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All right, first off a little history about myself. When I was a little girl I used to enjoy the little mermaid. Ariel was actually one of my favorite Disney princesses/movies.

Now that I am older however, I have just recently watched the little mermaid one, two and the third movie which is Ariel's beginning.

I couldn't believe what an awful role model she is and how selfish she is. I searched on the internet to find others with my similar view on her and I stumbled across this article here: link

My article here is solely debunking everything this particular person is going on about and finally displaying my evidence as to why Ariel is a selfish and poor role model.

The argument begins with Persephone713 explaining that people are using the word ‘selfish’ wrongly and that anyone who says so is not a true Ariel fan. I’d like to clear up right away that I am not an Ariel fan simply because I do not like characters who are bad people.

I used to enjoy her, yes, when I was a naive child who couldn’t see through all the fancy songs and cinematic stimulation. But I’ve grown and I’m not blinded by ‘hate’ or ‘loyalty’ in my new opinion of her.

Selfish means: “One who is devoted to caring for oneself and ones interests, regardless of others.”

Ariel displays her selfishness the very first early stages of her life. (Ariel’s Beginning) She deliberately disobeys her father’s order throughout the entire movie all because she’s ‘bored’ and wants to have ‘fun’.

1.) In the beginning of the movie, Ariel (15) is bored and complains about wanting to do something else instead of just walking with her family which they do every morning as a tradition. Her sisters are against her idea because they don’t want to get in trouble. So, she tries to bring it up with her father, but when she’s denied that she goes ahead and fools around anyways. Despite potentially getting her sisters in trouble. Why did she do this? Because it’s not about what her sisters want OR her father it’s about what she wants.

2.) Another example is when Ariel stumbles across the music club and promises that she won’t tell anyone. But the very same day she returns home she’s tells ALL of her sisters. She does so because ‘she’ wants to share that with them and she doesn’t even THINK about her promise to the other members of the club or what would happen if they were caught. Which is 10,000% more likely when it involves every single one of King Triton's daughters.

3.) In the end because of her ignorance and selfish wants. Everyone eventually gets caught and all the band members are put in prison and the rest of her sisters are confined to the castle. Which she shows absolutely no remorse or regret for. Instead she attacks her father on his decision and brings up their mother... which is an excruciatingly painful subject for Triton.

All of her sisters can see the damage she caused their father and they all show that they care by telling her to stop because she’s making things worse. Ariel’s older sister Attina tells her that she just doesn’t know when to quit. But despite upsetting all of them and even her father... Ariel selfishly runs away because she can’t get what she wants from her father or her sisters. She LEAVES... all the while knowing how much she means to her father and that he had already suffered through the loss of his wife.

4.) Only at the end of the movie when Sebastian showed her the trinket that belonged to her parents, did she finally show some resemblance of care for her father and what he was going through. And even then she didn’t feel sorry for what all she had done and all the trouble she had caused. Instead she decided that she needed to show her father the trinket in order to bring back the ‘happiness he lost’ which is a very ignorant thought.

In fact Ariel does not achieve anything throughout this movie with the exception of getting her selfish want of music and a break in the boring, routine, structure her strict father had placed upon her and her sisters in Atlantica. The only reason her father changes his mind is due to the fact that Ariel is hit by torpedo-Marina and knocked unconscious thus causing King Triton to relive the death of his wife. I would go so far to say that it had nothing to do with the trinket and everything to do with a new found FEAR within the King that he may lose his rebellious fifteen year old daughter if he doesn’t give in to her desires and whims.

5.) Which brings us to the next movie: The Little Mermaid. It takes place a year later with Ariel now 16 years old and being completely absent to the hugely important concert, that she was staring in, taking place at that very moment. Sebastian even states that Ariel never even bothers to come to rehearsals. Ariel is no longer interested in the music that she had fought so hard for just a year ago. If you will that was ‘so yesterday’ and now her newest interest was the humans and their trinkets. We see the exact same scenario playing out again as she sings about the stuff she has collected and how it isn’t enough—she wants more. She wants to be up there with the humans which is, ironically, the second thing her father has forbidden within the kingdom. Now is it just me or is this starting to REALLY sound like a rebellious teenager who wants all of the things that her daddy says ‘no’ to?

6.) Ariel is seen with her friend Flounder, who she’s seen clearly bullying and manipulating to have her own way which is to explore the ship. Flounder is clearly frightened and just wants to leave, and Ariel’s solution is to more or less scare him into continuing to follow her.


Now I’ve seen arguments of others saying that she does care for her friend because when the shark is attacking she goes back for him. We’ll I’m here to explain, that is completely invalid because SHE was the one who put him in that position in the first place. Why? Because SHE wanted to explore the ship. It wasn’t about the safety of her friend, that is not what mattered to her.

7.) Next is when she remembers the concert and returns to her father. She apologizes, but her sincerity isn’t there. Through her expression and how she lashes out moments after being scolded, show that she didn’t really care. She didn’t care that her father, her sisters and Sebastian were completely humiliated by her absence.


Even as Sebastian scolds her further she has the same uncaring expression. It’s like she’s treating the whole thing as a joke and doesn’t see why they are getting on her case so badly. She ‘forgot’ and said she was ‘sorry’ wasn’t that enough to put the whole thing behind them.

8.) Flounder comes to her rescue at that point and tries to protect her, but accidently speaks of the seagull getting her more in trouble and she has the nerve to get momentarily angry at him.


Then she has the audacity after what she’s done with the concert to snap at her father and treat his concern again like it wasn’t a big deal. That she’s old enough to take care of herself and for him to more or less get off her back. Which is extremely selfish given the fact that the reason why her father has forbid interacting with humans is because her mother was KILLED by humans. But that of course doesn’t at all matter to her. What matters is simply what she wants.


9.) Now to debunk a few things said in that other article. The person who wrote it quotes Ariel saying “If I become human I will never get to be with my father or sisters again.” This supposedly means she cares deeply for them. But this is the only time in the entire movie you see her think about that and to top it off after she says that Ursula tells her that she’ll have her man and that life is full of tough choices. In the end Ariel picks a man she’s only ever met once and never looks back.

10.) This one irks me the most. The person quoted Ariel saying “Daddy I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I DIDN’T KNOW.” Which is a ball faced lie. Ursula explained the ENTIRE scenario to Ariel and she KNEW 100% that Ursula was an evil witch. But she went ahead anyways to get what SHE wanted and didn’t care about the consequences or how it would affect everyone around her. She was just thinking about herself. The end.


I am not saying Ariel didn’t care at all about anyone around her, but I am saying that she is selfish and caused a lot of damage to get what she want. It doesn’t matter if everything worked out in the end of the movies because that is simply placed there for the desired ‘happy ending’.

It also doesn’t matter if she sincerely said “I love you daddy” at the end of the movie because ACTIONS speak much louder than words.

Ending Notes:

I’m sure people will argue over stupid things and nit-pick at this and that. But the evidence is all there throughout those two movies she was the main character in. You just need to open your mature little minds to see it.
posted by deedragongirl
Hello Lily!!
Hello Lily!!
Hi guys, again I'm neither being prejudice nor am I putting down Emma Watson in any form of way, especially her acting skills. So are my thoughts on what would really happen if Lily James played Belle instead.

Interesting Idea

In a recent interview with Lily, she doesn't mind being typecast in periodical costumes since she was previously from Downton Abbey.
Secondly, Lily can actually sing as we all heard her at the 2015 Cinderella reboot ending credits with her rendition of A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes, so playing Belle would be a challenge for her.

Not So Good Idea

I personally think...
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added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
posted by deedragongirl
Princesses with their voice actress!
Princesses with their voice actress!
Hi guys, I would like to write down my favourite Disney Princess Signature Songs and the reason why I love them!

1) How Far Shall I'll Go

Since watching Moana on the big screen, I could not get this song out of my head despite that I don't have the soundtrack yet.

2) Let It Go

Same reason as How Far Shall I'll Go, I also could not let it go! For the past few days, my brother have been listening it on his iPod and it is his favourite movie and song!

3) Beauty and the Beast

Another Disney Princess that I grew up with, it is one of the most popular songs in Disney history.

4) Part of Your World

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added by Sparklefairy375
added by Sparklefairy375
added by Sparklefairy375
posted by AudreyFreak
Yes, my MBTI posts are back! I've studied the cognitive functions a lot more so they'll be a little different. I have many other Disney MBTI posts ready on my link so I'll be posting more soon.

Introverted Sensing (Si): Though Belle says she wants excitement and adventure, she never actually does anything about it. She stays in town, performing the same routine every day: go into town, get books, read them, do some chores around the house. It bores her, but it's what she knows and is comfortable with. Later, she eventually falls into the same routines, reading, taking walks, feeding the...
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The Irish Lads
The Irish Lads
Hi guys, since I had done for Enya and Kenny G, here is another list of Disney princesses favourite Pop songs, only this time it is Westlife songs.

1) My Love

Snow White, Aurora and Cinderella will definitely sing to this to their respective princes. I absolutely fall in love with this song, and the lyrics is perfect for the 3 princesses.

2) Obvious

Talking from Prince Eric's point of view, he first meets Ariel and she could not talk due to a deal with Ursula earlier on. Eric finds her obvious first until her voice came back at the end!

3) Soledad/ If I Let You Go

Again, talking from the Beast/...
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Greetings Dracula!
Greetings Dracula!
Hi guys, okay I am not sure if Disney is daring enough to make a vampire princess. So here are my thoughts on it!

They Should Make a Vampire Princess

I personally think Disney should take the challenge to make a vampire princess, I mean we already have The Vampire Diaries, True Blood, The Twilight Saga and Anne Rice's vampire stories!
They could make the antagonist inspired from Elizabeth Bathory, in which she is a vain vampire throughout the movie!

The Shouldn't Make a Vampire Princess

It will probably intimidate young children, unless the directors watch Hotel Transylvania for inspiration to make it more family friendly.
Secondly, I hope that the movie is not going to be like the Twilight Saga.

Vampire or Not?

I have always wanted to see a vampire princess for a change, do you agree?
Hello Bella Swan.
Hello Bella Swan.
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
No one shows off his hairy chest like Gaston!
No one shows off his hairy chest like Gaston!
Hi guys, I know that the title is very awkward but I will definitely write my own version on how Beauty and the Beast should have ended!

Gaston Gets Turn Into A Beast

This will happen during the climatic battle between the beast and Gaston, I would imagine that the Enchantress will magically appear and turn Gaston into a beast and Prince Adam back into human right in front of Belle!

The Magic Mirror

Since Belle have brought back the magic mirror, it could magically float in the air and review the Beast's true form in front of the mob, Gaston and Belle. Prompting the mob to disband and Gaston ultimately goes to the castle alone to fulfill his deadly mission!

What Do You Think?

So, only two make it through the cut. What do you think of them?
Lovely shot!
Lovely shot!
posted by MaidofOrleans
Thank you to everyone who participated in this countdown! I had lots of fun organizing this, and I hope you had fun voting and commenting. :)

11. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Walt's first full length animated film was a technological masterpiece during its time, but unfortunately it doesn't hold up so well 80 years later. Fans didn't like how stiff the characters look or how inconsistent the animation is.

The animation looks odd and stiff, the colors are dull, and not much attractive as others have. ~Sparklefairy375
I agree with MaidofOrleans & Sparklefairy375. For the time it was made in,...
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Welcome to the results of the countdown for Which Disney Princess Has the Best Speaking Voice. This poll was so much fun to work on! Thanks to all the people who participated in it. I'm so sorry, but I decided to only chose three comments from every poll and try to fit any further opinions into my paragraphs. Also, I've shortened a few comments, because for some reason my mind really isn't comfortable with the longer comments. Now, without any further ado, let's look at the outcomes.

11. Snow White

Snow White went out very quickly, with users claiming that her voice is much too high to be likable....
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88