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Bellatrix Lestrange Question

Who else is fed up with fanpop users pretending to be Bellatrix???

First BellablackL came, and that was cute and funny and stuff, and i didn't even mind when Bellatrix-Black came on a few months later, i just thaught whatever, she can have her fun too. but now there's yet ANOTHER fanpoper saying she's (or he' never know...) Bellatrix and that's really getting annoying. And aparently all three of them are fighting to the core about whose the "real" Bella. (but i think BellaBlackL and Bellatrix-Black are friends i'm not exactly sure) Am i the only one who thinks this is annoying as hell???
 HPprincess123 posted over a year ago
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Bellatrix Lestrange Answers

Persephone713 said:
yeah, it was alright at first. But come on enough first person talk when we mention Voldemort or Bellatrix. Helena Bonham Carter and Ralph Finnes are the only Bellatrix and Voldemort in my book sorry guys.
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yeah, it was alright at first. But come on enough first person talk when we mention Voldemort or Bellatrix. Helena Bonham Carter and Ralph Finnes are the only Bellatrix and Voldemort in my book sorry guys.
posted over a year ago 
I totally agree with that. voted by me for best answer.
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
Bellatrix-Black said:
BellablackL and I are friends, and I admit this is kind of annoying. I think 3 of us is excessive, I only joined because I thought BellablackL was gone so I would be the only one. I wouldn't have joined if there was someone active online. I think BellatrixL is being silly. Sorry if everyone thinks it's annoying, it's all in fun and we all know we're not really Bella
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posted over a year ago 
Lord-Voldemort said:
3 is too many, it's really annoying. I don't really like BellatrixL much either. And what about me? It's ok if I'm the only Dark Lord right?
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posted over a year ago 
I think it's fine, but I do agree with ur '3 is too many' point
lovebaltor posted over a year ago
Yeah that would be gross. Sorry, bad idea :P
JavaJoker posted over a year ago
All we need are some vampires and we can watch them fight to the death..and then we can kill the winners >:)
Bellatrix-Black posted over a year ago
Lord_Voldemort said:
Look, no offence but you people are being stupid.

You guys are just having fun "being" Bella, and so is BellatrixL. You guys shouldnt hate on her or anything just for that.

Seriously. Why is this even such a big deal?
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posted over a year ago 
It's not a big deal but it IS annoying that we know have 3 Bellas and 2 Voldemorts. Honestly, obviously BellatrixL and you now know that there are already 2 Bellas and a Voldemort so why did you decide to RP as well? It just causes confustion and as the other answers here said, it's annoying.
Lord-Voldemort posted over a year ago
Could you guys move to the Voldemort spot? It would be so much less confusing
Bellatrix-Black posted over a year ago
It's confusing because we're completely different! I'm reasonable, BellaBlackL is slightly insane, and BellatrixL is totally insane. As for Dark Lords, you'll give conflicting commands and stuff, and just because your'e offlien doesn't mean we won't see your comments...
Bellatrix-Black posted over a year ago
loyal_luv said:
No, you're not alone. I agree, at first it was funny/cute but like all jokes there's a point when they're just not funny anymore. There's also a Voldemort or two out there...sigh. But we do love y'all!
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posted over a year ago 
LadyL68 said:
It's getting kinda annoying, now that there are so many bellas and voldemorts. i think that there should be one bella and one voldemort, and that should be the first two ones that came online.
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posted over a year ago 
HaleyDewit said:
I'm actually fed up with anyone who pretends to be someone else.Just because you have no personality doesn't mean you can take someone elses.
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posted over a year ago 
Well obviously we know we're not really Bella and Voldemort, I for one have a VERY different personality than the Dark Lord, and Bellatrix-Black, well, she's a bit Bella-ish in real life, but she is different.
Lord-Voldemort posted over a year ago
Vixie79 said:
I thought I was the only one. Yes, I am kind of fed up with it myself.
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posted over a year ago 
I mean why can't any of these people just start a forum somewhere else and RP? That's what my friends and I did and also diliberated who was who, instead of filling up worthless answer sections.
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
only because theres like 3 bellatrixs and voldemorts
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posted over a year ago 
shivers-zimmy said:
Annoying As Hell! I Think One Is Too Much! Grow The Fuck Up People!
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posted over a year ago 
ShadowQueen013 said:
I'm not really involved much in this but I don't think one person is bad I mean if you like Bellatrix that much then sure why not. I don't even think two people is that bad. But haveing three people....In my opinion "that" kinda scares me a little yea I guess I am annoyed. Heres my advice try to figure this out the best you can but just don't go too crazy with the whole thing. I mean if this continues soon there will be like 3or 4 Voldies and that would be just nuts.
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posted over a year ago 
and it seems we already have two voldies so take my advice and solve this.
ShadowQueen013 posted over a year ago
Why do you guys think they are all the same account?
BellaTheNutcase posted over a year ago
Because they interact together alot and they all left at teh same time
Lord-Voldemort posted over a year ago
WolfPred said:
I'm fed up of it! Let us rid the world of the frauds!
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posted over a year ago 
Hmm...maybe we do need an alien intervention :P
JavaJoker posted over a year ago
Yayyy, finally we can fight on the same side! Ok, you get them from above and I'll dance around Crucioing them! THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!
Bellatrix-Black posted over a year ago
Sure thing!
WolfPred posted over a year ago
BellaTheNutcase said:

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posted over a year ago 
bellatrix101 said:
I am not saying I am Bellatrix at all!
She is way too awesome
I did however use her name because I am a big fan

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posted over a year ago 
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