Disney Princess Club
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10.Prince Charming
Rank Last Round: 10
blah too little screentime blah

"I wish Charming had more screentime. That eye roll intrigues me. It means underneath that vacant, Ken-doll stare beats the heart of an intelligent (or at least, easily bored) human being" (phantomrose89)

High Rank (1-3):
sweetie-94 (3)
KataraLover (3)

Medium Rank (4-7):
PrueFever (4)
fhghu (5)
MrsEmmaPeel (5)
princesslullaby (7)
callejahLUVSed (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
Pink_Love (8)
flina (8)
tiffany88 (8)
mergirl13 (8)
PrincessSnow (8)
Ashley-Green (8)
haynay24 (9)
Mongoose09 (9)
SailorM91 (9)
Maja2601 (9)
phantomrose89 (9)
rougeslayer17 (9)
CuteDiana (10)
blablablu95 (10)
pretty_angel92 (10)
BelleAnastasia (10)
ppgbelle4 (10)
hrrypttrfan328 (10)
iHyrule (10)
JonnaSe (10)
milky-way (10)
ArielandEric (10)
alexon31 (10)
VGfan30 (10)
Maria7Potter (10)

9.The Prince
Rank Last Round: 9
Blah blah blah x 10

"He is pretty underrated. While not on screen much at all, when he is he is used to good effect. His voice is great, and his actions do not seem creepy even when they should be. " (hrrypttrfn328)

High Rank (1-3):
sweetie-94 (2)
iHyrule (2)
fhghu (3)
milky-way (3)
VGfan30 (3)
PrueFever (3)

Medium Rank (4-7):
princesslullaby (4)
ppgbelle4 (4)
JonnaSe (4)
KataraLover (4)
pretty_angel92 (5)
BelleAnastasia (5)
ArielandEric (5)
CuteDiana (6)
PrincessSnow (6)
MrsEmmaPeel (6)
blablablu95 (7)
Ashley-Green (7)
phantomrose89 (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
alexon31 (8)
tiffany88 (9)
mergirl13 (9)
hrrypttrfn328 (9)
Maria7Potter (9)
haynay24 (10)
Pink_Love (10)
Mongoose09 (10)
flina (10)
SailorM91 (10)
Maja2601 (10)
callejahLUVSed (10)
rougeslayer17 (10)

8.Prince Naveen
Rank Last Round: 4
...Wow, a big drop. But I can see why. Flynn totally upstaged him in the funny + cocky + hot department (well, not the hot department ;)). And many people find him very annoying, and he doesn't have Flynn's rogue charm. It seems the cockiness is only appreciated when you have something to show for it.

"Another one of those characters that you don't often see who goes through a huge change. I like him during the scenes where he is realizing what he was and what he could be. Entertaining character as well." (hrrypttrfn328)

High Rank (1-3)
Mongoose09 (1)
haynay24 (1)
PrincessSnow (2)
ArielandEric (2)
callejahLUVSed (3)
pretty_angel92 (3)

Medium Rank (4-7)
SailorM91 (4)
tiffany88 (4)
Ashley-Greene (5)
mergirl13 (6)
iHyrule (6)
fiina (6)
ppgbelle4 (7)

Low Rank (8-10)
sweetie-94 (8)
Maja2601 (8)
JonnaSe (8)
Pink_Love (9)
milky-way (9)
blablablu95 (9)
BelleAnastasia (9)
CuteDiana (9)
princesslullaby (10)
fhghu (10)

7.Captain Shang
Rank Last Round: 7
No, no, I get this. People want the sensitive, wise-cracking prettyboy, not the serious, intense war captain. I won't ever expect him to be in the top 5 and while his popularity does fluctuate, it doesn't change that much.

"I admire him to the point of it being unrealistic. I focus and know every detail about him, because his character has a lot of depth and is so interesting to me. I agree that if you don't focus on Shang, he's a flat character. It's hard to focus on him when Mulan's in the picture. But if you do, he's positively fascinating. Not to mention he's brave, selfless, intense, and just plain amazing. Truly a real guy with confidence that says "Don't f**k with me" but still very modest." (princesslullaby)

princesslullaby (1)
fiina (1)
ppgbelle4 (2)
hrrypttrfn328 (2)
fhghu (2)
CuteDiana (3)
BelleAnastasia (3)
alexon31 (3)
Maja2601 (3)
rogueslayer17 (3)

haynay24 (4)
pretty_angel92 (4)
phantomrose89 (4)
ArielandEric (4)
VGfan30 (4)
tiffany88 (5)
mergirl13 (5)
VGFan30 (5)
phantomrose89 (5)
PrueFever (5)
Maria7Potter (5)
Pink_Love (6)
SailorM91 (6)
milky-way (6)
KataraLover (6)
loveandbeauty18 (6)
Maria7Potter (6)
JonnaSe (7)
rogueslayer17 (7)

blablablu95 (8)
Mongoose09 (8)
callejahLUVSed (8)
MrsEmmaPeel (8)
PrincessSnow (9)
iHyrule (9)
Ashley-Green (9)
rtlong90 (9)
alexon31 (9)
sweetie-94 (10)
Kataralover (10)
MrsEmmaPeel (10)
PrueFever (10)

6.Prince Phillip
Rank Last Round: 8
This is more suiting. He's definitely pretty popular, though not as popular as the above (excluding Smith; I still think he's more popular than Smith.) He tends to be more favored than disliked. And why not? He's fantastic, if a bit one-note, but even those who have him last don't seem to dislike him, just find him lacking in depth. But (as phantomrose89 said) he just strolls right up and is like, 'Well beautiful, you wished for the man of your dreams. Here I am. Let me have you now.' *strikes pose*

"He is so brave, romantic, charming, sweet, Funny (IMO the funniest prince), dedicated, kind, loving, and I'm running out of words to describe him. I just love him" (JonnaSe)

High Rank (1-3):
sweetie-94 (1)
Ashley-Green (1)
JonnaSe (1)
VGfan30 (1)
Pink_Love (2)
Mongoose09 (2)
PrueFever (2)
phantomrose89 (3)
MrsEmmaPeel (3)

Medium Rank (4-7):
iHyrule (4)
alexon31 (4)
blablablu95 (5)
PrincessSnow (5)
milky-way (5)
princesslullaby (6)
CuteDiana (6)
pretty_angel92 (6)
callejahLUVSed (6)
fhghu (6)
BelleAnastasia (7)
mergirl13 (7)
Maja2601 (7)
Maria7Potter (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
haynay24 (8)
hrrypttrfn328 (8)
SailorM91 (8)
KataraLover (8)
rougeslayer17 (8)
flina (9)
ppgbelle4 (9)
ArielandEric (9)
tiffany88 (10)

5.John Smith
Rank Last Round: 6
This one really surprised me since people in general don't like John Smith. I have no explanation for this one. I honestly don't see why he's above Phillip, because in general I don't haer too much about Smith. But I'd like to keep a watch on this.

"I understand why people don't like him but I find him perhaps the most human of all the princes. He's funny, a flirt, selfless, and brave. He doesn't pretend to be something he's not." (princesslullaby)

High Rank (1-3)
iHyrule (1)
Maria7Potter (1)
tiffany88 (2)
rogueslayer17 (2)
milky-way (2)
princesslullaby (3)
ArielandEric (3)
Mongoose09 (3)

Middle Rank (4-7)
Pink_Love (4)
PrincessSnow (4)
mergirl13 (4)
fiina (4)
hrrypttrfn328 (5)
Maja2601 (5)
CuteDiana (5)
KataraLover (5)
haynay24 (5)
ppgbelle4 (5)
sweetie-94 (6)
blablablu95 (6)
JonnaSe (6)
SailorM91 (7)
MrsEmmaPeel (7)
alexon31 (7)
fhghu (7)

Low Rank (8-10)
BelleAnastasia (8)
pretty_angel92 (9)
VGfan30 (9)
PrueFever (9)
Ashley-Greene (10)
phantomrose89 (10)

4.Flynn Rider
Rank Last Round: 1
I'm not surprised for the fall, but I thought he would be above Eric. He's still really popular elsewhere on the internet and has the biggest fanbase. Given that the hype for Tangled is still high and hasn't dropped straight to the floor like PATF, it's not surprising. People are thirsty for a great disney movie and this is the closest we'll get. If one ever comes out that's better, everyone will drop Tangled like a hot potato.

"I really like this character. His cockyness and narcissism could have been terrible, but it just borders nicely on that line. I can see him really existing. Also, like his voice and appearance." (hrrypttrfn328)

High Rank (1-3):
callejahLUVSed (1)
pretty_angel92 (2)
BelleAnastasia (2)
Maja2601 (2)
alexon31 (2)
phantomrose89 (2)
haynay24 (3)
blablablu95 (3)
Pink_Love (3)
flina (3)
hrrypttrfn328 (3)
PrincessSnow (3)
SailorM91 (3)
Maria7Potter (3)

Medium Rank (4-7):
CuteDiana (4)
Ashley-Green (4)
milky-way (4)
rougeslayer17 (4)
iHyrule (5)
tiffany88 (6)
Mongoose09 (7)
sweetie-94 (7)
ArielandEric (7)
VGfan30 (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
princesslullaby (8)
ppgbelle4 (8)
fhghu (8)
PrueFever (8)
KataraLover (9)
MrsEmmaPeel (9)
mergirl13 (10)

3.The Beast
Rank Last Round: 5
I think he really deserves to be 2nd, or 1st really, because he's the most developed character and has the most unique & deep personality of the princes. I'm glad he's in the top 3, because he truly is the most suited to be in first place, because I think everyone can relate to him, or at least appreciate an aspect of him. He doesn't have many people that dislike him, despite his temper. It seems anger can be more easily forgiven than lack of screen time or laziness if it proves to be useful for the character.

"I think he is a very developed character. Through the movie you see his growth from a arrogant, selfish man to a caring and loving man. He lets Belle go to her father knowing that if she leaves the spell will never be broken. " (SailorM91)

High Rank (1-3):
blablablu95 (1)
Pink_Love (1)
ppgbelle4 (1)
mergirl13 (1)
hrrypttrfan328 (1)
fhghu (1)
phantomrose89 (1)
SailorM91 (2)
callejahLUVSed (2)
VGfan30 (2)

Medium Rank (4-7):
BelleAnastasia (4)
sweetie-94 (4)
MrsEmmaPeel (4)
princesslullaby (5)
haynay24 (6)
Mongoose09 (6)
Maja2601 (6)
Ashley-Green (6)
alexon31 (6)
rougeslayer17 (6)
flina (7)
pretty_angel92 (7)
Tiffany88 (7)
milky-way (7)
KataraLover (7)
PrueFever (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
CuteDiana (8)
iHyrule (8)
ArielandEric (8)
Maria7Potter (8)
PrincessSnow (10)

Rank Last Round: 2
Same placement, he's got a huge amount of fans, and he deserves it. He represents the underdog, the man who tries his hardest to be the best he can be but still doubts himself. And I admire him for falling in love with someone who's not so easy to fall in love with.

"Aladdin: Sure he lies a lot, and his hands aren't the cleanest, but he has a pure heart. He's really sweet, nice to his sidekicks, and he obviously loves Jasmine considering how hard he tries for her." (callejahLUVsed)

High Rank (1-3):

Pretty_angel92 (1)
BelleAnastasia (1)
tiffany88 (1)
PrincessSnow (1)
SailorM91 (1)
Maja2601 (1)
KataraLover (1)
CuteDiana (2)
haynay24 (2)
flina (2)
mergirl13 (2)
JonnaSe (2)
MrsEmmaPeel (2)
Maria7Potter (2)

Medium Rank (4-7):

blablablu95 (4)
Mongoose09 (4)
Hrrypttrfan328 (4)
callejahLUVSed (4)
rougeslayer17 (5)
ppgbelle4 (6)
ArielandEric (6)
phantomrose89 (6)
PrueFever (6)
Pink_Love (7)
iHyrule (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
milky-way (8)
princesslullaby (9)
sweetie-94 (9)
fhghu (9)

1.Prince Eric
Rank Last Round: 2

Well...No one put him in the bottom- I can't even write, this is too damn surprising, and at the same time not. If I'm going to be completely honest I really think Aladdin should be up here, or even MORE, the Beast. I don't even know what to say.

"Eric, he is amazing, just amazing. i love him for many reasons where do i even start." (CuteDiana)

High Rank (1-3):
CuteDiana (1)
milky-way (1)
ArielandEric (1)
alexon31 (1)
MrsEmmaPeel (1)
PrueFever (1)
rougeslayer17 (1)
princesslullaby (2)
blablablu95 (2)
KataraLover (2)
ppgbelle4 (3)
tiffany88 (3)
mergirl13 (3)
iHyrule (3)
Ashley-Green (3)
JonnaSe (3)

Medium Rank (4-7):
Maja2601 (4)
fhghu (4)
Maria7Potter (4)
Pink_Love (5)
Mongoose09 (5)
Flina (5)
sweetie-94 (5)
SailorM91 (5)
callejahLUVSed (5)
BelleAnastasia (6)
VGfan30 (6)
haynay24 (7)
hrrypttrfn328 (7)
PrincessSnow (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
phantomrose89 (8)
pretty_angel92 (8)
Anna, how's the Middle East?
Anna, how's the Middle East?
Hi guys, now let's go to the Middle East to see our Anna there.

Hebrew (Einat Azulay)

Okay, She sounds relatively fresh and young. However, she sounds a bit heavy and stiff at certain parts, especially the first part of the chorus. (Ratings: 8.5/10

Arabic (Shorouq Salah)

I absolutely love Arabic music and their voices, unlike her Hebrew counterpart. She sounds smooth and it makes the audience relax and get along with Anna easily, especially in For the First Time in Forever! (Ratings:10/10)

For the First Time in Forever!

So, only 2 were feature because I'm not really sure who is the Persian actress for Anna sadly to say. Our final destination is the Americas!
I'm happy for it!
I'm happy for it!
added by mhs1025
Source: disney screencaps
posted by deedragongirl
Moana and Maui
Moana and Maui
Hi guys, I finally watched Moana with 2 of my classmates before one of them is going back to the UK to complete her houseman-ship. So, here is my review on the Polynesian movie.

The Story Plot

When I watched the film, I absolutely love how the film opens. I felt that it was trying to be a bit like Frozen where we hear Scandinavian music at the beginning of the film, so to keep that same tradition. Disney used Polynesian music at the beginning of the film, I love how the prologue is very Polynesian-oriented and I adored the artwork!
The film reminds me of a few films, Treasure Planet, Ferngully...
continue reading...
added by tiffany88
added by Bumbl_ee
Source: punziella on Tumblr
Hi everyone! This article will order the Disney princesses from lowest to highest in my opinion, and more importantly, explain why each DP is ranked where it is. Hope you like it!

13. Elsa

Pros: Let me first say: AWESOME SINGER!!
Ok. She's obedient, staying in her room with her gloves as ordered by her parents so as to prevent anybody from being harmed by her ice powers. She's also caring towards her sister Anna, and doesn't mean or want for her to get hurt. She's also sensible regarding Anna and Hans - she knows that one has to know a person for much longer than just one day to get a definite...
continue reading...
Hans decides to kill Cinderella so that he could usurp the throne of France.
Hans decides to kill Cinderella so that he could usurp the throne of France.
"What? Cinderella is being held hostage by Hans in Paris?" exclaimed Belle shockingly, "how did it happened?" asks Elsa puzzled on how Hans escape, surely he must have been manipulating his brothers for escaping his prison terms.
"I too wonder the same thing, so now have to go to the French capital to rescue her, care to join us?" asks Dee Dee. "Yes, Cinderella is our friend and we can't let Hans harm her!" said Ella, Kit and the live-action Aurora from the back.
Then, the wind blew stronger and appear the 4 horse girls. "Hello there, we heard that Cinderella is in trouble, and we're here...
continue reading...
posted by sweetie-94
Got inspired by avatar_tla_fan's link

Favorite Princesses:
1. Snow White
2. Anna
3. Rapunzel
4. Ariel
5. Aurora
6. Mulan
7. Merida
8. Cinderella
9. Belle
10. Pocahontas
11. Elsa
12. Jasmine
13. Tiana

Prettiest Princesses:
1. Snow White
2. Anna
3. Belle
4. Rapunzel
5. Elsa
6. Cinderella
7. Aurora
8. Tiana
9. Mulan
10. Pocahontas
11. Ariel
12. Merida
13. Jasmine

Favorite Movies:
1. Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs
2. Sleeping Beauty
3. Frozen
4. Tangled
5. The Little Mermaid
6. The Princess and The Frog
7. Pocahontas
8. Mulan
9. Beauty and The Beast
10. Cinderella
11. Aladdin
12. Brave

Singing Voice:
1. Anna
2. Snow White
3. Aurora
4. Rapunzel...
continue reading...
posted by reflection11
(idea by avatar_tla_fan...Thanks:D)
Hi!:) Since I have literally contributed nothing to fanpop to show people my opinions, I have decided to stop hiding in the shadows and show some of my opinions! I will not be explaining anything in this article, but if you want to know why someone is so high or low, you can ask me in the comments! Further explanations will come at later time...
Favorite Princesses:
1). Mulan<3
2). Ariel
3). Elsa
4). Cinderella
5). Belle
6). Anna
7). Jasmine
8). Aurora
9). Merida
10). Rapunzel
11). Tiana
12). Snow White
13). Pocahontas

Favorite Prince:
1). Aladdin<3
2). Eric
3). Flynn...
continue reading...
added by justinfangrrl
by Sophia Sundström on youtube~
posted by avatar_tla_fan
Jasmine was an average "rich girl, I get what I want" type. She had everything she wanted. But.. She wanted more. She had never really gotten the chance to leave her house before. So she went off, on an adventure. When she was off on her adventure, she met someone. But, that's not important. When she was walking around, she ran into an Apple Store.

I don't have to PAY for these, do I?

She ran in, tried to snatch an iPhone, succeeded, and left.

I guess I don't have to pay for them, great!

She ran away.

Merida saw this.

What does she even think she's doing?

Merida chased after her.

Merida was an...
continue reading...
added by mhs1025
Source: disneyscreencaps/Google Images
posted by RapunzelAnna
I've noticed I haven't made an article in a while so I decided to do an article on my updated princess list cause my list has changed after re-watching the movies! oyee and this list includes Anna and Elsa

13.Merida:I honestly feel guilty putting her last, its not like I don't admire her I do in fact I <3 her movie but then again I don't relate to her character as much and Merida's not my type but I have to admit she's drop dead gorgeous!!!! link

12.Snow White: Snow White is the princess who started it all, I absolutely love her and I'm having a hard time choosing my placements. I just feel...
continue reading...
added by clsmith03
"Pitch, I need your help," Gothel pleaded.

He walked behind her, fiddling with her gray hair. "Why, Gothel, did you do something to your hair?"

She quickly flipped her hair away from him. Defensively, she said, "That is why I need you! Will you help me or not?"

"Hmm," Pitch told her, "What do you want, and what do I get?"

"I need you to help me kidnap a young girl. As for your prize, you can have me."

After long conversations, Gothel and Pitch agreed on a plan. After figuring out Gothel couldn't steal the princess' hair, she knew she would have to take the girl for herself. The king and queen were...
continue reading...
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007