in life and for everyone to respect him. That’s probably why he takes it so personally when Prince Achmed says in front of people that he’ll never amount to anything.

Aladdin is also quick-thinking and sly. If you’re familiar with my article about Sorting the Princesses, you may recall how often I mentioned the “quick-thinking” aspect of being a Slytherin, which basically combines the decisive nature of Gryffindors with the mental processes of Ravenclaws. Slytherins need to act fast, but they also need to think things through on the way. That’s what Aladdin does when he steals and hops around town evading the police.

Less flattering is how he seems to regard Jasmine as a possession of sorts, despite her assertion that she is “not a prize to be won.” Aladdin wins her heart through deceit and trickery, even though he knows it’s wrong. He’s too insecure to let his guard down for fear that she’ll judge him. It’s sad, but nonetheless fits into Slytherin.

Other possible Houses: Gryffindor


I don’t know about all of you, but one thing I like about John Smith is his intensely adventurous spirit. As he sings to himself while exploring the New World, “Hundreds of dangers await and I don’t plan to miss one in a land I can claim, a land I can tame! The greatest adventure is mine!” Anyone who genuinely means that is probably a Gryffindor, and John is no different.

Gryffindors are known for being rash. Mr. Smith here almost shot Pocahontas on sight (a very rash decision, if you ask me) and only stopped because he was too stunned by her attractiveness. Of course, his initial decision to shoot was influenced by his prejudices against Native Americans, but if you think Gryffindors aren’t prejudiced, I’d like to invite you to look at all the anti-Slytherin bias in the Harry Potter books.

John Smith is also, like the other Gryffindor Princes, defiant of others’ expectations. Knowing the consequences, he still pursues a relationship with Pocahontas and doesn’t actually go on a “savage”-slaughtering rampage like he’s apparently done in the past. His decisions are influenced by his own desires and moral code, not what people expect him to do.

He’s also generally a thrill-seeker who has been in countless dangerous situations before, which, even in isolation, would make him an easy Sort.

Other possible Houses: Slytherin


Shang is far more difficult, since he exhibits traits from all the Houses.

The case for Slytherin: Obviously, Captain/General Li Shang is very ambitious, or he probably wouldn’t have gotten to his high station in the Chinese army. We’re also told that he was first in his class in military training, which shows dedication.

The case for Gryffindor: He surrounds himself with war and dangerous situations, thus demonstrating bravery. Plus, he seems to have a strong moral compass.

The case for Ravenclaw: Again with being first in his military training class. Shang is also reserved and thoughtful, and can come across as cold. Ravenclaws can be pragmatists, and Shang is definitely pragmatic.

The case for Hufflepuff: Shang’s commitment to duty is nothing if not impressive. He puts it above his feelings, as shown when he had to kick Mulan/Ping out, despite his fondness for her/him.

See what I mean about him being a difficult Sort? He’s a very well-rounded character; he just doesn’t fit into the specific House structure.

The verdict: Durmstrang.


Naveen is a smooth-talking ladies’ man who wants to have fun all the time. Like Aladdin, some people may put him in Gryffindor, but I think he’s a definite Slytherin.

Prince Naveen’s primary goal in life is to have nice things and to enjoy himself, above all else, and he pursues it with the typical Slytherin single-mindedness. He even spent so much of his parents’ money that they cut him off! That shows a casual disregard for others, which many canon Slytherins are guilty of (even though it’s not supposed to be an official House trait).

To help him achieve his long-term goal of livin’ it up, so to speak, Naveen knows that he needs to get money fast. And that’s where his actual short-term ambition is born from. He decides to marry rich, not for love, and is perfectly okay with that. Slytherins need a goal to work towards, and that’s his.

At the beginning of Princess and the Frog, Naveen cares about himself more than anyone else He’s a smooth-talking, womanizing, quick-thinking music lover and hedonist… who is secretly insecure about not knowing anything practical. Remember how I addressed insecurity in regards to Aladdin and the Beast? Yep, here it is again in another of our Slytherin boys.

Other possible Houses: Gryffindor (but I wouldn’t put him there due to his targeted focus and disregard of others).


Long story short, we have yet another Slytherin (Side Note: Where are all of the mysteriously absent Ravenclaw princes…?).

Flynn is cunning and quick-thinking in his life as a thief. He even went after an enormous-scale jewelry heist to steal the missing princess’s tiara! How much more ambitious could a burglar get than that?

He’s also intensely showy, always preening and spouting one-liners for the benefit of everyone around him, which plays into how Slytherins are very conscious of others’ perceptions of them. More of his ostentation comes in the form of “the smolder”, also known as how he presumably gets out of tight situations.

Slytherins are additionally known to attract followers, in Flynn’s case the Stabbington brothers for a while. Within the Harry Potter universe, one can see this exhibited in Draco Malfoy and Voldemort, for example.

Flynn/Eugene’s biggest dream in life was to be, in his own words, “on an island that I own, tanned and rested and alone, surrounded by enormous piles of money”, which shows the Slytherin-like importance he places on material goods. This also deals with the classic Slytherin sense of ambition.

And, just like the other Slytherins so far, “Flynn” is secretly very insecure. He, an orphan (Eugene Fitzherbert), crafted an alternate identity (“Flynn Rider”) to compensate for his sense of inadequacy and to essentially become a powerful person. To think that in the Harry Potter books there was once an orphan named Tom Riddle who did the same thing…

Other possible Houses: Gryffindor or Hufflepuff


Like Shang, Kristoff is an immensely difficult case. In his case, it’s because he contradicts so many qualities inherent to the House system.

For one, Kristoff is a loner, and a judgmental, anti-social outsider at that. He seems to dislike people in general and can overall be described as “odd”. He prefers the company of reindeer to that of human beings. Seriously.

I like to describe him as a grumpy individualist. Kristoff forges his own path in life, seemingly unaware of the outside world at large, and yet he has a compassionate side.

You could probably argue that he’d be Sorted into Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, but I don’t think he suits either of those Houses in particular.

The verdict: Homeschooled.

Thanks for reading!

Please leave a comment with your reactions! I’m a Slytherin myself, so that sort of thing is very important to me. :) Hope you enjoyed my article!
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Source: Not Mine
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Source: Not Mine
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added by monkeygreeneli
As many of you know, I have been conducting a countdown of the most popular love's first kiss scenes. It's been a lot of fun and I'm glad so many people participated! I must say, though, that I find it hilarious that each poll had about 40 participants and less than half of them commented. I mean it even says in the title that your vote won't count unless you leave a comment! It doesn't particularly bother me, I have plenty of quotes as it is, I just find it funny. :P On to the results...

8. Cinderella and Charming's kiss

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How can you say this little girl is ugly?
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This is why I think she's so disliked:

1. People hate her looks!! They say she's ugly. Which I don't really get, because she has long red hair and blue eyes. -Cough, a bit like Ariel, cough.-

2. They don't like the story. I've also seen somewhere,...
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I wrote this article based in Disney Wiki's trivia.

Snow White: Snow Whites's name means white as snow and she lives in the bavarian Germany, as Rapunzel.
Cinderella: Cinderella is derived from the French word Cendrillon, which translates in English as "little ash girl".She lives in French.
Aurora: Aurora means "sunrise" or "dawn" in Latin. Probably she lives in Germany .
Ariel: Ariel means "lion of God" in Roman and she lives in Denkmark.
Belle: Belle means beauty in french and she lives in France.
Jasmine: "Jasmine" is a Persian name for a beautiful flower and she lives in middle east (a town called...
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I decided to start a series of analyzing the DP Couples in depth (and later, the other Disney Couples) after I got bored one day, and wanted to write a series of articles. You can recommend me which couple to do next in the couples section. So here is how it is going to go. I will first explain my overall statement about the couples in a paragraph, and then I will analyze each scene to look at the inner and outer feelings of the characters individually an the couple itself.

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Here is the second DP Couple Analysis: link

First thoughts right after watching...
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11. Merida
Obviously, she is the less girly princess in the line. That curly hair, she doesn't care about her looks either. She isn't the typical "damsel in distress" who only cry waiting for her prince to come. Playing with weapons all day, how can she be the first place in this countdown?

10. Mulan
Even though a warrior, she still has some girl points. She stays graceful, but still hold the tough girl trait. She can't be the last in this rank

9. Rapunzel
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Esmeralda-Mila Kunis
One of the most respected actresses in the industry right now. Mila can definitely pull off playing a headstrong but beautiful leading lady. Plus she's got the same exotic features as Esme. Adriana Lima would also be a good choice, but there's abit of a language barrier.

Megara-Olivia Wilde
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I haven't written an article for a long time and since it's DP songs theme now I decided to write about my favorite DP songs from each movie because I don't really have a list of my favorites, but I hope that's okay. Anyways, enjoy and don't forget to comment!

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs:

I love all of the songs in the movie and I've been having including the one I have now 3 favorites, before joining Fanpop my favorite was Someday My Prince Will Come, when I joined it was With a Smile and a Song and now it's Whistle While You Work. I love it because it makes me want to dance and it's...
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Hey everyone, so this article is about my favorite DP wardrobes. I´m taking into acount the whole wardrobe of just the original film, so outfits from the sequels are not included. I am judging the wardrobe as a whole, so even if a single outfit of the wardrobe is my favorite, I have to take the other ones into acount as well. I might write another article later with my favorite outfits. As with other lists, I might change my mind later on, so here it is.

I do like her dress, but I don´t find it that special and it´s the only thing she wears during the entire movie.
My favorite...
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I don't understand why a lot of users on fanpop don't seem to like Cinderella. I think she is overlooked. People think she just sits around and does nothing but I think there is more to her than that. I think she is a strong character tho not as strong as the newer heroines such as Belle & Jasmine. I love Cinderella's optimistic attitude & she works hard to get what she wants. I think she is smart. She is mature. She is kind. It amazes me that she still has a positive attitude after all those yrs of being abused by her step family. I wish I can be as positive as she was. I think Cinderella is a stronger character than Snow White & Aurora. I think she is the strongest out of the classic heroines.
Little did they know, they just had their ass handed to them by a girl on the first day.
Little did they know, they just had their ass handed to them by a girl on the first day.

10.The Chinese Recruits vs. Themselves
What can be said? This is a hilarious battle that poor Mulan started that resulted in a big pile up at the end. But it's not a serious battle, nor is it significant to the movie in any way. It's just a fun little fight.

"Hilarious, but not really significant. :P" (aiemerrysirius)

"This is pure silliness." (tigerranma)

Townsperson: I just got my ass kicked by a stove.
Townsperson: I just got my ass kicked by a stove.

9.The Servants vs. The Townspeople
Probably the most comical fight in disney history. Each of...
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"I just dont think she would be able to control her kingdom and would always need help from the likes of Sebastian etc" -Mongoose09
"I just dont think she would be able to control her kingdom and would always need help from the likes of Sebastian etc" -Mongoose09
*These countdown results are based off of the views of the Disney Princess fans, and not my own.*

9) Ariel- Our princess of the month didn't get so far in this countdown. She's bubbly, sweet, and isn't happy with her father's restrictions (Although we learn that there is very good reason for them in The Little Mermaid 3). Some said that she was childish, immature, and wouldn't take the job seriously, and with her somewhat reckless decisions and selfishness, most agreed she would make the worst queen out of the princesses.

"She's too youthful to be a really good queen." -AllegroGiocoso
"She's too youthful to be a really good queen." -AllegroGiocoso...
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posted by disney_prince
Name: Snow White
Meaning: name given to snow white by her mother and father because of her pale white skin
aka: In Low German Sneewittchen; in High German Schneeweißchen, called "the little princess" by the huntsman. Princess Snow White.
Disney film: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfes, 1st disney classic, 1937
Voice: Adriana Caselotti
Singing voice: Adrina Caselotti
Model: Marjorie Belcher and Margaret Champion
Based on: Many adaptions created but Brother Grimm's adaption was the one Disney’s version is most based on, ending of being kissed by the prince is borrowed from a different...
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