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posted by GVentola
Samurai Champloo—the true successor to Cowboy Bebop in heart and soul, complete with characters who act like they don’t care about each other! Angst episodes, comedic episodes. An intense ending. Adjust early to the fact that Mugen is a jerk and you’ll fare better. (I often want the heroes to be as heroic and pure as can be.)
    The last three episodes are bloody, violent—and wonderfully intense! However, the last couple of minutes may leave you with a feeling of emptiness.

Scrapped Princess—features adventure and fantasy. An intense death of a supporting character. A princess who lives like a peasant but retains a royal haughtiness. But it wound up unfulfilling. How does Pacifica’s decision really effect the world she lives in? And did she really have to slap Leo?

s-CRY-ed—I caught this on adult swim, then bought it for myself. Even though the unnecessary fight between Ryuho and Kazuma (who should be friends) ruined the last episode, I still enjoyed the series enough as a whole. This is one series where I could get into more than one conflicting pairing. I liked Mimori’s devotion to Ryuho, but also wouldn’t have minded seeing her with Cougar. I also was touched by Scheris’ loving sacrifice for Ryuho. The series features some intense deaths.
    And does Kazuma even have a love interest? I don’t know that Ayase counts. Maybe he’s waiting for little Kanami to grow up. Maybe he was in a yaoi relationship with the ill-fated Kimishima!
    I read someone call the show cliché, but it was very different to me. Things weren’t drawn in black and white. Kazuma, the “hero”, was very belligerent. His way of greeting someone was to try and provoke them to fight. But do you really want to side with HOLY/HOLD, a conformist organization set out to tame wild spirits like Kazuma? Yet within HOLY, certain members hang onto their individuality, and even their compassion. Thus, there is no solid good or bad in this series, which was an intriguing change of pace for me.
    In my personal collection, although I don’t always rewatch the last episode when watching the series again.

Sentimental Journey—This is an anthology, featuring a different heroine in each of the twelve episodes. It seems to be more about second love, or at least life after a first love fades away into memory. It is sweet-natured, not tragic. And, for better or worse, it’s in subtitles only. Fortunately, I didn’t get sleepy as I sometimes do reading subtitles.

Solty Rei—An android falls from the sky into the life of a crusty, middle-aged man, the kind with a heart of gold under a gruff exterior—you know the kind I mean. The amnesiac female android takes on an air of innocence, learning about the world around her and learning to love. The man, meanwhile, still pines for a daughter who disappeared in a great tragedy over a decade ago. This tale is about parent/child love, both the biological and the adoptive kind.

Spiral—despite them never coming to conclusions on exactly what are the Blade Children (and whatever happened to Ayumu’s brother), and them repeatedly using bomb threats as plot devices, I enjoyed this series. It is intriguing how Ayumu is both enemy and yet rather a friend to the Blade Children.
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A really good Amv I found ^_^
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Source: Pixiv ID 654533
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