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Inside the cafe, Sakura, Tomoyo, and Ichigo are stareing at one another for a good long minute. A word was never spoken from any of the girls.

it wasn't long however until the scilence changed when the youngest of the Mew Team, Pudding, barged in.

Pudding: HI!!! Na no Da! *Looks at Sakura and Tomoyo, for which they are still stareing at Ichigo* Who are these guys? Are they your new friends? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!!!!!! Na no da!

Ichigo: *Covered Pudding's mouth while giggling a little* Pudding, stop it...*looks up at Sakura and Tomoyo* I'm very sorry about her. She always acts like this all the time.

Pudding: *Starts juggling fruit* Lookie!

Sakura and Tomoyo were watching Pudding, but weren't too thrilled.

Ichigo: Seriously Pudding, quite that now. And put those fruits back where you found them.

Pudding: Aw come on Ichigo! Na no da!

Ichigo: So, you two must be Sakura and Tomoyo right? *Shakes their hands* It's so nice to mee ya'll. I'm Ichigo, the leader of the Mew Team.

Sakura:'s so nice to see you too Ichigo. And...who's that? *Points to Pudding*

Ichigo: Huh? *Looks at Pudding* Oh. That's Pudding. She's the youngest of our group and also the most hyper. You'll get use to it...*Giggles a little* Well, should i lend you a table?

Sakura: No thanks. We acutally came here to ask you some questions. Is it okay if we can?

Ichigo: Well, I'm not so sure....OK.

After finding a perfect spot, the three girls sat down and began the questions.

Sakura: OK, Ichigo, there's one thing I must ask you first...what do you guys do around here anyway?

Ichigo: Well, around here, we mostly work in this cafe and save the world from aliens.

Sakura: Sounds cool.

Ichigo: Yeah. What things do you guys do?

Sakura: Well, uhhh....I shouldnt really tell you.....

Kero: *Poked his head out of Sakura's bag* Psst! It's OK if you can tell her Sakura. *Returns back in the bag*

Sakura: Well....I am a Cardcaptor.

Ichigo: A Cardcaptor? What's that?

Sakura: Well, my job is to capture the magical Clow cards and I use them for advantages.

Ichigo: Really? That is so awsome!

Sakura: Yeah, I guess it is...anyway, back to the questions...

About several minutes later, Ichigo answered all of Sakura's questions. But than came the final question...

Sakura: Ichigo, I have one more last question for you to answer. Do you know anything about Kasey's disapperance?

Ichigo: Kasey? You mean, Kishu found him in your world? *Gasps* I am so sorry about this!

Sakura: What do you mean?

Ichigo: Well, you see, a couple of months ago, the others and I gathered and we discussed about what to do sense Kishu's invented this special sonar device, which he uses to locate anything far away in space. Anyhow, I guess the letter got deleivered late or something because he never replied back to us with any comment at all.

Sakura: So, you mean to tell me you guys sent this letter many months ago? And he never told me? That's strange because...yesterday we got the letter sent by ya'll and...

Ichigo: Wait, he got the letter yesterday? Darn! I guess mail delivery is prouably slow where ya'll live.

Sakura: No, our mail service ISN'T slow at all! And that was rude!

Ichigo: Wait! I didn't mean to sound rude.

It was too late however. Sakura left the cafe, bursting in tears.

Ichigo: *Looks at Tomoyo* I don't even understand...what did I do wrong? I was only making a joke about it.

Tomoyo: Look, please forgive her. She's having a very hard time.

Ichigo: I understand that. I just don't see why she's mad at me. Do you know why?

Tomoyo: Well, I really shouldn't tell you....why dont you ask Sakura for yourself?

Ichigo: I would...but i don't know what to say. *Walks away and sat on a table sighing*

Tomoyo: was nice meeting you Ichigo, but I really should try comfroting my friend. Bye. *Runs out of the cafe*

Zakuro: Finally, I thought those two would never leave.

Ichigo: *Looks at Zakuro* Very funny! That poor girl is obvsioluy hurt and you guys don't care about it???

Lettuce: Well, what can we do Ichigo?

Ichigo: Well, Tomoyo told me she's having a really rough time.

Minto: How could she be having a hard time just because of some old friend who betrayed us many years ago?

Ichigo: Betrayed us??? Minto how could you say that?! He did not betrayed us OK? We did!

Suddenly, Ichigo began to realize the reason why Sakura was feeling hurt. It was all becasue of the way the Mew Mews hurt his feelings many years ago.

Ichigo: You know what guys? I'm beginning to understand why Sakura is feeling awful. Maybe she's feeling bad because of the way we treated him in the past.

Lettuce: You really think that's the reason Ichigo?

Ichigo: I don't know. But I can only assume that's what's going on. We're going out to find her later.

Meanwhile, outside the cafe, Sakura is standing with her hands covered on her face crying.

Sakura: *Crying*

Tomoyo: Sakura, what's wrong?

Sakura: *Still crying* Tomoyo...I'm done.

Tomoyo: Huh?

Sakura: Yeah, I'm done here. Those so called "Mew Mews" will not take us seruously. We're here to save Kasey, and they are just going to joke around. I'm done OK? We might as well let Kasey suffer! *Cries while running away*

Tomoyo: But Sakura! *Runs after her*

Meanwhile, we go up WAY high in space, where we visit Kishu's layer. We than see Kasey, as a black panther, trapped inside a steel made cage.

Kasey: Let me out now!

Kishu: I'm afraid I can't do that Kasey...*Smiles evily at him* In fact, you're going to be a great space weapon.

Kasey: What in the heck are you talking about?

Suddenly, Deep Blue's refection appears.

Deep Blue: What he means're going to be a true killer Kasey. You see, we're only capturing you because we want you to join our side and become...the ultimate space weapon. Kishu, I want you to get the mind controlers ready. Good luck...*disapperes*

Kasey: Noooo way! I'm not joining on your side. You're evil, and evil's bad!

Kishu: Well, you might think that Kasey, but you have no choice but to join our side. And you wanna know what the best part about this is- you're dumb friends will never rescue you! *Laugh evily*

Kasey: My friends? Sakura? *Gasps* They will come to my rescue soon Kishu! Just wait!

Kishu: I'm afaird they won't do anything to save you Kasey. Because once when you're under our control, there is no hope.

Kasey: *Raors of anger and tries breaking through the cage, but has no luck*

Kishu: That's pretty scary alright Kasey! Lets face're weak, pethitic and not considered a Mew Mew. And by tommrow, I will out grown you for good. *Leaves the room*

Kasey began to cry after the lost of his two dearest friends.

Kasey: *Crying* Sakura....Tomoyo...please be OK down there....

Meanwhile, down in the "Tokyo Mew Mew", Sakura and Tomoyo are sitting on a park bench. Poor Sakura us still letting out all her anger out.

Tomoyo: Sakura, calm down please. Here. *Gives her some tissues*

Sakura whiped her face and blow her nose.

Sakura: Why does this have to be so hard everytime Tomoyo? *Whipes her tears*

Tomoyo: Well, it's something that happens in every advneture story Sakura.

Sakura: Well, this isn't really much of an advneture is it?

Tomoyo: Are you kidding? This is the biggest adventure I have been through yet! Look, I know how hurtful you are, I really do. I am hurtful because of the loss of Kasey too. But crying and being upset about this isn't going to get us anywhere. So, cheer up. We'll find him eventually.

Sakura: *Sniffed a little and smiled* You're right Tomoyo. I shouldn't just let a group of girls stop us from rescueing our friend.

Tomoyo: *Smiles* I'm glade you feel much better.

Suddenly, both of the girls were intrupted when Ichigo, Lettuce, and Minto walked to them.

Sakura: *Whispered to Tomoyo* I don't want to talk to them Tomoyo.

Tomoyo: But, you have to Sakura.

Sakura: Well...I'm not in the mood right now. You talk to them.

Ichigo: Hey guys. I'm glade I found ya'll, because I really need to tell Sakura something.

Tomoyo: Well, she isn't really in the mood to talk to you right now. But, you can tell me what you have to say to her and I'll tell her everything.

Ichigo: Sure. Well, I just wanted to say I am really sorry for hurting her feelings. Well, when you two entered the cafe, I knew that something wrong was going on. And I guess I was kidding and making jokes instead of taking you guys seriously like I was suppose too. I just wanted to say to her...I really, really am sorry. And we all are too.

Tomoyo: *Smiles* Well, I'm pretty sure Sakura would thank ya'll for at lease saying sorry to her. And she understands about you girls and what ya'll do. To tell you the truth, she really enjoys ya'll so much. She's just going through a rough time.

Ichigo: Yeah, we understand about this. We really miss Kasey too and which is why...we are going to team up together to rescue him from Kishu and his evil plans.

Tomoyo: Really? That would be wonderful! Besides, wait till you girls see her magic. It's so powerful and so amazing, you guys wouldn't want to miss it.

Ichigo: I bet we wouldn't. But, I have a question, why is Sakura acting weird?

Tomoyo: Well, I really shouldn't explain it. But, if she feels a little bit better, maybe you can try asking her.

Ichigo: OK.

Lettuce: So, where do you guys come from anyway?

Tomoyo: Well, Sakura and I came from a diffrent world. We live in the world of "Cardcaptor Sakura".

Lettuce: Really? That sounds really amazing! Also amazing to know that you two made it this far in our world too.

Tomoyo: Yeah, it sure is.

Ichigo: So, do you guys have anywhere to stay for tonight?

Tomoyo: No, we don't really have anywhere to stay for the night. In fact, Sakura and I have been so busy all day we never excatly considered on finding a hotel or anything yet.

Ichigo: Why a hotel? I mean, it wastes money after all and a hotel around here is really not worth it. Why dont you guys come spend the night with me at my house?

Tomoyo: Really? That would be OK. If Sakura agrees. *Turns her head to Sakura* Sakura?

Sakura: *Got up off the bench and turn towards Ichigo* Sure.

Ichigo: Really? Great! Well, you two can go ahead and head for my house. I'll be there in about an hour OK? See you two later. *Waves at them while leaving along with Minto and Lettuce*

Tomoyo: *Waves to them too*

Sakura: Are you crazey Tomoyo? There is no way I'm spending the night with a Mew Mew I don't even know yet!

Tomoyo: But Sakura, it's the only place we have to sleep in for the night. And besides, she's got a point about the hotels. It's not really worth it. Please, just give Ichigo one chance.

Sakura: OK...but she better not trick me or anything like that.

Tomoyo: How can she do that to you? She cares for you.

About two hours later, we visit Ichigo's house and see Sakura sitting on a bed looking at the stars outside. She couldn't help but think about Kasey.

It also wasn't too long until Tomoyo came out of the bathroom.

Tomoyo: Hey Sakura. I'm done if you need to do anything in there.

Sakura: *Sighs* No, I'm OK Tomoyo.

Tomoyo: *Walks to her* You've been awfully silent today Sakura. Are you still mad about Ichigo and Kasey?

Sakura: Well, I'm not mad over her anymore Tomoyo...I'm worried about Kasey. I mean, what if he did turn evil on us? Would it make him a bad guy now?

Tomoyo: Sakura, you know Kasey better than that. He wouldn't hurt us if he was the last creature on Earth. Besides, do you honsetly beleive that those aliens could really make him join their team? Of course not. He's the strongest and bravest of them all. And besides Sakura, if it weren't for us two, he would've been kileld by now. Just think of this in a postive way OK? Because if you let this painful issues of Kasey get into your head, you'll never be the same.

Sakura: You're right Tomoyo. Thanks for helping me.

Tomoyo: Well, that's what best friends and do. And besides, I'm on this adventure too aren't I? *Smiles and laughs a little*

Suddenly, Ichigo entered the room.

Ichigo: Hey guys. Sorry for barging in. I was just checking to see if you guys are okay.

Tomoyo: It's no proublem at all Ichigo. *Smiles*

Sakura: Ichigo...I want to tell you something.

Ichigo: Yes?

Sakura: I want to apolgise for my behavior today. I mean, I was only overeacting because I miss Kasey so much and I'm just scared on what's going to happen to him.

Ichigo: *Smiles* It's alright Sakura. I accept your apology. Besides, I'm really the one who should be sorry. I guess I never took things seriously and I blew it. I'm sorry too Sakura.

Sakura: It's OK. Apolgy accepted for you too. *Smiles*

Ichigo: Well, goodnight you two. See ya'll tommrow.

Sakura and Tomoyo: Goodnight Ichigo.

Ichigo closed the door while leaving.

Tomoyo: See? She isn't that bad.

Sakura: Yeah, I know. I just wish I knew about this place more. Than maybe I would understand everything that's going on.

Tomoyo: I know you do Sakura and you will learn more about this place. It'll just take some time. And who knows, we both might make some new friends even. *Smiles*

Sakura: True. *Smiles back* Well, we better get some sleep now. *Settles on her bed* Goodnight Tomoyo. *Turns to the left side of the bed*

Tomoyo: Goodnight Sakura. *Turns to the right and falls alseep*

During the night, both girls drifted off to sleep easily. But it wsn't until about three hours later, about close to midnight when Sakura began to dream. She dreamed that she defeated Kishu and the aliens and was running towrds Kasey to hug him. But her dream turned into a nightmare when the Mew Mews hugged him instead of her.

The next morning, Sakura awoke from her nightmare and rubbed her eyes.

Sakura: *Moans while trying to wake up* What time is it?

Suddenly, Tomoyo entered the room.

Tomoyo: Well, it's about time you woke up sleeply head. *Giggles while smileing*

Sakura: *Smiles* Good morning Tomoyo.

Tomoyo: Well, I came up here to tell you that Ichigo is fixing our breakfast for us. So, come down staris when you're ready. *Closes the door while existing the room*

Sakura: *Sighs while getting up*

Kero: *Still alseep*

Sakura: *Looks at Kero and smiles* I guess maybe I should save him some left overs for later. *Closes the door softly*

She than started walking down the staris and into the kitchen where both Tomoyo and Ichigo were sitting at the table eating their breakfast.

Ichigo: Good morning Sakura. Sleep good last night?

Sakura: Well, barely. I had a nightmare last night.

Ichigo: Was it about Kasey? I'm sorry if it was.

Sakura: *Sighs* Yeah, it was about him. It's just...I'm worried.

Ichigo: I know you are scared for him Sakura. But don't worry, when Kishu shows up, we'll for sure help you rescue him OK? I promise. *Smiles*

Sakura: OK. *Finished eating*

About a second later, Ichigo's cell phone began to ring.

Ichigo: Excuse me for a second girls. I'll be right back. *Walks to get the phone*

Tomoyo: See Sakura? What did I tell you. She really does care about us.

Sakura: Yeah. *Smiles*

Suddenly, Ichigo came running through kitchen in a panic reaction. Tomoyo and Sakura were wondering what was going on.

Sakura: Is something wrong?

Ichigo: Yes, something is wrong. Lettuce just called me and said that something bad happend over at the cafe. I gotta get there now. *Races upstairs to get dressed*

Tomoyo: Oh...that doesn't sound too good.

Sakura: Yeah. Maybe we should go with her.

Tomoyo: Yeah, we should Sakura.

Ichigo: *Ran down the staris faster, but not near as fast so she could fell down the staris* You two are welcomed to come along if ya'll wish, but ya'll need to come up with a choice fast.

Sakura: We're coming with you. *Runs to her*

Ichigo: OK. Than follow me. *Exsiits the house fast*

Sakura and Tomoyo has a hard time keeping up with Ichigo. As soon as they made it to the cafe, they were shocked to see everything torn up and dumped all over the floor. It was even a worse situation too because along with the pile of trash, the emergency crew came in with bandaids and wipes. All three of the girls were scared to know what was going on. When they followed the emergency crew, they finally saw why they came in. In the kitchen area, all of the Mew Mews were seen bleeding badly on the same spot- on their left arms. Scared to death, Ichigo rushed to them.

Ichigo: Oh my gosh! Are you guys okay???

Lettuce: Ow...*cries in pain a little* No Ichigo......

Ichigo: What happend here?

Lettuce: It's Kishu....he came here a few minutes ago...with Kasey on his side....and....Kasey bit us.

Ichigo: Oh my gosh! That creep! How dare he used Kasey on his side.

While Ichigo was doing her panic fight, Tomoyo notcied Sakura stareing at the floor, in a sad manner.

Tomoyo: Sakura?

Sakura: *Never said a word, but stared at the floor.*

The plot now really takes a turn when we soon discovered that Kishu is now on strike for real! But with Kasey by his side. Will the Mew Mews and Sakura and Tomoyo find out what Kishu is up to? Or will they all face their end when Kasey kills them all? Stay tune for the next exciting chapter,"Cardcaptor Sakura& Tokyo Mew Mew Crossover Fan Fic, Part 4- Sakura V.S Kasey"
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