Avatar: The Last Airbender Club
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posted by zanhar1
The dagger slid gracefully back into her grasp…sword not far behind. With an equally graceful bow, Sooyoung sheathed the sword.

Aang had never heard anyone clap as Sokka did at that moment.

“She’s amazing!” Sokka declared.

“Isn’t she?” Cheng smiled.

“Hey! You’re Cheng, you’re Sooyoung’s husband!” Sokka shouted.

“Well thanks for reminding me.” The man laughed.

“Is she your daughter?” Katara pointed.

“She is indeed. This is one of the first times she’s gotten to see her mother preform, and she’s already aspiring to be a sword’s master.”

“That’s so cute.” Katara said.

“So what brings the Fire Lord, and friends, back to Hira’a.” Cheng asked.

“We’re looking for my sister.” Zuko replied. “The last time we saw her she was headed for the Forgetful Valley. Sokka wanted to catch your wife’s show before we started looking and we all decided that we might as well find some place, in Hira’a, to stay while we’re at it.” He explained.

“I’m sure Soo wouldn’t mind if you stayed with us.” Cheng turned to his daughter. “How does getting to know the Avatar and the Fire Lord sound?”

The little girl leapt out of her father’s arms. “Good.”

“Where are you going?”

“Mommy!” The girl cried excitedly as she made her way through the crowd.

Sooyoung bent over and lifted the girl into her arms. The woman muttered a greeting Zuko couldn’t quite hear before heading in their direction. At point Aang couldn’t help but to compare Sokka to foamy mouth guy. He was flailing his arms, in joy, like there was no tomorrow.

Cheng opened his mouth to speak only to have Sokka cut him off. “That was an amazing show! When are you going to have another one!?”

Sooyoung rubbed the back of her head with her free hand. “Uh…not exactly sure yet. We’re kind of just waiting now.” She motioned to the slight baby bump.

“Oh. Well, I guess that makes sense.” Sokka shrugged.

Katara rolled her eyes and groaned. “I’m sorry about my brother…congratulations.”

Sooyoung was silent for a moment. “It’s alright.” The child in her arms cradled her head in the cook of the woman’s neck. She ran her along the child’s back in a soothing vertical motion.

Katara extended her arm. “Nice to meet you, I’m Katara.”

Sooyoung returned the gesture, revealing a small marking on the inside of her wrist. “Sooyoung.”

“Nice tattoo.” Sokka complimented.

“Thank you, I got it to cover up a scar…cut myself during a performance.” Sooyoung traced the tiny seashell.

“Ouch.” Aang winced.

“I hope you don’t mind that I invited the Fire Lord and his friends to stay with us.” Cheng stated, bringing them back on track.

“I haven’t even cleaned the house yet! If I knew…” Sooyoung started.

“It’s okay trust me. I lived with Toph.” Katara laughed.

“I just like it to look nice when we have guests.” Sooyoung frowned.

“She’s like this all the time.” Cheng dared to whisper to Zuko.

“It must be a lady thing.” Sokka added. “Katara’s like that too.”

“You’re awfully quite Avatar.” Sooyoung glanced at the boy.

“I don’t know. I just don’t have much to say. I kind of feel a little out of place here.” Aang admitted. He shuffled his feet slightly.

“So they can stay with us right Soo?” Cheng asked.

“I suppose.” Sooyoung replied. “You’ll be a good girl, P’Li, and pick up your toys for mommy.”

P’Li squirmed around again and nodded. “Mmhm mama.” She eventually snuggled back into her prior position, cradled against the crook of Sooyoung’s neck.

“This place is really cozy.” Katara said upon stepping into the front yard.

The grass was well cut and soft. It was something Toph would have probably enjoyed feeling against her bare feet. Scattered in that soft grass were tiny flowers of all sorts. Sooyoung mentioned something about P’Li not letting her remove any of them. There was an odd mix of palm and pine trees providing shade to pretty much every inch of the yard. The large clusters of them created for a rather strange and otherworldly atmosphere. Aang could definitely feel just how close they were to the Forgetful Valley by looking at some of the other strange plants the yard had to offer.

But most of all he loved the little pond with a waterfall; it was crystal clear—pure in a way—and adorned with a bunch of lotus flowers and lily pads. Keeping the water from overflowing were a bunch of sizable rocks, some of which had doodles and handprints on them—one was signed by each of the family members. It was one of the sweetest things Aang had seen.

Looking into the water Aang could see a bunch of small shells and clams and a school of hippo-koi fish swimming around.

“Soo and I built this when we first moved here.” Aang heard Cheng mention.

A tiny flutterbat whizzed past Aang’s ear.

“It’s kind of refreshing actually.” Aang decided. “I was kind of expecting something huge and showy. Kind of a relief to see someone who doesn’t wave their riches in everyone’s faces.” He inhaled deeply. The smell of some kind of flora biting his nose in a sweet sort of way.

“Yes well, I’ve tried that. It didn’t work so well.” Sooyoung noted with a lazy flick of her wrist. “I much prefer this.” She lead them inside.

The interior was just as cozy looking as the exterior. A few toys lie scattered on the floor in each room. But it still looked tidy; each picture frame perfectly aligned, every pillow fluffed and straightened. Aang could feel a positive sort of energy in the room.

Maybe it was the beachside landscapes portrayed in the paintings on the wall. Or maybe it was the cheerful looking family portraits. Or possibly the way Sooyoung had placed a shelf beneath the portrait—as shelf that had a jar of shells and Krystal adorned rocks neatly organized atop its surface.

Sooyoung caught him staring. “P’Li found most of them…the shells I mean.”

“The décor is really lovely.” Katara remarked as she ran a hand over the seashell pattered pillows on the sofa.

“Thank you.” Sooyoung smiled. “Speaking of décor…these toys aren’t a part of it now are they?” Her soft smile remained as her eyes fell upon her daughter.

“No mommy.” P’Li replied. “I pick ‘em up now.”

“That’s a good girl.” Sooyoung kissed the girl’s forehead. “And for being a good girl, you can have two fruit tarts for dessert. But you can’t let daddy know, he’ll get jealous.”

P’Li giggled. “’Kay mommy. I no tell him.”

“We’re still teaching her how to talk. She’s a quick learner though.” Sooyoung pointed out.

“How old is she?” Zuko asked.

“Three years old.” Cheng replied.

“She is learning fast.” Katara agreed.

“I should probably help her clean up.” Sooyoung decided. “Dinner should be ready anytime.”

“We’re still having Loco Moco, right?” Cheng asked.

“Yes, dear.” Sooyoung called from the other room.

“So how long have you been living in Hira’a.” Zuko asked.

“I’ve been here my whole life. As far as I know, Soo has only been here for about five years.” Cheng answered.

“That’s not very long.” Aang remarked.

“When did you get married?” Zuko asked. “If you don’t mind me asking.” He added.

“Only a few months after I found her.” Cheng replied.

“Found her?” Sokka asked. “Exactly how did you meet your wife!?”

“At the time I was still living with my parents—I was nineteen—I was actually getting ready to buy a place of my own. At the time I lived on the outskirts of Hira’a. She just sort of came out of nowhere—one minute I’m alone in the jungle and the next…the next, Sooyoung was there.” Cheng shared. “I never did find out how she got here...or where she came from initially.”

“Did you ever ask her?” Katara questioned.

“She said she didn’t remember.” Cheng gave a sort of frown. He then shrugged. “We kind of just forgot about it. If we’re meant to know, we’ll find out. If not, well then, we just won’t.”

Zuko took a glance into the other room; P’Li had successfully managed to throw her mother off task. The two were not taking more toys out as opposed to actually putting them away. The two seemed so happy—laughing and smiling. The kind of relationship he would have loved to have with his father.

Cheng got up to check on the food. Upon finding that it was done, he called his family to the table.

P’Li looked around the room at all the toys still tossed about. “I still get two fruit tarts right mama?”

“Adorable.” Katara giggled.

“We only have three chairs.” Cheng pointed out. “So you guys can just take a seat on the couch.”

“Sounds good.” Aang agreed.

“One of you can take P’Li’s chair.” Sooyoung stated as the child crawled onto her mother’s lap.

“I don’t want to…” Katara started.

“It’s alright, P’Li usually sits with Soo anyhow.”

Zuko spared the pair another glance; they really did look so happy. The girl grinning up at her mother and grabbing at her hair. Sooyoung taking the child’s hand and laughing back.

Cheng passed each of them a portion of the meal.

The conversations that night were light and joyful. They were about everything and anything really. From the time Sokka pretended to be Wang Fire to the time Zuko tried to be good. Cheng even talked about that one time when Sooyoung climbed one of the palm trees and couldn’t get herself down. Of course she’d return with an equally embarrassing story about Cheng getting swarmed by pentapus. And then P’Li would add in some off topic made up tale.

All and all Zuko didn’t think the trip was a waste of time…not at all.

Eventually Cheng lead everyone off, showing them the rooms they had available.

It was nightfall by this time and Sooyoung situated herself on the porch looking up at the sky. There was a cool gentle breeze that ruffled her hair lightly.

“I don’t mean to interrupt. But we need to have a talk, Azula.”

Ha ha! She was there in chapter one the whole time! Now go back and read the chapter replacing Sooyoung with Azula.
added by 11relaxing
added by majooF9T
Source: deviantArt.com
added by 101musastella
Source: Screen shotted by 101musastella
added by zanhar1
added by lord1bobos
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by zanhar1
Source: Askazula
added by StarGirl1721
added by Haluwasa2
Source: Haluwasa2-Me!
At the end of Sozin's comet part 4, when Zuko asked Ozai "Where's my mother", I knew he would not have an immediate answer. This eluded to a possible continuation of the series, or at least another show....but this was not to be. Happily, Dark Horse had picked up the reins and led us onto the further adventures of our favorite gaang. After years of wondering and waiting, we are finally able to embark on yet another life-changing field trip with Zuko-actually it's Azula's turn-to quell that question that has burned in our minds for so long.
amid the back story and our troop's various distractions,...
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posted by Zutara4always
I know I did, and it's not just because of the Kataang like some people might assume of me, although that was just as if not more awkward and annoying as i imagined, but what made me mad was how they just ruined the characters!
None of them acted themsevles if you ask me. Especially Zuko but not just him, Katara too and Sokka and Suki and Mai. The only characters that didn't change completly were Aang and Toph.
I'm sorry guys I will always love the Gaang and the original series, but if this what the new series would be like if they did a continutation instead then thank god they didn't because I literally can't stand this.
So, I'm just going to pretend this was just a dumbass fanfiction but some *insert various insults here preferably curses* who doesn't know or respect any of the characters, and then I will just make up my own story about how Zuko and Aang built Republic City and be happy.
posted by trixie123
(WARNING: Contains some Sukka, even more Kataang, and Tokka. And this is where things get out of the shadows and you get even more info than last chapter.)


Azula Sozin knew better than to act upon her instincts the instant she saw the group in the classroom. Or more appropriately, Aang White, Katara Waters, and Toph Bei Fong in the classroom. She had known - and hated - Katara Waters every year since middle school began, loathing her with a fiery burning passion all throughout that time. But when Katara Waters stepped into the classroom with the cutest boy in school on...
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posted by Gretsel
Ty Lee
Ty Lee
Information by:wikia


"At least I'm different now. 'Circus freak' is a compliment!"
— Ty Lee in The Beach


Ty Lee is a cheerful and energetic teenaged girl, hailing from the Fire Nation. The daughter of a nobleman, she attended the Royal Fire Academy for Girls with her longtime friends Princess Azula and Mai. As a child, she dealt with six sisters that shared an identical appearance to her, which caused a loss of individuality, a longing to be a distinct, recognizable person, and a desire for...
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posted by avatarluver990
Sorry it took so long guys! I was so bussy I forgot all about this fanfic! EXTREMLY SORRY! Don't know when I'm gonna write the next one, hopefully soon! Sorry again :'(

Part 4: Yue

As I was walking through the park, I spot a guy staring at me. It was weird because I thought he was a creep, but as I got a better look at him, he wasn't.
He looked about my age, a short ponytail, white shirt with a blue hoodie jacket with cut off sleeves, jeans, and adias flip flops with socks underneath. He kept staring and smiling at me, I smiled back.

That's when it happened.

His face light up and walked right up...
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"Um... Sokka?" said Suki in a scared voice.

Sokka ran into the bathroom, where Suki was on the floor. "WHAT, WHAT IS IT! ARE YOU DEAD! WERE YOU POISENED? OH NO! MY LIFE IS RUINED! YOUR GOING TO..." yelled sokka. Suki hushed sokka imediatly.

"No silly! I just wanted to tell you that i'm pregnant thats all!"

"A WHAT.... A YOUR A.... A WHATA ....A WHAT NOW?!"
yelled Sokka.

"Will you just callm down! I will be just fine, sheesh!"

Sokka and Suki had been married for about a year. Then they moved to the southern water tribe, and built a big, nice, house with all the inventinve furnishings Sokka needed...
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posted by KataraLover
We all have seen how Avatar: The Last Airbender and how it ended. But What happend after words? What happened to the beautiful Princess Azula? This is her story of what happened after she was went to the crazy house. She was sitting in the crazy house, when she heard a crash, it was her father.

"Father" said Azula

"Your a faulire and will suffer, but first I'm taking you with me" said Ozai

"The Princess isn't going anywhere with you" said a guard

"Silence mortal" said Ozai as he zapped the guard.

"How did you do that" asked Azula

"I'll tell you later, now come with me you worthless good for nothing"...
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posted by avatarluver990
Part 1: Katara

"Only a girl to mess things up!" shouted Sokka.
"Ugh! You're so sexist, Sokka!" I shouted back. "I'm embarrassed to be related to you!"
"Right back at ya, sis!" teased Sokka.
Yep, here we were. Standing outside of Sokka's 1950's blue Chevy truck(which use to be our Grandfather Pakku's truck, by the way.). The car broke, and the radio got busted; and Sokka is blaming me for this, as usual.
By the way, I'm Katara. I'm 15 years old, related to Sokka(unfortunately). Sokka is my brother, he's 16 and just got his license last week.

Now the conflict here is that, our mom asked Sokka drive...
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A list of who likes who
Comment if you want me to add something



Liked by:
Kyoshi Island Groupies

Relationships with:
Katara (Kataang) (Book 3)

Fan Pairings with:
Toph (Taang)



Liked by:

Relationships with:
Aang (Kataang) (Book 3)

Fan Pairings with:
Zuko (Zutara)



Liked by:
Ty Lee

Relationships with:
Suki (through out series)
Yue (Yukka) (end of book 1)

Fan Pairings with:
Toph (Tokka)
Ty Lee (Ty Lokka)



Liked by:

Relationships with:
Mai (book 3)

Fan Pairings with:
Katara (Zutara)
Jet (Jetko)
Ty Lee (Ty Luko)


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posted by KataraLover
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Fire Lady named Ursa, who ruled over the fire nation with her husband Fire Lord Iroh. As she was watching the snow fall, a rose on the ground caught her eye. Looking up at the night sky, she said, "Oh, how I wish to have a child with lips red as the rose, hair black as the night sky, and skin white as snow!" soon she conceived and gave birth in the summer to a beautiful baby girl. Even though she was just born, she had amazing blue firebending and could generate lightning. So Ursa named her daughter Azula for her fire, and she was happy because she had...
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Hello people on Earth who own computers! This is my first fanfiction. I hope you enjoy it. All right, now just read it.

"Aang, are you sure this is safe?" Katara asked.

"Why wouldn't it be?" I asked her. "You know I won't let you fall." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"But...we'll be so high up..." Katara said.

"I know," I said, "but I told you, I won't let you fall. I promise...I swear!"

"O-okay," she said nervously.

I smiled at her and said, "All right, so you go on top..."

"AANG!" Katara cried, frightened.

"Really, Katara. You'll be fine," I reassured her.

The wind whipped past my face. I sighed contently,...
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