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posted by kristenfan10109
Chapter 10: Attacked

Frollo had become unbearable he couldn't take it anymore he didn't need the gypsy girl he would deal with her later when word had spread that Belle had left the palace he silently waited having one of his guards inform him when she arrived.
Belle was so happy when she returned to the Palace of Justice as she entered into her room she quickly changed putting her dress in the wardrobe he went over to the bed and picked up the rose she climbed in and closed her eyes she was dancing with Phoebus again the look of love in his eyes when there was a knock at her door "Oh Judge Frollo what are you doing here?", "I was informed that you had left and wanted to make sure that you made it back safely", "Oh why thank you", "Did you have a pleasant evening?", "Yes I did", he noticed a gown in the wardrobe closet "Is this new? its awfully beautiful", "Yes Captain Phoebus gave it to me", "Why ever would he do that?", "Well he surprised me with a special evening tonight in Notre Dame he also gave me this rose to remind of this night he also said it reminded him of me", "I can see why a delicate flower such as yourself some men might even become bewitched", "What?", "Your beauty dear Belle it cast a spell on men such a intelligent witch as yourself would know that", she suddenly realized what was going on it frightened her "I AM NOT A WITCH!!", "You almost had me fooled dear girl until yesterday when that gypsy witch clouded my mind and twisted my thoughts thoughts I never realized were of you all along" he pushed her back against the wall with all his strength running wrinkly bony fingers across her face his body pinned against hers Belle was terrified there was terror in his eyes as he looked down upon her she struggled to get free.
"As Judge it is my duty to protect the people from witches like you and that gypsy witch more powerful together than you can ever be apart but there is still time to repent choose me and I promise to leave your gypsy accomplice alone if not I really do fear for Captain Pheobus you do care for the poor boy don't you? perhaps even love him? "Huah ah", he laughed evilly "So you do he's just another man you put under your spell but there's still time to correct that little matter what is your answer my dear?" he released one of his hands running the edge of his nails up her leg lifting up her dress he was almost to her hipbone ready to strike into her "NEVER!" with one big blow she punched in the face grabbing her cape she ran as fast as she could "GUARDS SEIZE HER!".

Belle ran out into the streets the guards following her she had to take cover quickly hid in one of the allies behind a wall "We lost her keep searching she has to be here somewhere" Belle dropped to her knees and silently prayed "Oh please let someone find me" she sobbed suddenly she head a familiar voice "Belle" she looked up and saw Esmeralda kneeling beside her "Esmeralda", "Come we've got to get you out of here". The two sneaked there way past the guards Esmeralda led her across the river into a cemetery she looked at Belle terror was still in her eyes "It's alright Belle your safe now" holding her "Oh Esmeralda it was horrible Frollo he tried to", Esmeralda looked at her straight face concerned terrified at the idea "He didn't hurt you did he? He didn't?", "I punched him before he could do anything but that doesn't matter he's going to do something to Pheobus if I didn't choose him Huah ah huah ah huah ah oh Pheobus Pheobus", "Don't worry we'll think of something".
posted by PrincessBelle2
“This is so cool!”
“This is so cool!”
Everyone was celebrating in good form that evening. Mr Ratcliffe allowed them to deck the school hall out with fairy lights and a large banner reading Congratulations from the rafters.

“By rights, it ought to say “Well Done, Team,” or something,” Meg pointed out. “But it’ll do since we couldn’t find anything else at the last minute.”

As good as his word, Mr Ratcliffe also provided alcohol but limited them all to only two coupons each. It was fair enough, thought Belle; this was a school after all, and none of them wanted its reputation to be sullied by wild drunken rampages on...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
"Don't. You won't win."
"Don't. You won't win."
“Wow!” grinned Snow White as they left the classroom. “Finally an R.E teacher who seems to know what she’s doing!”

“Yeah, she was pretty cool,” agreed Aladdin, hitching his rucksack onto his shoulder.

“Compared to Mr Frollo, anyone’s cool!” Hercules pointed out.

Belle said nothing; she just pressed closer to Adam as he gave her a squeeze and looked over at Flynn over the top of his head. “What’s next; English?”

“Yep!” Flynn sighed. “Romeo and Juliet! Great!”

“Oh, yes!” Belle sighed. “I love Shakespeare!”

“But it doesn’t make sense!” Flynn insisted....
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posted by PrincessBelle2
"He loves me! Oh, I knew it!"
"He loves me! Oh, I knew it!"
Everyone was reeling about the dance that evening when it was over.

Alone in her room, waiting for the rest of her roommates, Ariel idly plucked the petals off a flower John had given her. “He loves me! He loves me not! He loves me!” She giggled, gleefully as she plucked off the last one. “Oh, I knew it! I knew it!”

Rapunzel came dancing into the room. Her hair was coming undone from the many grips and floral bands she had in it and was beginning to trail on the floor but she didn’t care. “What a magical evening!”

“Did Flynn pucker up, then?” giggled Ariel.

“Not yet, but I...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
“You look beautiful.”
“You look beautiful.”
The evening of the school dance came around, and Belle was nervous; she didn’t mind admitting it. Why, she wasn’t sure; although it was probably something to do with the fact that she had never been to a dance like this in her life before.

“It’ll be just fine,” her friends told her, reassuringly. “We’ll have a lot of fun. It’ll be great.”

The staff had gone all out to make the hall look nice for the dance. Cinderella had spent half the day polishing and waxing the floor. In fact, halfway through sweeping it, she had been caught dancing with her broom, pretending she was at...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
“I like him a lot, Phoebus.”
“I like him a lot, Phoebus.”
Belle excitedly spent the best part of the day with her cousin, showing him the ropes of Disney High. It was wonderful to see him again. Phoebus had always treated her with an older brother-type affection, which she returned. He was a joker but could be serious when it was required and certainly a boy with a kind heart and the ability to see injustice when it was right in front of him. Belle could remember a time when they were a little younger and they had gone to see the Festival of Fools in Paris on their own. A young boy with a hunchback had been teased and tortured by the crowds but Phoebus...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
“I don’t need help, from you or anyone!”
“I don’t need help, from you or anyone!”
Audrey sighed, irritated, as she stomped back to her room. Her roommates were all out so she was alone, but two seconds later there was a knock at her door.

“Who’s there?” she called.

“Hey, it’s Jim!”

Relieved, she went to let him in. “Jim, you would not believe what Belle’s just been saying!”

“Yes, I would.” Calmly, Jim folded his arms. “She told you that you were sick, right?”

“Oh, don’t you start!”

“Audrey, it’s the truth! Everyone can see it but you!”

“I am not sick!” Even as she said it, she knew that she was lying to him. “Why can’t everyone just...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
“I said, leave me alone!”
“I said, leave me alone!”
Audrey, it was well known, enjoyed swimming, and so it was down at the pool where Belle found her later that day. She sat on a lounger to watch her. They were the only people in the pool room and now as Belle watched Audrey swimming, she realised that Jim was right. Audrey definitely wasn’t eating properly. Her swimming costume showed that much. She was so...skinny.

Presently, the girl stopped swimming, caught hold of the pool rail and looked up curiously at her observer. “You ok?”

They hadn’t really spoken properly before, apart from the few brief times when Belle had accidently walked...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
“Adam kissed me.”
“Adam kissed me.”
Meg and Snow White were waiting in their room when Belle and Jasmine got back. “Hey.” Meg gave Belle an apologetic smile and went over to hug her. “I’m sorry I had a go at you earlier.”

“Me too,” said Snow White, even though she hadn’t had a go at Belle.

“It’s all water under the bridge now,” Belle insisted. “Let’s just hope our next R.E teacher is better.”

“I’m not going to miss Mr Frollo one bit!” Jasmine declared, lying down on her bed.

“None of us are!” Snow White shuddered. “He did look at me in a creepy way once. I hate him.”

“We all do,” Meg...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
“Did you have something to say, Miss French?”
“Did you have something to say, Miss French?”
Belle walked into the R.E classroom feeling somewhat confident. “No matter what happens,” she thought, “I will not let him abuse me again.”

“Hello, ladies,” grinned Aladdin, sitting at the front table with his feet up.

“Shift!” grinned Jasmine. “You know we always sit here!”

“Aw! Do I have to? I’m comfy here!”

Meg rolled her eyes. “Well, if you don’t move, one of us is going to have to sit somewhere else.”

Belle looked around. Aladdin’s friends were sitting at the back table. There was a spare seat beside Adam. Before her friends could object, she made her way...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
“Wow. The “She’s different to the rest speech” already. This is getting serious.”
“Wow. The “She’s different to the rest speech” already. This is getting serious.”
“So, I don’t know; it’s like she’s stalking me or something. Am I just being paranoid?”

“I don’t know, dude. She does a lot of crazy things.”

“Yeah, like the way she use a fork when she can’t find a comb.”

“What do reckon, Adam?”

The trio glanced over at him but Adam was too absorbed in his book to respond. “Adam,” said John a little louder. Aladdin cleared his throat, loudly and Adam looked up. “Sorry, I was miles away.”

“Yeah, we can see that,” grinned Hercules, stretching.

“What are you reading, anyway?” asked John.

It was the Tenant of Wildfell Hall....
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posted by PrincessBelle2
"What did you think of the book?"
"What did you think of the book?"
Friday evening rolled around and Belle leapt excitedly to her feet. “Book Club! I’m so excited!”

“Have fun,” said Meg, who was currently engaged in painting her toenails purple.

“What book are you doing?” asked Snow White, applying moisturiser to her cheeks.

“Wuthering Heights.”

“Huh. Never read that one,” Jasmine commented, brushing her hair.

“Oh, it’s one of my favourites! It’s this tragic love story between two characters, Cathy and Heathcliff. They love one another, but Cathy’s pride stops her from marrying Heathcliff and she marries a man named Edgar for his...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
"Plenty of other girls in other schools do this for better grades."
"Plenty of other girls in other schools do this for better grades."
“Miss French, may I have a word, please?”

Belle looked up in surprise. She had been in Disney High for about a week and she was beginning to get used to everything here. She had spent her first enjoyable evening at the Book Club meeting and it had been wonderful. Rapunzel, Hercules, Linguini, Ariel and John made very interesting reading and debating companions, although Belle couldn’t help wonder if Ariel, who didn’t seem to have paid much attention to 1984, had another motive for attending the club. At any rate, it had been great to be in a place where others shared her deep passion...
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    This is the part where I finally come into the story. First let me tell you something’s about me; I’m eighteen, I’m from Kentucky, moved to New England, I live on my own, I’m kind of a loner, and if I do say so myself I’m really smart. Oh yeah, and did I mention I’m a wizard with magical powers? I’m also pretty good with magic if I do say so myself. Anyway, I woke up and walked downstairs to get some breakfast. As I walked by the downstairs hallway, I saw three little kids asleep. The kids looked like they were 10-12 years old and for some reason were...
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added by Popcornfan
Source: Popcornfan
added by valuu2013
posted by PrincessBelle2
"If I was out of line, as you so put it, then it is only because the sin inside you made it so.”
"If I was out of line, as you so put it, then it is only because the sin inside you made it so.”
Belle didn’t want to have to face Frollo the next morning, and she prayed silently that this would be one of those morning where she ate breakfast alone. Unfortunately, when she walked into the room, he was there, and she couldn’t bring herself to look at him as she slid into a seat.

“Did you sleep well?”

Belle started, unable to believe it. He was acting as if the previous night hadn’t happened at all. “My dreams were haunted,” she managed to stammer.

“Oh? By that gypsy daemon?”

“No...by...something else.”

“Well, I am sorry to hear that.”

His tone was curt and stiff,...
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added by LightningRed
Source: LightningRed
added by Annabethandco
posted by PrincessBelle2
“Belle! I didn’t realise...I...well...”
“Belle! I didn’t realise...I...well...”
The whole way home, Belle was quieter than usual; and even Lottie, who hadn’t known her as long as the others, noticed this. “You ok, honey?” she asked, ten minutes into the bus ride. “You’re very quiet.”

Belle roused herself. “Just thinking about something, Lottie, that’s all.”

“Ooh, nothing bad, I hope.” Lottie gave her an encouraging smile. “It’d spoil a perfect day!”

Belle managed to return her smile. “No, I think I’m just a bit worn out, that’s all.”

“Is it any wonder?” Meg looked over the back of her seat at Belle. “After chasing around the beach...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
"You're mine, now!"
"You're mine, now!"
Belle smiled, her head giddy and light as Adam whirled her closer on the dance floor. Her dress, the same she had worn to the school dance, rustled as her petticoats turned with her, and as Adam picked her up off her feet, she giggled.

“I love you, Belle,” Adam murmured, drawing her close.

Belle smiled again and reached up to brush back his hair. “And I love you, Adam.”

He bent to kiss her...and then the doors suddenly flew open. The wind whipped the curtains, fluttering and snuffing the candle flames as lightning and thunder began to rage outside. Terrified, Belle clung to Adam and blinked...
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