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***Note*** Originally I had planned to make a Rapunzel and Eric crossover but that really wasn't working out for me so instead I've decided to do John Smith and Ariel. This is the rough copy, I'll probably do a bunch of editing later on. But for now enjoy :)

Land ho! The cry was taken up on board, and everyone rushed round the ship, getting ready to dock in the strange new land. To Captain John Smith, it was just another worthless land with nothing to offer, just trees and cliffs and not a living soul in sight.

His mind drifted slightly, to the land he had once visited, where he had met a beautiful native girl named Pocahontas. She had shown him that they were not "savages" and to appreciate nature for its beauty. They had managed to stop a war between the two worlds, his crew and her tribe, but in the process of saving the chief, John Smith had been shot by his own boss, Governor Ratcliffe. He had been forced to go back to Britain to get treatment, and Pocahontas would not leave her tribe. So he travelled back to Britain, where Ratcliffe had been tried, and then hung in the gallows something John Smith refused to be present for. No one could understand why he wouldn't want to see the death of the man who had caused him all his pain, but he knew Ratcliffe had never meant anything to happen. He would have shot the chief yes, but it had all been for his own greed. Shining glittering gold was all he could ever see, and that was what he choose, and so John Smith had forgiven and forgotten. The King had reassinged him as the new captain for exploring the other lands, still undiscovered as soon as he was well.

Unfortunately, he couldn't forget Pocahontas. John Smith had received a letter five months after leaving the New World, telling that Pocahontas had moved on and married a member of the tribe. Almost healed by that time, John Smith had just reread the letter until the words were burned into his memory. Then he had laid in bed for days, full of disbelief. Eventually though, he had forced himself to get out and went to the King for his first assignment. He worked till he was so exhausted that the only thing he could think about was going to sleep. Finally, the King had noticed how worn down he was, and sent him on his 4th assignment, something he said wouldn't take a lot of energy. For him to relax on. That hadn't been what John Smith wanted, but he had bowed his head and thanked the King taking the assignment given.

Now, after a week of sailing the new land was in sight, and the whole week he hadn't been able to get the memories of Pocahontas to stop replaying. Hopefully, chopping down trees and marching in yet another forest would take his mind off it. Going up onto the deck, he surveyed the scene. The day was foggy and gray and he could just barely make out the lump of land they were approaching. Nothing spectacular looking of course. A gentle wind began blowing, throwing his blonde hair around a bit, and reminding him of the day he had left the New World and Pocahontas- stop! He had to force the memories down. Striding purpously, he headed towards his first mate, Thomas.

Thomas had been with him as a new crew member on the trip to the New World, and was the only one on board who knew about him and the incident. "Not the best of days is it Thomas" John Smith commented, not really wanting a answer but knowing he would get one anyway. "No sir but maybe this time we'll find something interesting." "Maybe" John Smith nodded, but he didn't really mean it. Turning away, he went back down to his quarters and waited to dock.

A few minutes later, with a screech they came to a halt and the joyous cries of the men were heard, as they lowered the board to head downwards. "Coming Captain?" Thomas had appeared in his doorway with a respectable knock. "In a minute Thomas." Nodding he disappeared. Sighing to himself, John Smith ran a hand across his face and reluctantly went to see if this world would be any different from the rest.

John Smith and Thomas surveying the new land

I was going to extend this so I could introduce Ariel but that would make this wayyy too long so this is just kinda like John Smith's background story catching up on what happened since the movie XD. And I might change the title. I really don't like it, I just needed something lol
posted by PrincessBelle2
“Oh, God, my head!”
“Oh, God, my head!”
Tiana awoke early the next morning, wondering what had happened the night before, and then it all came flooding back to her. Paris; dancing, champagne...ok, that explained the headache.

She sat up and then saw that she was back in her own room. She also realised, to her surprise, that she was alone in bed, and yet, Lestat had been here, she could sense his presence. Blinking, and rubbing her head, she rolled out of bed and onto the floor as her senses began to drift back to her. Ok, she was in her petticoat; where was her dress? Lifting her head she saw that it was draped neatly over the back...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
“No time like the present.”
“No time like the present.”
“So, go on then,” Lestat said.

Tiana glanced at him. “Right now?”

“No time like the present.”

The pair of them were sitting at Tiana’s kitchen table. She had made coffee, out of habit, but neither of them had drunk it, and now the two cups were rapidly cooling on the breakfast bar. Tiana’s head was still reeling. She still couldn’t quite believe it. She was going to be a vampire! Lestat was going to turn her! And all she had to do was make a bucket list. Only now, she wasn’t entirely sure what she’d put on it.

“Well, ok,” she said, taking a deep breath.

“Here.” Lestat...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
“Still think I’m not a monster?”
“Still think I’m not a monster?”
Pushing the argument she had had with her friends to the back of her mind, Tiana went home and quite cheerfully opened her copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Lestat hadn’t said whether or not vampires could still eat normal food, although she assumed that if they could drink wine, they could eat.

“This sounds good,” she murmured, finding a page marked “Cassoulet,” and since she had the majority of ingredients on her anyway, she set to work chopping and cooking and washing and then finally pouring two glasses of red wine. Just as the meal was finished, there was a knock on...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
“You trust me not to bite you?”
“You trust me not to bite you?”
Tiana stared at him. “W-what? You...you love me?”

Lestat shrugged, almost modestly. “Funny, isn’t it? You don’t expect vampires to fall in love.”

“But you hardly know me!” Tiana exclaimed. “How can you possibly know it’s really love?”

“I don’t.” He shrugged, again. “All I know is that I want to protect you; from all the vampires and the other dangers of the world.” His eyes met hers. “You’re so vulnerable, Tiana. I know you’re feisty and you can look after yourself, but you’re an easy target for predators.”

“You make me sound like a gazelle,” Tiana...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
“You’d have noticed if I’d fed on you, even if I’d hypnotised you. Trust me.”
“You’d have noticed if I’d fed on you, even if I’d hypnotised you. Trust me.”
“So, where do you want me to start from?”

“The beginning would be good.”

Lestat smirked. “The whole sordid bit?” He sat down on the sofa and leaned back, looking up at her. “Where a young man, barely an adult, was abducted and turned into a vampire by another who then left him to fend for himself for years; who abandoned him to learn the rules of vampirism alone?”

Tiana sank down onto the table, facing him. “How old were you?”

“ I was almost thirty.” He shrugged at her. “I can still remember, even now, how scared I was; what it felt like when my heart was racing in fear.”...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do that?”
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do that?”
When Belle eventually got back to the castle, after bidding goodbye to Tiana and Meg, she was surprised not to find Prince Adam waiting for her in the hallway or the lounge, as he usually was, waiting to give her some other task to add to her usual daily list. She didn’t mind this job, after all, it gave her a bed and food. Since her Papa had died, the cottage they had been renting had been recalled. Thankfully she had just started this job before she could be made homeless. Plus, being PA to a prince had its other perks too; she could attend social gatherings, even if her best dresses did...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
“What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong?”
“That was amazing,” Tiana whispered as Lestat finally set down the violin. He gave a sweeping bow as their gypsy companions applauded him.

“You are a natural,” gushed the man. “How did you get to be so good?”

Lestat waved his praise away, modestly. “I’ve been playing for a long time. I’m fairly sure I made a few mistakes.”

“Your boyfriend is too modest,” the gypsy woman said to Tiana.

Tiana blushed. “Oh, he’s not my...well...”

She looked at Lestat for help. He smiled. “We’re just friends.”

The woman laughed. “Nonsense! I see the way you look at her! You think...
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added by pretty_angel92
I do NOT own this. This belongs to Cerseiisms; on Youtube. :)
added by DIAMELA
this is a vid i made long time ago!!!
added by ponyboyjohnny
I do not own this youtube video.
added by Ribon95
Source: Ribon95
added by bugbyte98
Source: bugbyte98
added by Ribon95
added by Ribon95
Credit: SynicalKitten
added by captainsilver
added by kristenfan10109