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Friends! Family! Comrads! Amigos! ...Strangers? Oh how I've missed you all! I've been away from my second home for far too long, but I'm back and with an exciting new series of articles featuring myself, avatar_tla_fan and AudreyFreak (or as I'd like to call it, The Classic Princess Protection Team) :) I believe AudreyFreak came up with the idea upon realizing that the three of us have extremely similar opinions on quite a bit, so we decided to make a series of articles out of it! And here's our article on our collective favorite princesses! By the way, you'll be able to tell by reading, but there's an obvious disconnect on how much we decided to write for our descriptions, oops? (*´・v・) Either way I hope you enjoy reading it!

13. Belle
Average Placement: 12

dclairmont: 12

I always fight for whether Belle or Ariel will end up last, today it's Ariel, but Belle isn't too far. I simply find her too perfect, annoyingly so. She's sweet, admirable, intelligent, beautiful-it all just doesn't jell well with me.

AudreyFreak: 12

I like that she’s proper and elegant but she’s not very engaging and her snobbery is a turnoff.

avatar_tla_fan: 12

Oh look, another dull, boring, and bland character and completely Mary-Sue. (Wow, I sound so negative, lol.) There's nothing special about her. She has traits that other Disney Princesses have, recycled over to make a "new, unique" princess that's easily relatable for people. She bores me. There is nothing special about her, she's pretty much like every other character that's been released. She's generic and unoriginal. I'd get more into her, but it has a lot of stuff to do more with relating to her, and that fits into another category.

12. Rapunzel
Average Placement: 11.7

dclairmont: 11

Like Belle, I simply find her to be too perfect. It seems as if they were just trying to create a likable princess to the mass market when they made Rapunzel. I love her development and certain aspects of her character, but nothing jumps out with her.

AudreyFreak: 13

I don’t think she’s a very good role model even if she is generally sweet. She lacks originality and gets much credit for traits Snow White already had.

avatar_tla_fan: 11

She might even move down soon. I find her less appealing each day, she could move down a lot... (Well, a space probably.) Anyway, I dislike her because well, she's uninteresting, boring, and a complete Mary-Sue. (See a pattern in my bottom three yet?) She's so overdone. Disney tried to hard to make her relatable, funny, interesting, and all that for everyone. Well, that didn't really work for me. She's so overdone I almost feel like I'm being forced to like her as a character. She's pretty much a marketing device for everyone around her outside of the movie too. She doesn't have anything special to her. I find her unique, kind of, but not really in a good way. I also dislike how selfish she is, she ONLY wants to please herself, only wants to follow her dream, and FORCES OTHERS to help her with it. I know people will say, "Oh but she had an abusive life!" She didn't know that. She found her life boring, not troubling. All she wanted to do was leave for her own needs.

11. Mulan
Average Placement: 11.3

dclairmont: 10

It saddens me that Mulan can't be higher, but I really just don't love her as much as the other princesses. I love how she tries to please her parents and how awkward and quirky she is, but nothing about her compels me enough to move her higher.

AudreyFreak: 11

I feel very neutral about her. I don’t think she’s as cool as everyone says, but her loyalty and humbleness are admirable.

avatar_tla_fan: 13

Oh guess who hasn't moved up. No surprise here. This might be a bit of a rant, so be prepared. I dislike Mulan, for a number of reasons. First, she's boring, has a plain and dull personality, and doesn't hold my interest. She doesn't go through a good development, it's really rushed. And neither of her "characters" are interesting. She's completely different by the end of her development. She's not really the same. She becomes a Mary-Sue. Her personality is an overused one, meant to be relatable and fun but failing entirely. She's not really relatable in the beginning, she's just a mess, honestly. And then she's perfect after her development. And before her development, she has a lot of characteristics that while I'm glad she lost, were gotten rid of too easily. Like her laziness for example. Yeah, throw that entire flaw, which was the cause for a lot of her problems, out of the window, whatever. I really dislike her and am perfectly fine with having her as my least favorite Disney Princess.

10. Ariel
Average Placement: 10.7

dclairmont: 13

Ariel is stuck at the bottom, sadly. I actually love a lot of aspects of her-her fearlessness and the passion she has, but I can't relate to her in the slightest and simply find her actions to be reckless. She's certainly interesting though, I'll give her that.

AudreyFreak: 10

She’s grown on me a bit more- she’s just too reckless.

avatar_tla_fan: 9

Oh look, Ariel's not high up on my list… time to get attacked for it. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I seem to be the only one who thinks she has way more love than hate, whatever then. Anyways, I find her pretty selfish, though not as selfish as Rapunzel. She puts herself before others, is a bit of a spoiled brat... Etc. She refuses to listen to others yet tried to get others to listen to her, and that's probably my main problem with her. I do not dislike her however, I just find her selfish and I'm not exactly her biggest fan.

9/8. TIE Tiana/Elsa
Average Placement: 8.3


dclairmont: 8

Tia's absolutely lovely. I love how she's got a bit of sass and is a bit of a know it all, is prim and proper, but as the movie progresses she starts to let down her walls and become more fun. Still, I like the princesses above her's personalities more.

AudreyFreak: 7

Her frog scenes are so boring, but she’s a nice character, even if her judgmental attitude annoys me.

avatar_tla_fan: 10

She's moved down a lot, she used to be in my Top 5 and was one of my favorites. Now she's not. Everything really goes downhill when she turns into a frog. She's not this determined worker who will still help her family, she loses sight of what she needs to do and needs to be. She becomes really rude and mean to people, and only tries to please herself. (I'm pretty surprised most people don't consider her selfish, to be honest.) Anyways, that's why I don't like her. Such a shame she had to drop, I used to love her a lot.


dclairmont: 9

I really love Elsa, despite her somewhat low placement. I can really relate to her and I find her perspective to be extremely compelling, but like Rapunzel I feel a bit of disconnect when it comes to Elsa that prevents me from putting her higher.

AudreyFreak: 9

Elsa has the means to be interesting but all we see are her emotions, little of her personality, though her regal, ladylike attitude is nice.

avatar_tla_fan: 7

Poor Elsa, she's not in my Top 5. I wish she had more love. She's the most hated princess on here, in my opinion. I love her though, even if I have a few issues with her character. Main issue, selfishness. She puts her fear before everything else, even her own sister, she doesn't try to listen to others, she just runs away for the sake of it. She doesn't want people calling her a monster, so she sends a snow monster after her own sister... Yeah that's nice. However, I find her very interesting and relatable, and I do enjoy her overall as a character.

7. Merida
Average Placement: 6.7

dclairmont: 4

I really am falling head over heals for this girl. She's certainly different from my average favorite princess, but I love her just as much. Her character development means so so much to me and I absolutely love her relationship with Elinor.

AudreyFreak: 8

Never a dull moment with her! But even more reckless than Ariel, and too harsh sometimes.

avatar_tla_fan: 8

I actually like Merida now. :) However, I still have a few issues with her, my main one being that she doesn't even develop! She says her apology and well then, she's considered developed, (Though Ariel isn't considered developed for doing similar..?) And I also don't like how she rebels for nothing. I can understand why she doesn't want to get married, but she really takes it to the extreme. However, she is the most relatable princess to me, even if I have issues with her, and I still love her. I can look past a lot of her flaws, though not all of them, and I really do like her as a character.

6. Jasmine
Average Placement: 6.3

dclairmont: 7

I desperately want Jasmine to be higher on my list! If my top seven could all be in my top five I'd be so happy. I absolutely love Jasmine, her sass, her compassion, her sense of worth, and more, but the fact that she forgives Aladdin so easily does irk me.

AudreyFreak: 6

She can be bratty and impulsive, but it’s realistic. Like Merida, she’s exciting to watch and is a unique princess with her sharp mind and fearlessness.

avatar_tla_fan: 6

I love how much she's moved up, she was my 10th for a while. I find her kind of selfish, she puts herself before others for her own benefit, but unlike Princesses like Rapunzel, I find her a not only interesting character, but a fun and charming one as well. I like the sass she has to her and it's not overdone either. Overall, I really love her, she's could move up higher, but I'm not sure about that yet, I love my Top 5 too much and I have very little complaints about them, whereas I have a few with Jasmine.

5. Anna
Average Placement: 5

dclairmont: 6

Another princess who needs to get into my top five! I love her unrelenting love for her sister and how caring she is. I love her upbeat attitude and all around joyful personality, as well as her quirkiness and funny habits.

AudreyFreak: 4

Anna is super admirable to me. I wish more people, including me, were as sweet and forgiving as she was. And she’s hilarious!

avatar_tla_fan: 5

Anna, <33. She's moved up my list so much. I used to hate her and she was my 13th, now I love her and she's my 5th! I know many people compare her to Rapunzel, but I don't think they're that similar. If anything, she's basically Rapunzel done correctly! In my opinion at least. She's fun(ny), without being forced to be, interesting and has a good story behind her as a character, determined, flawed, foolish, lacking common sense and somewhat stupid, it makes her realistic, and that's part of why I love her. I love how selfless she is, she doesn't put herself first, it's always for her sister. She's determined to do what she think is best, even if it is not the best. It makes her realistic and easy to relate to. And that's why she's risen so much on my list. ^^

4. Pocahontas
Average Placement: 4

dclairmont: 3

Numbers two and three switch daily, but Pocahontas is here for today. I'm in love with all the sides of Pocahontas, her indecisiveness, her wildness, her elegance, her sense of duty, it all just comes together to make such a fantastic princess.

AudreyFreak: 5

Very relatable, interesting to watch. I love her free-spirited but elegant personality!

avatar_tla_fan: 4

She is so interesting to me! While I find her overrated, she is also a fantastic, fun, and well done character. I love how she is able to stand up for herself and be a strong character. Whether she is historically inaccurate or not, I think that the character Disney gave us is very satisfying and amazing. I truly love her and she is definitely one of my favorite Disney Princesses. <3

3. Cinderella
Average Placement: 3.3

dclairmont: 5

I get such a warm feeling whenever it comes to Cinderella. She just gives me such a happy feeling and can always calm me. She's so strong and I admire her so much, yet also find her to be extremely funny and relatable as well.

AudreyFreak: 3

It kills me that Belle usually gets the credit for all Cindy’s good qualities. I love that she never stops being such a good person, and her snark is entertaining.

avatar_tla_fan: 2

I love Cinderella for multiple reasons. For one, I love how kind and patient she is. She's had a lot of bad experiences in her life, and yet she can still remain kind and patient despite that. I really admire that quality in her. I admire a lot of qualities in her, a lot of which I don't have myself. It makes me respect her more as a character, and it helps me strive to be more like her. She is personally a huge role model of mine. I think it's a good balance in her character however, how she isn't all JUST kind and patient. She can have a bit of a sassy side to her as well. Maybe not as much as somebody.. *cough*Jasmine*cough* but I like how it's more just a part of her personality more than her personality as a whole.I love how mentally strong she is. She is able to put up with her horrible life and still keep a smile on her face throughout it. She's definitely, in my opinion, the strongest Disney Princess mentally. She knows what's happening to her, but she doesn't let it get to her. She stays strong throughout her life, and in the end, staying like that, and being kind and patient, pays off for her. She is able to get her happy ending.
Like I said above, one of the main reasons I love Cinderella is because I admire her as a character. I really do. I think that it was very hard to stay kind, patient, and as strong as she was without pretty much going insane.
And NO, I do not think she is a pushover. She stands up for herself when there is a need to, and the rest of the time she doesn't, but does that mean she's letting her family walk all over her? No, it means she was smart enough to realize there was nothing she could do about her life, and that just trying to make the best of it was the only good solution, in my opinion.

2. Aurora
Average Placement: 2

dclairmont: 1

Who else? My one true love, the princess who's always been one of my all time favorites. I love absolutely everything about this girl and she's the princess that I've always felt a huge connection to. The day she's low on my list is the day the world ends <3

AudreyFreak: 2

She’s EVERYTHING I like in a character- artsy, demure, introverted, gentle, responsible. She’s the most imaginative princess. Her personality is obvious and it’s great.

avatar_tla_fan: 3

Yep, the so called boringfest leader of 2014 is in my Top 3. Like with Anna, I used to dislike her, and she was actually my 13th when I first joined this site. Well, now things have definitely changed, a lot. I love her! She is definitely one of the most interesting DPs. She's very different from your typical teenage girl, she's elegant and mature, which I really like about her. She may not get that much time to show how much personality she has when she's in the movie, but I really think she proved how great of a character she is. I really wish she did have more screentime though, she might be higher if she did have more, but I still love her a lot anyways. Her and Pocahontas are probably the two most interesting DPs, in my opinion. Well overall, I really love her and she's a fantastic character, in my opinion, but I just like my Top 2 more than I like her.

And The Classic Princess Protection Team's Favorite Princess is.....

1. Snow White
Average Placement: 1.3

dclairmont: 2

Snow White is pure joy and I love her to bits. She gives me such a happy feeling and like Cinderella I find her to be so very strong. I love her slight sass and manipulation as well as her overwhelming mothering qualities and positivity.

AudreyFreak: 1

Snow White takes no crap. She’s outspoken and a good leader but never loses her kindness, and she’s stronger than most heroines.

avatar_tla_fan: 1

She has a mix of what I like in a character, she's sweet and kind, but she isn't a pushover. She can be a bit bossy, but doesn't overdo it, and isn't forceful at the same time. Not only is she a bit bossy, but she also has some sass in her as well. It may not be as visible as it is with some characters, but it's in her. She's polite, respects others, and doesn't let things that have happened in her life get to her. I think she is really brave too. Some might say it's because she has no personality, but the only reason I think people don't believe she's brave is because she's so sweet and adorable, it's hard to believe she's brave and can stand up for herself, but I really think she can. She knows someone is trying to kill her, and she runs away, and starts to cry. Okay, okay, that doesn't sound brave, but what does she do after that? Gets over it immediately, and then sings a song. If someone was trying to kill me, I would be running for my life and freaking out, and here she is, sitting in the woods singing a song. I love how emotionally strong she is, she doesn't let things in her life get to her. That's one of the main traits that I like about her, and it's a trait I also love and admire in my second favorite Disney Princess, Cinderella. I love how she acts like a motherly character, it really interests me how a fourteen year old can manage to act like a mother to others. I think she is a good role model, taking up the job of a mother is a hard thing to do, and remaining brave and positive during such hard times makes her a good role model too, I think. Now to get into that whole debate over her taking the apple. I don't think it was stupid, she was just trying to be polite to the woman. She did not know that the woman was out to get her. Okay, I will say though, it wasn't the best decision. I'm not going to fight for her until the end on this one, I do think that she wasn't stupid for doing this, but I do think that this was one of the decisions she made throughout her movie that made me question a little how smart she is. But still, I don't think she was stupid for doing it. Overall, I love her and she is my favorite Disney Princess! <3
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Source: PrincessFairy
added by PrincessFairy
Source: PrincessFairy
added by PrincessFairy
Source: PrincessFairy
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Source: disney screencaps
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Source: disneyscreencaps
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Source: disneyscreencaps
added by cynti19
Source: disneyscreencaps
added by cynti19
Source: disneyscreencaps
added by cynti19
Source: disneyscreencaps
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Source: disneyscreencaps
added by cynti19
Source: disneyscreencaps
added by cynti19
Source: disneyscreencaps
added by cynti19
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added by sweetie-94
Source: disneyclips.com
posted by starlight77
The trainers had heard the scream from the practice field. By the time they made it to the clearing they saw the teenage princess cradling her father's head in her lap, murmuring the words of a lullaby her father had taught her when she was a child. "Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine."

During the next week the king's health did not improve. There was always someone with him and during that time he had only spoken a few times. The doctor said the fall had given him severe head trauma and even if he did survive, he would never be the same again. Elizabeth...
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This is definitely the best Asian version I had ever listen to!
added by VanillaSonata