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posted by GVentola
It's taken me awhile, but I have three new anime series under my belt, ready for capsule reviews:

Fractale: An odd little series, and hard to describe. A boy finds himself caught up in a war between people who rely on technology to an extreme extent, and those people who want to get back to the farm, so to speak. Which side is right is for you to decide. But heed this warning: war is bad.

Linebarrels of Iron—A bullied boy is accidentally killed, then resurrected by a mecha. He now has the strength to take on bullies and pilot the mecha. He goes gung-ho. Fortunately, the beautiful alien Emi and the Juda corporation are there to channel his abilities more constructively.
    This series has been rated TV-MA, but it is not continually naughty. There are a couple of nipple shots. And there are harem escapades amongst young people still in middle school. Nonetheless, a self-proclaimed prude like me was able to handle it. The show seems more about the plot than the naughty bits, and the plot gets quite exciting.
    This series also features a lot of main character death; however, the expired characters always seem to come back somehow. It’s like a soap opera—no one remains dead!

Save Me! Lollipop—In spite of its silly title, this thirteen episode series grew on me. At first I thought it was stupid, but then I got into the love/friendship triangle between our heroine, Nina, and two partners-in-sorcery, Ichii and Zero. Nina thinks of them as princes and can’t choose between them. But all that may not matter, because come Christmas, they’re due to ditch Nina and head on back to the sorcery world.
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