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Castle Books Firefly Alum Jewel Staite

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Castle Books Firefly Alum Jewel Staite | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
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Showrunners Terence Paul Winter and Alexi Hawley confirmed the “reunion” casting as part of TVLine’s May Sweeps/Finale Preview Q&A, saying that Staite will appear in Episode 20, titled “Much Ado About Murder” and airing May 2, as the director of a Shakespearean Broadway staging whose movie-star lead turns up dead.
“There are some great scenes between her, Nathan [Fillion] and the boys,” Winter said. “She came to play, she was really great.” Staite of course is
“captain”; most recently, Summer Glau stopped by the ABC series.
 (as D.A. Caroline Swift, Holder’s girlfriend), 
continues Season 8 on Monday with Episode 18, “Backstabbers.”
, or for any other show? Email and your question may be answered via Matt’s Inside Line.
Enough already with the Friends of Fillion. That poor casting director.
Really? Another one of Fillion’s cast member of the failed, very short lived syfy, Firefly? -Probably another Rick-centric, ADHD-like hyper focused episode with frat boy “humor”(?).Hey,Winter & Hawley, just say “NO!” next time Fillion wants an ex-Firefly cast member taking up too much time on the show. Sheesh….sigh
The backdoor pilots for “Castle Legacy & Friends” haven’t been to your liking?
Stana filmed on at least three days, this is the episode that Juliana also appeared to be on set for a couple of days.
Yeah just not at the same time than the Firefly actress, as usual (except for Gina Torres in S5).
She would risk to ruin the great and sooo funny scenes between her and the boys.
Well there’s been 2 episodes with Firefly guests this season & 2 episodes without without SK. Guess what ? Those were the same episodes. So yeah really, that’s my immediate takeaway.
What part of the article did it sopecifically say SK wasn’t in the episode? The article said Jewel Staite was the featured guest star NOT that Stana wasn’t in the episode. People like you annoy me you assume with absoloutely no proof. Assuming only makes you an ass. And if you and others of your ilk don’t like this as you all seem to say ‘this once great show’ why do you continue to whinge about it? Whinging about the quality means you’re still watching it, this tells me you still like the show!
I take it you haven’t seen any of her previous work? There’s obviously Firefly, Stargate Atlantis, recently an episode of Legends of Tomorrow. She does have more emotional range than Summer Glau, thank goodness.
She’s in the episode there’s bts of her also this is kinda been out there for weeks jewel and Nathan posted pics together
It wasn’t clear whether she was just visiting as one comment said that Nathan did some babysitting I believe, but the BTS pic of her with Nathan in the Orpheum Theatre now makes sense given her character.
“There are some great scenes between her, Nathan [Fillion] and the boys,”
Duh. Obviously, the spotlight in the FoF episodes are Fillione and his um friends.
Fillion and his um friends…B.O.R.I.N.G. The show is about a writer,his muse,their love story while solving crimes. Way too much Fillion this season;therefore, the season has been an unbalanced mess featuring him…sigh
Obviously. No more room for anyone else. We must always remember the brand and his first and forever love, Fireeflye.
After Firefly there are other FoFs I would like them to consider for “Castle Legacy & Friends:”
Hope we get more on the finale like if loksat ends if it’s the season finale ending ausiello only said its a safe-ish bet that dosent mean a guarantee
Enough is enough! Microscopic wouldn’t be little enough for me.
You can’t check IP addresses right? Reading through the comments it definitely seems like one person posted with a few aliases. I could be wrong, but the names user-names & and common spelling errors make it seem likely.
I really like Jewel, and she has to have some great moments with Nathan, as they have very nice comedic chemistry. If the writers delivered of course.
Finally, indeed! Besides, she’s playing a guest star on a single episode. It’s not like she’ll be a series regular. People need to calm the hell down.
Delighted to see such a talented and charming actor get more Hollywood work. She was terrific in StargateAtlantis, LA Complex and DaVinci’s Inquest.
They’re wrapping up filming on the last epiosde this week. I guess this refers to post production.
I quit watching the show but in order to see her again with Nathan I might have to watch this one. I really miss Firefly.
I love her and loved her in Stargate Atlantis – another show that was gone too soon, in my opinion. I’m looking forward to this episode very much.
My immediate reaction when I see her is to remember Flash forward, which is strange considering how short lived it was
Really miss the show Castle. The show that was supposed to be about a writer and hugs muse who with the help if a couple of detectives solved crimes. Now we have this POS crap that is all about a buffoon , his super genius know it all daughter and two guys who constantly make fun of the one time writer with no sign of the leading lady who helped make the Castle such a big success.
Season 8 is a disaster and nothing but a constant nightmare . It should have ended a year ago but unfortunately you have a male lead with a massive ego who thinks he can carry thus show alone and inept show runners and a network who apparently are too terrified if him to put him in his place even to save the show and hundreds of jobs. Maybe the new lady boss with see the light and end this mess and save the network from further embarrassment.
Personally I’ve preferred the show with less Beckett and would enjoy it even more if there was no Beckett. Always found SK a bit wooden but atleast there was some on screen chemistry but the minute they became a couple the charachters lost that. The writers occasionally find some of the chemistry for a few lines but as many shows find once you make leads an item it’s almost impossible to keep that spark throughout a full episode. And you simply can’t undo it once it’s been done without writing one of them out of the show
Curiously I feel the other way, except the show couldn’t manage without Castle. I didn’t know either of them before I started watching but I find her emotional range far greater than his, she is able to convey things just by a look, remember that scene in FFYG. He is OK when he does the humour, (not the buffonery though) but I’ve found his dramatic scenes hit and miss. I will be following her when the show ends but I won’t miss him.
Ugh! I am sooo tired of Fillion and his Fireflye friends. I had no interest in Fireflye then or now. I tune in to watch a writer and his muse, now wife, solve crimes, NOT to see the cast of a failed show reunite. I hope we see Stana for more than a few minutes in this episode, but I have a feeling we won’t.
I don’t know if Castle has been renewed, I do not want to see more episodes like season 8… I hope Channing D puts her foot down and sees to it that the mess that has been season 8 is fixed. A good place to start is to put an end to the Friends of Fillion casting. Next, I would like to see Fillion and Katic in the same scene (and room) for more than a few minutes per episode.
The only good thing about F of F casting is….no, I got nothing….thank goodness for fast forward and delete.
1) Not many Friends of Fillion left to be cast in Castle Season 9
Hope it gets a s9 without Stana then there would be no more complaining(;
Sadly I agree. Not sure why Friends of Stana haven’t been on the show.
Yeah. A S9 without Stana would go off without a hitch and nary a whisper.
Might still happen to deadline just said there still talking to Nathan for a highly possible finale season(;
Okay, but did they mention talking to Stana too? I’d like a final season (with different showrunners, obviously) if they can make it good and take away the bad taste of season 8, but only if both leads are equally involved: otherwise it’s not Castle.
There will be no castle, I am sick of listening to firefly cast com I Nguyen to castle, that was a show that was cancelled after the first season never saw it never will, the show is Castle the writer and his muse (wife)he doesn’t even write anymore,I will watch this season and see what happen, for me and a lot of my friends no Stana no Castle if there is s9
Ok. No doubt left as to who is to really to blame for this season 8 crap and the death of the Castle show we once lived. Show runners and Fiillion’s ego have tanked this once great show.
Sorry–I never put much stock in anyone who uses “Anonymous” as a name, and acts like their “word” is the gospel. If everything about the show wounds you so much–try using your remote and watch something else. Otherwise, want some cheese to go with your continual and oh, so, boring whine?
(Brown-Coats unite’) 😉. Great news!! Jewel is an awesome actress with a wonderful sense of natural comedic timing, and one of the most expressive faces in the biz. Hope they give her some good one-liners!
Would LOVE to see Jewel as a nasty recurring bad-guy ala 3XK. Need more female baddies in #Castle!!
I’ve been a fan of Jewel Staite’s work since I was young – that would be Space Cases and Flash Forward, you fellow 90s kids. I also enjoyed her on Stargate Atlantis.
It’s too bad she couldn’t share some “great scenes” with Stana, too.
I so hope Alan Tudyk gets his opportunity to shine in “Castle Legacy & Friends” next season.
Then again, Tudyk’s star seems to be rising at a rather meteoric pace, so they may not be able to afford him for much longer.
i loved firefly so I am happy to see her team with Nathan again.
I’ve got nothing against the actress and hope she does a great job, but the sheer number of FoF in this season is ridiculous. Yes, actors like to bring in their friends sometimes, but never on this scale. Every time we get a decent episode and I think things may be looking up, there’s another ‘positive’ announcement that makes me groan. Most Castle viewers are not Firefly fans – or it wouldn’t have been cancelled so quickly. Couldn’t we at least limit it to one friend per actor per season?
Beckett is just as important to the show as Castle: always has been and always will be. It appears that this year everything is being centred around one of the leads while the other (arguably a stronger actor) is largely ignored, and that’s a large part of why a lot of the season has been pretty terrible. If Fillion is insisting on this, it’s disgraceful; if he’s not, the people making the decisions are idiots.
I don’t understand what these constantly butt hurt people that live in the comments to Castle articles, have against casting Firefly people. You’re not a fan of Firefly, never seen it never will – fine, you don’t need to be, or see it, then for you it’s just another actor in a guest role on Castle. But no, for you it’s not “just another actor”. The mere fact that this actor was on Firefly or knows Nathan Fillion outside of Castle somehow spoils everything for you. Why? I don’t understand it. Firefly fans would see a familiar face and get a kick out of it. Those who’ve never seen Firefly (or Stargate) would not know any difference, just another actor. Seems like there’s this specific brand of Castle fans who make it their goal to seek out anything connected to Firefly in order to sigh and cry about how this newfound knowledge spoils their very existence. Well, if you are so indifferent and not interested in Firefly, then casting Firefly actors shouldn’t bother you at all, in fact I wonder how you recognize them. Most viewers would not know a thing, and it wouldn’t affect their enjoyment or not of the episode.You should take a leaf out of their book.
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