Creative Outlet I wanna die!!! by iluvryry!!!

iluvryry posted on Dec 21, 2008 at 01:58AM
The tears roll down
The salty taste
Passes my lips
I'm such a waste
There is no point
To life

I cry myself
Into a dream
But when i wake
I want to scream
Nobody cares
Nobody loves me

You broke my heart
You made me cry
You made me feel
Like i wanna die
Life is just a waste of time
It is

I'm not a toy
To be put aside
To mess about with
To pass time by
Look what you've done
My life will soon be gone

The only thing
Keeping me alive
Was our love
It was a lie
You didn't love me
Anyway at all

You broke my heart
You made me cry
You made me feel like i wanna die
Life is just a waste of time
It is

Now i know it'll never be
My hope is gone
And now i see
That i'm not needed

My purpose was
To be messed around
Ruin lives
Of those too proud
To see what they are doing to people like me

The ones that hurt
The ones that cry
No more than dirt
I wanna die
Take my life
I dont need it

When i'm gone
I hope you see
You did to me
That it's all your fault

I always loved you
And always will
You may feel different
But thats it
The reason i'm gone!!!

By iluvryry!
last edited on Dec 21, 2008 at 02:04AM

Creative Outlet 6 replies

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over a year ago iluvryry said…
i know it's terrible so could anyone give me any pointers/help!?!?!
over a year ago raknaff said…
I liked it. It reminded me of myself. Very well writen.
over a year ago batmaan said…
Aww, very sad. I know exactly what you're talking about. But remember, there will always be someone who loves you. And that person is worth living for.
over a year ago rivercrossing said…
Iluvryry, your words concern me. It sounds like you have a broken heart...sounds like someone hurt you deeply...But, this doesn't mean it can't be fixed. Everyone has their heart broken at some point...As human beings, it seems to be a "right of passage". But I must ask...Are you simply being poetic, or are these thoughts a true threat to your safety? Is there anyone you could talk to? Do you see a therapist? If so, please contact someone right away! Show them this poem. It helps to talk. Don't act on these feelings...impulsivity comes from intensity and desperation...Remember, things *will* get better, if you let them...Even though it might sound "trite", as my mom always says, "These things shall pass."

Please write me back so that I know you are OK!

Also here's my regular email:

PS: In regards to your poem...
You are a beautiful writer!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ovybo said…
Nice word choice. I like the repetition with "anymore". But I have to ask like rivercrossing, was that just the topic of you poetry or how you feel.
over a year ago jandGod said…

( :

hello iluvriri . . .

maybe this help . . .

1 God

2 free

3 fair

4 like

5 love

6 lust

7 hate

possibly best to choose the top 4

happy new year 2 , 0 2 2

( :