Christmas Do you celebrate Christmas? If so, when?

harold posted on Nov 01, 2006 at 12:03AM
Our family celebrates Christmas. Here in the USA, the most common tradition (which you see in film and on TV) is to celebrate the first day after Christ's birth (Christmas Day - 25 December) with a gift exchange commemorating God's gift to man.

But in our family when I grew up, the tradition was more European, in that we celebrated Christ's birth with a similar gift exchange on Christmas Eve (24 December). I know some families who celebrate the twelve days of Christmas (25 December - 5 January) with a daily gift exchange.

The last few years, we've been singing carols in our neighborhood, which is something else my family did when I was very young.

What was your tradition, if you had one?
last edited on Nov 01, 2006 at 12:06AM

Christmas 10 replies

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over a year ago lemming said…
We usually open gifts on Christmas Day. Though we have done some celebrating on Christmas Eve too (caroling at the old folks homes). I pretty much enjoy celebrating both the eve and the day.

We also used to go to midnight mass and then over to grandma's house for an early morning waffle breakfast. That was always awesome.
over a year ago megloveskyle said…
We aren't even aloud to shake presents under the tree. My parents are so by the book when it comes to Christmas. (we also celebrated hanukkah..since my grandparents were jewish..who doesn't love double the presents..haha) Every Christmas morning my dad use to make us wait in the hall until the video camera was ready. It was the only time all year we used that thing. Then we take turns opening gifts so my dad made sure everything got on camera. Back then it really annoyed me because you just want to rush in. Now that my father has recently passed those videos mean the world to me. And we still carry on the long drawn out process of recording and opening presents. O, and I can't forget midnight mass. That has always been a favorite tradition of mine. Now, that I am older I celebrate Christmas in July with my friends because I can't get enough of it.
over a year ago maybeastarbucks said…
We usually come home from the Christmas Eve church service and open gifts. I usually stuff my face with cheese in a can on crackers...
over a year ago Storn said…
I do it at home or with my granparents. And here where I live, we get our presents at christmas eve.
over a year ago DrDevience said…
In Sweden we celebrate Jul on Dec 24... which has nothing to do with anyone's birth.

The holiday over here is all about the children. the whole family gets together for a huge feast and then the kids meet Santa who gives them their gifts. Presents for adults are rare, as it should be.
over a year ago Storn said…
yeah, that kinda like we do it in Denmark. First we eat, then we dance around the tree, and the last thing we do is opening presents. It's really pleasant, when the tree shines in the dark, it's snowing, and everyone is closely toghetor. I've never tried a different christmas...This is just how we do it in Denmark. Sometimes we also goes to church.
over a year ago MajorDork74 said…
We used to decorate right after Thanksgiving, but things changed little by little over the years. It has varied from year to year. I will be decorating on the 28th, tomorrow, after I put my TV set in for repairs.
It's fun to decorate the house for Christmas. It's such a happy time of year! Two of my favorites to set up are the tree & the Nativity Scene. Family togetherness, watching all the specials on TV or from the VHS videos we've collected over the years.
"Charlie Brown Christmas", "Little Drummer Boy", "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (the 1960's Chuck Jones feature, not the Jim Carrey one).........don't forget the beautiful Christmas music, either! Both Sacred & Secular.
over a year ago POPEYE60 said…
In my hometown Belgium we exchange gifts the day before Christmas. The day after, Christmas, we celebrate this event with a nice dinner.
over a year ago doonis said…
I'm Jewish, but I also celebrate Christmas on Christmas day with my uncle. Double fun!!! :)
over a year ago Cammie said…
I get right into the Christmas mood weeks before.
I love shopping for the gifts, wrapping them, setting up the tree,etc.
I start celebrating right from Christmas Eve. My parents were European and I grew up with Christmas being mainly celebrated then. I carry it right through to Christmas Day (we open the presents in the morning) with a nice dinner with family and friends.