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posted by KaterinoulaLove
Leo and Piper were both very relieved to know Paige and Wyatt were both safe, but Paige wasn't."We need to get Chris out of there!", she anxiously said.Piper frowned."Why? We don't need him. We've got Leo to heal us if needed.What we need to do is to get Phoebe home safely" "That's not necessary anymore", a familiar voice said. Both sisters and Leo turned and saw Phoebe in the doorway. "Oh my God, Phoebes!How did you escape?" Paige asked surprised."I used my empath powers.Remember how I used them on Piper?I did it the same way on the demon" Phoebe explained.Paige clapped her hands."Well, now that we know Phoebes can kick ass again, we've got only one thing left to do and that is to safe Chris" "NO!I don't want that bitchy, neurotic, mob-face whitelighter in my neighborhood any longer.We've given him enough chances, he kidnapped my child and my sister and he just crossed the line. And now he can rott in hell for all I care"...
"piper he's your son!"paige yelled!
"what?" both leo and phoebe said..."the whiteleighter is ur son piper?" phoebe said seemed like not herself.....
"this is crap..tecnicly I'm not even pregnant to him!and I won't be for a long time..."she said and looked at leo.. "so it might be an other lie of his!" "why should he lied about something so important like this?.."paige said and took a deap breath..."piper I saw his world..I felt everything of this depressing atmosphere! I couldn't breath cause of the evil! you have never seen something like this...never piper...evil..and evil...waytt..." piper stopped her.."wait! you saw waytt?" she yelled really suprises.."waytt was evil...and chris is in danger because of him..waytt want to kill him...I know how is to try save someone u love...i did it for my parents..I went back to stop the accident who took their lives..chris came back from the future to save his brother..I know how it feels...and i totally understand just trust me if you don't want to trust chris..."....paige finished with her voice like trembling in the end..."..but you didn't make it..right? you couldn't change the that's what it should be like...just let him in his own destiny..." piper said really calm but anxious the same time...
"I think piper is right...let's leave him die..."phoebe said..."phoebes?you r saying something like that? when in your whole life you are fighting for whatever you love and want to be safe and right..?" paige said like she didn't regognize phoebe...
"well..that whiteleighter has lied to us many times right..?so we should leave him die..he didn't care bout us when he was lying with confort! huh?" phoebe said like she wasn't touched from everything..."this whiteleighter.."paige stopped her..."chris..his name is chris! what's happening to you phoebe?"
Phoebe sighed."All this time I was captured and he only thought about himself.Couldn't he pick another day to lose his senses?Why did he have to go nuts today?" "I can't believe you're saying this, Phoebes. He's our nephew, for heaven's sake.He's a innocent" Paige said, trying to convince both Piper and Phoebe. "I'm sorry, Paige, but someone who lies to us that an much, doesn't look like an innocent to me" Piper said.Paige turned to Leo to get some support."Leo, you're with me on this one, aren't you?" Leo shook his head."I think Piper and Phoebe are right and we should leave Chris to die" Paige gasped. "You're actually talking 'bout murder.Well, fine, I'll do it myself" She walked towards the Book of Shadows and started paging.Then she found the spell. "Okay, here we go.' Hear these words, Hear the rhyme
Heed the Hope within my mind
Send me back to where I'll find
What I wish in place and time'
She shimmered away and went back to the attic in the future.What she saw was not a nice picture.Bianca had fallen on broken table leg.Blood was spilling on the floor.Paige looked around, but didn't see Chris anywhere.Than she heard a groan.She walked towards the sound and found Chris lying under the couch wich had fallen down on him .He got stabbed by Excalibur and was choking."I'm getting you out of here.Just hold on"She took Chris's hand and cast the time spell once again.They shimmered back to Piper, Phoebe and Leo and Paige laid Chris gently on the couch."Don't criticize me. Just heal him, Leo.And to make sure it works,we should heal hem both" Leo blinked his eyes but than he bend down on his knees and both him and Paige tried to heal Chris.But for the second time that day, nothing happened.Chris desperetaly gasped for breath and there was a hurting glance in his eyes that begged for redemption...
"oh my god!Leo why isn't it working..?"paige said with tears in her eyes..."Don't.........."chris tried to say...."Don't try..." he said with his voice sounds so weak and trembling...piper felt like she was dying...she took a deep breath..and an other one...and an other one..and an other one......she walked two steps near chris and she bended in her knees ..."chris...."she said with her voice trembling...she touched her stmach and lost her senses....paige was looking with her mouth drop open and her eyes red...leo grabbed her and tried to heal her..but it wasn't working..phoebe blinked and smiled like noone could see her..."I have to predent that I'm sad"she thought"or they will understand that I'm the demon who has possesed their precious sister"...she ran next to piper with some delicated moves"oh my god sister! what is going on..?leo do something!"she started crying,but tears didn't run out of the eyes."..I don't exist this this age...I can't be helead cause technicly I haven't even been borned or dead.."chris said and screamed from pain...."I can't just give up..If you're gone piper is too"Paige said..."It doesn't work..I can't heal piper!"Leo said and got paniced...
"Oh My God, when will this day be over?" Paige exlaimed with a trembling voice."Phoebe, go to the kitchen and get all the herbs you can find"Leo commanded.Phoebe didn't move.She was stunned."Did you just command me to do something?" Leo blinked his eyes."Phoebes, we don't have time for games.Go get the herbs" "See, there you go again.Bossing around.You know what, get them yourself"Phoebe stubbornly said.Leo and Paige traded a glance and both were thinking the same.This was not Phoebe."Hey, Phoebe, how did you say you escaped?" "I used my empath powers" "See, that strange, 'cause you were stripped during that lawsuit, remember?"Paige slowly said. "Oops" Phoebe said. She conjured a fireball and threw it at Paige, but Leo pulled her to him.Paige got an idea.She looked around and than saw what she needed."Mirror!" She orbed the mirror right in front of 'Phoebe'.Next thing they heard was a ghastly scream and the demon glided out of Phoebes body and was vanquised.Phoebe looked around and let out a relieved sigh."Good to be back" "Is it really you, Phoebes?"Paige anxiously asked."Off course it's me, dom ass"Phoebe said.Paige smiled."Great, welcome back, sis" Phoebe's glance went to the floor and she saw Chris's and Pipers body.The grandfather clock rang."Oh no, what happened?" Phoebe said as if she was choking."Long story, they can't be healed" Phoebe went to Piper and Paige to Chris and Leo stayed were he was, too stunned to act. "Chris, you're not dying.You can't leave us now.You've got a whole life to live yet.You're gonna get married.You're gonna have a lot of kids and grandchildren.You're not gonna die.Not today, not like this.You'll die when you're old and in your warm bed.Never let go" Chris groaned.Paige looked up."Seriously? I'm lying here, dying, and you can't even come up with an original farewell speech?" Paige frowned. "Wait a second...Chris, you asshole!" She slammed him on his chest and than she helped him standing up.Piper got up, too.They were both unharmed.Phoebe, Paige and Leo frowned."What happened?How can you be saved?" Leo watched his wristwatch."Look at the time" He showed his watch to the sisters.It showed 00:07."It's saturday the 14th.We're not friday the 13th anymore"
Suddenly three elders orbed in in the attic.One of them raised his hand to moon everyone to silence."Before you say anything, Leo, you're fired from your elder duties" Leo frowned."Why?" "We've seen a prophecy.Not a big one, but it was important.You have to stay here with your family.You wanted Piper to raise Wyatt all by herself, but you can expect her to raise two children"the elder explained. Leo looked as if he was just turned into stone.The elder continued as if he rotated his head to Piper."You might feel a little nauseas in the mornings from now on"he said with a wink and the elders orbed out.For a moment all of them were stunned.Then Phoebe broke the silence."Oh my God, Piper, you're pregnant!"Piper blinked, but then a little satisfied smile appeared on her face and she looked at Leo. "You're not going anywhere?You're staying here forever?" "I guess I am"Leo answered.He leaned forward and kissed Piper.
added by ForeverEternity
Trying to put the awkwardness aside Leo, Piper and Phoebe find the Chosen One who turns out to be a reluctant teenager named Kyle while Prue stumbles across the magical scepter.
full episode 28
season 2
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added by ForeverEternity
added by ForeverEternity
added by ForeverEternity
added by ForeverEternity
added by ForeverEternity
added by ForeverEternity
added by ForeverEternity
added by ForeverEternity
added by ForeverEternity
added by ForeverEternity