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Author : Genevievebarbie
Source :
Author's Summary : Prequel to Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses. The story of how Prince Randolph and Lady Isabella faced hardships and difficulties and later on, fell in love and got married. This is my first fanfiction so please no flames. Lastly, please read and review!
Rating : T
Category : Romance, Drama
Disclaimer : The main characters of the story are owned by Mattel. I own all the supporting characters and the plot.

Chapter 6 : The Announcement

It was early in the morning, as Isabella finished doing the last of her makeup. She sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her friends had tried to help her and Lana to hide the bruises on their arms and legs, but they could only lighten it by a few shades. Oh well, at least they had ballet outfits with elbow length sleeves and stockings, those would do. The scratches weren't visible when they came to the castle at nightfall the previous day. However, when the girls entered their dorm, they were fully visible in the light.

Flashback :
"Here we are!" chirped Lalaina, as she unlocked the door.

The building had 2 floors, plus the ground floor. The group of four was on the top floor, while a few other maids lived at the middle and bottom floors. Their dorm was pretty spacious, with four bedspreads (each of their favorite color, surprisingly) at the 4 corners of the room, 2 closets to be shared between 2 girls, their own desks, a door which led to the bathroom, and a huge open space between all this. They even had a balcony!

"It's beautiful," whispered Isabella in awe.
"More like, perfect!" said Ilana in a giddy voice.

Natalie began talking, "I know, ri- EEE!" she almost squealed.
Lalaina looked at her in confusion, "What's the mat- Oh My Goodness!" she said, as she looked at the twins.

"What's wrong?" they asked in unison.

"Look at yourselves!" Natalie recovered first, as she pulled out a mirror and passed it to Ilana. Meanwhile, Isabella was looking at her arms, only to see that they were covered in scratches.

"No wonder we're so sore," said Isabella.
"Let's hope these heal fast," said Ilana.

"What about tomorrow's ballet classes?" asked Lalaina.
"She's right, you can't go when you're hurt!" said Natalie worriedly.

The twins looked at each other and chorused, "Makeup!"
"Hopefully that'll work," said Natalie.
"You girls need to rest," said Lalaina as she guided them to their beds.

End of Flashback

She suddenly snapped out of her thoughts when a little bird sat on her window. Midnight stopped licking herself as she turned to look at the bird.

"No hunting birds, Midnight," said Isabella, "We're late!", she suddenly realized. Midnight meowed as she followed her mistress.

Hurrying into the carriage which had her friends, she said, "Sorry I'm late!"
"It was expected," said Ilana. Isabella playfully glared at her as her friends laughed.

As the carriage rolled on, she turned her attention to the book she brought with her.


As the girls entered the school, the first thing they heard was their instructor trianing the younger girls and saying, "Dora arms! Cora where are you looking? Gina smile! And a one two three and three and four! Head up Cora watch the audience! Now on the beat! Perfect!"

Turning to Isabella, who had just entered, she said with a small frown, "You're late, Isabella, again."
"Sorry, Madame Blaise," replied Isabella.
"Whatever," she said with a sigh, "Get ready to practice your duet with Dylan."

Isabella's eyes widened. Dylan was the last person she wanted to see right now, considering the fact that he was close to the Prince, who knew Miranda.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Hurry up!" said Madame Blaise.
"Yes, Madame." said Isabella.
"The rest of you," she said, looking at Ilana, Lalaina and Natalie, "Get ready for your own work."
"Yes, Madame," they chorused.

The woman turned her back to the girls, continuing to train the younger girls, "Cora, head up! Stop watching your feet."

The girls looked at each other. This was going to be a long day.


"I have an announcement!" was what Lalaina said when she entered the girls' dorm for lunch, about an hour after ballet lessons.

"What kind of announcement?" asked Natalie.

"Are you sure it's just one announcement?" muttered Ilana, quietly.

"What did you say?" asked Lalaina angrily.
"Nothing, nothing."

Isabella laughed. Poor Ilana had to endure Lalaina going on and on about how amazing Michael was. Isabella didn't actually know who Michael was – except the fact that he was apparently the Prince's friend – or what was so special about him. Personally, she was surprised Lalaina had actually been crushing on him for at least 2 months now, which never happened, as she thought everybody was sweet and every boy was dreamy.

"The Prince is getting married!" Lalaina said suddenly, in a dreamy voice.

"So that was your announcement?" asked Ilana, still in a sour mood.
"What does that have to do with us?" asked Isabella, "It's his wedding, not ours. "

"Don't you two see?" asked Natalie, who had stopped eating for a moment.
"See what?" asked Isabella dumbly.

"There's a Princess visiting soon, from the Kingdom of Kattendelle, I think. As far as I know, there will be a Ball in her honor and then, the wedding between her and Prince Randolph," said Lalaina, sprouting off more information than she had ever done.

"Which means," said Natalie, taking over, "We have to do all the work, from cleaning the ballroom to decorating it. And as if that wasn't enough, we'll probably have to do all our usual jobs. "

"Oh no," groaned Isabella.
"That's too much work," grumbled Ilana.
"When is -" started Isabella.
"-she coming?" finished Ilana.

"Two months later, I think."

"Did I mention that since you two – Bella and Lana – are seamstresses now, you have to sow the Queen's Ballgown too?"
"You didn't,-" began Isabella.
"-say that!" finished Ilana.

"Oh well, I said it now, didn't I?" said Natalie with a small smirk, and went right back to eating her now not-so-warm-anymore lunch.

Isabella, who had finished eating by now, left the room. She wanted to go to the music room, and play the flute, it always took her mind of things, as she got lost in the music. Wasn't Prince Randolph just 15? She always thought it wasn't the right age to be married. Oh well, never mind. She reached the music room. However, as she neared it, she heard the melody of FΓΌr Elise coming. Carefully, she peeked in, and was shocked to see the Prince playing the piano. At least, she thought he was the Prince, considering his blond hair tied back in a ponytail, and definitely the most expensive clothes she had ever seen. For a few moments, she stood there, enjoying the melody.

Playing the flute was out, however she could go read in the library. Reading was another one of her hobbies. Unfortunately, she got lost in the huge castle and ended up in the sewing room. Well, she could always sew, so it wasn't a total loss.

As she entered it, she saw the most beautiful and delicate fabrics, – silk, cotton – to the most variety of colors ever – purple, pink, fushia, green, blue, red – everything was there. As she touched all the fabrics and saw the dress designs from dresses that were already made, the door slowly opened. Isabella turned around and nearly gasped.

There was the one person who she had wanted to avoid the most.

A/N : So what did you guys think? I'm sure you figured out who was at the door (last chapter cliffhanger!). But I'm not sure if you figured out all the Easter Eggs. The hobbies/behaviors of 5 of Isabella's daughters is mentioned. Can you tell what hobby/behavior is of which daughter? First to answer gets 5 props, it will show that you are a true fan! Lastly, please comment and fan this article. Till then, laterz!!
