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posted by HOU0007
Sometimes a story will start with once upon a time, in 1927, in a place far, far away. But what do you say when you’ve lived the story? How do you start when you’ve experienced it? What happens if, in your story, you die at the very start of it? It’s only just the beginning. Well...That’s my story. My story may be sad to some people, scary or funny to others. But to me, it was the way I found my soul mates, and my life’s calling. My name is Raven, and this is my story.

“We’ll be back, we’ll only be there for a minute or two.” mum said. She and my dad were just going down the road to pick up an Avon order from a friend’s house. Her black short sleaved t-shirt, with grey sweat pants made her look like an athlete. While he was wearing a blue t-shirt with navy blue knee high shorts.

“Ok, see you soon!” I shouted back as they strolled out the front door.
Well, Angle and Luke should be getting ready to go to bed. Where we’re they though? Just then I heard a clattering noise, and started for the kitchen. As I strolled in, I saw the little red headed child of what I call a ‘little sister’ and plates. “Angle!” I shouted firmly. All the bowls were scattered everywhere. Lucky they hadn’t been broken . . . yet.
As I was picking up the white and green striped bowls, I noticed the cute little pout she had on her face. (She always did this when nothing went her way.) But it was one of the things that I found hard to resist, so I picked her up and gave her a hug,
She then yawned. “Well someone’s tired, aren’t they?’’ I examined. She looked at me, and started smiling the cheesy grin she always smiled, when she knew that you were talking about her, but didn’t know what you were saying.
I walked over to the fridge to grabbed Angle a bottle. It was a little too cold, so I went to put it in the microwave.

“Come on Luke! Let’s go watch Day Breakers!” I turned around to find two figures standing near the kitchen door. The first was a tallish figure. Her hair was brown, just sitting around about above her hips. Eyes were a greenish-brown, and she was wearing a black and white t-shirt saying “IM JUST SO LOVEABLE”, with pink PJ bottom pants, (that had little cows on them). The other was around about waist high to her, with red short-spiky hair, blue eyes, and an “I’m A Little Monster” PJ top with Lightning Macqueen boxer shorts. I immediately knew who they were. It was Anne and Luke.
“Anne, don’t you think Luke is just a little too young to be watching Day Breakers?” I asked. Sure enough Anne would have enough common sense to know that. But then again this was Anne we were talking about. “Look, I said I was going to put Angle in bed, right? So . . . if I do that you can sit down with Luke while watching Day Breakers and I’ll go have a quick shower.”

When I got in, I closed the door. Mum and dad made it sort of sound proof so they wouldn’t wake every time someone was in there. But that also meant that no one would hear the shower, even if you stand right in front of the door. I thought that was pretty cool.
Half way through my shower, I heard strange sounds and muffled screaming. I don’t remember Day Breakers with that much screaming. Mum and dad must must have gotten home and changed it to T.V mode so they could watch something else. So out of the shower I got.

After I had finished, I slowly opened the door to see if anyone was around the corner, so I could escape to my room and get dressed. As I jogged down the hallway, I noticed that all of the lights had been turned off. I finally made it to my room and started to get dressed. I had just put on my long black and white striped PJ pants and was about to put on a t-shirt, when I heard a crashing noise. I was just about to inspect the situation when I got a TXT from my friend Matt, my best friend. It read ‘Have u heard that a killer is on the loose?’ Replying, I said no. I got my shirt and pulled it over my head. Then he sent back ‘Well the police have found out the area that he’s hiding in, & u won’t believe where‼’ I laughed as I responded ‘Let me guess. . . It’s school, right?

While I waited for him to reply back, I slowly started to make my way to the kitchen. (Since that’s where I thought I heard the sound from earlier coming from) I was waiting for my name to be called out to clean up whatever happened but it hadn’t. I was also waiting for the crying from who ever made that crashing sound but that hadn’t happened either.
Then I noticed that there was no sound at all. Not the T.V, not the talk of conversation, not the laughter of Luke or Angle, Nothing. Only the sound of my feet on the wooden based floor, stepping on the broken glass from the back door. Wait! What?! The broken back door, but how did that happen? Why hasn’t anyone bothered to clean it up? And why is it so good damn dark in the house? Just then, I saw a shadow in the living room. It must be dad, I thought. Suddenly, my phone went off again, dad turned, slowly coming my way. He’ll have to wait while I get this though.

I looked at the TXT and mentally read who it was from Matt so I read it. ‘No. It’s not the school, as funny as that would be. Raven, it says that he’s near your street. You have to tell your parents, you need to lock up now!’ I looked up, to see a tall figure in the kitchen door way. He had long hair, and baggie shorts with a tattered naive blue t-shirt, he had black sandals and black striking eyes.

“Hi there” He said in a dark, tough voice. “You look a bit upset. Is there anything wrong?” I was frozen, and I stumered a bit before I could reply, whilst debating whether to reply or not.

“Who are you, and what have you done with my family? I asked in a small and shaky voice.

“Oh. Poor baby’s scared and upset that I killed her family.” He said in a mocking tone. “Hmm. Should I kill her now? Or shall I have some fun first?” He seemed to be enjoying himself by my distaste and other fears in my horrified reaction.

“You stay away from me or I’ll call the police!” I threatened. He just smiled at me as if I had just told him a good joke.

“Hmm. Yeah, well you see. You’ll be dead before they even get here.” He laughed bitterly, the cruel sound coarse and wild. I tried to think of a quick escape, realising that the back door had been smashed open. But I would only get one shot at this, and I knew it because this wasn’t like a movie. This was the real deal. So shifting my body to the side and looking behind him, I hopped that he thought someone was behind him. I looked into the dark room and waved frantically. “Call the police!” I yelled.

As soon as he started to turn, I made my way for the door. Outside I flew, glass had cut my feet and I found it so hard to run. I ran for the side gate, I couldn’t hear him behind me; I hoped that silent brute hadn’t followed me. I could feel the tears rushing down my cheeks, as I pushed through the gate and out on the front lawn, I saw the road and headed for it as fast as my feet would take me. But then I heard a door slam shut, glancing to my right where the sound came from, I saw him.

A raw burning anger burned in his eyes and a sudden fierceness that terrified me. With an impact so powerful it knocked the air from my lungs; I was tackled to the ground. We rolled from the spiky grass down onto the hard cement road, gravel stinging my face under the blow of my head against the curb. The world came to a jerking halt as a vicious slap struck hard across my cheek, before the half clenched hand lashed out again, crushing flesh and making bones creak with the force he applied.
I suddenly realised that he was bashing the hell out of me, and I knew in that one agonising moment I was going to die. I tried to fight him, but he was too strong for me, I managed to look at him one last time before the darkness seeped over me.

I awoke eyes still closed, moving my hands over my face and body to inspect the damage that should have been there and found nothing. I didn’t even feel sore!
A low cough sounded to my right, drawing my attention from myself back to the world around me. Removing my hands from my face, I slowly opened my eyes.
1... 2… 3… 4 tall figures stood around me.
The first was a tall man with brown hair, florescent blue eyes, a black leather jacket on and long blood red denim jeans. The other was a female with long black hair and red eyes, she wore a pink tank-top, black leather pants and no shoes. The third was a blond guy with red eyes, a black business suit with a red tie. And the forth, wow! The forth was quite hot, not to say that none of them weren’t attractive. Well… Girl isn’t really my type, but he was extremely, hot.
He had jet black hair with blond tips, bright green florescent eyes and no t-shirt on at all! Oh hell yeah! He wore tattered blue denim jeans. The first one crouched down beside me then, leaning in to peer into my eyes and I stared right back at him.

“How do you feel?” He asked me with a concerned voice, those eyes softening slightly even in light that I was slightly glaring at him for being far too close.

“Fine” I said, being completely honest with him. “But I would like to stand up if you don’t mind?” Questioning him politely, the hint of a frown curled the edges of my lips. He stood up, offering me a large hand to help me back to my feet. Accepting it cautiously, a moment later I found myself on my feet before I even knew what was happening.

“Can you remember what happened to you at all?” He asked. I thought about that for a minute, and then nodded as everything slowly came back to me. “I want you to tell us what happened.” So I did what he said and told them everything, even my thoughts and feelings. I don’t know why, but I wanted to tell him what happened to me. I wanted him to know, to understand and care.

“Ok. So now that I’ve told you. Who are you, and how did you find me here?” I asked with certain curiosity. As I asked this, I suddenly noticed that ever since I had woken up, the guy with no t-shirt hadn’t taken his eyes off of me. They all looked at each other.

“I am Magnus.” He said pointing to himself. Then he pointed to the girl. “This is Lisa,” (She gave a little wave) then he pointed to the suit guy. “This is Bob,” (He just gave me a respected nod. Ha, ha, Bob the builder got a makeover.) And finally to the no t-shirt guy. “And this is-”

“I’m Troy,” The guy, with no t-shirt, cut in. He pushed his way through the clustering group and gave me a smile that was mouth wateringly charming.

“And besides, you were in the middle of the road. And we could smell you from a mile away.” Troy the hottie said, his eyes glinting in the streetlamp’s feeble glow. He laughed softly, scooting a graceful step closer to me.

“Yes, well. I better tell you some things first-” But before Magnus could finish, I cut him off.

“Wait! Hold up a damned minute, I’m realising something important here.” I growled almost indignantly. “I’m not sore or even slightly injured, although I should be. I can see perfectly clear, though it’s really dark. I’m standing outside with complete strangers, and I’m not cold though I’m only wearing my singlet PJ shirt and long pants, and her teeth just frigging extended an inch! “I explained, gesticulating wildly in the girl-Lisa’s direction.
“Wait! Are you by any chance…” My voice caught in my throat sharply at the thought that came unbidden to me right then.
“Yes, we are vampires. When Troy found you, you had little life left within your human body. So I changed you to become one of us. I want you to come with us. We won’t hurt you. Well teach you, to be like us. “There was a long awkward silence for a second, all of us staring at each other, not quite knowing what to say.

“Cool. I’ve always wanted to be a spunky vampire. I’ll come with you, but on one condition.” I said with a grin that would have charmed even the brute that had attacked me.

“What is it?” Magnus had asked, curiosity lighting his handsome features.

“I want you to help me find him, I want to avenge my family, I want him to suffer; he must pay for the deaths that are on his hands, I won’t rest until I know that monster is dead.” I wanted that beast to die slowly, painfully slow at my hands. He deserved it for what he did to my family. And then he’ll wish he had never steeped foot in my old home again. And before I’m through with him, he’ll be begging me for mercy and for me to kill him. God, my little sister couldn’t even speak her first word and my little brother wasn’t even in preschool.

“Well then, I suppose it’s a good reason that we let him run away then isn’t it? You will have your revenge.” And with that, he turned around and started to run with Lisa and Bob, like literary run, expecting me to follow. Troy then came over to me.

“I’m going to enjoy having you around!” He said with a smile that would make anyone melt. Then he wrapped his arms around me, lifted me off the ground, and gave me the most passionate kiss I’ve ever had, and set me back on my feet. It took me a minute to recuperate before I could answer him.

“I am so, going to enjoy this.” I said with a smile. He took hold of my hand and we started running after the others at unbelievable speed. So here I am
I may have died, but this is my beginning.

The End
added by moodystuff449
Source: I made it.
added by misssparrow1
added by moodystuff449
Source: I made it.
added by moodystuff449
Source: I made it.
added by misssparrow1
added by moodystuff449
Source: I made it.
posted by HOU0007
Your hair is indescribably soft and smooth.
Your lips are gentle and plump.
Your skin is white as snow and as smooth and hard as a rock.

Your smell is indescribably sweet and
you dress to fit in with the world and its surroundings.
You are very kind and considerate of how you affect the ones you love.

I hear about you a lot, and what people have to say.
I see you in my head and in reality.
I love to think about you and me.

But when I’m alone, and thinking of that, I then start to think other things. Like, ‘you aren’t real’, ‘this isn’t real’, vampires do exist.
I won’t and wish that they do.

If the stories were real, then you’d be with her, and not me.
I wish that you were there for me in this world.
And, I guess, that all that’s left to do, is wait for you.

Take me away, far, far away, where we can live together for all eternity.

By Alex (HOU0007)
added by misssparrow1
added by moodystuff449
Source: I made it.
added by parkeremily
Source: parkeremily
added by moodystuff449
Source: I made it.
posted by HOU0007
Sometimes a story will start with once upon a time, in 1927, in a place far, far away. But what do you say when you’ve lived the story? How do you start when you’ve experienced it? What happens if, in your story, you die at the very start of it? It’s only just the beginning. Well...That’s my story. My story may be sad to some people, scary or funny to others. But to me, it was the way I found my soul mates, and my life’s calling. My name is Raven, and this is my story.

“We’ll be back, we’ll only be there for a minute or two.” mum said. She and my dad were just going down the...
continue reading...
added by moodystuff449
Source: I made it.
posted by TeanRose424
I want someone to be there for me,
Someone who only i can see,
Someone to love and to hold,
Someone to who won't leave me for gold,
I want this someone,
I want him a lot,
For i want something that i havn't got,
He doesn't have to be perfect,
He doesn't have to be nice,
He just has to be someone who i like,
I want him,
i need him,
I hope he feels the same,
The way i need is like nothing that i have felt before,
Lonely, despret, awful, horrible,
I need this more than you know,
even if it doesnt show,
So come to me,
I miss you,
Please don't make me wait any longer
added by emma-may
video i made of my most inspirational artists x
posted by HOU0007
I see you in the dark as you come to me at night. You watch me with adoring eyes, afraid that I might flight.

As I look upon your face, the glow from your eyes.
I know that I'm in a place that no one else would ever find.

And as you kneel down to me, I feel safe and sound and calm.
But If I only knew your name?
It wouldn't matter if my body was found.

The fact that you even ackologe my presence, leaves me stuned.
And as you touch me on the face, I feel your hands run down.

My neck is at your mercy.
My feet lay on the ground.
And as your teeth linger on my skin, I feel happy.

And as I colaps in your arms,and you feel your neally done.
I remember. I'm the one,I'm the one who feel's fufilled to night, even though I lay dead on the ground.

My dead is done.
added by dorrit