Betty and Daniel Club
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Despite recent news that the hit U.S television sit com, Ugly Betty, has been cancelled it looks like cast and crew aren’t happy. So what are they planning to do about it? Do what every respectable cult fashion show does…go to the movies!

Ana Ortiz who plays Ugly Betty’s sister, Hilda spoke to about plans to keep the spirit of the show living on. "I will say this: It’s open. There may be a movie!”

She also talked openly about America Ferrera (Ugly Betty) and her intentions to persuade directors to make a movie. "It’s something that we’ve been talking about and it’s something that America Ferrera would really love to do. That woman has so much determination that I can’t imagine anything she puts her mind to not getting done."

ok guys dont give up on ugly betty yet! hopefully, we'll have one last thing to look forward so, i sure as hell know that im nowhere near ready to let go on betty yet! are you??
added by mcewen_girl
Source: bonesfirst@LJ
ugly betty
posted by RpattzIsLove
Hola folks!

So here's "Wedding Crasher" written by clueless1der, it follows what could possibly happen during this Wednesday's episode, at Hilda's wedding.....


"You flashed Gio… in a bar?!"

Daniel was pretty sure that somewhere an angel just got its wings.

He smirked to himself, tuning Betty out- she was saying something about boyfriends- reading her blog with something like glee. She said something else, and he nodded absently, still reading. There was just something about reading what she wrote. Her blog was so much like her- full of funny bits of insight and occasional...
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posted by DettyBFFLuvers1
Ugly betty fans.

Well what a eppy tonight, I mean sugar daddy was another great eppy and I was happy to see the detty scenes alot more then we got last week, but in this eppy love and money was in air as Betty love's for Matt was blomssing which I have to say I am liking Matt now that we know more about him first I thought he was poor like Hilda did I mean come keep forgeting his wallet but My first concuslion was right as Matt is wealthy rich, who knew. and it was sweet of him to try to help the suarez family out of their finalcail trouble after losing a riged tv show kitchen battle which...
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added by BeSafe
Youtube, created by LizzieSparrow2006...:)
ugly betty
added by Lilouth33
I have to admit that I am an ugly betty junkie!
I have seen not only the american version but also the greek one(pretty lame) and the mexican one(lame but funny)!
The american ugly betty is the coolest and the funniest!
And I do believe that Betty and Daniel are made for each other!
Who can forget the bridge moment with all the looks!

Daniel:"You are better that any model."

The last words of Bradford were that danniel is lost without betty!
That totally means that they are gonna end up together!
I also think that mama Claire is so rooting for them!
I am not sure for bettys dad thought...
They are not gonna been together soon but at the end of the show they are so gonna end up together!!!
added by DTmouche456
ugly betty
added by mcewen_girl
Source: i_candream@LJ
added by BeSafe
Source: BeSafe
added by Lilouth33
added by Lilouth33
added by RpattzIsLove
Source: Shidabetty
added by pink_martini2
added by RpattzIsLove
Watch at 0.20 sec for Willie & Daniel stuck in an elevator...
season 4
added by pink_martini2
added by Lilouth33
added by flyleaf
Source: <lj user="gibbynka">
added by BeSafe
Youtube, created by mrsjacksparrowsmv...:)
ugly betty
posted by alienanne
I have been absent for so long and boy, was I surprised. I watched the season 3 finale -The Fall Issue, and felt like I haven't missed much. OK, maybe I did miss a lot, but I posted this to hopefully get some people out there to help me out. Clue me in the missing pieces. Please.

Here are the stuff I kinda discovered:


Froze for five minutes when I found out Daniel actually married Molly. I froze another 5 minutes when she died. He actually loved Molly that much to marry her. Good Lord. AND he's not going to be Betty's boss in Season 4?! Holy. But it's so sad, what these writers do to...
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