Bleach: the Clan War RP Club
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posted by blackpanther666
Name: Momo Hinamori

Zanpakuto: Tobiume (Flying plum tree')

Bankai: Okibibanda ('Blazing fire branches')


Okibibanda: Shoukyaku ('Blazing fire branches: Destroy by fire') When the branches of Okibibanda are extended and have trapped the enemy, this incantation causes the target and the branches around it to catch fire and explode.

Okibibanda: Kansei ('Blazing fire branches: Trap') This incantation traps the opponent in the branches of Okibibanda. This can be used if the opponent is at least within a 100 meter radius and can only be broken by Kido. The Kido used for this technique is highly reiatsu resistant.

Okibibanda: Shuuban ('Blazing fire branches: Final stage') If the opponent has been caught in the branches AND has survived Shoukyaku, then this attack will ignite the opponent in fire and burn them to ashes. This won't work if Shoukyaku has done extensive damage. The fire burns for five minutes and the levels of damage done are dependant on the reiatsu of the opponent.