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This is the first countdown that I have successfully completed in months, and this was an interesting concept. Thanks to everyone who participated in the countdown. Some films will age forever (or for hundreds of years), while some will die out in a decade.

Timeless:1. unaffected or unchanged by time; ageless
2. eternal

11. Aladdin

This one was the obvious first choice, and to be honest, is the only film that is not timeless out of the bunch. This film was praised especially for the pop-culture references coming from Genie but 20 years later, it is working to it's disadvantage. A lot of the humour has worn off and is specifically for Americans of the time. Also, the fact that Aladdin and Jasmine seem like teens from the 90s from their dialogue does not help. They did not think of the long-term with this film and it shows.

- The film would have been a lot better if it wasn't for Genie and his pop culture jokes. Same with Mulan about if it wasn't for Mushu (princecatcher93)
- agree with Jayden-G. This movie cannot stand the test of time. The early 90s pop culture references are lost to me because I wasn't born yet, so I find myself laughing at things I don't understand but that I know are supposed to be funny. (MaidofOrleans)
- Yeah pop culture references, poor animation/strange style (imo), and the movie just isn't one of Disney's best (imo) (dclairmont)
- I said it before: The movie aged really badly! In fact, there were jokes in it I didn't get from the very beginning, because they were about American pop culture specifically. (Swanpride)
- Aladdin is the only choice right now. Robin Williams (who's prime was in the late 80s-early 90s) said many pop-culture jokes from the 90s and 80s, and the jokes have definitely worn off and makes things odd and confusing. It takes you out of the moment. Aladdin and Jasmine do seem like kids from the 90s too. The dialogue has 90's terminology. Everything about the film screams early 90's and only early 90's. (I)

10. Brave

I'm going to put it bluntly; I do not know why Brave went out before some of the others and in this round. I know this film is easily the most disliked one in the group, but this is about timelessness. So what was said is that Merida is a very trendy character (this I agree with, but so are all the others), and that the humour is extremely childish and bad. Some even said that it does not have that Disney magic; It is Pixar. I just think some of the points are pretty weak and is an excuse to rid this movie, but maybe I'm missing something.

- I decided to choose Brave because it's missing that timeless, Disney magic, but I could still change my vote....I'm really not sure. (dclairmont)
- Mainly because I think Merida is a very trendy character (rhythmicmagic)
- The jokes in this film aren't really ones you would want to hear on a date night, break up or just a hang out night. There more of little boy jokes or should I say DreamWorks or worst Cartoon Network style of jokes in the way the were geared to the behind of males and the chest of women. It wasn't a movie I could remember or think of as Timeless I think a lot of people would have to see it another time to remember anything from it. The plot to it was messy which doesn't give it points. The other films like Tangled, The Little Mermaid or Snow White are very timeless almost everyone knows them and other stands the points being. This is all the reason why I think Brave should go. (princecatcher93)
- Simply because it isn't based on a fairytale. The others are stories that we know and love that have been told and retold throughout history. Brave is an original story, and it will probably eventually be forgotten in the future. (MaidofOrleans)
- I agree with someone who said that Merida is a very trendy character. Normally I like tomboy characters but Merida however, is way too tomboyish. Also the movie had nothing interesting/special going on in terms of plot and character. The jokes were also horrible-when I saw this movie in theatres, me and the audience grossed out at the butt jokes. Queen Elinor was the only interesting character that I like. The mother/daughter thing between Merida and her mom is nice but it gets overshadowed by the movie's lame attempt at comedy. (fahmad27)
- I went into Brave with an excited heart. I left bored. (Shiki_Otherside)

9. Tangled

It is no shock this film was eliminated so soon. The biggest criticism of this film is that it is very today; it does not have any pop-vulture references like Aladdin does, but it's dialogue has slang terms and catchphrases that are used today. Also, some commented on the pop songs and the pop-like voices. Some even compared it Shrek and is often compared to DreamWorks, which is the epitome of pop-culture.

- Tangled has a lot of dialogue that is not timeless, such as "I know, right?" and other phrases. (kayla_marie57)
- I think it's partly cuz Tangled is still so new that it just does not feel timeless. it's barely HAD any time. And yes, the dialogue as well as characters are too modern sounding. A lot of the music is also modern and pop-y. It feels more like Shrek than a classic Disney fairy tale. Way too much modern in one movie to be truly timeless. (AudreyFreak)
- It copies original Disney fairytale too much!!! (LightningRed)
- The music style, the language, animation, and the characters are very today. (MallorMar)

8. Pocahontas

I was quite shocked that this film left when it did, but I can see reasons as to why it did though. One of the main criticisms was the historical inaccuricies from it;s release and even still today, which is replaced with western stereotypes and the fact that the film is specifically set in 1607. Some people said a timeless film has to be one that is liked, which I disagree with. It's about the content that does not age.

- The historical inaccuracies don't make this a very timeless movie. It's offensive to many Native Americans, and in my mind a timeless movie has to be loved by all. (MaidofOrleans)
- Like what everyone were saying for TPatF is has a set timeline, but unlike the Princess and the Frog there isn't really the fun side of Disney to it, it's more like a History Movie then a Disney Movie. It tried to follow the books to much and didn't really go out on a limb to make it as timeless as the other ones. (princecatcher93)

7. The Princess and the Frog

It was time for this film to go, though it is not quoting anything from the late 2000s. People chose this film over the others because it is set in a specific date (more specifically 1920's New Orleans), which makes it not have that fairy-tale feeling, though I don't think it should be chosen becaise it's not fairy-tale like. There is also some dialogue and slang from the 1920s which is an artistic choice, but it's still 1920's slang. At least it was not used for humour.

- I actually thought Pocahontas was more timeless :(
I see some moderness in PatF (uploaded900)
- Oh man now it's really hard to choose. I still think this movie is pretty timeless, just not compared to the others. (MaidofOrleans)
- It is set in too modern place. (LightningRed)
- I'm going with The Princess and the Frog again. It just doesn't have that Disney fairytale feel. (Muppetfan16)
- I also agree that because it's set in a modern time period, it looses the timeless feel. (dclairmont)

6. Mulan

A majority of the voters agreed on this one and word word was the common denominator: Mushu. He is kind of like Genie, but he does not put out pop-culture references nearly as often as Genie does.

- Only because of Mushu (rhythmicmagic)
- One word: Mushu! (MaidofOrleans)
- Mushu and all his dumb jokes (princecatcher93)
- Because of Mushu (LibelluleBleu)
- the newest..therefore LEAST timeless (retrolove83)

5. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Everyone agreed that this one has aged very well since it's release and compared to other movies from the 1930s and it was between this and The Little Mermaid, but this one was the one to go. People said that it is very 1930s, with the voices, music, hairstyle, storytelling, format and animation. They also thought that it is stereotypical in the sense that is what those people thought each gender should be like. These reasons are why the film cannot even be compared to a lot of the others in the WDAS canon.

- The format of the movie is very 30s, meaning a lot of filler, a soundtrack that is similar to that of the period, and the characters are what the 30s thought the ideal male and female is like. It has aged incredibly well, but this is why it can't even compare to some of the other films in the canon. The structure is very different than structures in movies today. The animation also has not aged well at all. (I)
- The animation hasn't aged very well, and the character's voiced have aged too. I can barely even understand Grumpy (dclairmont)
- Only because of Snow's voice- I honestly don't know how I'll pick after this (rhythmicmagic)
- I don't get the story line. (pookafusmcgee)
- This or TLM disney should make more timeless ones (TheFabulousFAN)
- What Jayden-G said (ibelluleBleu)
- Snow White is very 30th and TLM is very 80th, so they should go next. I was first inclined to pick TLM, just because, well, Snow White is 75 years old and still works fine, but I think the 30th style is very obvious, while TLM is more Disney style with some telling elements (like the hair and the puffy sleeves).
Oh, and considering how old this one really is, it has aged VERY well. Just compare it with movies made around the same time. It's also less the animation which aged in a sense that is says "oh, the gimmick of the 30th", it's more that Disney has learned so much since them. Really, if not for the obvious 30th style hair and make-up, I wouldn't have picked it at all. (Swanpride)

4. The Little Mermaid

Some of the comments that were said honestly did not make sense to me, but maybe it is just me. What was said about this film is that it is very 80s at parts, like the animation, character designs, clothes, music, etc. Other comments said that they remember what is going to happen, meaning it is too cliché and that it is not based off of a classic fairytale.

- Like I said last time, Timeless means to me that I can watch it over and over again and still no know/remember what will happen next. Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid aren't that timeless for me because I can tell what's going to happen. Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella are very timeless and should be the top 2 (princecatcher93)
- It's not based off of a classic fairytale, which makes it less timeless in my mind. (MaidofOrleans)
- I agree with MaidofOrleans and princecatcher93 (dclairmont)
- It's soooooo 80th at parts. (Swanpride)
- Meh, this movie just isn't timeless! (CRaZy_rawR)

3. Sleeping Beauty

This round was very interesting. People voted for this film for many reasons; some voted for it because it is weaker in story and character and such than the other two and uses stereotypes, some mentioned the catchphrases, voices, character designs and storytelling is those of the 1950s. Other comments were just defending Beauty and the Beast, saying it is more timeless, nominated fro the Best Picture award, and how it is constantly on Top 10, Top 20's lists while Sleeping Beauty is not.

- Now I can't choose based off of plot elements or anything - these movies are all so incredibly timeless! I'm not sure why I picked Sleeping Beauty, it just FEELS less timeless to me. I actually like it more than Cinderella though. I don't think Beauty and the Beast should go - after all it is the "tale as old as time." (MaidofOrleans)
- Sleeping beauty is very 50's. The story structure, voices, stereotypes and even the characters are designed like the 50's. You can tell by an instant that it is the 50's which you can't really do in Cinderella. There are less stereotypes of the 50s in Cinderella than Sleeping Beauty. (I)
- "Now father, you're living in the past .This is the 15th century!"
I almost voted Cinderella, because I like Sleeping Beauty better, but this isn't about the better movie. (MalloMar)
- princecatcher there are no plot holes in Beauty and the Beast, what are you talking about? I have watched the movie more times than I can count over the course of 22 years. I could recite the whole thing by heart in front of a person, and know it and The little Mermaid which ALSO HAS NO plot holes better than the back of my hand. So tell me what exactly you are talking about. (persephone713)
- This movie is most memorable for it's visual style, villain, and climax. That's it really. It's weak on story & songs and doesn't develop the main characters well enough. And compared to Cinderella & BATB, Sleeping Beauty didn't do anything for the Disney Studios as much as they did (and until the renaissance 30 years later Sleeping Beauty was the last fairy tale so that might be a factor).

I'm not saying it's terrible- I do enjoy watching it- but now that I'm older it doesn't really have much going for me. (bluecinderella4)
- I've been voting for this for ages!!!! (LightningRed)
- I never think that Sleeping Beauty is timeless. Aurora seldom appears in the movie, too much fairies scene is boring.... (3x2)

2. Beauty and the Beast

This one was very tough for a lot of voters, as they thought both were extremely timeless. A few voters chose this because of the pop ballad at the end of it, which is so 90s. They also said that it is very hard to tell that Cinderella is all the way back from the 1950s. The fact that Cinderella was the older fairy tale was brought up too. A comment explained that the fact that the message of Cinderella is less realistic and more simple than Beauty and the Beast is better for timelessness, making BatB more for what people of the 90s thought.

- Just something about it is holding it back from being as Timeless as Cinderella, the music for one. Just because it's the Tale as Old as Time doesn't make it Timeless, just makes it old. Timeless means not affected by the passage of time. Which Cinderella is, but as time goes on (20 to 30 years) BatB will be forgot to the newer Disney films but Cinderella will still be standing strong. (princecatcher93)
- Sigh...well at least you spared me the difficult decision between Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty.
BatB is timeless, but there are a few elements which age the movie, mainly some aspects in the animation and the pop-ballade at the very end. It's fairly easy to see from which era the movie is. With Cinderella (and Sleeping Beauty) I always have to remind myself that the movies are both more than 50 years old.
(And honestly, BatB shouldn't win just because it's such a popular movie. I like it too, more than Cinderella, but that doesn't mean that it has to win every countdown). (Swanpride)
- I disagree with all of you I think since cinderella has lasted since Egyptian times (look it up) it will defiantly last. Long beauty and the beast though just as timeless still has modern phrases in it personally the story of of both will be timeless the movie however will not so u just can't chose but the little mermaid though I love Ariel will not be timeless either nor will any of the Disney princesses but beauty and the beast and cinderella are defiantly the most timeless out of all of them (The FabulousFAN)
- I agree with SwanPride (dclairmont)
- Many people have said that Cinderella is targeted for kids and that Beauty and the Beast is much more mature and has the more realistic message. But that kinda makes it less classical. Little kids always get the message that there will be a happy ending, and I think Cinderella created that. BatB tells you that being a little different isn't bad, and that it's about the heart, not the face. But kids don't realize that, and while it is a great message, the judging a book by it's cover isn't right lesson barely effects adults. Why? Because they're all happy people with children and want THEM to realize that. Also, in the defense of Cinderella, that story has been repeated forever, to make children happy, so when they grow up they can try to make their own wishes come true. All Beauty and the Beast needed was Disney to make the fairytale popular and well known. So, it's only classic in some levels. Then there's Cinderella, which was one of the first the grace the big screens, and has effected many more generations than BatB and the Lion King put together. I'd also like to note that all of those generations of children as well as adults back then enjoyed the magic of the movie back when these kinds of heroines were more appreciated. Now, we watch the movies as we're older and review them, which kinda means the more we judge and grow, the more we lose the magic. So I think movies like Cinderella, which are for kids, contain more magic. Thus, I prove my point for choosing Cinderella. (hajirah4)

1. Cinderella

Cinderella is the "Most Timeless" according to Fanpop, but some people thought otherwise. Comments about it said that BatB is constantly on Top 10's lists and nominated for Best Picture, making it stronger and more classic. They also said that because Cinderella has a simpler... everything, it makes it less relate-able to current and future audiences, and that it is also what people thought in the 1950s which this film shows. Commenters also said that Cinderella is enjoyable for only kids while Beauty and the Beast has a wider age audience and can relate to adults. Either way, those reasons were not strong enough to take Cinderella from the #1 spot. Some consider this THE fairytale story.

- completely Disagree. Beauty and the Beast has stood the test of time already for 22 years, and just like " The Little Mermaid" who will be 25 years old next it will be celebrated for decades and remembered. Both are timeless with flawless stories& animation and are constantly voted by people in movie blogs as part of Disney's Best of the Best. Both being in the top 10, along with Lion King. Not to mention like I said Beauty and the Beast remains Disney's only animated feature to be nominated for Best Picture. Some of this is fact but mostly MY OPINION. Peace. (persephone713)
- I completely agree with you, Persephone713. 'Beauty and the Beast' has been enjoying people young and old. Cinderella...more only for kids. (In my opinion) 'Beauty and the Beast' are always in the top 10, sometimes top 5. (Beastlysoul25)
- I agree with what you guys have said. I'll admit that I'm a little biased because Cinderella is my least favorite DP movie while Beauty and the Beast is my favorite, but I do think that Cinderella isn't quite as timeless as Beauty and the Beast. They are both classic movies with strong female leads and beautiful love stories, but I think that Beauty and the Beast has more meaning behind it. It has a stronger message (beauty lies within) that is more applicable to today's world than Cinderella's message. I also think the soundtrack is way better and complements the movie more. Not to mention it is the "tale as old as time." (MaidofOrleans)
- I agree with Persephone713 (Libellulebleu)

Comment about how you feel about the list and such, and thanks to everyone who participated in the countdown.
Here's the first article for the Best Disney Princess sidekick countdown. It covers the places from 41 to 50. Enjoy!
[I'm clearly copying BelleAnastasia article style, but I hope she will forgive me and you will pretend that's not happening =) . Again, I'm brazilian, so forgive/notice me about grammar mistakes]

50. Mama Odie
I didn't completely understand why this "girl" was the first one to leave. She doesn't bother me (even if I disliked her, her appearence is a little fast). Maybe that's the problem... During all her screentime she's trying to explain things to Naveen and Tiana, and by...
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10 Snow White

Snow White is pretty. Although she is referred as a young woman with skin as white as the snow, lips as red as a rose and hair as dark as a raven I don’t find her that beautiful. I don’t like her hair, the shape of her face and her nose.

9 Rapunzel

Rapunzel has beautiful hair, I love both her long- blonde and short- brown hair. She has lovely eyes- color but her eyes are too big. The problem with Rapunzel is that she is 3D princess and her features seem weird to me. I’d prefer her as 2D, she would be more beautiful. Now she’s just cute and pretty.

8 Aurora
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posted by PeterPansgirl12
I was the Disney Princess nobody knew. They all knew Belle, Tiana, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Ariel, Aurora, Mulan, Jasmine, Snow White, yet nobody knew me.

I am Princess Adella and this is my story

"The ball is coming up and you must look fantastic" my aunt said as I was standing up on a tall stool watching the maids get my measurements. "Why is this different from any other ball I've attended?" I asked. "Because, Prince Risstan will be there" she answered.

Prince Risstan, the one my aunt and uncle wanted me to marry. I would have to obey them, they are my guardians. Prince Risstan was a vain, proud...
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posted by hardyharhar
i love mulan because she is the best and i love her. she have a shan yu who is the best and i love him. shang is a no no, i dont like him. eric is the best and i love him. eric and mulan forever in my life. they make a cute couple. mulan have pretty hair and pretty face. her clothes are very pretty. i love mulan and i choose her. she is the best and i love her. her voice is very pretty. best singing voice ever. i love her so much. she sings reflection very pretty, best christina agularia. very very very pretty. mushu very funny sidekick. shang is a no no. shan yu very cute. mulan very pretty. very very pretty. little brother very cute. mushu also known as mushy very funny. shan yu kissed mulan very cute. i choose mulan because she is the best in all the world.
Chapter One—Letter of Love

    Many young maidens dream to get married and to find their true loves. One young maiden in particular was very happy upon fining such a true love. She was a chubby, short lady with a red bow on her short black hair, and constantly adorned an adorable smile. Her name was Snow White, and she grinned happily while she was riding her prince’s horse toward her castle.
    As the two of them approached the Prince’s castle, the two of them happily kissed. Joyfully thinking about her marriage while she ended her kiss with her...
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My butt slammed hard onto a plate filled with Mediterranean salad, which Gaston was about to eat. The table shook under my weight, but it was still stable.
I looked incredulously at Gaston, who was smiling. "Hello, Angel. Fall down from Heaven?"
I was about to answer, when I heard shouts. All around me, the Disney characters looked hostile towards me.
"Who the heck are you?" demanded Minnie Mouse.
Only an idiot would tell a complete stranger their name.
Suddenly, the two guards who had found me pushed their way through the crowd.
"There you are...now put your hands up and we won't hurt you."...
continue reading...
When I reached the parking lot, a shiny black convertible waited for me at the curb.
"Hello, beautiful," it greeted in a British accent.
I staggered back. "A talking car?!"
"Oh, don't fuss, love. Anything's possible." The driver door opened automatically.
I climbed inside and put my hands on the wheel. "This is sooo much better than my pickup truck."
The car made a disgusted sound. "Pickup trucks. Disgusting things. It should've been a crime to invent them."
"By the way, what's your name?" I asked as I started the car.
"You may call me Car. Simple." He sounded smug.
Let's see what else this...
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I slammed the office door shut as I stepped into the cool, air-conditioned room. "Good morning, Sir," I greeted my boss, who was reading a package of papers. "I've got your Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, and the Sunday paper." I set them all down on his desk.
He glared at me through his glasses. "You're late."
"By one minute!" I groaned.
He flipped through the pages quickly. "Listen, Jeannette, I--"
"ALEXIS," I corrected him.
"Jeannette," he said anyway, "I know how much you hate this job, but your brother said that you really needed the money. Now, I'm giving you an opportunity for a promotion."
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posted by alexon31
Hey everybody, so I was watching Pocahontas this morning and I thought it was amazing as usual, but everytime I see it I can´t help myself from thinking about the sequel (which I know some people say is more historicaly accurate, but who cares about that? I mean, it's Diney). No disrespect for those who do like the sequel. I'm not saying it's altogether bad, but the whole thing just seems a bit unnatural and rushed to me, considering the events of the first film. I'm just not feeling the chemistry between Rolfe and Pocahontas. Anyway, I came up with my own ending, for the sake of fun, and...
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posted by MCRTS
OK, hi everyone! *waves* I'm sort of a lurker here. This is my first article in this spot. I haven't watched Tangled or the Princess and the Frog (because both movies came out when I was studying for my exams. Damn!), so I won't include Tiana or Rapunzel in this list. I probably will incorporate them in a later list, once I've watched both movies.

Anyway, so here are my favourite princesses (starting from the least favourite one.) I'll also write what I think is their main characteristic.


Snow White
"The Sweet Princess"

I first watched Snow White when I was six. I thought she was just too...sweet....
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Silence spread through the court when the judge banged the gavel with his hammer. "Order! Order in the court!" and everybody shut their mouths.
"You may proceed," he said to Gaston.
The witnesses were sitting at a very long table along with their lawyers.
Gaston smiled wickedly. "Your honor, I am not a liar, but I only did this in the search of true love..."
"Objection!" Cinderella and Charming's lawyer cried. She stepped up in a navy blue suit. "Your honor, my client and so have the rest of the witnesses have claimed that Gaston had," she counted with her fingers, "kidnapped the princes, including...
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Cinderella's sight was blurred with tears as she watched the blood pour out of her husband's body.
"Charming!" she screamed.
He was still breathing, but she could tell that he was trying hard.
Gaston pulled the dagger back out. "I've been meaning to make an offer with you princesses." He snapped his fingers, and the cage began to rise over the pit of green slime.
"This pit--" he pointed at it. "...is full of poisonous chemicals. Once Le Fou drops it, Snow White and Princey here will go bye-bye." He looked up at Charming. "Well, if he makes it to the end..."
He straightened his back. "For a...
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A Chericherry Fan Fiction
A Chericherry Fan Fiction
"No matter what happens to me, I'll always be with you, forever," says John Smith as he leaves his fiancee. He came from a prosperous family and she was from two long lines of royalty, but she has given that up just for him. She is always welcomed in the castle, but she rather have the life with a experienced, yet young Captain. They make their own living. Unfortunately, John departures England and is to arrive in a whole new world, while leaving behind his fiancee, Aurora.

Aurora: I'll be thinking of you every second until we meet again.
They say goodbye.
John is on the Susan Constant.
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A/N#1: Blahhh another boring chapter:/ Sorry gotta get through all the
descriptions and introductions! But the story will pick up very soon!

Chapter 3:

Four months on a boat in the middle of the ocean with no land in
sight, that was until today.
We finally arrived in a small town that was surrounded by huge oaks
and pines, a cliff overlooked the sea and the sand was a brownish
color. It wasnt the most beautiful land ever but it was land, I wanted
off this boat so bad that I didn't care where they let me off as long
as the land was solid.
The wind whipped through my long black hair and I grabbed the...
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I didn't base this of my opinions. This list is based of which princess movies the critics like/dislike.

10. Pocahontas

Rating: 55/100
Consensus: Pocahontas means well, and has moments of startling beauty, but it's largely a bland, uninspired effort, with uneven plotting and an unfortunate lack of fun.

9. The Princess and the Frog

Rating: 84/100
Consensus: The warmth of traditional Disney animation makes this occasionally lightweight fairy-tale update a lively and captivating confection for the holidays.

8. Mulan

Rating: 86/100
Consensus: Exploring themes of family duty and honor,...
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We decided to write this article together because we have almost the exact same list.

9.Prince Charming
PL: Yea, whoever said Charming looked like a melted Ken doll, you're right. I just hope he doesn't have metal balls in his thighs to help his legs rotate like my Ken doll did. For someone who's supposed to be modeled after Gene Kelly, Gene's hotness did not pass along. Gene Kelly is a fine piece of ass, and Charming is just a piece of ass. Okay, okay maybe I'm exaggerating. TBH, I don't find any of the princes ugly. Charming is just incredibly plain and plastic looking. Basically the...
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posted by KataraLover
Now Lady Tremaine is furious, the guards haven't found Cinderella. She decides to make a plan to find her.


"Yeah, a plan to find a new rich idiot to marry you" said Drizella

"No Drizella a plan to get Cinderella. All I need is just a little clue, a tiny hint, a small crack in this mystery. All I need is is one and I'll find her and bring that brat home" said Lady Tremaine

"But mother it's been five months shouldn't we just trick some new rich idiot to marry...
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    Belle had always considered herself to be a patient person. She was always able to calm her father down when he was complaining about his latest invention being a failure. She generally hid her disdain towards the arrogant Gaston by being courteous and polite, no matter how rude he was acting. Children from the village generally looked to her to help them solve their disagreements with one and other. Yes, it was true that Belle had the gift of patience. But as she had been locked up by a beast and was now waiting on a spoiled princess all in one day, Belle realized that...
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posted by AllegroGiocoso
With Beast’s carriage leaving, Belle watched it go sadly. She paced throughout her room. “It was so nice to have company with the Beast,” Belle thought. She continued to pace for a while and then she opened the door. With the door shutting quietly, Belle paced across the hallway and then traveled down the stairs. She traversed her way through the castle hallways, and then, since she was hungry, Belle decided to stop in the kitchen for her meal.
    In the kitchen, three people were standing, looking as though they were just waiting there for Belle. Belle immediately...
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Let's see who has the best voice gurl friend!!
Let's see who has the best voice gurl friend!!
So most women in this world, they find males looks to be hot. Well, I find the way that they talk to be hot Favorite Show is Sherlock, you'll never guess why? Yes! Najma is in it

11: The Prince
Yes, the Prince's Fangirl put him down in last. Well you see...I love his singing voice...he speaks like a middle school boy that has yet to grow into it. Cute but not my dream man's voice.

10: Eric
What?! Eric's Biggest Fan putting him down low again?!?! How can she do that?!?!*Screams, the world ends, Justin Bieber becomes the 13th Doctor, Sherlock dies, and Percy Jackson sells his soul to Najma* Anyway...
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