Disney Princess Club
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I have been a Fanpop and Disney Princess club member for two years. Yes, it took me so long to decide on my favourite Disney Princess list. Well, to be honest, I belayed it that much, because 1) I am ridiculously lazy and 2) I hadn't seen some of the movies. Now that I 've watched all of them, here's my (most probably quite unpopular) list.

13. Ariel
In my opinion, Ariel is extremely popular, because her beauty, mermaid nature, voice, drama queen behaviour, and her expressive and extroverted character stand out and hide all her (uncountable) flaws. She's striking and very charming, no doubt, but she also makes all the wrong choices a reasonable person can do. For the sake of a dream and a guy, she chooses to erase all those who loved and cared about her from her life. She decides to trust a sea witch and lose her voice instead. Seriously, there's no excuse for her deeds, in my opinion. She's superficial, selfish, thoughtless and ungrateful. The only reason this movie had a happy ending is because it's Disney. I know I sound full of hate but honestly, I don't hate her! I admire how determined, strong willed and charismatic she is.
She'd definitely not pay attention to my opinion...
She'd definitely not pay attention to my opinion...

12. Pocahontas
I'm so sorry she ends up second from last, because I really love her free and adventurous spirit, her love for nature and all creatures, her passionate attitude and her peaceful soul. However, this girl annoys me so much that I ignore all these great attributes! The way she stares with the "which path should I follow" expression, the way her hair just always blows in the wind, it annoys me! I can't help it. And I don't really see her wisdom. In fact, she's too indecisive, even about really petty choices. Let alone that I think she made the wrong choice in the end. Sure, she wanted to be there for her people, but why didn't she let John Smith return to her?I know I should not take this into account, but in the sequel, she travels to London by the way and falls for John Rolfe. Yeah, right.
For Goodness' sake, choose a path!!!
For Goodness' sake, choose a path!!!

11. Tiana
I love many things about Tiana. She is the most independent princess. She is intelligent and she has a goal which does not include a handsome, brave prince. She's hard working and has a lot of discipline, which is something I lack and I am jealous of. But there is something about her that just seems wrong. Her whole life orbits around the restaurant. The restaurant, the restaurant, the restaurant. She has no life in fact. She's such a workaholic, it's unhealthy. And sure, I respect her dream and her efforts to achieve her goal, but I do not approve her obsession. Although she did her best to follow her daddy's advice, she missed the most essential part; "Do not forget the things that really matter in life". Naveen was ridiculously trying to propose to her and she didn't even notice, she was like "ah, the restaurant..." Enough, Tiana, we got it.
5 props to the first one who will guess what she wishes for!
5 props to the first one who will guess what she wishes for!

10. Cinderella
Beautiful Cinderella is kind, helpful, patient and keeps dreaming for the best. Sometimes, though, it gets more than dreaming to survive in this cruel world. Sarcastic comments are not enough, when people abuse you. She should stand up to Tremaine and her daughters. And of course, I don't mean for a silly ball, but for her living conditions and her rights as the daughter, and obviously, owner of this mansion. She 's extremely passive, but I love everything else in her.
Let's face the truth: Had it not been for Fairy Godmother, poor Cinderella would still be a maid in her house.
Let's face the truth: Had it not been for Fairy Godmother, poor Cinderella would still be a maid in her house.

9. Anna
Anna is adorable. She 's quirky, desicive, extroverted, funny, easy going and simple. She dreams a more social life, because she can't cope with the isolation Elsa and the death of her parents caused to her. It's so moving and sad to see her, from her early years, trying desperately to communicate with her older sister, always unsuccessfully. And she never said "Dammit" through the years, she kept trying and trying, waiting for Elsa to open the door. It's so sweet. I also love how socially akward she is when she meets a guy she likes. She's hilarious. But one cannot simply marry a guy she knows like two hours! Anna is too spontaneous and thoughtless. I mean, when she accepted Hans's proposal, I had the same reaction with Kristoff. Also, she tends to overreact in cases she should keep it cool, like when she embarassed Elsa in the ball room, causing the collapse of Elsa's defenses and all the bad consequencies. She tends to forget she's a princess when she has to remember it.
... So said Princess Rosemina (jk)
... So said Princess Rosemina (jk)

8. Belle
Belle is often considered as way too perfect, but I don't agree at all. Some people lately called her snobbish and I fully agree. I don't know the exact quote in English, but in Greek she says: Imagine me, marrying this boorish villager! Well, sure she's right about Gaston being boorish, but she's not the daughter of the Duke either. Furthermore, I don't think she just feels different from the other villagers, she actually thinks she's smarter or even superior-I get this feeling from her song; Little town, little people. It's good that she's confident, she just slightly tends to be a bit arrogant. She is indeed very clever, but she isn't that super intelligent as people usually give her credit for. She doesn't read Quantum mechanics after all, she reads fairytales! Also, intelligent people do not tend to intrude in a dark mysterious west wing when a huge furious beast orders them not to. Just saying. Now on the good side(because there is one), she's not a superficial person, she's kind and witty. She has a really powerful personality , since she can handle an arguement with a beast! She 's altruistic, she abandoned her dreams and youth in order to save her father from the prison. Belle is an awesome princess, just not that perfect.
Belle should be congratulated, mainly because she can work her way with the Beast.
Belle should be congratulated, mainly because she can work her way with the Beast.

7. Merida
I can bow down to Princess Merida anytime you want me to! She's a refreshing wind of change. Finally, a princess who doesn't like the idea of marriage or romance even after the end of the film. Romance is not the center of the world. Merida asks for nothing, except for her right to be free and make all the desicions concerning herself on her own. In the scene when she appears last and kicks all the other contestants out of place, she's extremely cool and awesome, besides her amazing skills in archery, which I love. The moment when she says "I am Merida, and I'll be shooting for my own hand" is the finest moment of the Disney princesses in my opinion. *bows* However, her frustration led to such a stupid mistake, feeding her mother something a weird witch gave her. I personally wouldn't expect this from Merida. But I sort of understand her, Elinor had been an unbearable mother and she was in despair.
Chill and thrill.
Chill and thrill.

6. Jasmine
Jasmine fell off of my top 5. That's really sad, because I absolutely love her. I 'm not sure I can find any flaws in her. The only reason she is not higher is that that I love the good qualities of the next princesses more. She's witty, sassy and can't be easily fooled. She claims she's a quick learner and proves it. She's often accused of being short-tempered, but her anger is always justified in my opinion. Furthermore, she 's probably the richest out of all the princesses (Arabian sultans yo!), yet she seeks for true love, even if that means she'll marry a poor street rat and oppose to all the strict laws. In addition to all this perfection, she's seductive, flirty and able to use her "weapons" to her advantage. Just well done.
Plus having a tiger as a pet makes you the epitome of cool.
Plus having a tiger as a pet makes you the epitome of cool.

5. Mulan
If there was a thing such as an objective list of the Disney Princesses, then Mulan would probably be the best - if for no other reason than saving the Empire of China! Mulan is intelligent, altruistic and willing to sacrifice her life for her family and country. Yet, she is humble, feels she can't fit in and has a low self-esteem. This is the reason she is not higher in my list. Because you know, from my viewpoint, it's a bit weird that the girl who defeated Shan Yu is not able to serve a cup of tea right. Anyway, Mulan's hard work, discipline and values make her the best role model out of the Disney Princesses. If only she was a bit more self-assured. She deserves to be.
This picture says it all. The rest is superfluity.
This picture says it all. The rest is superfluity.

4. Elsa
Elsa is the naughty girl who made Jasmine and Mulan drop off of their previous places. I think that the reason she is so high in my list is that she is the princess I can relate the most with. Elsa is a complex and layered character, despite she 's a deuteragonist in her movie. She is regal, elegant and mature, yet a playful teaser. She is disciplined, obedient and logical, until time comes and she says: "Fine, I have had enough". She decides not to suppress herself and others anymore and chooses to lead a lonely living, in order to feel free and, for once, carefree. I love how she thinks: "Well, it's obvious people don't accept me, so f@&k them (sorry for that), I 'll live with my awesome self!" After a childhood full of worries and anxiety, she offers the future to herself, thinking she also protects the others at the same time. She was not entirely right, but she is a boss anyway.
Another great role model: Be happy with what you are and learn not to care about what the others think.
Another great role model: Be happy with what you are and learn not to care about what the others think.

3. Rapunzel
I 've said it several times, I adore Rapunzel. First of all I think she 's the most intelligent princess. She loves reading and learning, she's an expert in Astronomy, which is my favourite science and a really hard one as well. She is creative and has lots of talents. She paints, she sews, she cooks, she plays instruments, she can do pretty much anything. But the thing I love so much in her is probably what most people consider her biggest flaw. People call her naive, I just say that SHE IS NOT JUDGEMENTAL. She sees the good in all people, criminals, abusive mothers, all of them. She never criticizes Flynn or anybody else. And , by having such a sunny, bright personality, she actually brings out the best nature of people. Um, except Mother Goethel's nature, I guess. This affability brings her in the third place and the only reason she is not higher is that I love the next two even more.
What a lovable, brilliant, gifted, nice person she is!
What a lovable, brilliant, gifted, nice person she is!

2. Snow White
The funny thing is that I used to hate her. I changed my mind two years ago, when I joined Fanpop. Now I can officialy say she's the only princess who ever threatened to take the place from my all time favourite. You see, ladies and gentlemen, the world spins around Snow White. Who says she's weak and dumb? Weak? She is only 14 years old and learns that the Queen wants her dead, yet after the initial moment of terror and shock, she feels optimistic again and knows that she has to offer services in order to get what she needs, a shelter in our case. Dumb? She can make anyone go her way. She makes everyone fall for her, princes, animals, dwarfs, Grumpy! I strongly believe Snow White psychoanalyzes Grumpy immediately and quickly percieves that he hides his soft kind nature rather carefully. She becomes the lady of the house, or better, the boss, from the very first moment she steps in. However, she never seems suppresive or annoying. On the contrary, she's a joy to behold. She is kind, helpful, compassionate, romantic, vigorous, tidy, energetic, hardworking, sweet, flirty and occasionally a troll! Unfortunatley, though, she's also too naive. So much that she drops dead. So Snow White, you have to stay at your second place.
The most adorable bossy troll in the history of humankind. That's how much she rocks.
The most adorable bossy troll in the history of humankind. That's how much she rocks.

1. Aurora
Seriously, is anybody surprised by this choice of mine? Aurora has been and will probably always be my favorite princess. Many people have her in low placements because there is not much evidence she desrves being higher. Well, I am a weird person, so I have her in the highest place because there is no evidence she should be lower! I can't name one flaw in Aurora's personality. Obviously I tend to prefer flawless princesses who I can admire. As we all know, Aurora is kind, romantic, elegant, sophisticated, sweet and a dreamer. However, there is so much more I see in her. She is obedient and one of the most logical princesses. She puts her emotions and passions aside, when duty calls. She may disagree with her three aunts, but she is mature enough to understand that the women who spent 16 years to raise her with love and care must be trusted. She falls in love with Philip, but she is wise enough to test his feelings and take the advice of her three aunts by telling him to meet her in the cottage with safety. So she falls in love at first sight, like 99% of Disney characters, but she doesn't act thoughtlessly or egoistically. When she learns she's the princess, she collapses emotionally, but she realises she has to abandon her dream because the parents who haven't seen her for sixteen years and the whole kingdom which awaits for the princess MEAN MORE than a guy she met once. She sorts out her priorities perfectly. Also, there is something another Fanpopper said before me and I'm really sorry I forget who it was. Aurora has such a mental strength that she is able to fight Maleficent's hypnotic spell even for a moment. I absolutely agree. There is no weakness, dumbness or personality inexistence in Aurora. She possesses qood qualities of all kind and hardly any flaws. Good job. Excuse me for this huge rant. I just feel she is too underappreciated personality-wise.
Hail to the Princess Aurora! <3
Hail to the Princess Aurora! <3

Anyway, this was my opinion on the Disney Princesses. Thanks for reading this biiiiiig article and excuse me for my bad english. :)
added by sweetie-94
Source: thedisneyprincess.tumblr.com
added by sweetie-94
Source: thedisneyprincess.tumblr.com
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by sweetie-94
Source: sweetie-94
added by sweetie-94
Source: sweetie-94
added by sweetie-94
Source: disneyclips.com
added by sweetie-94
Source: disneyclips.com
added by sweetie-94
Source: disneyclips.com
added by RoseRapunzel
added by lilyrain13
added by lilyrain13
added by lilyrain13
added by justinfangrrl
added by Jessikaroo
Source: http://petitetiaras.tumblr.com/post/24223605231/the-disney-princesses-visit-snows-memorial-rip
added by Jessikaroo
added by sweetie-94
Source: disneyscreencaps.com
added by BroadwayBelle93
added by chesire
Source: chesire
added by movieprincesses
Source: http://movieprincesses.tumblr.com/
added by JonnaSe
Source: Me (JonnaSe)