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From “To Vima” newspaper 26/7/2009

Greek tabloid journalists used to call him bad names. But Alexander Rybak is just the opposite of what they said. He visited our country to promote his work, and he proved that all these people who were “digging a tomb” for him [idiomatic expression for defamation], are the ones who should be buried into this hole!

“You are too expressive. You shouldn’t smile so much”. That’s what the judge of a Norwegian talent show told him, after he rejected him. Alexander’s mistake then was that he didn’t bring his violin with him. His early musical training by his parents since the age of 5, made him realize that violin would be the extension of his arm.

So, in 2006, he returned to Norwegian TV and his time he made it! Then he offered to Norway a Eurovision triumph with 387 pts., although Norway is only his second homeland, since he was born in Belarus. His song, “Fairytale”, spoke about his fallen romance, about a girlfriend who dropped him for another guy. “Easy to guess why”, was the bitter comment from Betty Maggira, the Greek TV correspondent to Moscow. She was determined to degrade Alexander’s significance, just like all these ‘eurovisionologists’ of our local press. They all claimed he was jealous of “our Sakis”. Needless to remind that “Sakis” never made it into the first 5! As for Alexander Rybak, his likable behavior during his visit in Athens has taught them a lesson to remember!

Unfortunately, his ex-girl friend is no longer a romantic princess; she became a bad witch. «I knew she changed a lot since we broke up. I didn’t expect her to call me after the Eurovision. And she didn’t But in the next day, she gave our photos to the media. I don’t care, I have this song and thousands of heartbroken people, who thanked me for helping them to feel better».

Even before hearing him, you will be fond of Alexander Rybak. You can sense that he is a sweet creature, staring at everything with childish enthusiasm. You may thing that he smiles too much because he can’t phrase any word. Not at all! «I know that people can forget be in a couple of years, another one will take my place. But I don’t want o be a pop idol in my 40s, I want to compose for movies and big orchestras». His biography includes a duet with the famous violinist Pinchas Zukerman.

He doesn’t try to be politically correct, just like one-hit wonders, who usually claim they can save the world. «I am not an ecology specialist. Music is my only field. I am not smart enough to save the planet. I cannot think what could happen to the environment in 40 years form now. But I plan to visit a hospital and sing for the children. That maybe not change the world, but it will make some people feel better».

We didn’t see any hypocritical modesty from him either: «There are two kinds of people, these who want to be at the center of the attention and these who want to remain obscure. I belong to the first class. I became famous across Europe in one night, and I like this! I am paid well enough just to do what amuses me. And this is a great privilege! I always loved entertaining people, therefore that’s my profession».

Regarding ‘our Sakis’: «A single “hi” is enough to make friends in the world of showbiz. So, yes, I am a friend with Sakis in this way. I like that he is mature, he doesn’t try to be Ricky Martin, he has a family».

Where did you see that, Alexander? When he wore a torn T-shirt or when he was poured with water? I am sure Alexander knew about the remarks of the French press on Sakis, but he didn’t want to make us sad. That’s what the French said: «Greece has send to the Eurovision an old showman who looks like a declined Enrique Iglesias».

Everything can be an inspiration for Alexander Rybak. Kitchen sounds, the nature, the animals’ voices. The exceptional melody of “Fairytale” came to him when he was standing on the top of a hill. He just played a tune with his violin there, and that tune became a huge hit in Europe. But Alexander is not deluded: «Norwegians are bored of it. It has been played for months». But he was delighted to learn that thanks to him, interest in classical music studies has been increased for about 50%.

«Folk music is the most pure. I always loved Theodorakis for this, he turned the Greek folk music into so many kinds, from instrumental up to popular». At the end of this autumn he will come to our country again for a concert. Meanwhile, he wants to promote his CD. «I always read fans letters and I reply. I dedicate 2 or 3 hours for autographs after my concerts. When my bodyguards try to stop me, I tell them that I want to listen to the stories of my fans, otherwise I will be unable to compose».

Alexander doesn’t hurry to grow up. «In the long run we may loose the child within us, but we may discover it again. Some do it at 19, others at 72. I had the chance to rediscover it on the Eurovision stage. I was surfing the wave and I managed to show this on TV. Everybody saw it, that’s why I was voted».

The Norwegian tele-judge was right. Alexander is too expressive. And he does smile more than the average. So this is our verdict: 12 points!

Article is found here: link
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